Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages With Surname starting with M
The following marriages are from the records of Guilford Street, who was pastor at Hesper Society of Friends (Quakers), Hesper, Winneshiek County, Iowa 1972-1979. The marriages are recorded in a 1945 calendar. The marriages recorded with an asterisk were performed by Guilford Street, who had previously been a pastor at several other Friends churches in Iowa. Marriage locations are not included in the book. The marriages include friends and family as well as those marriages that took place in the churches where Rev. Street pastored. Click Here to view the marriages in the order that they appear in the book. Information in brackets is added by transcriber Connie Street this site was last updated on Friday, 26 June 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With M | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Maas, Evan | Maas, Herman | June 26 1965 -- Herman and Evan Perischo Maas |
Maas, Herman | Perischo, Evan | June 26 1965 -- Herman and Evan Perischo Maas |
Marsh, Earl | Marsh, Mary | September 20, 1919 -- Earl and Mary Marsh |
Marsh, Earle | Alcott, Pearl | January 1, 1963 -- Earle Marsh and Pearl Alcott Marsh |
Marsh, Fred | Marsh, Ivy | April 19, 1892 -- Fred and Ivy Marsh |
Marsh, Frederick | Lester, Mildred | Aug. 1, 1948* -- Frederick and Mildred Lester Marsh |
Marsh, Harold | Marsh, Iona | June 26, 1945 -- Harold and Iona Marsh |
Marsh, Iona | Marsh, Harold | June 26, 1945 -- Harold and Iona Marsh |
Marsh, Ivy | Marsh, Fred | April 19, 1892 -- Fred and Ivy Marsh |
Marsh, Mary | Marsh, Earl | September 20, 1919 -- Earl and Mary Marsh |
Marsh, Mildred | Marsh, Frederick | Aug. 1, 1948* -- Frederick and Mildred Lester Marsh |
Marsh, Pearl | Marsh, Earle | January 1, 1963 -- Earle Marsh and Pearl Alcott Marsh |
Marshall, Harvey | Marshall, Jeannianna | July 23, 1950 -- Harvey and Jeannianna Marshall |
Marshall, Jeannianna | Marshall, Harvey | July 23, 1950 -- Harvey and Jeannianna Marshall |
Martin, Ethel | Martin, Warren | June 18, 1945 -- Warren Martin and Ethel Seville |
Martin, France | Martin, Neil | June 25, 1949 -- France Parson and Neil Martin |
Martin, Howard | Martin, Phoebe | January 2, 1930 -- Howard and Phoebe Martin |
Martin, Lois | Sorensen, Fred | Aug. 25, 1951* -- Lois Martin and Fred Sorensen |
Martin, Mary Ann | Martin, Richard | Aug. 28, 1960 -- Richard and Mary Ann Bierman Martin [probably Muscatine, Iowa] |
Martin, Neil | Parson, France | June 25, 1949 -- France Parson and Neil Martin |
Martin, Phoebe | Martin, Howard | January 2, 1930 -- Howard and Phoebe Martin |
Martin, Rachel | Martin, Ralph | February 14, 1912 -- Ralph and Rachel Martin |
Martin, Ralph | Martin, Rachel | February 14, 1912 -- Ralph and Rachel Martin |
Martin, Reba | Martin, Wallace | March 5, 1943 -- Wallace and Reba Martin |
Martin, Richard | Bierman, Mary Ann | Aug. 28, 1960 -- Richard and Mary Ann Bierman Martin [probably Muscatine, Iowa] |
Martin, Wallace | Martin, Reba | March 5, 1943 -- Wallace and Reba Martin |
Martin, Warren | Seville, Ethel | June 18, 1945 -- Warren Martin and Ethel Seville |
McBride, Mariah | Quaintance, Lewis | April 28, 1836 -- Lewis Quaintance and Mariah McBride [Holmes Twp., Crawford County, Ohio] |
McCarger, Leslie | McCarger, Nina | June 4 1912 -- Leslie and Nina McCarger |
McCarger, Nina | McCarger, Leslie | June 4 1912 -- Leslie and Nina McCarger |
McCormick, Ralph | McCormick, Rilla | March 23, 1927 -- Ralph and Rilla McisCormick |
