Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages Celebrated in 1920 through 1924 With Surname starting with M this site was last updated on Wednesday, 03 July 2013 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With M | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Macal, Arthur | Thompson, Leona Amanda | Macal, Arthur / Leona Amanda Thompson : 1924----------------------------------------- Thompson, Leona Amanda / Arthur Macal : 1924 |
Macal, Edna Bonita | Thompson, Otto Sanford | Thompson, Otto Sanford / Edna Bonita Macal : 1924--------------------------------- Macal, Edna Bonita / Otto Sanford Thompson : 1924 |
Macal, Leona Amanda | Arthur, Macal | Macal, Arthur / Leona Amanda Thompson : 1924----------------------------------------- Thompson, Leona Amanda / Arthur Macal : 1924 |
Madigosky, Nellie | Peter, Madigosky | Madigosky, Peter / Nellie Johnson : 1920----------------------------------------------- Johnson, Nellie / Peter Madigosky : 1920 |
Madigosky, Peter | Johnson, Nellie | Madigosky, Peter / Nellie Johnson : 1920----------------------------------------------- Johnson, Nellie / Peter Madigosky : 1920 |
Magnus, Mabel B | Sanderson, Fredie L | Sanderson, Fredie L / Mabel B Magnus : 1923------------------------------------------- Magnus, Mabel B / Fredie L Sanderson : 1923 |
Mailey, Johanna | Keefe, William | Keefe, William / Johanna Mailey : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Mailey, Johanna / William Keefe : 1920 |
Mailey, Luella | William, Mailey | Mailey, William / Luella Fetts : 1921---------------------------------------------------- Fetts, Luella / William Mailey : 1921 |
Mailey, Rose T | Hayes, Frank H | Hayes, Frank H / Rose T Mailey : 1920---------------------------------------------------- Mailey, Rose T / Frank H Hayes : 1920 |
Mailey, William | Fetts, Luella | Mailey, William / Luella Fetts : 1921---------------------------------------------------- Fetts, Luella / William Mailey : 1921 |
Makepeace, Ina Marie | Benson, Oliver Tobias | Benson, OliverTobias / Ina Marie Makepeace : 1920--------------------------------- Makepeace, Ina Marie / Oliver Tobias Benson : 1920 |
Malanaphy, Dorothy | James J, Malanaphy | Malanaphy, James J / Dorothy Marlow : 1921-------------------------------------------- Marlow, Dorothy / James J Malanaphy : 1921 |
Malanaphy, James J | Marlow, Dorothy | Malanaphy, James J / Dorothy Marlow : 1921-------------------------------------------- Marlow, Dorothy / James J Malanaphy : 1921 |
Malinowski, Edith | John S, Malinowski | Malinowski, John S / Edith Held : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Held, Edith / John S Malinowski : 1920 |
Malinowski, John S | Held, Edith | Malinowski, John S / Edith Held : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Held, Edith / John S Malinowski : 1920 |
Malloy, Mary P | Gannon, Edward A | Gannon, Edward A / Mary P Malloy : 1920------------------------------------------------- Malloy, Mary P / Edward A Gannon : 1920 |
Manning, Ben D | Hartruft, Mrs Nina Stewart | Manning, Ben D / Mrs Nina Stewart Hartruft : 1924--------------------------------- Hartruft, Mrs Nina Stewart / Ben D Manning : 1924 |
Manning, Mrs Nina Stewart | Ben D, Manning | Manning, Ben D / Mrs Nina Stewart Hartruft : 1924--------------------------------- Hartruft, Mrs Nina Stewart / Ben D Manning : 1924 |
