Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages With Surname starting with S
The following marriages are from the records of Guilford Street, who was pastor at Hesper Society of Friends (Quakers), Hesper, Winneshiek County, Iowa 1972-1979. The marriages are recorded in a 1945 calendar. The marriages recorded with an asterisk were performed by Guilford Street, who had previously been a pastor at several other Friends churches in Iowa. Marriage locations are not included in the book. The marriages include friends and family as well as those marriages that took place in the churches where Rev. Street pastored. Click Here to view the marriages in the order that they appear in the book. Information in brackets is added by transcriber Connie Street this site was last updated on Tuesday, 01 November 2011 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With S | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Sampson, Winona | Graham, the George | February 4, 1947 -- Winona Sampson and the George Graham |
Sams, Lawrence | Sams, Sarebelle | November 9 1914 -- Lawrence and Sarebelle Sams |
Sams, Sarebelle | Sams, Lawrence | November 9 1914 -- Lawrence and Sarebelle Sams |
Savage, Esther | Savage, Lewis | May 26, 1936 -- Lewis and Esther Savage |
Savage, Lewis | Savage, Esther | May 26, 1936 -- Lewis and Esther Savage |
Saver, Joyce | Jarmsen, Ronald | July 10, 1960 -- Ronald and Joyce Saver Jarmsen |
Schnell, Charleen | Mendenhall, Ralph | May 8, 1959 -- Charleen Schnell and Ralph Mendenhall |
Scott, Charles | Scott, Charlotte | October 1, 1930 -- Charles and Charlotte Scott |
Scott, Charlotte | Scott, Charles | October 1, 1930 -- Charles and Charlotte Scott |
Seville, Ethel | Martin, Warren | June 18, 1945 -- Warren Martin and Ethel Seville |
Shafer, Mervyn | Shafer, Thelma | June 6, 1937 -- Mervyn and Thelma Shafer [Muscatine, Iowa] |
Shafer, Thelma | Shafer, Mervyn | June 6, 1937 -- Mervyn and Thelma Shafer [Muscatine, Iowa] |
Sharer, Alva | Sharer, Gladys | February 14, 1952* -- Gladys and Alva Sharer |
Sharer, Gertrude Josephine | Quaintance, Otis Ephron | March 27, 1939 -- Otis Ephron Quaintance and Gertrude Josephine Sharer Cole [Kansas City, Missouri] |
Sharer, Gladys | Sharer, Alva | February 14, 1952* -- Gladys and Alva Sharer |
Shaw, Karen | Shaw, Robert Eli | June 24, 1967 -- Karen Wallace and Robert Eli Shaw |
Shaw, Robert Eli | Wallace, Karen | June 24, 1967 -- Karen Wallace and Robert Eli Shaw |
Shipman, Janet | Shipman, Wayne | Aug. 19, 1956 -- Wayne and Janet Gerst Shipman [Oakville, Iowa] |
Shipman, Wayne | Gerst, Janet | Aug. 19, 1956 -- Wayne and Janet Gerst Shipman [Oakville, Iowa] |
Shultz, George | Shultz, Roberta | Aug. 2, 1939 -- George and Roberta Shultz |
Shultz, Roberta | Shultz, George | Aug. 2, 1939 -- George and Roberta Shultz |
Simpson, Norvell | Simpson, Russell | January 13, 1939* -- Russell and Norvell Simpson |
Simpson, Russell | Simpson, Norvell | January 13, 1939* -- Russell and Norvell Simpson |
Simpson, Tama | Simpson, Walter | February 24, 1904 -- Walter and Tama Simpson |
Simpson, Walter | Simpson, Tama | February 24, 1904 -- Walter and Tama Simpson |
Sinton, Dorothy | Sinton, John | May 19, 1919 -- John and Dorothy Sinton |
