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1880-81 Atlantic Directory |
Cadwaliader, Wm. R., fr Canada, clk Block & Heyman's bds ws Poplar bet 5th and 6th sts. Cady & Harlan, dlrs dry goods and notions, ws Chestnut bet 4th and 5th sts. Cady, I. L., (I. L. C., & Charles Harlan,) fr N. Y., dlrs dry goods, res sw cor 5th and Linn sts. Cady, Frank, fr N. Y., clk I. L. Cady, bds sw cor Linn and 5th sts. Calloway, Wm., fr Eng., cook dining car, res se Elm bet 2d and 3d sts. Calloway, P. fr Ind., dlr stock, res es Birch bet 8th and 9th sts. Calvey, W. A. H. fr Mass., printer, wks Democrat, res nw 6th st bet Locust and Cedar. Calvey, Ed. fr Mass. butcher, bds Occidental Hotel. Calvey, Wm. printer res ns 6th bet Cedar and Birch sts. Cambridge, Arthur, fr Iowa City, clk Brown & Deming, res se cor Olive and 7th. Campbell, J. A., printer, wks Telegraph office, bds Pratt's boarding house. Campbell, S. A., fr Mass., capitalist, bds Pratt's boarding house. Capron, Geo. fr N. H., lab bds Farmer's Home. Capron, Albert, wks Day's Nursery, res ns 7th bet Pine and Mulberry. Cary, J. C. W. (D. Findley & J. C. W. C.,) druggest res ws Locust bet 7th and 8th sts. Carter, Burt, fr Minn., wks Usher's livery stable, bds same. Carson, Joe. fr Germany, carp. bds Farmer's Home. Carrigg, Dan'l. fr Ky., coal dlr, res ws Cedar bet 4th and 5th sts. Card, J. O. B., fr Ver., constable, res sw cor Locust and 2nd sts. Carpenter, Geo. fr Ind., teamster, res ws Cedar bet 4th and 5th sts. Carver, Seymour, fr N. Y., carp. res nw cor Pine and 5th sts. Carver, Geo. W., fr Wis., teamster, res nw cor Spruce and 7th sts. Carver, Frank, fr N. Y., detective, res nw cor Cedar and 1st sts. Carver, Charles, fr Wis., lab res se cor Pine and 7th sts. Cass County Democrat, C. F. Chase prop. ws Chestnut bet 2nd and 3d sts. Cass County Bank, J. C. Yetzer, Pres. Jno. P. Gerberich Cashier, ws Chestnut bet 5th and 6th sts. Caughey, Madison, fr Ohio, clk Childs dry goods store, res ws Olive bet 4th and 5th sts. Caughey, L. W., farmer, res ws Olive bet 4th and 5th sts. Caughey, Josiah, fr Ohio, lab res ws Olive bet 4th and 5th sts. Cavenaugh, H. J. fr Wis. Plasterer, res ne cor 5th and Maple sts. Cavenaugh, Cary, fr Wis. res ne cor 5th and Maple sts. City Hotel, John Tingle, propr es Chestnut st bet 2d and 3d. Chase, C. F. fr Wis editor and publisher Democrat, res sw cor 5th and Locust sts. Chapman & Chapman, attorneys, office ws Chestnut st bet 2d and 3d, Martin's block. Chapman, N. B. (N. B. C. & L. C. Chapman), fr N. Y., attorney, res sw cor Locust and 8th sts. Chapman, L. C. (N. B. Chapman & L. C. C.), fr N Y, attorney, bds Reynolds house. Chapman, F. M. fr Ill teamster, res es Elm bet 6th and 7th sts. Chapman, C. G. fr N Y tinner, bds nw cor Locust and 8th sts. Chapman, Joshua, fr Hamburg, wks pork house, bds Pratt's boarding house. Chapman, S. S. engineer railroad res es Oak st bet 4th and 5th. Christensen, C. M. clk Yetzer's res ws Laurel st bet 6th and 7th. Childs, S. M. fr Ill dlr in dry goods and clothing, ws Chestnut 3 d n of 6th st. res sw cor 9th and Locust sts. Chicago Lumber Yard, Robert Majors, propr ws Chestnut bet 1st and 2d sts. Churchill, A. S. fr Wis, attorney, office nw cor Chestnut and 5th sts ab Webb's clothing store, res ws Maple bet 4th and 5th sts. Claver, James M. fr Mo harness maker, res es Elm bet 3d and 4th. Clark, Horace, fr N Y dlr in stock res es Locust bet 1st and 2d sts. Clark, John fr Penn lab bds nw cor 8th & Elm sts. Clemenson, A. P. fr Denmark wks railroad res es Locust bet 4th and 5th