Allamakee co. IAGenWeb Project - School Records


Allamakee county
School Records Index

Educators * Town Schools * Country Schools * Other Schools * Tid-bits

This page was updated July 17, 2024 - look for New content

If you have Allamakee school records or photos to contribute,
please email your information to the Allamakee co. coordinator



Town Schools

Harpers Ferry


New Albin


Rossville - see below in Jefferson twp. school records
Volney - see below in Franklin twp. school records
Waterville - see below in Paint Creek twp. school records



Country Schools

**School locations can be very difficult to pinpoint on the old plat maps. Many of the locations given below are "best guess". Use the locations only as a guide. If you can provide a photo or more info. about any of the country schools, or their locations please contact the coordinator

Sources used for the locations: 1886 Warner & Foote plat, 1903 Waukon Standard plat, Huebinger & Co. Atlas, 1904, 1917 Waukon Standard plat & the 1917 Anderson Publishing Co. plat; and various other sources as credited on the individual pages.

Miscellaneous country school records & photos - Be sure to check these files as they usually have info. from more than one school!

Center township
Fairview township
  • Ion school - Section 24, village of Ion, across from the public square (1886 Warner-Foote Plat) - misc. school notes
  • Fairview No. 1 - location needed
  • Fairview No. 2 - Section 15, SW corner (1886 Warner-Foote Plat)
  • Fairview No. 3 - Section 33, along Yellow River, abt 1 mi. S of school in Section 18 (1903 Waukon Standard Plat, 1917 Anderson Plat)
  • Fairview No. 4 - Section 15, SW of village of Johnsons Port (1903 Waukon Standard Plat)
  • Fairview No. 5, Section 18, east side on bountry with Section 17 (1886 Warner-Foote Plat & 1917 Anderson Plat)
  • Fairview No. ?, Section 28, along Yellow River, abt 1 mi. N of school #3 (1903 Waukon Standard Plat)
  • Fairview No. 7 - location needed
  • Fairview No. 8 Irish Ridge school, Section 25 not far south of Ion and just north of boundry with Sect. 36 (1886 Warner-Foote Plat, 1903 Waukon Standard Plat & 1917 Anderson Plat). The school was 9 mi. east of Monona, Clayton co. - misc. school notes
Franklin township

Important note! The locations & school number of Franklin twp. country schools should be independently verified as not all of the plat maps ID the school by number.

French Creek township
  • Early country schools & teachers - Clear Creek, English Bench, French Creek & Wheatland
  • French Creek schools - unknown district number or local names of these schools, help us ID them!
  • French Creek No. 1 - Section 16, just north of the boundry w/section 21 (1886 plat map & 1917 Anderson Publishing Co. plat) * Photo & misc. notes
  • French Creek No. 2 - Section 2 (1886 plat map)
  • French Creek No. 3 - Section 29 (1886 plat map)
  • French Creek No. 4 - Section 23 (1886 plat map)
  • French Creek No. 5 - Section 33 (1886 plat map)
  • French Creek No. 6 - Section 17 (1886 plat map)

Hanover township
  • Hanover No. 1 - Section 9 (1886 plat map) and Section 10 (1903 plat map) - misc. info.
  • Hanover No. 2 - Section 29 - Photos & misc. data
  • Hanover No. 3, Section 23 (1886 & 1903 plat maps) and Section 14 (1917 plat map) - photo/info. needed
  • Hanover No. 4 - Section 26 - Photo of school children ca1930/1931 & misc. other
  • Iowa River School, Section 5 (not on 1886 plat map, appears on 1903 & 1917 plat maps) - School notes New! 6/10/2024
  • Vosse Vagen School - Section 6 (1886 plat map) - photo/info. needed