Manuel, Joe C | Brace, Lottie Muriel | Manuel, Joe C / Lottie Muriel Brace : 1920-------------------------------------------- Brace, Lottie Muriel / Joe C Manuel : 1920 |
Manuel, Lottie Muriel | Joe C, Manuel | Manuel, Joe C / Lottie Muriel Brace : 1920-------------------------------------------- Brace, Lottie Muriel / Joe C Manuel : 1920 |
Manuel, Zora May | Wilbur, Korah C | Wilbur, Korah C / Zora May Manuel : 1920----------------------------------------------- Manuel, Zora May / Korah C Wilbur : 1920 |
Maravetz, Agnes G | William, Maravetz | Maravetz, William / Agnes G Zbornik : 1923-------------------------------------------- Zbornik, Agnes G / William Maravetz : 1923 |
Maravetz, William | Zbornik, Agnes G | Maravetz, William / Agnes G Zbornik : 1923-------------------------------------------- Zbornik, Agnes G / William Maravetz : 1923 |
Marcy, Jean L | Johnson, Sanford H | Johnson, Sanford H / Jean L Marcy : 1921----------------------------------------------- Marcy, Jean L / Sanford H Johnson : 1921 |
Marcy, laura | Brandt, Helmuth | Brandt, Helmuth / Laura Marcy : 1924----------------------------------------------------- March, laura / Helmuth Brandt : 1924 |
Marlow, Blanche J | Forde, Ingolf E | Forde, Ingolf E / Blanche J Marlow : 1921---------------------------------------------- Marlow, Blanche J / Ingolf E Forde : 1921 |
Marlow, Dorothy | Malanaphy, James J | Malanaphy, James J / Dorothy Marlow : 1921-------------------------------------------- Marlow, Dorothy / James J Malanaphy : 1921 |
Marquett, Lionel W | Arford, Mrs Hazel V | Marquett, Lionel W / Mrs Hazel V Arford : 1921-------------------------------------- Arford, Mrs Hazel / Lionel W Marquett : 1921 |
Marquett, Mrs Hazel V | Lionel W, Marquett | Marquett, Lionel W / Mrs Hazel V Arford : 1921-------------------------------------- Arford, Mrs Hazel / Lionel W Marquett : 1921 |
Marsh, Florence J | Raeder, Irving B | Raeder, Irving B / Florence J Marsh : 1923-------------------------------------------- Marsh, Florence J / Irving B Raeder : 1923 |
Martin, Frieda A C | Engart, James W | Engart, James W / Frieda A C Martin : 1921-------------------------------------------- Martin, Frieda A C / James W Engart : 1921 |
Martinek, Anna | Bartosh, James | Bartosh, James / Anna Martinek : 1922---------------------------------------------------- Martinek, Anna / James Bartosh : 1922 |
Martinek, Magdolen | Kuhn, Alois | Kuhn, Alois / Magdolen Martinek : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Martinek, Magdolen / Alois Kuhn : 1920 |
Martinek, Otilla C | Krivachek, William F | Krivachek, William F / Otilla C Martinek : 1924------------------------------------ Martinek, Otilla C / William F Krivachek : 1924 |
Martinson, Alma R | Odden, John C | Odden, John C / Alma R Martinson : 1922------------------------------------------------- Martinson, Alma R / John C Odden : 1922 |
Mashek, Mamie | Hosting, William | Hosting, William / Mamie Mashek : 1921-------------------------------------------------- Mashek, Mamie / William Hosting : 1921 |
Mather, Viola | Barth, Willard H | Barth, Willard H / Viola Mather : 1921-------------------------------------------------- Mather, Viola / Willard H Barth : 1921 |
May, Zuelda | Sharp, Clyde | Sharp, Clyde / Zuelda May : 1924------------------------------------------------------------ May, Zuelda / Clyde Sharp : 1924 |
