G & L Bar and Grill fire, Diagonal
GALLOWAY, Will G. death
GEORGE, Joann's Birthday
GEORGE, Wayne & Jo Ann, 60th Wedding Anniversary
GIBSON, Doris, 97th Birthday; 98th Birthday; 99th Birthday;
100th Birthday; 101th Birthday 102nd Birthday
GIPSON, David, 50-year Masonic Lodge Member, 2012
GLENDENNING, Lloyd and LaVerne 60th Anniversary
GLENDENNING, Paul, Wins Racing Title, 2011
NASCAR 2011 Honors and Banquet
Dr. David GOFF on Harding University Faculty, 2010
GOLLIDAY'S 50th Anniversary
GORDON - SWANSON Car Accident, 2006
GOURLEY, Jack and Phyllis, 60th Anniversary
Great Western Bank, Mount Ayr
Remodeling, 2006 Bank Anniversary, 2006 Great Western for Sale
Death of Mr. GREELE, 1880
GREEN, Mike & Susan,40th Wedding Anniversary
GREENLAND, Dean and Norma, 60th wedding anniversary
GREENLAND, Kim, named to IBA Legislative Committe, 2015
GREENLAND, Max & Pat, 65th Anniversary
GRIEMANN, Marlene, 80th Birthday
GRIMES, Thelma, 95th Birthday
GROSE, Kenny and Brenda house fire, Mount Ayr, 2003
contribution by Julie Watts
Larry & Cheryl GROSE, 40th Wedding Anniversary
Emma GROUT, 1908
GROVES, Iona, 98th birthday
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HACKER, Leo "Jocko", 100th Birthday
Hair Barn Opens, 2004
HALEY House Fire
HALL, Darrell & SueAnn, 50th Anniversary
HALL, Estelle HUNT, 86th Birthday
HANSON, Velma, 85th Birthday
HARRIS, Alma, 80th Birthday
HARRIS, Jim and Mary, 50th Wedding Anniversary
HAWK, George Accident, 1954
Birth of HAYES Twins, 2007
HEART, Matthew, receives medal
HEMAN, Dennis and Kathy, 45th Anniversary
HENDERSON, Rev. D. J.'s Revival, 1954
HENDERSON, Kay, 2007 Volunteer Award
HENRY, John & Shirley, 65th Anniversary
HENSLEY, Don & Edith, 50th Wedding Anniversary
HENSLEY, Raymond & Judy, 50th Anniversary
HENRY, R. C. & G. W. BALL, 1870
HERRINGTON, Darlene B., 95th birthday
HERVEY, Marion, 90th Birthday
HEWLETT, Don & Marge, 50th Anniversary
HICKS, Larry Retires
High School Rodeo Results, 2012
High School Rodeo Results, 2013
HOGUE, Irene, 93rd Birthday
Murder of Homer HOLLAND, Mount Ayr, 1901
HUNTER MURDER TRIAL, Charged with Slaying Homer HOLLAND, 1901
HOLMES & RUSSELL Angus Awards, 2005
HOLMES, Katelyn: 2013 Angus Honors; 2015 Angus Honors
HOLMES, Russell, 2013 Angus Honors
Murder Trial of Floyd HORTON, 1936
HOOVER Angus Farm Tour, 2012
HOSFIELD, Naomi, 80th Birthday
HOWIE, Alice, 80th Birthday
HOVE, Donald & Kay, 50th Anniversary
HUDSON Brothers
HULLEY, Julie (MAUDLIN) awarded
HUNT, Amon, 90th Birthday
HUNT'S 50th Wedding Anniversary, 2006
HYNCK'S 'Farmers Song -- The Musical'
Return to Top
IBBOTSON, Marjorie, 90th Birthday; 95th Birthday; 100th Birthday
INGRAM Going Out of Business, Mount Ayr, 1888
INGRAM, Melvin and Golda FRAME Wedding
INGRAM, Myron & Shirley, 25th Anniversary
INGRAM, Myron, Winner!