Iowa township (not including New Albin town school)
  • Iowa twp. No. 1 - Section 15 (1886 Warner & Foote atlas & 1903 Wauon Standard Map)
  • Iowa twp. No.. 2 - Section 17 (1886 Warner & Foote atlas & 1903 Wauon Standard Map)
  • Sand Cove school - Iowa twp. No. 3 - boundry Sections 27 & 28 (1886 Warner & Foote atlas, 1903 Waukon Standard Map, 1913 Iowa Roadway Map & Anderson Publishing Atlas, 1917) -School notes & photos of school & schoolchildren New content added! 6/10/2024
  • Sandbank or Morgan school - Iowa twp. No. 4 - Section 29 (1886 Warner & Foote atlas, 1903 Waukon Standard Map, Anderson Publishing Atlas, 1917). - School notes, photos & a bit of history New content added! 6/10/2024
  • Iowa twp. No. 5, aka Hammell school - Section 17, approx 1 mi. south of school No. 2 (Atlas of Allamakee co., 1941 & Map Book & Farm Directory, 1950). The school noted on these sources is not found on previous available maps. - School notes New! 6/9/2024

Jefferson township
  • County Superintendent's School Notes - 1872 - includes Rossville school notes
  • Jefferson twp. No. 1, Section 12 (1886 Warner & Foote plat)
  • Jefferson twp. No. 2, east side of Section 8 (1886 Warner & Foote plat, 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Jefferson twp. No. 3, Section 18 (1886 Warner & Foote plat, 1917 Anderson plat) - Constructed c1880's, undated photo
  • Jefferson twp. No. 4, at the 4-corner intersection of Sections 15, 16, 21 & 22 (1886 Warner & Foote plat, no number assigned to this school on the 1917 Anderson plat)
    Jefferson twp. No. 4, Section 23 (1886 Warner & Foote plat - 2 schools noted to be No. 4 on the 1886 plat; noted to be #4 on the 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Rossville school, Jefferson twp. No. 7, west side Section 26 (1886 Warner & Foote plat; 1917 Anderson plat) - 1935 schoolchildren photo & school house photos
  • Jefferson twp. No. 8, east side Section 29 (1886 Warner & Foote plat, 1917 Anderson plat)
LaFayette township
  • Capoli School - Section 9, NE corner (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1886 Warner-Foote plat, Huebinger & Co. Atlas, 1904 & 1917 Waukon Standard plat) - there are 2 Capoli schools on various maps, more info. needed to pinpoint this school
  • Lafayette Center school - Section 15 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1886 Warner-Foote plat, Huebinger & Co. Atlas, 1904 & 1917 Waukon Standard plat)
  • Prairie school aka Thompson Corner school - Section 30 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1886 Warner-Foote plat, Huebinger & Co. Atlas, 1904 & 1917 Waukon Standard plat), abt 1 mi. N of the Tompson Corner ME church * 1934 school notes & 1949 auction notice
  • LaFayette No. 5, aka Russell school, aka Heytman's school - Range 2W Section 18 (1886 Warner-Foote plat, Huebinger & Co. Atlas, 1904 & 1917 Waukon Standard plat) * attendence book
  • LaFayette No. 7, aka Three Corners school - Section 34, abt 2 mi east of the Thompson Corner cemetery (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, Huebinger & Co. Atlas, 1904 & 1917 Waukon Standard plat) New content added! 6/10/2024
  • Milton school - Section 18, located within the (now defunct) village of Milton, described in 1859 as having "a large school house", it was one of 3 towns that became known as Village Creek * School notes (1872)

  • Village Creek school - located within the village of Village Creek; is possibly the same school called Lafayette Dist. #3 ca1870s * Photos & other info.
  • Wexford school - Section 25 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas,1886 Warner-Foote plat, Huebinger & Co. Atlas, 1904 & 1917 Waukon Standard plat) * Photo if schoolchildren c1900
  • Harpers Ferry Independent School - see above in the Town Schools section
Lansing township
  • Lansing twp. No. 1 & 2 - Section 20 (1875 Andreas Atlas, 1886 Warner-Foote plat as No. 2 and 1917 G.W. Anderson Plat as No. 1) School number is not consistant in the various atlas'

  • Lansing twp. No. 3 aka Calhoun school, Brick school - Location varies; 1875 Andreas Atlas in Section 30, 1886 Warner-Foote plat as Calhoun school No. 1 in Section 32 - Various school notes * 1905 report card * Photo of schoolmates, ca 1915

  • Lansing twp. No. 4 - Section 26 (1875 Andreas Atlas, 1886 Warner-Foote & 1917 G.W. Anderson Plat) - School notes

  • Lansing twp. No. 5 - Section 15 (1886 Warner-Foote plat, 1903 Waukon Standard map & 1917 G.W. Anderson Plat) - School notes New content added! 6/10/2024