McCabe, Anna Stacia | Gossman, Leo P | Gossman, Leo P / Anna Stacia McCabe : 1920-------------------------------------------- McCabe, Anna Stacia / Leo P Gossman : 1920 |
McCauley, Mabel A | Courtney, Terrance P | Courtney, Terrance P / Mabel A McCauley : 1922-------------------------------------- McCauley, Mabel A / Terrance P Courtney : 1922 |
McConnell, Elizabeth T | Thomas, McConnell | McConnell, Thomas / Elizabeth T McCormick : 1923----------------------------------- McCormick, Elizabeth T / Thomas McConnell : 1923 |
McConnell, Mary B | Snider, Frank E | Snider, Frank E / Mary B McConnell : 1922---------------------------------------------- McConnell, Mary B / Frank E Snider : 1922 |
McConnell, Thomas | McCormick, Elizabeth T | McConnell, Thomas / Elizabeth T McCormick : 1923----------------------------------- McCormick, Elizabeth T / Thomas McConnell : 1923 |
McCormick, Elizabeth T | McConnell, Thomas | McConnell, Thomas / Elizabeth T McCormick : 1923----------------------------------- McCormick, Elizabeth T / Thomas McConnell : 1923 |
McCullock, Claude Charles | McKernan, Mary Evelen | McCullock, Claude Charles / Mary Evelen McKernan : 1920------------------------ McKernan, Mary Evelen / Claude Charles McCullock : 1920 |
McCullock, Mary Evelen | Claude Charles, McCullock | McCullock, Claude Charles / Mary Evelen McKernan : 1920------------------------ McKernan, Mary Evelen / Claude Charles McCullock : 1920 |
McIntosh, Carrie Marie | Lee, James Norman | Lee, James Norman / Carrie Marie McIntosh : 1923----------------------------------- McIntosh, Carrie Marie / James Norman Lee : 1923 |
McIntosh, Florence | Rima, Worden H | Rima, Worden H / Florence McIntosh : 1922---------------------------------------------- McIntosh, Florence / Worden H Rima : 1922 |
McKernan, Grayce Cecelia | Joseph Arthur, McKernan | McKernan, Joseph Arthur / Grayce Cecelia Carlin : 1920-------------------------- Carlin, Grayce Cecelia / Joseph Arthur McKernan : 1920 |
McKernan, Joseph Arthur | Carlin, Grayce Cecelia | McKernan, Joseph Arthur / Grayce Cecelia Carlin : 1920-------------------------- Carlin, Grayce Cecelia / Joseph Arthur McKernan : 1920 |
McKernan, Mary Evelen | McCullock, Claude Charles | McCullock, Claude Charles / Mary Evelen McKernan : 1920------------------------ McKernan, Mary Evelen / Claude Charles McCullock : 1920 |
McLain, Arthur K | Styve, Ruth H | McLain, Arthur K / Ruth H Styve : 1923-------------------------------------------------- Styve, Ruth H / Arthur K McLain : 1923 |
McLain, Lillian A | Gold, Herbert Hans | Gold, Herbert Hans / Lillian A McLain : 1922----------------------------------------- McLain, Lillian A / Herbert Hans Gold : 1922 |
McLain, Ruth H | Arthur K, McLain | McLain, Arthur K / Ruth H Styve : 1923-------------------------------------------------- Styve, Ruth H / Arthur K McLain : 1923 |
McLane, Earl P | Foss, Laura J | McLane, Earl P / Laura J Foss : 1924----------------------------------------------------- Foss, Laura J / Earl P McLane : 1924 |
McLane, Laura J | Earl P, McLane | McLane, Earl P / Laura J Foss : 1924----------------------------------------------------- Foss, Laura J / Earl P McLane : 1924 |
McManus, Ruth F | Bartels, Carl F | Bartels, Carl F / Ruth F McManus : 1923------------------------------------------------- McManus, Ruth F / Carl F Bartels : 1923 |
McMartin, Cleora P | Fisher, Earl G | Fisher, Earl G / Cleora P McMartin : 1921---------------------------------------------- McMartin, Cleora P / Earl G Fisher : 1921 |