INLOES, Jeffrey to U.S. Naval Academy
Ringgold County at Iowa State Fair:
1994 2008 2009; 2011 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015
Celebrating Iowa State University, 150th anniversary
2015 Iowa Angus Assn. Banquet, Cassidy BECKER & Katelyn HOLMES 2015 Iowa Angus Assn. Show
ISU 150th Anniversary Quilt, Sharon WASTENEY of Ellston
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Jay_Lynn-O-Tours, 2002
JACKSON, Delbert, 90th Birthday
JACKSON, Esther, 94th Birthday
JACKSON, Joan, Redding Iowa, Receives Turrett Award, 2008
JACKSON'S, Leland, 50th Anniversary
JACKSON, Lucile, 90th Birthday
JACKSON, Wendell & Joan, 50th anniversary
Jail Escape, 1932
JAMES, Rose Marie (JOHNSTON), 80th Birthday
Jamie's Coffee Mill, 2008 expansion
JEANES, Vickie & Charlie, 40th Wedding Anniversary
JEANES, Vickie, Retirement 2013
JEANES, Vickie, Retirement 2013
JENNETT, Evonne, 80th Birthday
JENNINGS, David, 90th Birthday
JENNINGS, Wilminia (Wilkey), 90th Birthday
JOHNSON, Bob, Tip & Paws, 2007 sheepdog trials
JOHNSON, Bob and Ruby Win National Cattledog Trials, 2010
JOHNSON, Bob & Ruby, 2015 National Cattle Dog Championship
JOHNSON, Bob and Pace, 2017 Dog Trials
JOHNSON, Lloyd & Muriel, 50th anniversary
JOHNSON, Mark and Leza, 25th Wedding Anniversary
JOHNSTON, Alice May, 90th Birthday
JOHNSTON, Herbert Theodore and
JOHNSTON, Horace A. and Martha Jane (YOUNG), 60th Wedding Anniversary
JOHNSTON, Walter "Neil", 90th Birthday
JONES, Annabelle, 80th Birthday
JONES, Edna, 85th Birthday
JONES' 45th Anniversary JONES, Curt & Sue, 2012
JONES' 50th Anniversary
Carrie Alice (STEVENS) & Albert Marion JONES, 1945
JONES' 70th Anniversary
JONES, Wesley & Pearl, 2002
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KASTER, Ona (STEPHENS) KASTER, 100th Birthday
Kellerton Auto Wreck, 1967
Cecil KNEEDLER, Mt. Ayr injured; Leo BIBLE, Torrington, WY killed
Kellerton Bank, 1930
Kellerton Boosters, 1912
Kellerton Businesses
History of Kellerton's Newspapers
Kellerton's DNR Building
Kellerton's Muncipal Building, 2006
Kellerton's Parks Grant, 2011
Kellerton's SIPR
Kellerton Celebrates Street Surfacing
Kellerton and Mount Ayr Telephone Companies, 1901
Kellerton Tornado, 1984
KELLEY, John & Carolyn, 50th anniversary
KELLY, Michael & Nancy, 50th Wedding Anniversary
KEMERY, Jerry & Karen, 50th Wedding Anniversary
KEPHART-BOWEN Dispute, 2010
KEPLINGER, Adam B. elected mayor of Blockton, 1912
KEPLINGER-LAY Nuptials, 1938
KIBURZ, Barb, 90th birthday
KIBURZ, John, 90th birthday
KING, Lorraine & Edwin, 65th Wedding Anniversary
KING-BAKER accident, 2016
KINTON, Doris, 80th Birthday
KISARETS, Vova & Laura, Missionaires
KLEJCH, Norm & Doris retires
KNAPP, Ariel Fayette, 1943
KNAPP, David, 2015 book signing
KNESS, Rev. & Mrs. Paul, 1975 Baptist Convention
Korean Vets Involved in Law Suit, 2009
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LAMB, Edgar Ellisworth & Mary Luella (STRINGHAM), 57th Anniversary, 1937
LANDPHAIR, Ron & Martha, 40th Anniversary
LANDPHAIR, Wilber and His Book
LARSEN, Darlene, 80th Birthday
LARSEN, Mark & Sue, 50th Anniversary
The LARSON Brothers of Mount Ayr, 2008
LARSON, Lewis & Martha, 40th Anniversary
LAWHEAD, Florence, 90th Birthday
LAWHEAD, Jane, 2007 Volunteer Award
LAY, Luther Caleb, 91st Birthday
Leon Rodeo: 2012, MCLEAD, Caitlyn & Chania VOSS
The LEONARD Brothers, RAGBRAI 2011
LEONARD, Lyle Death, 1999
LESAN, David M. & Sybil Anniversary
Lesanville, 2003
Letter Carriers Convention, 1913
Contribution by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