  • Van Coulee / Van Cooley school / Lansing twp. No. 6 - Section 12 (1917 G.W. Anderson Plat) - School notes * Photo & Carrie Reed 1891 report card New content added! 6/9/2024
  • Lansing twp. No. 7 - Section 28 on the 1903 Waukon Standard map

Linton township
  • County Superintendent's School Notes - 1872 - includes several Linton twp. schools
  • Egan school, Linton twp. No. 1 - in the south of Section 2 (1886 plat map) - photo/info. needed
  • Big Foot school, Linton twp. No. 2 - NE corner Section 7 (1886 plat & 1917 Anderson Publishing Plat)
  • Figgie school, Linton twp. No. 3 - SE corner Section 29 -1886 plat & 1917 Anderson Publishing Plat - pupil photo (ca 1932-1935)
  • Sixteen school, Linton twp. No. 4 - Section 16; Photos * Teachers 1906-1958 * Students 1930-1958 * misc. items
  • Suttle Creek school, Linton twp. No 5 - Section 19 along Suttle Creek (1886 plat & 1917 Anderson Publishing Plat) - photo/info. needed
  • Linton twp. No. 6 - Section 26 (1886 plat map), Section 27 (1917 Anderson Publishing Plat) - misc. info.
  • Linton twp. No. 7 - Section 13 (1917 Anderson Publishing Plat)
  • Linton twp. No. 8 - Section 25, on the southern border with Section 26 (1886 plat map) - photo/info. needed

Ludlow township
  • Ludlow No. 1, SW corner of Section 1 (1886 & 1917 plat maps) - misc. info.
  • Ludlow No. 2, SE corner of Section 4 (1886 & 1917 plat maps) - misc. info.
  • Ludlow No. 3, Krumme school, Section 6 - photo & misc. info.
  • Ludlow No. 4, SE corner of Section 18 (1886 & 1917 plat maps) - misc info.
  • Ludlow No. 5, NE corner of Section 21 (1886 & 1917 plat maps) - misc. info.
  • Ludlow No. 6, NE corner of Section 23 (1886 & 1917 plat maps) - misc. info.
  • Ludlow No. 7, SE corner of Section 26 (1886 & 1917 plat maps) - misc. info.
  • Ludlow No. 8, SW corner of Section 27 (1886 & 1917 plat maps) - misc. info.
  • Ludlow No. 9, NE part of Section 31 (1886 & 1917 plat maps)
  • German Presbyterian Parochial School, north central Section 9 (1886 plat map) - photo/info. needed

Makee township
  • Elk school, SW corner of Section 27, at the intersection of Sections 27, 28, 33 & 34
  • Fan school, SE corner of Section 26, at the intersection of Sections 25, 26, 35 & 36 - photos & history
  • Hanson school #4, Section 22, north central area - photos & misc. data
  • Howard school, Section 8, center of the section
  • Lycurgus school, Section 2, northwestern part, on the Church road - history & photos of school / school children
  • Makee school, Section 18, not far north of the section 19 boundry
  • Paulk school, intersection of Sections 20, 21, 28 & 29 on Village Creek

Paint Creek township
  • Cherry Mound school, Section 33 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Cross Roads school, Section 29 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, 1917 Anderson plat) - may be aka Big Foot school
  • Dahl school, Section 13 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Grimsgaard school, Section 15 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, not on 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Ness school, Section 9 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Northwest school, Section 6 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Paint Creek school, Section 25 boundry with Section 36 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, 1917 Anderson plat)
  • School, Section 18 (1917 Anderson plat), no other identification given for this school
  • Storla school, Section 11 (1886 Warner & Foote plat map, 1917 Anderson plat)
  • Waterville school:
    Waterville High School 1923-1960 - history, graduates, teachers, superintendents, principals, board, janitors, cooks Waterville HS Class of 1956 - roster & photos of the class
    Waterville undergraduates: kindergarten - junior class, 1960
    Waterville school misc items & photos - various. years Updated! 07/17/2024 (ID's made 1925 girls basketball team)

