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1880-81 Atlantic Directory |
La Flauer, Fred fr Mich mason res ss 1st bet Elm and Walnut sts. Laflin, W. J. fr Minn hog doctor res ws Maple 2 d s 9th st. Lamson, Byron, fr Miss dlr lumber res ne cor 8th and Linn sts. Lamb, B. F. fr Ill lab res ws Locust bet 1st and 2d sts. Lamke, F. fr Ger wks railroad res es Elm bet 8th and 9th sts. Lantz, Miss Eva fr Ohio bds ws Spruce bet 5th and 6th sts. Lang, Mrs. C. fr Sweden res ns railroad e of Locust st. Langworthy, Miss Lottie, fr Ill teacher res es Cedar bet 5th and 6th. Langworthy, C. G. fr Ill clk res es Cedar 2 d n of 6th sts. Landmesser, Peter fr Penn dairyman res es Linn bet 2d and 3d sts. La Valley Wm fr Canada clk S. B. J Bryant bds es Chestnut bet 5th and 6th sts. Lawrence, R. fr Ill clk Child's dry goods store res se cor Cedar and 7th streets. Lawrence, J. A. fr Norway, cooper res es Walnut bet 8th and 9th. Leisenring, Charles, fr Ohio bar tender bds Woodworth house. Lemor, M. J. fr Penn teamster res ss 7th w of Laurel st. Lewis, T. S. fr Mich lawyer res nw cor 3d and Linn sts. Linke, ____ shoemaker res es Locust bet 2d and 3d sts. Linke, Emile, fr Ger shoemaker, shop ss 4th bet Chestnut and Walnut res es Locust bet 2d and 3d sts. Linn, A. J. fr Mo Lab res ws Walnut bet 8th and 9th sts. Littler, E. fr Ill barber res ab Evans' barber shop. Litterst, Charles, fr Ger grocery and bakery es Walnut bet 3d and 4th st res same. Longley, Mrs. A. M. fr N Y res w Atlantic bet 7th and 8th sts. Loofbourow, C. F. fr Ohio, judge circuit court res se cor 5th and Oak streets. Loofbourow, J. W. fr Ohio deputy co treas bds ws Hazel bet 5th and 6th sts. Locke, A. A. fr R I dlr organs and pianos es Chestnut 2 d n of 14th bds Occidental hotel. Lockhuff, Peter, fr Penn carpt res nw cor 8th and Elm sts. Lockwood, C. wks livery stable bds es Walnut bet 2d and 3d sts. Lorenson, ___ lab res es Hickory bet 7th and 8th sts. Love, J. W. fr Penn engineer elevator res es Olive bet 6th and 7th. Love, R. C. fr Penn salesman Needles & Day res sw cor Hazel and 8th streets. Love, Miss Ida, fr Penn milliner bds sw cor 8th and Hazel sts. Low, J. K. fr Wis wks L. M. Kirk's res es Elm bet 2d and 3d sts. Lowry, Henry, fr Ireland res ws Poplar bet 3d and 4th sts. Lowry, J. K. fr Ill painter res ne cor Poplar and 10th sts. Luccock, T. J. fr Ill florist res sw cor 9th and Chestnut sts. Luddington, Miss Elmyra, wks dining room Reynolds house. Lushay, Mrs. Mary, fr Canada servant se cor 7th and Linn sts. Lycan, L. fr Ills farmer res ws Maple bet 4th and 5th sts. Lynn, Miss Sadie, chambermaid Reynolds house. Lynch, A. H. fr Ind res ne cor Pine and 5th sts. Lynch, Mrs. F. E. fr Mo res ws Walnut bet 9th and 10th sts. Lynch, Miss Lou, dress maker bds ws Walnut bet 9th and 10th sts. Lynch, Miss Lucy. bds ws Walnut bet 9th and 10th. Lynch, Chas. fr Mo. night clerk Reynolds house bds same. Lynch, W. R. fr Mo lab bds ws Walnut bet 9th and 10th sts. Lynch, W, M. farmer res nw cor 5th and Mulberry sts. |
Transcribed from "General Directory of the City of Atlantic 1880-1881. Giving a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Business Firms, Educational, Social, and Religious Institutions", compiled by Glenn & Co., Atlantic, Iowa, Telegraph Steam Printing Press, 1880, pp. 42-44 by Cheryl Siebrass, September, 2014. |
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