Sinton, John | Sinton, Dorothy | May 19, 1919 -- John and Dorothy Sinton |
Skaife, Barbara | Busse, Derwood | December 25, 1957 -- Derwood and Barbara Skaife Busse |
Smith, Cary | Smith, Inez | January 1, 1914 -- Cary and Inez Smith |
Smith, Edward | Upfield, Jayma | December 17, 1967* -- Edward and Jayma Upfield Smith |
Smith, Inez | Smith, Cary | January 1, 1914 -- Cary and Inez Smith |
Smith, Jayma | Smith, Edward | December 17, 1967* -- Edward and Jayma Upfield Smith |
Smith, Joy | Smith, Richard | July 12, 1927 -- Joy and Richard Smith |
Smith, Richard | Smith, Joy | July 12, 1927 -- Joy and Richard Smith |
Smith, Virginia | Smith, William | Aug. 15, 1965 -- William and Virginia Woodward Smith |
Smith, William | Woodward, Virginia | Aug. 15, 1965 -- William and Virginia Woodward Smith |
Snyder, Joanne | Snyder, Richard | September 4, 1956 -- Richard Snyder and Joanne Whitehead |
Snyder, Richard | Whitehead, Joanne | September 4, 1956 -- Richard Snyder and Joanne Whitehead |
Snyder, Vera | Williams, Wallace | June 26, 1918 -- Wallace and Vera Snyder Williams |
Soderlind, Myrtle | Soderlind, Oscar | June 29, 1921 -- Myrtle and Oscar Soderlind |
Soderlind, Oscar | Soderlind, Myrtle | June 29, 1921 -- Myrtle and Oscar Soderlind |
Sorensen, Fred | Martin, Lois | Aug. 25, 1951* -- Lois Martin and Fred Sorensen |
Sorensen, Lois | Sorensen, Fred | Aug. 25, 1951* -- Lois Martin and Fred Sorensen |
Speas, Glenn | Speas, Safrona | June 1 no year -- Glenn and Safrona Speas |
Speas, Safrona | Speas, Glenn | June 1 no year -- Glenn and Safrona Speas |
Spencer, Charlotte | Spencer, David | September 8, 1961 -- David and Charlotte Spencer |
Spencer, David | Spencer, Charlotte | September 8, 1961 -- David and Charlotte Spencer |
Sponsler, Louise | Sponsler, Roy | February 23, 1957 -- Roy and Louise Horton Sponsler |
Sponsler, Roy | Horton, Louise | February 23, 1957 -- Roy and Louise Horton Sponsler |
Spurgin, Ann | Rains, John | December 21, 1969 -- John and an Spurgin Rains |
Stanley, Bessie | Stanley, Howard | March 6, 1918 -- Howard and Bessie Stanley |
Stanley, Howard | Stanley, Bessie | March 6, 1918 -- Howard and Bessie Stanley |
Starry, Shirley June | Dunham, David | April 17, 1964 -- David and Shirley June Starry Dunham |
Steendine, Anna | Steendine, Arvids | March 20, 1937 -- Arvids and Anna Steendine |
Steendine, Arvids | Steendine, Anna | March 20, 1937 -- Arvids and Anna Steendine |
Stoner, Howard | Taylor, Margaret | November 24, 1967 -- Margaret Taylor and Howard Stoner |
Stoner, Margaret | Stoner, Howard | November 24, 1967 -- Margaret Taylor and Howard Stoner |
Stories, Gordon | Stories, Twyla | February 6, 1940 -- Gordon and Twyla Stories |
Stories, Twyla | Stories, Gordon | February 6, 1940 -- Gordon and Twyla Stories |
Stortz, Clara | Stortz, Fred | April 16, 1902 -- Fred and Clara Stortz |
Stortz, Fred | Stortz, Clara | April 16, 1902 -- Fred and Clara Stortz |
Stout, Barry Dean | Moon, Eileen | April 26, 1969 -- Eileen Moon and Barry Dean Stout |
Stout, Eileen | Stout, Barry Dean | April 26, 1969 -- Eileen Moon and Barry Dean Stout |
Street, Avis | Street, Granville | October 26, 1921 -- Granville and Avis Hawks Street |
Street, Bailey![]() | Street, Mary | September 18, 1868 -- Mary and Bailey Street |
