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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for October thru December 2007

WARD posted by Glen D Salzbrenner on Monday, October 8, 2007

Looking for Asahel WARD born NY lived Belmont and Vinton Counties Ohio before moving to Iowa ,Son John WARD and grandson Asahel Peter WARD who I know lived Norway Iowa area

KINSER, PARKHOUSE, PETERS, TODD posted by Catherine(Todd)Larsen on Wednesday, October 10, 2007

KINSER,PARKHOUSE,TODD I am the daughter of Henry Ernest TODD who is the son of Isaac(Ike) Newton TODD & Willhelmina M.(Minnie) PETERS. Issac is the son of Mary A. KINSER & Marshall R. TODD. Ike was born in 1862 in Union town ship, Benton Co. IA. If any of this rings a bell with anyone out there my email is Hope to hear something. Thanks. Catherine

DICKEY posted by Margaret Adams on Saturday, October 20, 2007

DICKEY, David married Jane Calderwood in Ireland before moving to Belle Plaine. Who did their sons Robert, William and David, Jr. marry? Any old photo?

DICKEY, PAYTON posted by Margaret Adams on Saturday, October 20, 2007

DICKEY, David was grandfather to Marcus PAYTON. Which daughter married a PAYTON?

CALDERWOOD, CAMERON, DICKEY, NEILL, REID, RUSSELL posted by Margaret Adams on Saturday, October 20, 2007

CALDERWOOD, Robert moved from Ireland to Belle Plaine with his daughters, Margaret (O'NEILL), Jane (DICKEY), Rachel (REID), Mary (CAMERON), Elizabeth (RUSSELL). When did Robert die?

PARMATER, ROSS posted by Melissa Hertle on Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Has anyone done research on the Clifford Earle PARMATER or Elizabeth Helen ROSS families? They lived all their married life in the Vinton, Iowa area. He was the son of Charles A and Ada Adella PARMATER. She was the daughter of Thomas D and Nettie ROSS.

GARRISON posted by Sharon Garrison on Friday, November 30, 2007

GARRISON, Benton Co, Iowa Looking for more information about the GARRISONs that gave land which then became part of Garrison, Iowa.

URBANA posted by Deena House on Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Does anyone remember or know of a fire in URBANA around 1931?

BENDA, CRAWFORD posted by Darrell Leamy on Saturday, December 15, 2007

Seeking information on Mattie CRAWFORD born in Benton County, Iowa in 1886. She married James C. BENDA and they had two children, one named James H. Benda, my father. I have no info whatever on Mattie CRAWFORD and would appreciate anything that anyone may know. Thanks

BOOMGAARDEN posted by Gary Boomgaarden on Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I am looking for the gravisite of Poet BOOMGAARDEN, his wife Meenje, and possibly a gravesite of Gesske or Grace BOOMGAARDEN. Who are supposedly buried in Benton county

ALLEN, HORTON posted by Ron HORTON on Monday, December 31, 2007

HORTON,Wm. H. 20 Feb 1861 ALLEN, Wm., Adm. William H. HORTON is my 2nd great grandfather, b. in RI 1809-10 and first found in Carroll Co., OH. He died in 1859 in Benton Co, IA. I found him at this site under the probate notices, I'm pasting here. I would be interested to find what the newspaper wrote in it's release and maybe would like the clipping: The Vinton Eagle BENTON COUNTY, IOWA January 18, 1855 - March 3, 1880 ~ Probate Notice Index ~ Gleaned by Geraldine Dyson, 1974 Any information is welcome and I thank you in advance.

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