Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages With Surname starting with H
The following marriages are from the records of Guilford Street, who was pastor at Hesper Society of Friends (Quakers), Hesper, Winneshiek County, Iowa 1972-1979. The marriages are recorded in a 1945 calendar. The marriages recorded with an asterisk were performed by Guilford Street, who had previously been a pastor at several other Friends churches in Iowa. Marriage locations are not included in the book. The marriages include friends and family as well as those marriages that took place in the churches where Rev. Street pastored. Click Here to view the marriages in the order that they appear in the book. Information in brackets is added by transcriber Connie Street this site was last updated on Friday, 26 June 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With H | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Hackney, Anna | Hackney, James | April 6, 1905 -- James and Anna Hackney |
Hackney, Henry | Hackney, Lilla | October 5, 1904 -- Henry and Lilla Hackney |
Hackney, James | Hackney, Anna | April 6, 1905 -- James and Anna Hackney |
Hackney, Lilla | Hackney, Henry | October 5, 1904 -- Henry and Lilla Hackney |
Hadley, Clare Lee | Locker, Darrell Boyd | November 28, 1957 -- Clare Lee Hadley and Darrell Boyd Locker |
Hadley, Edwin | Hadley, Hazel | September 14, 1947 -- Edwin and Hazel Hadley |
Hadley, Fleda | Hadley, Paul | June 8, 1921 -- Fleda Johnson and Paul Hadley |
Hadley, Hazel | Hadley, Edwin | September 14, 1947 -- Edwin and Hazel Hadley |
Hadley, Paul | Johnson, Fleda | June 8, 1921 -- Fleda Johnson and Paul Hadley |
Hadley, Vera | Cutler, Lawrence | May 8, 1938 -- Lawrence and Vera Hadley Cutler |
Hagedorn, Florence | Hagedorn, Roy | February 20, 1925 -- Roy and Florence Hagedorn |
Hagedorn, Roy | Hagedorn, Florence | February 20, 1925 -- Roy and Florence Hagedorn |
Hain, Neva | Hain, Robert | April 5, 1950 -- Neva Street and Robert Hain [Hesper] |
Hain, Robert | Street, Neva | April 5, 1950 -- Neva Street and Robert Hain [Hesper] |
Hamilton, Patsy | Hutchison, Donald | December 13, 1959 -- Donald and Patsy Hamilton Hutchison |
Hamlin, Roberta | White, Gerald | May 6, 1950 -- Gerald White and Roberta Hamlin |
Hammer, Jay | Hammer, Mabel | December 19, 1900 -- Jay and Mabel Hammer |
Hammer, Mabel | Hammer, Jay | December 19, 1900 -- Jay and Mabel Hammer |
Harden, Hattie | Gerst, David | November 4, 1926 -- David and Hattie Harden Gerst (probably Louisa County) |
Harrah, Shirley | Birley, Eugene | February 21, 1960* -- Eugene and Shirley Harrah Birley |
Harrington, LaVola | Trout, Leslie | June 12, no year -- Leslie and LaVola Harrington Trout [probably Jasper County, Iowa] |
Harris, Fern | Varela, Jaime | January 7, 1945 -- Jaime and Fern Harris Varela (divorced) |
Harris, H. L. | Harris, Lena | January 24, 1888 -- H. L. and Lena Harris |
Harris, John F. | Dunham, Linda | Aug. 25, 1963 -- Linda Dunham and John F. Harris |
Harris, Lena | Harris, H. L. | January 24, 1888 -- H. L. and Lena Harris |
Harris, Leona | Harris, Leroy | March 3, 1915 -- Leroy and Leona Harris |
Harris, Leroy | Harris, Leona | March 3, 1915 -- Leroy and Leona Harris |
Harris, Linda | Harris, John F. | Aug. 25, 1963 -- Linda Dunham and John F. Harris |
