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1880-81 Atlantic Directory |
Sage, Sidney fr Wis teamster res sw cor 2d and Cedar sts. Salisbury & Hammond, foundry and machine shops nw cor 3d and Poplar. Salisbury, H. H. (H. H. S. & I. N. Hammond) fr Clinton Iowa machinist res ws Maple bet 4th and 5th sts. Salisbury, W. H. fr Clinton machinist bds ws Maple bet 4th and 5th sts. Salisbury, Horace fr Ill machinist res ws Maple bet 4th and 5th streets. Sanborn, L. C. fr N. H. res nw cor Locust and 6th sts. Sanborn, Miss Anna res nw cor 6th and Laurel sts. Sandin, Nels fr Sweden lab res ns R R near Locust st. Sauber, J. fr Denmark wks R R res ns R R e of Locust. Saunders, O. O. (E. Mason & O. O. S.) fr N Y grocer bds ns 6th st bet Locust and Cedar. Sauer, Chris. fr Germany meat market es Walnut 2 d n of 4st res ws Elm bet 3 and 4th sts. Sauerbrunn, M. W. (J. H. Alexander and M. W. S.) fr Ohio grocer res se cor 3d and Cedar sts. Savery, R. J. fr England miller res sw cor Spruce and 4th sts. Saxe, F. A. fr Germany manf pop and mineral water res nw cor 11th and Laurel. Scheel & Johnston, dlrs in groceries and queensware ws Chestnut bet 3d and 4th sts. Scheel, F. W. (F. W. S. & H. L. Johnston) fr Germany grocer res ns 4th st bet Maple and Elm. Scheel, Miss Meta fr Prussia servant wks sw cor 7th and Linn sts. Schwab, J. C. restaurant and bakery ws Chestnut bet 3d and 4th sts res same. Schrader, Charles fr Germany butcher bds ws Elm bet 3d and 4th streets. Schrader, F. fr Germany wks R R res n R R and Poplar sts. Schooley, Mrs. Hannah fr Ohio res es Birch bet 10th and 11th sts. Schooley, Miss Laura fr Ohio teacher bds es Birch bet 10 and 11th streets. Scott, Jno. H. fr N Y justice peace office se cor Chestnut and 5th sts bds Occidental Hotel. Scott, Jno. W. fr Ohio attorney office ws Chestnut bet 4th and 5th sts res nw cor 9th and Hickory. Sedwick, W. C. fr Penn clk depot. Selden, G. fr Canada bds Woodworth House. Seymour, James fr England brick mason res es Cedar bet 9th and 10th sts. Seydel, A. J. wagon maker shop ss 4th st bet Walnut and Chestnut res ws Elm bet 7th and 8th sts. Sharp, J. M. fr Wis harness maker bds Woodworth House. Sharp, John wks R R bds es Elm bet 2d and 3d sts. Shay, Miss Rachael fr Ill bds ss 1st bet Walnut and Elm sts. Shay, John A. fr Ill teamster res ss 1st bet Walnut and Elm sts. Shay, Wm. fr Ill teamster bds ss 1st bet Walnut and Elm. Shaw & Crombie, dlrs lumber lath sash doors and blinds ne cor Chestnut and 2d sts. Shaw, E. A. (E. A. S. & F. H. Crombie) fr Davenport dlr in lumber res nw cor Chestnut and 9th sts. Sherwood, F. G. fr D C painter and grainer res sw cor 3d and Locust sts. Sherwood, W. H. fr D C clk McIntyre's boot and shoe store res es Elm bet 7th and 8th sts. Sheldon, Miss Melissa dis washer Walker boarding house. Shields, Robt. fr Kansas dlr in and manufacturer of cigars ws Chestnut bet 3d and 4th sts res es Cedar 2 d s of 5th sts. Shields, Otto fr Kansas cigar maker res nw cor 8th and Cedar streets. Shoudy, Ira fr Neb harness maker wks Day Crouch & Co bds Woodworth house. Simmons, S. A. fr Minn butcher res ws Elm bet 2d and 3d sts. Simmons, Miss Fannie wks dining room Woodworth House bds same. Simmons, Mrs. M. fr Minn res ws Elm bet 2d and 3d. Simmons, Lyman fr Dakota Territory lab res es Spruce bet 3d and 4th sts. Sims, Isaac fr Ill lab res es Walnut bet 4th and 5th sts. Sims, Mrs. cook Reynolds House bds same. Smedley, H. B. fr Penn carp res ws Mulberry bet 6th and 7th sts. Smidt, A. fr Germany lab res n of R R e of Locust st. Smith, W. T. fr Ill P E M E Church res es Birch bet 7th and 8th streets. Smith & Harvey, prop Farmer's livery and feed stable es Walnut bet 2d and 3d sts. Smith, Henry (H. S. & J. F. Harvey) fr Kansas liveryman res es Walnut bet 2d and 3d