Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa 1966
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph OSHEL, SP/5 and Mrs. Larry OSHEL and Tony and Mrs. Ingrid WILSON and children were dinner guests
Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Bill TRIDLE and daughters. Mrs. Jack CARSON and daughters and Mrs. Duane PINE and Janice were afternoon
David and Dan BARKER have returned to their college work in Ames, after spending the holidays with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BARKER, and family.
Lt. Lannie FERTIG returned his grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca BUMGARNER, Wednesday to her home in Benton from Ravenwood, MO,
where she had spent the holidays with relatives.
Lt. Lannie FERTIG, SP/1c Robert HALEY and Paul GARRETT returned Thursday to California after spending the holidays
with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley GARRETT and Mrs. Maudie MOBLEY attended funeral services for their cousin, Beldon WILSON, which were
held this (Monday) afternoon.
Pvt. Dean NICKLES called his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard NICKLES and Nancy, Saturday form Fort Polk, La., and wished
them a Happy New Year and to tell them he had arrived safely at his camp and was fine.
S/Sgt. John WOJCIK spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul RYCHNOVSKY and family. On Sunday, he returned
Carolyn RYCNHOVSKY to Des Moines, to resume her nurse's training at Mercy Hospital.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
January 3 - The Caledonia Sunday school attendance was 29.
Thursday, November 10, 1966: Mr. and Mrs. Mark ELLIOTT were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Lee STONE. Other dinner guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Howard STONE, Phil STONE, of Ogden, and A3/c Milton STONE, who is home on a two weeks' leave having
completed his schooling at the Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas. He will report the 18th at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, for
further instruction as an aircraft maintenance specialist. Mr. and Mrs. Jack ELLIOTT, Kirk and Karen were afternoon
callers. Mrs. Luther SCHARDEIN entertained the Thursday Club with the Mesdames J. T. NICOLS, Herman MAULDIN, Mark
ELLIOTT, Margaret LIVESAY and Birdie GLENDENNING in attendance. After the business meeting, Bingo was played with prizes
for everyone. Refreshments of pumpkin pie, wafers, nuts, mints and coffee were served by the hostess. The December
meeting will be a co-operative dinner in the home of Mrs. LIVESAY.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
January 3 - Dinner guests December 26, of Mrs. Stella O'DELL were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne O'DELL and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. George SEGO and daughter, of Grand River, Edna CRONIN, of Archie, Mo., John O'DELL, of Lineville, Mo., Mr. and
Mrs. Larry SAXTON, of Maryville, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'DELL and Roger.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
January 3 - Our church school attendance for January 2 was 46; collection, $9.21. There were five birthday anniversary
A six-pound, four-ounce daughter, Leann Kay, was born December 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Dale GREENE, of Ellston, in the Greater
Community Hospital in Creston. On hand to welcome Leann when taken from the hospital by her parents to her new home
were two brothers, Craig and Curtis. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Floy DRAKE, of Mount Ayr, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville GREENE,
of Diagonal.
"We arrived here the 31st," writes Clark JENNINGS, of Ellston, who, with Mrs. JENNINGS, is spending the winter in Mesa, Arizona.
"I expect you have heard of the flood in Phoenix. It is the first time I have seen water in the Scott River. The weather
here is shirt sleeve weather today (January 1)."
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
January 3 - Word was recevied last week of the death of Pfc. Charles SISSEL in Viet Nam. The community extends its
deepest sympathy to the family.
Alice MINTHORN, a student nurse in the Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard MINTHORN and Reuben. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 10, 1966:
Visitors during the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert HARRIS were Mr.and Mrs. Dwayne PEPPMEIER, Jerry HOWES,
Shirley WIN and Mr. and Mrs. David RAINEY and Sherrie, of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Norman WISSLER, of Wick; Ronnie RAINEY,
of Ames; Barbara JIMMERSON, of Grand River; and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert HARRIS and Tom DRAKE, of Kellerton.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
Our community was saddened to learn of the death Sunday afternoon of Vern LONG in a hospital in Columbia, MO. Mr. LONG
had been ill for quite some time. Mrs. Emeral WHEELEN spent part of last week with her brother, and she, Mr. WHEELEN,
her mother, Mrs. Winnie LONG and other members of the family went today (Monday) to St. James, Mo., where funeral services
are to be heldon Tuesday. We extend sympathy to the family.
