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1880-81 Atlantic Directory |
Page, J. W. fr N Y barber shop basement ns 4th st bet Walnut and Chestnut res es Elm bet 6th and 7th sts. Palmer, John, fr N. Y lab bds ne cor Maple and 3d sts. Park & Northup, meat market ws Chestnut bet 3d and 4th sts. Park, H. M. (H. M. P. & M. Northup,) fr Ind butcher res sw cor Locust and 6th sts. Parham, Mrs. G. W. fr Mich millinery and ladies' furnishing goods es Chestnut 2 d n of 5th st. Parker, W. H. ticket agent C R I & P R R res se cor Linn and 6th streets. Parker, W. W. (J. W. Winslow and W. W. P.) fr Ill dlr dry goods res nw cor Linn and 4th sts. Parker, James H. fr Ind painter res es Elm bet 2d and 3d sts. Parker, Miss Sarah fr Marengo servant wks sw cor Pine and 6th streets. Patton, Isaac D fr Penn teamster res nw cor Spruce and 6th sts. Patton, W. R. fr Penn lab res sw cor 6th and Mulberry. Patton, Miss Lydia E. res nw cor Spruce and 6th sts. Pearson, R. M. prop livery sale and feed stable ne cor 3d and Walnut res es Elm bet 3d and 4th sts. Pennell, Geo. E. fr Me loan agent office ws Chestnut ab Bank of Atlantic res nw cor 3d and Cedar sts. Perry, Isaac fr Cedar Rapids lab res ws Walnut bet 2d 3d sts. Peterson, Andrew fr Sweden lab res ws Locust bet 1st and 2d streets. Petersen, John P. fr Denmark wks pork house res es Locust bet 1st and 2d sts. Peterson, G. fr Denmark clks Cady's dry goods store res es Maple bet 3d and 4th sts. Peterson, Miss Ella fr Sweden servant wks nw cor 6th and Linn streets. Peterson, Miss Sessa asst cook Reynolds house bds sams. Peterson, John B. fr Norway lab res es Walnut bet 9th and 10th streets. Peterson, Miss Josephine fr Norway dress maker bds es Walnut bet 10th and 11th sts. Peterson, K. fr Denmark clk Cady & Harlan's res es Maple 3 d n 5th st. Peterson, Ola fr Norway lab res sw cor 8th and Elm streets. Peterson, Henry butcher bds farmers home. Petit, A. M. fr Council Bluffs clk Steinke's clothing house bds se cor 6th and Birch. Phelps, A. C. fr Ohio lab res ws Walnut bet 2d and 3d sts. Phelps, R. G. fr Ill attorney ss 5th bet Chestnut and Poplar res se cor 5th and Hazel. Phelps, Julian fr Ver lawyer res sw cor Locust and 7th sts. Phillips, Miss Lena wks dining room Occidental House bds same. Piepgrass, John fr Germany wks Gilman's elevator bds Farmer's Home. Piron, Chris, wks Sauer's meat market bds ws Elm bet 3d and 4th streets. Polian, High fr Ireland wks R R res ws Oak bet 3d and 4th sts. Pool, N. P. fr Ohio carp and builder res sw cor Walnut and 8th streets. Poch, Herman fr Germany tailor es Chestnut ab Rathbun's candy store res Elm st bet 6th and 7th sts. Poch, John fr Germany lab res ws Elm bet 8th and 9th sts. Poulsen, Clous fr Denmark harness maker res es Locust bet 4th and 5th sts. Poudn, James fr Prince Edwards Island wagon maker wks J. H. Needles bds nw cor Elm and 3d sts. Powers, H. C. fr Council Bluffs bridge carp res sw cor Elm and 2d streets. Powers, J. K. fr Ind ins agent res ws Locust bet 7th and 8th sts. Pratt, E. T. fr Ill livery sale and feed stable ns 5th bet Walnut and Chestnut res es Walnut 3 d s of 4th sts. Pressnall & Willits, ins agents ws Chestnut Keye's block. Pressnall & Griswold, abstract and loan agents ws Chestnut Keye's block. Pressnall, J. S. (J. S. P. & J. E. Willits) fr Ind ins agent res ws Maple bet 6th and 7th sts. Price, Miss Emma fr England servant wks ws Locust bet 7th and 8th sts. Prim, Lewis H. fr LeClair blacksmith bds City Hotel. Pugh, James fr Ill carp res ws Walnut bet 7th and 8th sts. Purcell, Miss Alice wks dining room Occidental Hotel bds same. Purst, ____ fr Germany wks R R res es Locust bet 2d and 3d sts. |
Transcribed from "General Directory of the City of Atlantic 1880-1881. Giving a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Business Firms, Educational, Social, and Religious Institutions", compiled by Glenn & Co., Atlantic, Iowa, Telegraph Steam Printing Press, 1880, pp. 53-55 by Cheryl Siebrass, October, 2014. |
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