McCormick, Rilla | McCormick, Ralph | March 23, 1927 -- Ralph and Rilla McisCormick |
McDonald, Gladden | McDonald, Joanne | Aug. 6, 1945 -- Joanne and Gladden McDonald (divorced) |
McDonald, Joanne | McDonald, Gladden | Aug. 6, 1945 -- Joanne and Gladden McDonald (divorced) |
McNay, Linda | McNay, Thomas | May 31, 1964 -- Thomas and Linda Ramsey McNay |
McNay, Thomas | Ramsey, Linda | May 31, 1964 -- Thomas and Linda Ramsey McNay |
McPhetridge, Charles | McPhetridge, Geneva | March 21, 1919 -- Charles and Geneva McPhetridge |
McPhetridge, Geneva | McPhetridge, Charles | March 21, 1919 -- Charles and Geneva McPhetridge |
Meeker, Mary | Meeker, Willard | January 21, 1941 -- Willard and Mary Meeker |
Meeker, Susie | Reece, Earl | September 20, 1964 -- Earl and Susie Meeker, Reece |
Meeker, Willard | Meeker, Mary | January 21, 1941 -- Willard and Mary Meeker |
Mendenhall, Charleen | Mendenhall, Ralph | May 8, 1959 -- Charleen Schnell and Ralph Mendenhall |
Mendenhall, Ralph | Schnell, Charleen | May 8, 1959 -- Charleen Schnell and Ralph Mendenhall |
Mettke, Erna | Mettke, Gerhard | July 28, no year -- Gerhard and Erna Mettke |
Mettke, Gerhard | Mettke, Erna | July 28, no year -- Gerhard and Erna Mettke |
Michener, Margaret | Michener, Paul | Aug. 14, 1921 -- Paul and Margaret Michener |
Michener, Paul | Michener, Margaret | Aug. 14, 1921 -- Paul and Margaret Michener |
Moffitt, Abel | Moffitt, Ellen Marie | February 15, 1911 -- Abel and Ellen Marie Moffitt |
Moffitt, Clarence | Moffitt, Marie | April 27, 1944 -- Clarence and Marie Moffitt |
Moffitt, Daryl | Tjossem, Judy | March 21, 1970 -- Daryl and Judy Tjossem Moffitt |
Moffitt, Ellen Marie | Moffitt, Abel | February 15, 1911 -- Abel and Ellen Marie Moffitt |
Moffitt, Judy | Moffitt, Daryl | March 21, 1970 -- Daryl and Judy Tjossem Moffitt |
Moffitt, Marie | Moffitt, Clarence | April 27, 1944 -- Clarence and Marie Moffitt |
Montgomery, Diane | Montgomery, Steven | May 10, 1968 -- Diane Pickering and Steven Montgomery |
Montgomery, Steven | Pickering, Diane | May 10, 1968 -- Diane Pickering and Steven Montgomery |
Moon, Eileen | Stout, Barry Dean | April 26, 1969 -- Eileen Moon and Barry Dean Stout |
Moore, Bertie | Moore, George | February 24 1891 -- George and Bertie Moore |
Moore, Dorothy | Kirkpatrick, Robert | December 17 no year given -- Robert and Dorothy Moore Kirkpatrick |
Moore, George | Moore, Bertie | February 24 1891 -- George and Bertie Moore |
Moore, Margeret | Geise, Max | January 26, 1945 -- Max and Margeret Moore Geise |
Moore, Ralph | Moore, Ruth | February 11, 1932 -- Ralph and Ruth Moore |
Moore, Ruth | Moore, Ralph | February 11, 1932 -- Ralph and Ruth Moore |
Morgan, Fannie | Koester, William | June 7, 1899 -- William and Fannie Morgan Koester |
Morgan, Mary | Quaintance, Otis | March 16, 1898 -- Otis and Mary Morgan Quaintance |
Morris, Gladys | White, Elwood | June 5, 1949 -- Elwood and Gladys Morris White |
Murphy, Helen | Jensma, Fred | May 30, 1936 -- Fred and Helen Murphy Jensma |
Murray, Dale | Murray, Thelma | May 26 1939 -- Dale and Thelma Murray |
Murray, Thelma | Murray, Dale | May 26 1939 -- Dale and Thelma Murray |
Myers, Mary | Myers, Noland | September 29, 1921 -- Noland and Mary Myers |
Myers, Noland | Myers, Mary | September 29, 1921 -- Noland and Mary Myers |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With N | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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