sts. Smith, J. D. res es Elm bet 4th and 5th. Smith, S. E. fr Ill harness maker wks Day Crouch & Co res ws Hickory bet 5th and 6th sts. Smith, A. fr Ger wks railroad res ns railroad e of Locust st. Smith, John fr Ill res ns 7th bet Pine and Mulberry sts. Smith, J. R. fr Ohio carp res ws Spruce bet 5th and 6th sts. Smith, R. fr Ill bds Atlantic House. Smith, Miss Hatty, fr Ill dress maker bds nw cor Hickory and 6th streets. Smith, Miss Anna, fr Ill dress maker bds nw cor Hickory and 6th streets. Smith, Miss Minnie, fr Ill dress maker bds nw cor Hickory and 6th streets. Snouffer, E. E. fr Ind wks F. J. Snouffer bds es Hickory bet 8th and 9th sts. Snouffer, W. A. fr Ind wks F. J. Snouffer's bds es Hickory bet 8th and 9th sts. Snouffer, F. J. fr Ind wagon and carriage maker and blacksmith shop es Chestnut 2 d s 2nd st res es Hickory bet 8th and 9th streets. Solbery, Geo. fr Norway cooper bds es Elm bet 2nd and 3d sts. Soper, Harley, fr Canada farmer res ne cor Olive and 5th sts. Southwick, John H. fr Ill stock dlr res se cor Maple and 7th sts. Spurlock, Stephen, fr Ill clk Bridenstine's dry goods store bds McKibben house. Stafford & Hawks dlrs dry goods and carpets ws Chestnut bet 4th and 5th sts. Stafford, D. H. (D. H. S. & D. F. Hawks) fr N Y dlr dry goods res sw cor Poplar and 5th. Stafford, P. T. fr N Y capitalist res ss 5th st bet Oak and Hazel streets. Stafford, C. E. fr Ill clk I. L. Dudley res sw cor 5th and Poplar sts. Standley, Miss Belle fr Ind bds ws Linn bet 5th and 6th sts. Stewart, W. M. fr Ill wks H. Moeller's bds City Hotel. Steinke, Theo. G. fr Ill dlr clothing hats and caps gents' furnishing goods ws Chestnut bet 4th and 5th sts res se cor 6th and Birch sts. Stearns, M. J. fr N Y physician and surgeon office ab Steinke's clothing store res ne cor 10th and Hickory. Stepper, John, fr Ind wks railroad res ss 1st bet Elm and Walnut st. Sterling, E. J. fr Ind wks railroad bds Farmers home. Steece, John, teamster Atlantic mills res sw cor 7th and Mulberry. Stevens, Leonard fr Penn teamster res es Olive bet 5th and 6th sts. Stephens, T fr Va lab res es Maple s of 9th st. Stier, Chas. fr Ger farmer res ne cor 4th and Oak sts. Stone, J. L. fr Ill dlr produce res se cor 9th and Cedar sts. Stone, G. W. fr N H capitalist bds Reynolds house. Stone, M. G. (J. J. Harding & M. G. S.) fr Miss dlr in harness bds Occidental Hotel. Stone, Chas. E. fr Ill machinist bds Occidental House. Stocks, W. fr La cook dining car res es Locust bet 4th and 5th sts. Stoutenburg, H. L. fr N Y miller res es Hazel bet 4th and 5th sts. Stowe, Charles J. fr Ill lab res ne cor 7th and spruce sts. Strater, J. P. fr Ohio wagon maker shop ws Chestnut bet 1st and 2d sts res es Olive bet 4th and 5th sts. Straight, S. W. W. fr Ind dlr drugs es Chestnut bet 4th and 5th, res nw cor Elm and 4th sts. Straight, W. K. fr Marshalltown dlr drugs ws Walnut bet 3d and 4th sts res same. Strater, Sidney farmer bds es Olive bet 4th and 5th sts. Stultz, Charles H. fr Wis carp res ws Poplar bet 2d and 3d sts. Sutton, J. N. fr Ohio wks Milner & Rutt's lumber yard res ws Cedar bet 5th and 6th sts. Sutherland, John fr N Y veterinary surgeon office Usher's livery barn res ws Locust st. Swanson, John fr Burlington blacksmith wks for J. H. Needles res se cor 3d and Elm. Swan, John F. lab res se cor 3d and Hazel. Swarts, G. W. fr Ohio dlr boots and shoes res ws Birch bet 7th and 8th sts. |
Transcribed from "General Directory of the City of Atlantic 1880-1881. Giving a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Business Firms, Educational, Social, and Religious Institutions", compiled by Glenn & Co., Atlantic, Iowa, Telegraph Steam Printing Press, 1880, pp. 57, 59-63 by Cheryl Siebrass, September, 2014. |
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