Hartman, Carol | Hartman, Paul | October 1, 1955 -- Paul and Carol Gerst Hartman |
Hartman, Iva | Hartman, Richard | November 14, 1936 -- Richard and Iva Hartman |
Hartman, Iva Jayne | Popejoy, Douglas | May 6, 1967 -- Douglas and Iva Jayne Hartman Popejoy |
Hartman, Janet | Downing, Adolphs and Larry Lee | June 6, 1968 -- Janet Hartman and Adolphs and Larry Lee Downing |
Hartman, Paul | Gerst, Carol | October 1, 1955 -- Paul and Carol Gerst Hartman |
Hartman, Richard | Hartman, Iva | November 14, 1936 -- Richard and Iva Hartman |
Harvey, Charles | Nance, Irene | September 14, 1940 -- Charles and Irene Nance Harvey |
Harvey, Guy | Harvey, Versa | June 6 1917 -- Guy and Versa Harvey [See June 11] |
Harvey, Guy | Harvey, Versa | June 11, 1917 -- Guy and Versa Harvey [See June 6] |
Harvey, Irene | Harvey, Charles | September 14, 1940 -- Charles and Irene Nance Harvey |
Harvey, Versa | Harvey, Guy | June 6 1917 -- Guy and Versa Harvey [See June 11] |
Harvey, Versa | Harvey, Guy | June 11, 1917 -- Guy and Versa Harvey [See June 6] |
Hawks, Avis | Street, Granville | October 26, 1921 -- Granville and Avis Hawks Street |
Haworth, Beverly | Haworth, Norman | September 11, 1954 -- Beverly Nelson and Norman Haworth |
Haworth, Burnell | Haworth, Helen | January 1, 1930 -- Helen and Burnell Haworth |
Haworth, Helen | Haworth, Burnell | January 1, 1930 -- Helen and Burnell Haworth |
Haworth, Norman | Nelson, Beverly | September 11, 1954 -- Beverly Nelson and Norman Haworth |
Haynes, Ed | Haynes, Rogna | November 11, 1938 -- Rogna and Ed Haynes |
Haynes, Rogna | Haynes, Ed | November 11, 1938 -- Rogna and Ed Haynes |
Heathershaw, Ed | Heathershaw, Ethel | Aug. 4, 1920 -- Ed and Ethel Heathershaw |
Heathershaw, Ethel | Heathershaw, Ed | Aug. 4, 1920 -- Ed and Ethel Heathershaw |
Hellberg, Helen | Fuller, Dennis | November 30, 1968 -- Dennis and Helen Hellberg Fuller |
Herlein, Albert | Herlein, Ruth | December 6, 1939* (assisted) -- Albert and Ruth Herlein |
Herlein, Ruth | Herlein, Albert | December 6, 1939* (assisted) -- Albert and Ruth Herlein |
Hetzler, Dorothy | Hetzler, Gerald | April 4 1943*(assisted) -- Gerald and Dorothy Hetzler [probably Muscatine, Iowa] |
Hetzler, Esther | Hetzler, Keith | June 27, 1937 -- Keith and Esther Hetzler |
Hetzler, Gerald | Hetzler, Dorothy | April 4 1943*(assisted) -- Gerald and Dorothy Hetzler [probably Muscatine, Iowa] |
Hetzler, Keith | Hetzler, Esther | June 27, 1937 -- Keith and Esther Hetzler |
Hill, A Mabel | Hill, Frank | January 7, 1915 -- Frank and a Mabel Hill |
Hill, Frank | Hill, A Mabel | January 7, 1915 -- Frank and a Mabel Hill |
Hill, J. F. | Battey, Mary | October 8, 1908 -- J. F. and Mary Battey Hill |
Hill, Mary | Hill, J. F. | October 8, 1908 -- J. F. and Mary Battey Hill |
Hinshaw, Clarence | Hinshaw, Laura | February 3, 1948 -- Clarence and Laura Hinshaw |
Hinshaw, Coleen | Hinshaw, Ivan | June 16, 1933 -- Ivan and Coleen Hinshaw |
Hinshaw, Daisy | Hinshaw, Kane | October 21, 1892 -- Kane and Daisy Hinshaw |
Hinshaw, Ivan | Hinshaw, Coleen | June 16, 1933 -- Ivan and Coleen Hinshaw |
Hinshaw, Kane | Hinshaw, Daisy | October 21, 1892 -- Kane and Daisy Hinshaw |
Hinshaw, Laura | Hinshaw, Clarence | February 3, 1948 -- Clarence and Laura Hinshaw |
Hoag, Charles | Fuller, Freda | June 10, 1949* -- Charles and Freda Fuller Hoag [Muscatine, Iowa] |