Honored with SULLIVAN Brothers Award of Valor, 2005
LILIENTHAN, Wyatt, Eagle Scout
More Ringgold County Eagle Scouts, EGLY, John W. III & Brian LOOMIS
LININGER, Twilla, 90th Birthday;
95th Birthday
LIVINGSTON, Bill & Karla, 50th anniversary
LIVINGSTON, Niyole, & Tiff, 2015 National Cattle Dog Championship
LONG, Harriet (JOHNSON), 92nd birthday
LOOMIS, Deputy Brian, Shot in Line of Duty, 2004
LORENZ, Velma, 90th Birthday
LUKO, Rex & Myrna, 50th Anniversary
LUTZ, Miss Vera, Birthday Surprise
Contribution by Delbert Spencer
LYNCH, Bob & Liz, 60th Wedding Anniversary
LYNCH, David & Nancy, 40th Wedding Anniversary
LYNCH, Zach recognized, 2012
Lynn's Sinclair, Closing
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MAGEE'S 50th Anniversary
MAIN, Dorothy, 89th Birthday
MAIN, Ella & Ralph, 50th Wedding Anniversary
Maloy, Iowa Robbery, 1956
Foxtown, Maloy, 2011
Maloy Rectory & Steve SWANK, 2011
MARTIN, Robert "Bob", 80th Birthday
MARTIN, Shirley, Missing and Found, 2012
MATALONE, Maxine MATHANY, 80th Birthday
MATTHEWS, Mildred "Millie" (BRUNER) SAYLER, 90th Birthday
MAY, Carol, 80th Birthday
MAY, John , 90th Birthday
McALEXANDER, Eugene and Esther, 60th Anniversary
McALEXANDER, Eugene, 90th Birthday
McALEXANDER, Kenneth and Virginia, 70th Anniversary
McBRIDE, Bernadine, 90th Birthday
McCLURE, Craig P., Promotion at University of Alabama
McCREARY'S 45th Anniversary, 2011
McCREARY, Mary, 80th Birthday
McCULLY'S Extreme Home Makeover, 2008
Celebrates 95th Birthday
McGAHUEY, Helen's Birthday, 2012; 90th, 2014; 93rd Birthday
McGAHUEY, Wanda, 90th Birthday
McGEHEE Birthday
McGEHEE, Mari, 80th Birthday
McGINNIS-TAYLOR, Olivia, Memorial Donation
McGINNIS, Walt and Bev, 50th Anniversary
McGUGIN, Coach Dan, of Tingley
McGAHUEY, Wanda, 80th Birthday
McGAHUEY, Wanda, 85th Birthday
McMULLEN, Archibald & Susan (McCLAIN), 60th Anniversary
McNEAR Fire, Mount Ayr, 2000
McNEIL, G. N. & McMEEKIN, C. W., 1884
MEESTER 4 Generations
MEKUS, DMV, Max, honored 2015
MEKUS, Max & Sandra, 50th Wedding Anniversary
Medical Society Meeting, 1900
MERCER, Bill & Norma, 60th Anniversary
MERCER, Judy & Ernest, 50th Anniversary
MERCER, Norma (RICE), 80th Birthday
MERRILL, Rose, 80th Birthday
MESLE-MORAIN, Sherry, 2014 volunteer award
Methodist Episcopal Appointments, 1912
MICKAEL, Alberta (CAMPBELL) Murder Trials
MILLER, Henry J.
MILLER, J. R., 90th Birthday, 2010
MILLER, Levi accident, 2016
MILLER, Rosa, 90th birthday
MINNICK, Leona, 80th Birthday
MINNICK, Lyle & Judy, 60th Anniversary
MITCHELL 2007 Fire, Sun Valley Lake
MLINAR, Joseph A. & Libbie Bessie (KUBART), 50th Wedding Anniversary
Modra 106, opens 2015
MOLER, Charles & Dorothy TAYLOR, 1947 Car Accident
MOOBERRY, Duane, 2016
MOON'S, Normand, 50th Anniversary
Moonlighters Christmas Concert, 2016
MOORE'S 25th Wedding Anniversary, Claude D. & Nira "Glee" (STEVENS) MOORE
Contribution by Deloris (Gravett) & Ramon L. Bear
MOORE, Vera, 90th Birthday
MOREN, Joshua & Caroline (PUGH), 60th Anniversary, 1909
MOSER, Grace, 90th Birthday
MOSIER, Eugene, 94th Birthday
MOUNT, Edwin R., 1883
Mount Ayr Local News, 1888
Mount Ayr Auto Wreck, 1952
Mount Ayr Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts, honored 2015
Near Mount Ayr, A Buggy - Truck Accident, December 31, 2007
Mount Ayr Electric Company, 1917
Mount Ayr and Kellerton Telephone Companies, 1901
Mount Ayr Elementary School Comes Down, March of 2010
Mount Ayr Christmas lighting contest: 2014 2015 2016
Mount Ayr Pool opens, 2013