Post township
Taylor township
  • Climax school, aka Taylor twp. No. 2 -in the Climax District, center of Section 17 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1886 & 1917 plat maps) * Photos * Records, misc. yrs. * School notes Updated! 6/11/2024
  • Excelsior school, aka Taylor twp. No. 6 - in the Excelsior District, SW corner, Section 5 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1882 & 1917 plat maps) *School notes New! 6/11/2024
  • Mound school, aka Taylor twp. No. 1, in the Mound City District, far NW corner, Section 11 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas) and SE corner, Section 3 (1886 & 1917 plat maps)
  • Paint Rock / Paint Creek school, possibly aka Taylor twp. No. 3 - in the Little Paint District, NW corner Section 32 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1886 & 1917 plat maps); two miles west of Harpers Ferry - School notes
  • Spring Brook school, aka Oil Spring school, aka Taylor twp. No. 4 - in the Spring Brook district, Range 2, Section 7 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1886 & 1917 plat maps) * photos, students & misc. other data
  • St. Joseph school - SE corner Section 21 near St. Joseph's Catholic church (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas, 1886 & 1917 plat maps)
  • Waukon Junction school, aka Taylor twp. No. 8 - in the Paint Rock District, southern tier Section 4 (1875 A.T. Andreas Atlas) and southern tier Section 3 in the village of Waukon Junction (1886 plat map, shown on the inset of Waukon Junction); about 4 miles south of Harpers Ferry
Union City township
  • Early country schools & teachers - Clear Creek, English Bench, French Creek & Wheatland districts
  • Clear Creek school - No. 4, Section 34 (1886 Warner & Foote plat & 1917 Anderson Publishing Co.) * Misc. notes
  • Columbia school - No. 6, Section 16 (1886 Warner & Foote plat & 1917 Anderson Publishing Co.)
  • English Bench school - No. 3, Section 32 (1886 Warner & Foote plat & 1917 Anderson Publishing Co.) * Photos & misc. notes
  • Harmony school - No. 2, Section 20 (1903 Waukon Standard map & 1917 Anderson Publishing Co.) * Photo, ca 1910
  • Union school - No 5, Section 8 (1886 Warner & Foote plat & 1917 Anderson Publishing Co.) * Misc. notes
  • Wheatland school No. 1, Section 15 SE corner (1886 Warner & Foote); Section 13 (1917 Anderson plat) * School roster - ca1915

Union Prairie township
  • Stone School, Union Prairie No. 2, aka Rock School - SW corner Section 10, where Sections 9, 10, 15 & 16 intersect (1886 Plat & 1964 Title Atlas Co. Plat where it is called the Rock School) - Photos & brief history
  • Eells School - NE section 27, approx. ¼ mile west of Mt. Olivet cemetery (1886 Plat map) - Photos & brief history
  • Emmett School - SW section 21, where Sections 20, 21, 28 & 29 intersect (1886 Plat map & 1964 Title Atlas Co. Plat) - photo of the school
  • Helming School - Section 34, north-central just south of the border with section 27 (1886 Plat map & 1964 Title Atlas Co. Plat) - photo & misc. items
  • Pleasant Ridge School, aka P-ridge/Pea Ridge/Patterson Creek school or Jones schoolhouse - Located west bountry of Section 12 - Daily Registers 1901-1905, photo of the school & photos of school children; and misc. other from various years
  • Southwest School, aka Southwestern Bell school - SW corner of Section 29 at intersection of sections 29, 30, 31 & 32 (1886 Plat map & 1964 Title Atlas Co. Plat) - photo & misc. items
  • Union Prairie No. 5 - NW corner Section 17, where Sections 7, 8, 17 & 18 intersect (1886 Plat map)
    Union Prairie No. 6 - Section 8 (1917 Plat map)
    No. 5 & No. 6 are the same school. Photos & misc. history
  • Union Prairie No. 8 - NW corner of Section 5, on the border of Section 6 (1886 Plat map)

Waterloo township
  • Dorchester & Waterloo Twp. District Rural schools: * Bear Creek (section 30) * Bergen (section 9) * Dorchester (town) * New Galena (section 35) * Washington (section 22) * Waterloo Ridge (section 18)
    Photos of pupils & misc. other data
    New content added! 6/9/2024 & 6/11/2024


Other Schools, Colleges, Universities


School Tid-bits

A grab-bag of misc. school items