David LYNCH, who had spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob LYNCH and sons, returned Sunday afternoon
to Mason City, where he has resumed classes at the junior college in that city.
Mrs. Lelan DUGAN and Eddie and Donna HARTMAN returned Mike DUGAN Sunday to his school [Iowa School for the Deaf?]
in Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron GATER visited from Wednesday until Friday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob LYUNCH and sons.
They returned Saturday to their home in Ames and today (Monday) resumed classes at Iowa State University.
Thursday, November 10, 1966:
The Middle Fork W.S.C.S. met Wednesday in the church. After the lesson led by Mrs. Elton WAUGH, the time was spent
quilting. The ladies were happy to have Mrs. Iris BROWN meet with them.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
Mr. and Mrs. Lester GRINDSTAFF returned Thursday evening to Mount Ayr, after spending the Christmas holidays with their
son and daughter-in-law, SFC and Mrs. Dean GRINDSTAFF, of El Paso, Texas, and sightseeing in Cindad Juarez, Mexico.
Mary Jane MERCER returned Sunday evening to Des Moines, where she has resumed her studies at the Mercy Hospital School
of Nursing, after spending the Christmas and New Year holidays in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin MERCER, other
relatives and with friends.
A group of neighbors and friends were entertained Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin SHIELDS on the
occasion of their 32nd wedding anniversary and the hostess' birthday anniversary. Included in the courtesy were Mr.
and Mrs. Ken CALDWELL and Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Joe BROWN and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond STEWART and children, of
Creston; Mr. and Mrs. Marion MILLIGAN, of Kellerton; Mr. and Mrs. Dewey HATFIELD, of Van Wert; and Mrs. Bernice RICE
and sons and Mrs. Audrey LINK, of Mount Ayr.
Bob BURRELL returned Sunday to Maryville, where he is a student at the Nortwest Missouri State College, after spending
the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roe BURRELL, other relatives and with friends.
Barry MONAGHAN, who had spent Christmas and New Year's holidays with relatives and friends, was returned Sunday by his
mother, Mrs. Jack MONAGHAN and Allyn, Mrs. M. C. HANNON and Richard PENCE to Maryville, where he is a freshman at the
Northwest Missouri State College. Marilyn DAVIS, Sharon LESAN, of Benton, and James SAVILLE, of Redding, concluded
a holiday vacation with their parents and were returned Sunday to Iowa City, where they attend the University of Iowa,
by Miss DAVIS' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royce DAVIS.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 10, 1966:
A co-operative dinner was served Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BARKER, of Benton, in honor of the host
and hostesss on their 25th wedding anniversary. Sharing the occasion were their children - Mrs. Garold CANNY, Waterloo;
David and Dan BARKER, Ames; Karyn BARKER, Des Moines; Lana BARKER, Maryville, Mo.; and Rita BARKER. Others present
were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil MAIN and sons, of Fremont, Neb.; Mr.and Mrs. Cecil KENDIG, of Des Moines, and Mr. and Mrs. Corwin
MAIN, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin MAIN and Mr. and Mrs. Donald SOBOTKA and family. Afternoon visitors were Allan KINNEY and Janis
SOBOTKA, of Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle RICHARDS, of Tingley, and Mrs. Elza FETTY. The Afternoon Arts and Crafts
Group met Nov. 7, in the home of Mrs. Marvin WOOLLUMS with Mrs. Dee LAMB as co-hostess. Sixteen members were present.
Making paper jewelry, the project for the afternoon, was demonstrated by the hostesses. All members participated and
many pretty pins were completed. ~ Reporter. ~ ~ ~ ~The Choral Department of the
Women's Federated Club met Nov. 2, at 1:30 p.m., in the library studyrooms. With the assistance of the Mesdames William
HAROVER and Dan CUNNING, Mrs. Gary MOZINGO was hostess for the 18 members present. Mrs. William HOHLFELD was elected
vice-president to fill the vacancy left by Mrs. Robert MCULLOUGH. A committed was apointed to determine the date in
Decembr the Choral Group will sing for the Clearview home and Sunny Slope Nursing Home. Co-chairmen are the Mesdames
Robert McCREARY and Norman KLEJCH and committee members are the Mesdames Gary MOZINGO, Dan CUNNING, Merton KNAPP and
Charles SOBOTKA. The next meeting has been called for Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m, in the library study rooms. ~ Reporter.