Mount Ayr Public Library, New Light, 2011
Mount Ayr Record-News, old news items:
Signs Around The Square, Bird GILLILAND & William DOWLING, 1916
Star Theatre, 1913
Mount Ayr Record-News Awards, 2011
Mount Ayr Record News Changes Hands, 2012
Mount Ayr Volunteer Firemen Awarded
MUNYON'S Mini-Mart Sale, Kellerton, 2007
Murder in Mount Ayr, 1880
Murder in Kentucky, 1901
K-9 Murphy In Animal Hall of Fame, 2011
K-9 Murphy Investigates Congressman BOSWELL Home Invasion
MURPHY-LYONS Nuptials, ca. 1930's
MURPHY, Pauline (HILLEBRAN), 90th Birthday
MYER, Tess MYER, 2006 award
MYERS, Eunice, 90th Birthday
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NARIGON, Mary Jane, 80th Birthday
Nature Center
NEFF-KARR Wedding, 1987
NEFF, Jim & Phyllis, 50th Anniversary
NEUMAN'S 70th Anniversary
NEWTON, Don Drowning, 1999
NEWTON, Terri, 2016 Dekko award recipient
NICHOLS, Lyle & Mildred, 60th Anniversary
NOBLE, Derald & Beverly, 50th Anniversary
NOBLE, Rollin & Joan, 60th Anniversary
NOFTSGER, Ruth, 80th Birthday
NORDINE, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis, 1971
NORRIS, Anna (RAINS), 100th Birthday, 1964
NORRIS, Jim, Pheasants Forever honoree, 2016
NORRIS, Maxine (BARNETT), 97th Birthday
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Office Bar & Grill, Mount Ayr, Closes in 2008
Oldest Horse, J. W. ZEZEK of Diagonal, 1929
OLNEY, Dale, 79th Birthday
O'MAILIA-WALSH Wedding, 1987
OSBORN, Brenda, Retirement as Kellerton's Post Mistress, 2012
OVERHOLSER, Jerry & Peggy, 40th Anniversary
OVERHOLSER'S Place at Parade, 2002
OVERHOLSER, Opal, 90th Birthday
OVERHOLTZER, Jim & Lila, 25th Wedding Anniversary
OXLEY, Leona, 85th Birthday
Return to Top
Page County State Bank, merges 2013; Ribbon Cutting; Ground Breaking, 2014
PALMER Drowning, Sun Valley Lake, 2004
PARISH, Dorothy, 90th birthday
PARKER, Bessie Jean, 80th Birthday
PARKER, John 1877 Death
PARSONS, Mrs. Catherine ~ OGIER, J. A. Wedding, 1930
PATEL, Drs. Retirement, 2010
PAYTON 50th Wedding Anniversary, 2011
PEARCE, Jim & Arlene, 60th Anniversary
Pedal Pull Winners, Ella WASKE, Jullian KNAPP, Jacob NOVAK, 2012
Peggy Sue's Opens, 2004 Peggy Sue's Car Show, 2005
PENNEBAKER, Mary Lou, 86th birthday
PERRY, Joyce, 80th Birthday
PERRY, Madge, 91st Birthday, 2010
PETERS - WHARTON Wedding, 1883
PETERSON, Henry, 90th Birthday
Pheasants Forever & Jim Norris, 2016
Pheasants in Iowa
PHELPS, Ashley, 2011 Fair Queen at State Fair
PHILLIPS, Hon. T. J., Democratic Governor Candidate Speaks at Mount Ayr, 1901
PHILLIPS, Hon. T. J. Notice by Ringgold County Chairman CURRIE, 1901
Plow Days, 2011
2017 Piano Recital
PIERSCHBACHER, Weston, 2008 Rodeo Honors
Pioneer Musuem, Ellston, 2002
Platte River Truss Bridge
Poetry and The Ringgold Record, 1902
News from Polen, date unknown
POLLOCK, Jackson Painting, 2008
POLLOCK, James, 80th Birthday
POORE'S 60th Wedding Anniversary, 2011
POORE, Caine accident, 2016
POTTER, Rev. Lynn, 1981 Sabbatical
POTTORFF, Jim, 77th Birthday
POWELL, Nina , 80th Birthday
POWELL, Virginia, 90th Birthday
Prairie Chicken Festival, 2012; 2014
PRENTIS Hatchery, 1936
PRENTIS, Dick and Marj, 50th Anniversary
contribution by Julie Watts
PRENTIS, Dr. P. L. and Walter BEALL Attend Meeting, 1901
PRENTIS, Dr. P. L., Delphos IA, Candidate for State Auditor, 1901
PRENTIS ,Dr. Percy L. New York Times article, 1913
contribution by Julie Watts
PRENTIS, Seaman Raymond Promoted
PRENTIS', Senator Children, 1941
PRENTIS, Senator X. T. 1955 house fire
contribution by Julie Watts