McMartin, Mrs Luella | Young, Raymond | Young, Raymond / Mrs Luella McMartin : 1922------------------------------------------- McMartin, Mrs Luella / Raymond Young : 1922 |
McMillen, Esther | Jesse, McMillen | McMillen, Jesse / Esther Paulson : 1920------------------------------------------------- Paulson, Esther, Jesse McMillen : 1920 |
McMillen, Jesse | Paulson, Esther | McMillen, Jesse / Esther Paulson : 1920------------------------------------------------- Paulson, Esther, Jesse McMillen : 1920 |
Meaden, Adolph | Hlubek, Victoria | Meaden, Adolph / Victoria Hlubek : 1920------------------------------------------------- Hlubek, Victoria / Adolph Meaden : 1920 |
Meaden, Victoria | Adolph, Meaden | Meaden, Adolph / Victoria Hlubek : 1920------------------------------------------------- Hlubek, Victoria / Adolph Meaden : 1920 |
Mecklenburg, Ella | Frederick William, Mecklenburg | Mecklenburg, Frederick William / Ella Nord : 1920--------------------------------- Nord, Ella / Frederick William Mecklenburg : 1920 |
Mecklenburg, Frederick William | Nord, Ella | Mecklenburg, Frederick William / Ella Nord : 1920--------------------------------- Nord, Ella / Frederick William Mecklenburg : 1920 |
Medberry, Gladys W | Knode, Edwin R | Knode, Edwin R / Gladys W Medberry : 1922---------------------------------------------- Medberry, Gladys W / Edwin R Knode : 1922 |
Meltesen, Eva L | Herman W, Meltesen | Meltesen, Herman W / Eva L Stohr : 1921------------------------------------------------- Stohr, Eva L / Herman W Meltesen : 1921 |
Meltesen, Herman W | Stohr, Eva L | Meltesen, Herman W / Eva L Stohr : 1921------------------------------------------------- Stohr, Eva L / Herman W Meltesen : 1921 |
Mestad, Clarence Bennie | Larson, Edna Belinda | Mestad, Clarence Bennie / Edna Belinda Larson : 1920----------------------------- Larson, Edna Belinda / Clarence Bennie Mestad : 1920 |
Mestad, Edna Belinda | Clarence Bennie, Mestad | Mestad, Clarence Bennie / Edna Belinda Larson : 1920----------------------------- Larson, Edna Belinda / Clarence Bennie Mestad : 1920 |
Mestad, Joseph Oliver | Gjere, Nettie Amanda | Mestad, Joseph Oliver / Nettie Amanda Gjere : 1923-------------------------------- Gjere, Nettie Amanda / Joseph Oliver Mestad : 1923 |
Mestad, Julia E | Greindeland, Albert M | Greindeland, Albert M / Julia E Mestad : 1924---------------------------------------- Mestad, Julia E / Albert M Greindeland : 1924 |
Mestad, Nettie Amanda | Joseph Oliver, Mestad | Mestad, Joseph Oliver / Nettie Amanda Gjere : 1923-------------------------------- Gjere, Nettie Amanda / Joseph Oliver Mestad : 1923 |
Meyer, Daniel | Vsetecka, Loretta M | Meyer, Daniel / Loretta M Vsetecka : 1924---------------------------------------------- Vsetecka, Loretta M / Daniel Meyer : 1924 |
Meyer, Esther I | Schultz, George | Schultz, George / Esther I Meyer : 1921------------------------------------------------- Meyer, Esther I / George Schultz : 1921 |
Meyer, Esther L | Nieft, Clarence F | Nieft, Clarence F / Esther L Meyer : 1920---------------------------------------------- Meyer, Esther L / Clarence F Nieft : 1920 |
Meyer, Irene | Burns, Edwin E | Burns, Edwin E / Irene Meyer : 1920------------------------------------------------------- Meyer, Irene / Edwin E Burns : 1920 |
Meyer, Loretta M | Daniel, Meyer | Meyer, Daniel / Loretta M Vsetecka : 1924---------------------------------------------- Vsetecka, Loretta M / Daniel Meyer : 1924 |