December 27, 1965 (Delayed):
Mr. and Mrs. Todd NORRIS, of Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe DENNEY, of Redding, Mr. and Mrs. Russell NORRIS, Steve and Dayna,
of Kellerton, Mr. and Mrs. Myron NORRIS, of St. Joseph, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy PAYNE and Jay were Christmas Day
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton NORRIS. The occasion also honored Mr. and Mrs. Todd NORRIS on their 59th
wedding anniversary.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 10, 1966:
Mr. and Mrs. Glen SWANK entertained Mr. and Mrs. Steve SWANK at supper Friday in honor of their son and brother, Kenny,
on the occasion of his fifth birthday anniversary. The Harmony Club met Wednesday with Mrs. Dayton NORRIS. Mrs. Roy
PAYNE was a guest.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
January 3 - This community was saddened Saturday morning by the death of Claude MORRISON. Sympathy is extended to his daughter,
Mrs. Merritt DENNEY, Mr. DENNEY and family, and other relatives. Callers at the Merritt DENNEY home were Mr. and Mrs.
Herschel MORRISON and Mr.and Mrs. Clarence MORRIOSN, of Mount Ayr, Amy MORRISON, of Tingley, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Denney.
Visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bert GOLDNER, of Mount Ayr, Mr. and Mrs. Richard GOLDNER and children, of Des Moines,
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd IBBOTSON and Mrs. Mabel IBBOTSON, of Creston, Mr.and Mrs. Charles GOODALE and Leila, of Maloy,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill JEFFERSON of Grant City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Duane MILLER and the Rev. Clarence LANDIS, of Blockton,
and Mrs. Owen LAMBERT. Mr. and Mrs. Larry DENNEY, of Creston, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack GOODALE, of Clearfield, spent
Saturday and Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt DENNEY.
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit SAVILLE took their son, Raymond, Sunday evening to Omaha, Neb., from where he returned by plane to Denver,
Colorado, and the Lowry Air Force Base, after a three-day leave.
Cynthia KELLY returned Sunday to Maryville where she is a student at the Northwest Missouri State College.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 10, 1966:
Nov. 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. AUSTIN and Zelma SHAW visited Sunday with Mrs. Vernon LANTZ, who has been a patient xince Monday
in the Ringgold County Hospital in Mount Ayr. Friends and neighbors were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Elmer DAY,
which occurred Saturday evening in the Ringgold County Hospital. She is survived by Mr. DAY; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Rexie DAVIS,
a brother and a sister. Jean COMBS returned home Sunday evening after spending several days in Des Moines while taking
state cosmetology board exams. A tractor being used by Michael LYNCH caught fire at the Bill LYNCH home Saturday evening
ans was badly damaged before the fire was brought under control. Patty LYNCH and Mrs. Michael LYNCH attended the band contest
and homecoming Saturday in Maryville, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl KELLEY, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. B. ELLIS, of Mount
Ayr, attended the homecoming parade of the Northwest Missouri State College Saturday in Maryville. Mr. and Mrs. Barton
ABARR visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Al McNATTAN of Carlisle. They also met and were accompanied home by their
daughter, Isabelle, who had spent since Thursday evening at an Inner City and Work Project seminar at Mercy Center in
Chicago. They were accompanied as far as Mount Ayr by Kathy MITCHELL, Mike KINNEY and Debbie LISCHER of Bedford.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
Mr. and Mrs. Howard RICK attended funeral services for their uncle, Oscar GARLAND, which were held Sunday afternoon
from the Methodist Church in Tingley, and were supper guests of the Donald RICE home in Osceola.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
The Rainbow Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Roy DAVENPORT. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Otto FERBER.
Thursday, November 10, 1966:
Nov. 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Bert LANE visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Robert SALTZMAN, a patient in the Leon hospital.
Dinner guests Saturday of Mrs. Florence KNIGHT and Mrs. Fred MUNN were Oscar FERBER, Dora FERBER and Mrs. and Mrs. Adolph
FERBER. Afternoon visitors were Mrs. Otto FERBER and Cecil SALTZMAN.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
Leon LUPHER of Tipton, Iowa, wrote: "I see that it is time to send my subscription as I do not want to lose out on the
news in the old county. It has been about 24 years ago that I lived in Ringgold county. I get back to Tingley two times
a year - it is 218 miles over to Tingley. There sure have been a lot of changes in that time. Thanks for everything."
Mr. and Mrs. Kent STANBERRY, of Murray, are the parents of a daughter, born Deember 31, in the Osceola hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred STANBERRY, of Tingley, are the paternal grandparents.