Rennovation of The Princess Theater
Progress of Princess Theater Rennovation
Princess Theater Shines
Princess Theater Gala:
2009; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015
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QUICK, Ashton - Dance Honors: 2005; 2012
QUICK, Kenneth & Berta, 60th Wedding Anniversary
QUICK, Morgan, Champion barrel racer
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RAINS, Asa Shin
RAMSEY Divorce, Mount Ayr, 1888
RAMSEY Projects, 2003
RAMSEY Super Club Reopens
RATLEY, Timothy Davis 2008 Death
RAUCH, Leland and Wanda, 50th Wedding Anniversary
Rebekah 50-Year Members, 1987
Redding Fire, April of 2011
Redding to Host National Cattledog Trials, May of 2011
Redding Herald, 1957 ~ Courtesy of Friends of Old Redding
Redding Register, 1910 ~ Courtesy of Friends of Old Redding
Redding Register, 1912 ~ Courtesy of Friends of Old Redding
REED, Loreen, 90th Birthday
REYNOLDS, Helen, 90th Birthday
REYNOLDS, Waitstill, 90th Birthday
RICH, Elmer moves his bin, 2008
RICHARDS, David "Dave": 25 years service Retirement, 2012
RICHARDS, Marilyn, 80th Birthday
RICHARDSON, Frank Murder Trial, Savannah, Missouri, 1901
Involves W. W. PEASLEY and Matt HIGGINS of Kellerton
RICKER, Bob Inducted into Hall of Fame, 2010
RICKER, Bob, 80th Birthday
RICKER, Darlene, 90th Birthday
RICKER, Joe & Vicki, 50th anniversary
RICKER, Joe, 2015 Shrine Bowl
RICKER, Lucy, 80th Birthday
RICKER, Michell, 2014 volunteer award
RINEHART, Homer and Lela, 70th Wedding Anniversary
RINEHART, Mildred, 102nd birthday
RINEHART, Tanner, Demolition Derby Winner, 2003
Ringgold County's New Courthouse, 1926
Ringgold County Boys' Basketball Tournament, 1927
Ringgold County Little League Tournament:
2013; 2015
Ringgold County Bulletin, Feb. 22, 1945
Ringgold County Christmas, 2007
Ringgold County Conservation Board, 2016
Ringgold County Employees Honored, 2013
County Officals Take Oath, 2013
County Officials Take Oath, 2015
County Officials Take Oath, 2017
Employees Honored, 2015
Employees Honored, 2016 Employees Honored, 2017
Ringgold County Fair:
1967 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2009; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017
Ringgold County Goats
Ringgold County Jail, 2007
New Law Enforcement Center, 2011
Ringgold County History Book, 2011
by Mike AVITT & Sharon R. BECKER, Arcadia Publishing
Ringgold Record, old news items
Buffalo Robes, 1874 |
Call for Whittlers, 1876 |
Chicken Ordinance, 1876 |
Crime and Punishment, 1876 |
Egg Fight, 1876 |
Good Advice, 1878 |
Left Horseless,
BRANUM, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry, 1874 |
Minstrel Show, 1875
Mud Wrestling, 1877 |
Onion Sociables, 1895 |
Pay or Else!, 1877 |
Pound Parties, 1877 |
Smoochin' on the Sabbath, 1877 |
Tardy Reverends, 1877 |
What a Cad!, 1874 |
Ringgold County Hospital, Surgical Nurses Week, 2012
Hospital's 5th Anniversary
Ringgold County Historical Society, 1990
Ringgold County Park Shelters Named, 2013
Reprieve for Ringgold Co. Post Offices, May of 2012
Ringgold County Snow Geese migration, 2016
Ringgold County Trumpeter Swan, 2016
Ringgold County Residents Named to State Boards, 2012
Ringgold Singers, updated periodically
includes Dr. Collus LAWHEAD & Mike GREENE
ROACH Fire, 2005
ROACH Anniversary
ROBERG, Iowa State's Conservation Officer of the Year, 2008
ROBERTS, Oscar & Nettie (STEPHENS), 50th Anniversary, 1954
ROBERTSON, Betty, 80th Birthday
ROED, Chet & Annie, 65th Anniversary
Romano's Pizza Building demolished