Meyer, Lottie | Olson, Alph | Olson, Alph / Lottie Meyer : 1924---------------------------------------------------------- Meyer, Lottie / Alph Olson : 1924 |
Meyer, Marie H | Dahms, Harvey H | Dahms, Harvey H / Marie H Meyer : 1924-------------------------------------------------- Meyer, Marie H / Harvey H Dahms : 1924 |
Meyer, Melvine | Werner J W, Meyer | Meyer, Werner J W / Melvine Nesvik : 1924---------------------------------------------- Nesvik, Melvine / Werner J Meyer : 1924 |
Meyer, Ruby B | Peckham, Donald R | Peckham, Donald R / Ruby B Meyer : 1921------------------------------------------------- Meyer, Ruby B / Donald R Peckham : 1921 |
Meyer, Werner J W | Nesvik, Melvine | Meyer, Werner J W / Melvine Nesvik : 1924---------------------------------------------- Nesvik, Melvine / Werner J Meyer : 1924 |
Middlebrock, Cornelia | Leonard, Middlebrock | Middlebrock, Leonard / Cornelia Miller : 1922---------------------------------------- Miller, Cornelia / Leonard Middlebrock : 1922 |
Middlebrock, Leonard | Miller, Cornelia | Middlebrock, Leonard / Cornelia Miller : 1922---------------------------------------- Miller, Cornelia / Leonard Middlebrock : 1922 |
Mikesh, Emily | Swella, Fred C | Swella, Fred C / Emily Mikesh : 1922----------------------------------------------------- Mikesh, Emily / Fred C Swella : 1922 |
Miller, Blanche L | Anderson, Bennie N | Anderson, Bennie N/ Blanche L Miller : 1920----------------------------------------- Miller, Blanche L / Bennie N Anderson : 1920 |
Miller, Cornelia | Middlebrock, Leonard | Middlebrock, Leonard / Cornelia Miller : 1922---------------------------------------- Miller, Cornelia / Leonard Middlebrock : 1922 |
Miller, Ethel Irene | Palmer, James Leonard | Palmer, James Leonard / Ethel Irene Miller : 1920--------------------------------- Miller, Ethal Irene / James Leonard Palmer : 1920 |
Miller, Evelyn Louise | Ringoen, Elmer | Ringoen, Elmer / Evelyn Louise Miller : 1921----------------------------------------- Evelyn Louise Miller / Elmer Ringoen : 1921 |
Mishak, Tillie C | William John, Mishak | Mishak, William John / Tillie C Remke : 1923----------------------------------------- Remke, Tillie C / William John Mishak : 1923 |
Mishak, William John | Remke, Tillie C | Mishak, William John / Tillie C Remke : 1923----------------------------------------- Remke, Tillie C / William John Mishak : 1923 |
Mitchell, Loretta R | Thomas A, Mitchell | Mitchell, Thomas A / Loretta R Drew : 1923-------------------------------------------- Drew, Loretta R / Thomas A Mitchell : 1923 |
Mitchell, Thomas A | Drew, Loretta R | Mitchell, Thomas A / Loretta R Drew : 1923-------------------------------------------- Drew, Loretta R / Thomas A Mitchell : 1923 |
Moe, Alice B | Chester M, Moe | Moe, Chester M / Alice B Solem : 1921---------------------------------------------------- Solem, Alice B / Chester M Moe : 1921 |
Moe, Chester M | Solem, Alice B | Moe, Chester M / Alice B Solem : 1921---------------------------------------------------- Solem, Alice B / Chester M Moe : 1921 |
Moe, Florence M | Selmer G, Moe | Moe, Selmer G / Florence M Thune : 1922------------------------------------------------- Thune, Florence M / Selmer G Moe : 1922 |
Moe, Lilly Amanda | Haugen, Edgar Oscar | Haugen, Edgar Oscar / Lilly Amanda Moe : 1923---------------------------------------- Moe, Lilly Amanda / Edgar Oscar Haugen : 1923 |