Hoag, Charles | Hoag, Mary Ellen | June 1, 1943 -- Charles and Mary Ellen Hoag [probably Muscatine, Iowa] |
Hoag, Clinton | Hoag, Florence | January 21, 1914 -- Clinton and Florence Hoag |
Hoag, Doris | Hoag, Ralph | February 17, 1952 -- Doris Welk and Ralph Hoag |
Hoag, Dorothy | Loose, Chester | September 21, 1940* -- Chester and Dorothy Hoag Loose |
Hoag, Esther | Hoag, John | April 13, 1941 -- John and Esther Hoag |
Hoag, Florence | Hoag, Clinton | January 21, 1914 -- Clinton and Florence Hoag |
Hoag, Freda | Hoag, Charles | June 10, 1949* -- Charles and Freda Fuller Hoag [Muscatine, Iowa] |
Hoag, Freda | Hoag, Paul | January 9, 1932 -- Paul and Freda Hoag |
Hoag, John | Hoag, Esther | April 13, 1941 -- John and Esther Hoag |
Hoag, Laura | Bird, Ira | Aug. 28, 1949 -- Laura Hoag and Ira Bird |
Hoag, Lydia | Hoag, Walter | November 13, 1930 3 -- Lydia and Walter Hoag |
Hoag, Mary Ellen | Hoag, Charles | June 1, 1943 -- Charles and Mary Ellen Hoag [probably Muscatine, Iowa] |
Hoag, Paul | Hoag, Freda | January 9, 1932 -- Paul and Freda Hoag |
Hoag, Ralph | Welk, Doris | February 17, 1952 -- Doris Welk and Ralph Hoag |
Hoag, Ruth | Ziegenhorn, Gwyen | Aug. 1, 1942* -- Gwyen and Ruth Hoag Ziegenhorn (possibly Muscatine, Iowa) |
Hoag, Twyla | Hoag, Walter | July 1, 1955 -- Walter and Twyla Davis Hoag |
Hoag, Walter | Davis, Twyla | July 1, 1955 -- Walter and Twyla Davis Hoag |
Hoag, Walter | Hoag, Lydia | November 13, 1930 3 -- Lydia and Walter Hoag |
Hobson, Minnie | Hobson, Vern | October 20, 1924 -- Vern and Minnie Hobson |
Hobson, Vern | Hobson, Minnie | October 20, 1924 -- Vern and Minnie Hobson |
Hodson, Cash | Hodson, Ruth | January 26 no year -- Cash and Ruth Hodson |
Hodson, Ruth | Hodson, Cash | January 26 no year -- Cash and Ruth Hodson |
Holder, Joy Elizabeth | Clampitt, Ronald | Aug. 2, 1962 -- Ronald and Joy Elizabeth Holder Clampitt |
Hoover, Maxine | Beane, Ercil | November 26, 1938 -- Ercil and Maxine Hoover Beane |
Horner, Birdie | Horner, Walter | April 27, 1911 -- Walter and Birdie Horner |
Horner, Walter | Horner, Birdie | April 27, 1911 -- Walter and Birdie Horner |
Horton, Louise | Sponsler, Roy | February 23, 1957 -- Roy and Louise Horton Sponsler |
Houck, Bess | Houck, Herman | September 3, 1938 -- Herman and Bess Houck |
Houck, Herman | Houck, Bess | September 3, 1938 -- Herman and Bess Houck |
Huffman, Barbara | Huffman, Fred Norman | June 4, 1955 -- Barbara Winnemore and Fred Norman Huffman [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] |
Huffman, Fred Norman | Winnemore, Barbara | June 4, 1955 -- Barbara Winnemore and Fred Norman Huffman [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] |
Hutchison, Cooper | Hutchison, Lena | February 4 1915 -- Cooper and Lena Hutchison |
Hutchison, Donald | Hamilton, Patsy | December 13, 1959 -- Donald and Patsy Hamilton Hutchison |
Hutchison, Gladys | Baltisberger, Ronald | June 10, 1941* -- Ronald and Gladys Hutchison Baltisberger |
Hutchison, Lena | Hutchison, Cooper | February 4 1915 -- Cooper and Lena Hutchison |
Hutchison, Patsy | Hutchison, Donald | December 13, 1959 -- Donald and Patsy Hamilton Hutchison |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With I | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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