ROUTH, Delbert, 50-year Mason
ROUTH, Delbert & Bernadine, 60th Anniversary
ROWE, Ralph and Judy, 50th Wedding Anniversary
RUBY, Betty, 90th Birthday
RUCKMAN, John & Patty, 50th Anniversary
New Rural Mail Routes, Ringgold County, 1902
RUSK, Bill, retirement, 2007
RUSK, Thelma, 90th birthday
RYCHNOVSKY, John & Reba, 60th anniversary
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SACKETT'S 50th Anniversary
SACKETT, Nancy's students at Piano Fest
SAGE, Viola Marie and Willard S. LEWIS Wedding
Salon Blush, Diagonal
Sante Fe Cafe', Mount Ayr
SAVILLE, Doyle & Jane, 50th Anniversary
SAVILLE, Ruth, 90th Birthday
SANDAGE, Harold & Marilyn, 60th Anniversary
SCHAFER, Jim and Marilyn, 40th Wedding Anniversary
SCHAEFER, Karen, retires as county recorder
SCHAEFER, Lowell Raymond & Lois Maxine (COLLIER), 60th Anniversary
SCHAFER, Joe & John, 20015 Masters Tournment
SCHAEFER, Lowell, 90th Birthday
SCHIPPER, Blanchie, 90th Birthday
SCHLAPIA, Alvin & Mary Ann, 50th Anniversary
SCHLAPIA, Maralyn,
90th Birthday;
95th Birthday
SCHLAPIA, Robert & Cindy, 40th Anniversary
SCHUSTER, Kathy, 30-Year Ringgold Co. Hospital Employee
SCHWALBE, Richard, 80th birthday
SCOTT, Aleta, 90th Birthday
SEEVERS-YOUNG Wedding, 1943
SEGO House Fire, Sun Valley, 2005
Senior Life Solutions, 2014 ribbon cutting
Senior Life Solutions receives national award, 2015
SHAFFER, Juanita (MAIN), 90th Birthday & Art Show
SHAHA Heritage Farm, 2010
SHAHA, Lyle & Pam, 45th Wedding Anniversary
SHAY, Norma, 90th Birthday
SHELDON, E. Ray & Helen, 60th Anniversary
SHELMAN Fire, 2009
SHEPHERD, Daniel & Phyllis, 50th Anniversary
SHIELDS' Prize Is No Prize, 2003
SHIELDS, Brett Wins Figure 8 Racing Title, 2008
SHIELDS, Charles Jr. & Mabel, 60th Anniversary
SHIELDS, Jerry, 2016 honors
SHIELDS, Joe & Ramadean, 65th anniversary
SHIELDS, Juanita, 89th Birthday
SHIELDS, Ronnie, 80th Birthday
SHIELDS, Mabel's 90th Birthday
SHIELDS, Mike & Sherry, 40th Anniversary
SHIELDS, Stacey, honored 2017
SHELINE, Samuel'S Birthday Surprise, 1893
SHELLY, Richard, Firefighter Memorial Service
Shooting in Middle Fork Township, MILLER & SHAFER, 1901
SICKELS, Bob & Kay, 60th Anniversary
SICKELS, Don & Faye, 60th Anniversary
SICKELS, John, 90th Birthday
SICKELS, Mack & Phyllis, 50th Anniversary
Simply Voices
SIVELY, Fred and Virginia, 70th Anniversary
SKARDA, Harry, 86th birthday
SMALL, Edna, 80th Birthday
SMITH, Alan, Inducted into 4-H Hall of Fame, 2012;
SMITH, Ann, Retirement
SMITH,Cara honored
SMITH, Hank, 80th Birthday
SMITH, Jim Inducted into 4-H Hall of Fame, 2010
SMITH, Jim and Mary Ann, 50th Wedding Anniversary
SMITH, Max and Joyce, 50th Wedding Anniversary, 2010
SNETHEN, Joe, 90th Birthday;
SNOOK Accident, Boone IA, 2012
SNYDER-CROY Nuptials, circa 1910-15
SNYDER'S 71st Wedding Anniversary, Diagonal
SNYDER, Harold Jay, 95th Birthday; 97th Birthday
SOBOTKA'S 50th Wedding Anniversary, 2006
SOBOTKA, Jacob SOBOTKA, Shrine Bowl MVP, 2014
SOBOTKA, Joe & Bernadine, 60th Anniversary
SOBOTKA, Lois Ann, 80th Birthday
SOBOTKA, Matt, 2011 Ed THOMAS Class 1A Award Winner
SOBOTKA, Patty, 80th Birthday
SOBOTKA, Wallace & Patty, 60th Anniversary
Soil & Water Conservation District Awards: 2005; 2017
Society News, June 3, 2010
Society Pages News Clippings
SOVERIGN, Mona, 95th Birthday
Special Olympics, 2002
The SPENCER Family, new clippings 1875-1900
Contribution by Delbert Spencer, research of Loren Spencer Elliott
SPURRIER-WILSON Closes Office, 2005
SPENCER, Irene, 90th Birthday, 2010