Moe, Selmer G | Thune, Florence M | Moe, Selmer G / Florence M Thune : 1922------------------------------------------------- Thune, Florence M / Selmer G Moe : 1922 |
Moeller, Theresa | Moser, Othmae | Moser, Othmae / Theresa Moeller : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Moeller, Theresa / Othmae Moser : 1920 |
Moellers, Bertha | Gardner, Clem A | Gardner, Clem A / Bertha Moellers : 1921----------------------------------------------- Moellers, Bertha / Clem A Gardner : 1921 |
Moellers, Felix | Heying, Margaret | Moellers, Felix / Margaret Heying : 1920----------------------------------------------- Heying, Margaret / Felix Moellers : 1920 |
Moellers, Margaret | Felix, Moellers | Moellers, Felix / Margaret Heying : 1920----------------------------------------------- Heying, Margaret / Felix Moellers : 1920 |
Moen, Agnes | Ginapp, Edwin Fred | Ginapp, Edwin Fred / Agnes Moen : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Moen, Agnes / Edwin Fred Ginapp : 1920 |
Moen, Alma H | Lofte, Alfred B | Lofte, Alfred B / Alma H Moen : 1921----------------------------------------------------- Moen, Alma H / Alfred B Lofte : 1921 |
Moen, Amy Beatrice | Buddenberg, Harvey E | Buddenberg, Harvey E / Amy Beatrice Moen : 1920------------------------------------ Moen, Amy Beatrice / Harvey E Buddenberg : 1920 |
Moen, Gladys Olivida | Kolseth, Hjolmar | Kolseth, Hjolmar / Gladys Olivida Moen : 1922---------------------------------------- Moen, Gladys Olivida / Hjolmar Kolseth : 1922 |
Moen, Ida | Vine, Hjalmer | Vine, Hjalmer / Ida Moen : 1924------------------------------------------------------------- Moen, Ida / Hjalmer Vine : 1924 |
Moen, Nora | Halverson, Oscar | Halverson, Oscar / Nora Moen : 1920------------------------------------------------------- Moen, Nora / Oscar Halverson : 1920 |
Monroe, Albert C | Land, Mari A | Monroe, Albert C / Mari A Land : 1920---------------------------------------------------- Land, Mari A / Albert C Monroe : 1920 |
Monroe, Henry James | Peschel, Nettie | Monroe, Henry James / Nettie Peschel : 1924------------------------------------------- Peschel, Nettie / Henry James Monroe : 1924 |
Monroe, Mari A | Albert C, Monroe | Monroe, Albert C / Mari A Land : 1920---------------------------------------------------- Land, Mari A / Albert C Monroe : 1920 |
Monroe, Nettie | Henry James, Monroe | Monroe, Henry James / Nettie Peschel : 1924------------------------------------------- Peschel, Nettie / Henry James Monroe : 1924 |
Monson, Mabel | Koch, Walter | Koch, Walter / Mabel Monson : 1921-------------------------------------------------------- Monson, Mabel / Walter Koch : 1921 |
Monson, Olga Johanna | Oscar Adolph, Monson | Monson, Oscar Adolph / Olga Johanna Nelson : 1924--------------------------------- Nelson, Olga Johanna / Oscar Adolph Monson : 1924 |
Monson, Oscar Adolph | Nelson, Olga Johanna | Monson, Oscar Adolph / Olga Johanna Nelson : 1924--------------------------------- Nelson, Olga Johanna / Oscar Adolph Monson : 1924 |
Moore, Berneta Marie | Ernest W, Moore | Moore, Ernest W / Berneta Marie Fullen : 1920---------------------------------------- Fullen Berneta Marie / Ernest W Moore : 1920 |
Moore, Ernest W | Fullen, Berneta Marie | Moore, Ernest W / Berneta Marie Fullen : 1920---------------------------------------- Fullen Berneta Marie / Ernest W Moore : 1920 |
