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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for August 2008 thru January 2009

BRAINERD, SABIN, SABINS posted by Lisa Simonds on Sunday, August 10, 2008

I am searching for information about Nellie (Eleanor?) SABINS (maybe SABIN?) who was living in Watkins, Iowa in 1915, the year her father, James Allen BRAINERD, died in Rusk County, Wisconsin. Thanks.

EDSON, STEVENS posted by Marc Munoz on Saturday, September 20, 2008

Looking for land, school or address information about Isaac Loomis STEVENS, or Oliver Stewart EDSON. They lived in Belle Plaine and Blairstown, respectively, between 1860 and 1900. Isaac worked for the C&NW. Oliver was a farmer.

GRIFFIN posted by Katha Dulhanty on Sunday, September 21, 2008

Seeking descendants of Catharine V. and William A. GRIFFIN, resided in Benton County abt. 1849-1870. Catharine was William's first wife and she died in 1863, but had six daughters: Eliza Jane, Mary E.,Julia Ann, Nancy E., Martha M., and Miranda L. (Nancy E. died in childhood.) I am seeking information about these girls and their families. William remarried Amanda Brown in 1870 and had three sons.

SEBERN posted by Carol Warner on Sunday, September 28, 2008

Looking for information regarding SEBERNs of Benton County, IA. Especially interested in Henry SEBERN and his descendents.

MARSHALL posted by Stewart Marshall on Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm searching for the grave of a Great Uncle Raymond Clyde MARSHALL. His wife is buried in the Raetz Cemetery and I think he is buried beside her. He died in 1938 and she died in 1967.

LEOHNER, LEONARD posted by Adele LEONARD Walenciak on Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am seeking an obituary notice for my gg-grandmother Mary Swartz LEOHNER/LEONARD. Her death date was March 16, 1870, El Dorado Twp., Benton Co., Iowa. She was married to the Rev. Abraham LEOHNER. Thank you for your help! Adele LEONARD Walenciak

RADEKE, SCHULTZ posted by Joel Fowler on Friday, November 7, 2008

RADEKE Anything known on William A Radeke (1858-) and wife Anna K SCHULTZ (1871-) death dates? Also searching for, or sharing, info on son John H (ca 1904-). Thanks

VOGT, WOLTERS posted by Linda Barchman on Friday, November 14, 2008

Information on Anna VOGT born in Belle Plaine in 1869. Parents Hans and Margarette WOLTERS VOGT. Lived in Belle Plaine 1860's to 1880's.

ANDERSON, CARNEY posted by Joanne Grauwen on Friday, January 2, 2009

Seeking cemetery for James ANDERSON b. 1820 d. 1874 and Ann CARNEY ANDERSON b. 1829 d. 1880. They died in Shellsburg, Benton Co.

STIFFLER, STIFFLERS posted by Glen Stiffler on Tuesday, January 27, 2009

STIFFLER My father was brought up in Belle Plain and went to school there,he was born in 1890 and while in the eighth grade did a carving on some soapstone and also there are about 20 initials carved into the stone of classmates so I am looking for 8th. grade class records from about 1904 with Herbert H. STIFFLERS class.There was two schools in Belle Plain at that time and I don't know which one he went to.Any info. would be helpfull.

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