Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages With Surname starting with A
The following marriages are from the records of Guilford Street, who was pastor at Hesper Society of Friends (Quakers), Hesper, Winneshiek County, Iowa 1972-1979. The marriages are recorded in a 1945 calendar. The marriages recorded with an asterisk were performed by Guilford Street, who had previously been a pastor at several other Friends churches in Iowa. Marriage locations are not included in the book. The marriages include friends and family as well as those marriages that took place in the churches where Rev. Street pastored. Click Here to view the marriages in the order that they appear in the book. Information in brackets is added by transcriber Connie Street this site was last updated on Friday, 26 June 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With A | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Adams, Bernice | Adams, Dale | March 5, 1938 -- Dale and Bernice Adams |
Adams, Dale | Adams, Bernice | March 5, 1938 -- Dale and Bernice Adams |
Airy, Mae | Airy, Vern | February 12, 1919 -- Vern and Mae Airy |
Airy, Vern | Airy, Mae | February 12, 1919 -- Vern and Mae Airy |
Alcott, Pearl | Marsh, Earle | January 1, 1963 -- Earle Marsh and Pearl Alcott Marsh |
Allman, Mary | Allman, Wayne | July 8, 1946 -- Wayne and Mary Allman |
Allman, Wayne | Allman, Mary | July 8, 1946 -- Wayne and Mary Allman |
Alpers, Robert | Clampitt, Shirley Jo | Aug. 26, 1969 -- Robert and Shirley Jo Clampitt Alpers |
Alpers, Shirley Jo | Alpers, Robert | Aug. 26, 1969 -- Robert and Shirley Jo Clampitt Alpers |
Anderson, Barbara | Andlehelm, William | July 6, 1946 -- William and Barbara Anderson Andlehelm |
Anderson, Leah | Anderson, Roy | September 27, 1947 -- Leah Ivey and Roy Anderson (probably Muscatine County) |
Anderson, Mildred | Brian, Rayford | November 29, 1930 -- Rayford and Mildred Anderson Brian |
Anderson, Roy | Ivey, Leah | September 27, 1947 -- Leah Ivey and Roy Anderson (probably Muscatine County) |
Andlehelm, Barbara | Andlehelm, William | July 6, 1946 -- William and Barbara Anderson Andlehelm |
Andlehelm, William | Anderson, Barbara | July 6, 1946 -- William and Barbara Anderson Andlehelm |
Andrews, Barbara | Andrews, David | April 27, 1953 -- David and Barbara Andrews |
Andrews, David | Andrews, Barbara | April 27, 1953 -- David and Barbara Andrews |
Ask, Marilyn | Ask, Robert | May 29, 1949 -- Marilyn Reid and Robert Ask |
Ask, Robert | Reid, Marilyn | May 29, 1949 -- Marilyn Reid and Robert Ask |
Audlehelm, Opal | Audlehelm, Walter | April 10, 1918 -- Walter and Opal Audlehelm |
Audlehelm, Walter | Audlehelm, Opal | April 10, 1918 -- Walter and Opal Audlehelm |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With B | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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