Mordahl, Frances | Nash, Charlie | Nash, Charlie / Frances Mordahl : 1921-------------------------------------------------- Mordahl, Frances / Charlie Nash : 1921 |
Morrison, Caroline | Claude Andrew, Morrison | Morrison, Claude Andrew / Caroline Sande : 1923------------------------------------ Sande, Caroline / Claude Andrew Morrison : 1923 |
Morrison, Claude Andrew | Sande, Caroline | Morrison, Claude Andrew / Caroline Sande : 1923------------------------------------ Sande, Caroline / Claude Andrew Morrison : 1923 |
Morrison, Leonard T | Strinmoen, Olga B | Morrison, Leonard T / Olga B Strinmoen : 1922---------------------------------------- Strinmoen, Olga B / Leonard T Morrison : 1922 |
Morrison, Olga B | Leonard T, Morrison | Morrison, Leonard T / Olga B Strinmoen : 1922---------------------------------------- Strinmoen, Olga B / Leonard T Morrison : 1922 |
Morstad, Nellie | Grinager, Arthur Henry | Grinager, Arthur Henry / Nellie Morstad : 1921-------------------------------------- Morstad, Nellie / Arthur Henry Grinager : 1921 |
Morton, Letha J | Howard, William C | Howard, William C / Letha J Morton : 1920---------------------------------------------- Morton Letha J / William C Howard : 1920 |
Moser, Othmae | Moeller, Theresa | Moser, Othmae / Theresa Moeller : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Moeller, Theresa / Othmae Moser : 1920 |
Moser, Theresa | Othmae, Moser | Moser, Othmae / Theresa Moeller : 1920-------------------------------------------------- Moeller, Theresa / Othmae Moser : 1920 |
Moses, George O | Soltow, Lovis M | Moses, George O / Lovis M Soltow : 1921------------------------------------------------- Soltow, Lovis M / George O Moses : 1921 |
Moses, Lovis M | George O, Moses | Moses, George O / Lovis M Soltow : 1921------------------------------------------------- Soltow, Lovis M / George O Moses : 1921 |
Moudry, Caroline Ruth | Bruening, Charles J | Bruening, Charles J / Caroline Ruth Moudry : 1923--------------------------------- Moudry, Caroline Ruth / Charles J Bruening : 1923 |
Mozenett, Frances H | Ringdahl, Carl J | Ringdahl, Carl J / Frances H Mozenett : 1922----------------------------------------- Mozenett, Frances H / Carl J Ringdahl : 1922 |
Murdock, Gladys V | Hayes, Eugene M | Hayes, Eugene M / Gladys V Murdock : 1921---------------------------------------------- Murdock, Gladys V / Eugene M Hayes : 1921 |
Musser, Mabel B | Hegg, Oscar L | Hegg, Oscar L / Mabel B Musser : 1920---------------------------------------------------- Musser, Mable B / Oscar L Hegg : 1920 |
Myren, Halvor | Peck, Mrs Maud | Myren, Halvor / Mrs Maud Peck : 1924----------------------------------------------------- Peck, Mrs Maud / Halvor Myren : 1924 |
Myren, Mrs Maud | Halvor, Myren | Myren, Halvor / Mrs Maud Peck : 1924----------------------------------------------------- Peck, Mrs Maud / Halvor Myren : 1924 |
Mzik, Edward | Lentz, Regina | Mzik, Edward / Regina Lentz : 1921-------------------------------------------------------- Lentz, Regina / Edward Mzik : 1921 |
Mzik, Regina | Edward, Mzik | Mzik, Edward / Regina Lentz : 1921-------------------------------------------------------- Lentz, Regina / Edward Mzik : 1921 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With N | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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