Marcene REYNOLDS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. REYNOLDS, became the bride of Garey CREVELING, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Funeral services for Oscar GARLAND, who died suddenly Friday evening in his home in
Tingley after he fell, fractured some ribs and punctured his lung, were held Sunday afternoon from the Methodist Church, conducted
by the Rev. A. R. WEED, of Orient.
Claude MORRISON, of Redding who suffered a stroke Friday morning, passed away Saturday morning in the Ringgold County
Hospital. Mr. MORRISON, who grew to manhood in the Tingley community, was a brother of H. J. MORRISON and Amy MORRISON,
of Tingley.
The card club enjoyed a New Year's Day dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald WEEDA.
The Pastime Club will be entertained January 14, in the home of Mrs. Le Grande MILLER. Please note the change in the date.
Mrs. Hugh FERGUSON, 90, passed away suddenly Sunday evening in the Clearview Home in Mount Ayr. Mrs. Ferguson was one of
the eldest residents of the Tingley community. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Brice WHISTLER, of Oregon, and
a son, Ira, of Tingley.
Thursday, November 10, 1966:
Nov. 7 - Mrs. Cyril GREEN opened her home Friday afternoon to the Pastime Club with 14 members present. The afternoon was
spent socially. Mrs. GREEN served salad, crackers, fruit cake, mints, coffee and tea. The Womens'Society of Christian
Service netted $370 from the dinner and bazaar held Thursday evening in the church. The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet Nov. 16, at 2 p.m., with Mrs. Floyd GUESS. Memebers are asked to take articles for the box to be sent to
Mitchellville. Costume jewelry and old Nylon hose area also needed. A cooperative supper wtill be served Veterans
Day in the Legion hall at 7 p.m. All Veterans and Auxiliary members and their families are invited to attend. Mr.
and Mrs. Gary POSLER, of Ames, are the proud parents of a son, Steven Clark, born Nov. 4. Mrs. POSLER will be remembered
as Shirley WEEDA, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard WEEDA, formerly of Tingley. Mr. and Mrs. Orville BEAR entertained
Sunday with a dinner as a courtesy to her father, Homer STEVENS, on his birthday anniversary. Sharing the courtesy were
his sisters, Mrs. Lula WILLIAMS, of Des Moines, and Mrs. Myrtle FOGLE, of Diagonal; his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil STEVENS and daughter, Mrs. Jerry KEMERY, of Blockton, and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. STEVENS and
Pam, of Des Moines. Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Freeman RIEF, of Diagonal.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
Mr. and Mrs. John TRIGGS and grandchildren, Diana and Kevin TRIGGS, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. MORRISON and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
BENNETT attended the Open House held Sunday afternoon in the Methodist Church in Tingley in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ben MARRS
on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Garey CREVELING, who wer united in marriage New Year's day in the Methodist Church in
Tingley.Mr. CREVELING is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne CREVELING, and the new Mrs. CREVELING is the former Marcene REYNOLDS,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manson REYNOLDS, of Tingley. The newlyweds will establish their home in Mount Ayr.
H. J. MORRISON received word Saturday of the death of his
brother, Claude MORRISON, of Redding. A brother, Pete MORRISON of Seattle, Wash., arrived Sunday morning to attend
the funeral services to be held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist Chuch in Redding.
Mrs. F. A. WILLIAMS of Tucson, Ariz., Mr. and Mrs. Harris HENRY, of Traer, Mr. and Mrs. John BLAUER, of Glenwood, Mrs.
Robert B. MILLER, of Washington, D.C., and the Rev. and Mrs. Wm. YAEGER, of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived during
the week to attend funeral services for the ladies' father, Gilbert WEBB.
Thursday, January 06, 1966:
(Delayed) Mr. and Mrs. Leland DUFTY drove Thursday night to Perry, from where they left by train for Las Vegas, NV, to spend the
holidays with her sister, Mrs. Helen TAPPON.
January 3 - Mrs. Bernice GRAY received word Sunday evening that her brother-in-law, Ralph GRAY, he passed away that afternoon
in the Veterans Hospital in Des Moines, where he had beena patient for several months.
The Kountry Klub met Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Leo SALTZMAN.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean JACKSON took their daughter, Joy, and son, Donnie, Sunday to Cedar Falls and Vinton, respectively after
they had spent the holidays at home.

Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, 2014