Sports Notes, To be updated as new information is received
1936 Boys' State Basketball Tournament
STAATS, Robert, 80th Birthday
Miss STAHL and the Dajeeling, India Flood, 1898
STAMPER, Don, 90th Birthday
STANLEY, Arlene, 90th Birthday
STARK, Fred, named Lions Governor
STARK, Rod & Patty, 50th Anniversary
State Candidates, 1901
State Candidates, STRANAHAN and WALL of Ringgold County, 1902
Stranded by a Snow Storm, Redding, 1961
STEELE, Hugh - CLARK, Gladys Wedding, 1934
STEPHENS, Clarence & Hazel (LUCAS), 50th Anniversary, 1974
STEPHENS, Dick, retirement from Diagonal School
STEPHENS, Houston & WEEHLER, Payton, 2015 Rodeo Finals
STEPHENS, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse & Bessie ULLERY, 1977
STEPHENS, Marion , Ringgold County Sheriff 1923-26
STEPHENS, Mary, 90th Birthday
STEPHENS, Stacy C. & Rosa Belle (BAUM), 50th Anniversary, 1927
STEVENS' 50th Wedding Anniversary
STEVENS, Homer R. & Edith May (BEADLE)
Contribution by Deloris (Gravett) and Ramon L. Bear
STEWART, Aden & Valiere, 50th Anniversary
STEWART, Rev. Walter J., 1914
STILL, Beth, Wins Drake University Honors, 1988
STILL, Jan & Eldon, 25th Wedding Anniversary
STILL, Dick & Bonnie, 40th Wedding Anniversary
STILL, Ethel & George, 50th Anniversary
Still Smokin', Mount Ayr
STONER, Tommie, 80th Birthday
STORHOFF, Cpl. Garrat
STUTZMAN, Deloris,
75th Birthday
STRAIGHT, Rodney & Beverly, 25th anniversary
STRANGE, Don, 100th Birthday
STRANGE, Elbert, 40th Anniversary
STRINGHAM'S 50th Anniversary
STUART, Betty, 88th Birthday
STUCK, David & Cheryl, 50th Anniversary
STUCK, Maggie, dance competition
STULL'S 40th Anniversary
STULL, Burl, 90th Birthday, 2010
STULL, Rick and Lora, 40th Anniversary
SUCHER, Richard C. II, Admitted to Iowa Bar
Subway opens, 2007
SUMMA, Bonnie, 75th Birthday
SUNDERMAN, Dr. Nathan & Marissa, joines Hilltop Veterinary Clinic
Iowa Supreme Court Sets Value of Loss of Limb, 1901
SWANKS on TV, 2011
SWANK, Elvin & Cathy, 40th Anniversary
SWANK, Hilary, Wins Oscar for Best Actress, 2000
SWANK, Junior and Mary, 50th Wedding Anniversary
SWANK, Leonard & Charlotte, 50th Anniversary
SWANK, Margaret, 95th Birthday
SWANK, Steve & Maloy Rectory, 2011
SWANSON, Bob, 80th Birthday
SWANSON, Linda & Bob, 50th Anniversary
SWCC Art Competition, April 1988
HS Students Patty BULLOCK, Eddie ALLEE, Heather CLARK,
SWEENEY, Shirley, 90th Birthday
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TAYLOR, Bob Death, 2012
Taylor Fiberglass of Diagonal, 50th Anniversary
TEAL Family News Items
Tea Time
Mrs. Harold HUGHES, Mrs. X. T. PRENTIS, and Mrs. Quentin V. ANDERSON
TEDFORD-VALE Wedding, 1902
Tedrow Cemetery, Beer Party Busted, 2009
Tedrow Cemetery Vandalized, July of 2010
TERREL, Brian of Malory Iowa
TERRELL, Clara Keenan, 2007 oboe recital
TERRY, Helen honored, 2012
TERRY, Dr. Martha Teaching Award, 2011
TERWILLIGER, Dennis & Alice, 50th Wedding Anniversary
TERWILLIGER, Kay, 80th Birthday
THOMPSON, Cleone, 90th Birthday
THOMPSON, Stewart L. & Barbara (SALTZMAN) WOOD Wedding, 1906
Timby Steak and Bakery, 2007
Tingley Bank, 1893
Tingley Fire, 1894
Tingley Lions Club, 50th anniversary
Tingley Lions Ball Club: 2013; 2014
Tingley Kitchen Band, 2010
Tingley Meal Site's Anniverary: 2006; 2012; 2014
Tingley Minors, 2005
Tingley Neighborhood Center, 2006
Tingley Sheep Dog Trials: 2005; 2009
TONEY Divorce, 1902
1984 Tornado
2001 Tornado
TOWNSEND, Roger, Honored by Hy-Vee
Train Wreck, Lotts Creek Bridge, April, 1910
Submission by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert
Train Wreck, April, 1946
SEXTON, Dexter A. of Mount Ayr, critical condition
TICE, Ronald "Bud", Opens Office in Kellerton
TRAMMEL, Desirae, Dance Honors, 2012
TRIGGS' Champion Gilt, 2014
TRIGGS' Combine Fire, 2012
TRIGGSES, 2002 Boosters
TRIGGS, Darlene, 80th Birthday
TRIGGS, Johnathan, 2016 Judging Contest
TRIGGS, Lindsey National Track Qualifier, 2005
TRIGGS, Lorene, 90th Birthday
TRIGGS, Merritt & Lorene, 40th Anniversary
TRIGGS, Tyler, 2015 scholarship; 2016 FFA Degree
TRIMBLE, Clyde Earnest and Mary Faye (BROWN), 50th Anniversary, 1979
TULL, Howard & Jenesse, 60th anniversary
TULL, Marlene
Turkey Vultures, 2012
Twin Rivers Tornadoes 4-H Club, 2008
Two Chicks from the Sticks
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ULLERY, Bessie & Mr. & Mrs. Jesse STEPHENS, 1977
Undertakers Convention, 1921
United Methodist Church Service, 2006
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Van BUSKIRK, Karen, 2007 Volunteer Award
British photojournalist Charlie VARLEY visits Ringgold County, 2002
VARNER, Alvin, Promotion, 1968
VARNER, O. C. & Nina (STEPHENS), 50th Wedding Anniversary
Volunteer Awards, 2007
VORHIES, Veva, 85th Birthday
VOTAVA, Jean, 80th Birthday
VREDENBURG Memorial, 2003
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WALKER, Hazel, 90th Birthday
WALKUP, Annabel, 90th Birthday
WALKUP, Dale & Sharon, 40th Anniversary
WALTERS, Sister Carolyn, Honored, 2011
WALTERS, Dale & Doris, 50th Anniversary
WALTERS, Rex & Ann, 50th anniversary
WALTERS Family Row, 1904
WARD, Cathy, 70th Birthday
WARD, Jim and Joyce, 45th Wedding Anniversary
WARINS' Century Farm, 2011
WARIN, Megan, 2015 Ringgold Co. Beef Queen
Tragic Death of Miss Delia WATTS, 1902
WAUGH, Jerry, Spelling Champ
WAUGH, Miranda, Miss Iowa Teen American Coed, 2014
WAUGH, Socorro, 90th Birthday
WASKE, Ella, Pedal Pull Champion
WEBB Family Race With Death, 1916
WEBB, Gilbert & Norma, 67th Anniversary
WEEDA, Theola (HIGHTSHOE) FOLTZ, 90th birthday
WEEHLER, Payton & STEPHENS, Houston, 2015 Rodeo Finals
2014 National Rodeo Finals; 2015 National Rodeo Finals
WERNER, Jim & Ann & WERNER Farm, 2012 Honors Master Farmers, 2013
WERNER, Maxine, 90th Birthday
WHITSON'S 50th Anniversary
WHITSON, Astronaut Peggy Home from Space, April 29, 2008
WHITE'S, Albert, 50th Anniversary
WHITE Murder, 2000
Death of John D. WILFONG, Tingley, Iowa, 1898
WILLEY, Gerold & Jean, Ayr Days Marshals, 2014
WILLIAMS' 50th Wedding Anniversary
WILLIS, Francis & Elaine (SEYMOUR), 50th Anniversary
WILSON, Bud and Margaret, 50th Anniversary
WILSON, Luella, 90th Birthday
WILWERDING, Father Glen, reassigned 2012
WINKLER, Melissa, 2005 honors
WIMER, Karen Retirement
WIMER, Jerry & Karen, 25th Anniversary 50th Anniversary
WIMER, Lavena, 90th Birthday; 95th Birthday
WOLFE-EWING Wedding, 1890
WOOD-WHEELER Wedding, 1913
WOOD, Pauline, 5 Generation
WOOD, Pauline, 5 Generation
WOOD, Pauline, 94th Birthday
WOOLLUMS, Jessie, 75th birthday
WOOLLUMS, Zelma, 99th Birthday, 2010
Workout Place Opens, 2013
WURSTER, Howard & Dorothy, 60th Anniversary; 65th Anniversary
WURSTER, Dorothy, 80th Birthday; 85th Birthday
Women's Auxiliary Army Corps, 1942
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YEAGER, Lori Death, 2012
YEAROUS, Jack & Jean, 45th Wedding Anniversary
YODER, Drew, 2015 NBA championships
YOUNG'S, Gerald, 50th Anniversary
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ZARR, Marlene, 80th Birthday
ZEZEK, J. W. of Diagonal, Oldest Horse, 1929
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