sts. Clinton, Miss Julia fr Ill bds ws Elm 2 d s of 1st st. Clousner, John fr Austria wks railroad res ns railroad w of Locust. Coe, W. B. wks railroad res se cor 3d and Elm sts. Coker, Frank fr Minn clk Wilcox billiard hall res ns 4th bet Cedar and Locust sts. Coftman, Mrs. J. (J C & Lee Gibson) fr Ill milliner, res ws Locust bet 5th and 6th sts. Coftman, J fr Ind carpt res ws Locust bet 5th and 6th sts. Coffman & Gibson, millinery and dress making es Chestnut bet 5th and 6th sts. Cole, Wm fr Ind carpt bds ws Walnut bet 3d and 4th sts. Cole, Wm. fr Ind carp bds ws Walnut bet 3d and4th sts. Collins, W. R. fr Tenn butcher bds es Chestnut bet 4th and 5th sts. Colton, J. T. fr Conn carpt. shop es Chestnut bet 3d and 4th res se cor 8th and Oak sts. Compton, B. fr Ohio pedler res ws Locust bet 3d and 4th sts. Conrad, M. clk Conrad's, bds nw cor Poplar and 7th sts. Conrad, C. C. fr Ohio manfr and dlr in boots shoes hats caps &c. ws Chestnut bet 5th and 6th res nw cor Poplar and 7th sts. Conrad, G. fr Ohio capitalist res se cor 5th and Poplar sts. Conkling, G. L. fr Ill lab res ne cor Hickory and 6th sts. Conkey, A. fr Ger wks pork house res ne cor Locust and 3d sts. Conrady, J. fr Ger engineer res ws Hazel bet 3d and 4th sts. Cooper, W. B. clk A. C. Jones res ws Chestnut ab Jones store. Coombs, ____ plasterer res sw cor Mulberry and 4th sts. Copeland, A. H. fr Mo dlr groceries and queensware es Chestnut bet 4th and 5th res se cor Locust and 8th sts. Cosgrove, M. fr Penn wks railroad res sw cor 4th and Hickory sts. Costello, Wm. fr Ohio painter res nw cor 11th and Poplar sts. Cotton, J. Y. fr Ill res se cor 6th and Birch sts. Cowin, Harry, fr Ohio harness maker bds Woodworth House. Cox, Frank fr Canada road master C. R. I. & P. res ns railroad e of Birch sts. Cramer, ____ teamster res sw cor Birch and 6th sts. Cramer, Miss Anna, fr Ind dress maker bds ss 6th bet Birch and Hickory sts. Cramer, Miss Nellie, fr Ind dress maker bds ss 6th bet Birch and Hickory sts. Cramer, Miss E. fr Ind dress maker shop ws Chestnut bet 4th and 5th bds ss 6th bet Birch and Hickory sts. Crocker, Mrs. Mary, fr Md res cor 8th and Cedar sts. Cramer, Ben, fr Ind wks Moeller's bds ws Birch bet 6th and 7th sts. Crisman, Wm. fr Penn county auditor res ne cor 7th and Cedar sts. Cristoner, E. fr Sweden res ns railroad w of Cedar st. Crombie, F. H. (E. A. Shaw and F. H. C.) dlr in lumber, bds Reynolds House. Cromley, J. F. fr Penn clk Straight's drug store bds Walker House. Crouch, Mrs. C. D. fr Ill bds sw cor Pine and 6th sts. Crouch, C. D. (R. W. D., C. D. C. and J. A. Kinney,) fr Ill, book keeper bds sw cor Pine and 6th sts. Crouch, Miss Tessie fr Ill bds sw cor Pine and 6th sts. Crow, Mrs. Adela, fr Ind bds ws Walnut bet 3d and 4th sts. Crum, L. V. fr Ill ins agt res se cor Hazel and 7th. Cummins, John F. fr Neb clk Rathbun's confectionery store bds es Laurel bet 7th and 8th sts. Curtis, H. G. fr Ohio, attorney es Chestnut 3 d n of 6th st res ss 6th bet Cedar and Birch sts. Cummins, Mrs. M. fr Mo res es Laurel bet 7th and 8th sts. Curry, T. fr Penn wks railroad res n of railroad e of Locust st. Cue, S. fr Ill lab res es Spruce bet 3d and 4th sts. |
Transcribed from "General Directory of the City of Atlantic 1880-1881. Giving a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Business Firms, Educational, Social, and Religious Institutions", compiled by Glenn & Co., Atlantic, Iowa, Telegraph Steam Printing Press, 1880, pp. 22-25, 27 by Cheryl Siebrass, September, 2014. |
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