Street, Barbara | Street, Douglas | March 31, 1956 -- Douglas and Barbara Wallace Street [Hesper] |
Street, Bertha Lou | Street, Paul | October 19, 1952 -- Paul Street and Bertha Lou Pidgeon |
Street, Douglas | Wallace, Barbara | March 31, 1956 -- Douglas and Barbara Wallace Street [Hesper] |
Street, Elizabeth Alice | Street, Keith Merlin | June 2, 1956* -- Elizabeth Alice Gerst and Keith Merlin Street [Oakville, Louisa County, Iowa] |
Street, Grace | Byers, Harold | July 8, 1934 -- Harold and Grace Street Byers |
Street, Granville | Hawks, Avis | October 26, 1921 -- Granville and Avis Hawks Street |
Street, Guilford | Street, Iva | Aug. 29, 1922 -- Guilford and Iva Street |
Street, Harold | Nehre, Marcia | June 20, 1970 -- Harold Street and Marcia Nehre [Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa] |
Street, Iva | Street, Guilford | Aug. 29, 1922 -- Guilford and Iva Street |
Street, John | Plunkett, Margaret | March 22, 1899 -- John and Margaret (Plunkett) Street |
Street, Joyce Rose | Street, Robert | November 13, 1960 -- Robert and Joyce Rose Street |
Street, Karen | Tracy, Robert | December 27, 1969 -- Robert and Karen Street Tracy |
Street, Keith Merlin | Gerst, Elizabeth Alice | June 2, 1956* -- Elizabeth Alice Gerst and Keith Merlin Street [Oakville, Louisa County, Iowa] |
Street, Leroy | Brenna, Lueda | September 15, 1932* -- Leroy and Lueda Brenna Street |
Street, Lueda | Street, Leroy | September 15, 1932* -- Leroy and Lueda Brenna Street |
Street, Luella | Street, Merrill | June 21, 1931 -- Merrill and Luella Street [Castle Rock, Boulder County, Colorado] |
Street, Marcia | Street, Harold | June 20, 1970 -- Harold Street and Marcia Nehre [Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa] |
Street, Margaret | Street, John | March 22, 1899 -- John and Margaret (Plunkett) Street |
Street, Mary![]() | Street, Bailey | September 18, 1868 -- Mary and Bailey Street |
Street, Merrill | Owens, Nan | Aug. 10, 1962 -- Merrill and Nan Owens Street [Merrill was Guilford's brother and widowed] |
Street, Merrill | Street, Luella | June 21, 1931 -- Merrill and Luella Street [Castle Rock, Boulder County, Colorado] |
Street, Minnie![]() | Street, Oscar | March 30, 1897 -- Oscar and Minnie White Street [Hesper] |
Street, Minnie | Bielski, Waldemar | July 21, 1926 -- Waldemar and Minnie Street Bielski (widow of Oscar Street) |
Street, Nan | Street, Merrill | Aug. 10, 1962 -- Merrill and Nan Owens Street [Merrill was Guilford's brother and widowed] |
Street, Neva | Hain, Robert | April 5, 1950 -- Neva Street and Robert Hain [Hesper] |
Street, Oscar![]() | White, Minnie | March 30, 1897 -- Oscar and Minnie White Street [Hesper] |
Street, Paul | Pidgeon, Bertha Lou | October 19, 1952 -- Paul Street and Bertha Lou Pidgeon |
Street, Robert | Street, Joyce Rose | November 13, 1960 -- Robert and Joyce Rose Street |
Street, Ruth | Weinmann, Vernon | December 27, 1948 -- Vernon and Ruth Street Weinmann |
Sybenga, John | Sybenga, Marie | Aug. 1, 1942 -- John and Marie Sybenga |
Sybenga, Marie | Sybenga, John | Aug. 1, 1942 -- John and Marie Sybenga |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With T | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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