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1880-81 Atlantic Directory |
Radley, Charles H, fr N Y dept sheriff res ws Walnut bet 3d and 4th streets. Rahm, W. D. fr Ohio tinner res ws Locust bet 8th and 9th sts. Randolph, B. F, fr Penn wks pork house res ws Spruce bet 4th and 5th sts. Rasmerson, Herman, fr Denmark wks pork house res ns R R e of Locust st. Rathbun, P. fr N Y dlr confectionery es Chestnut bet 4th and 5th sts res es Elm bet 7th and 8th sts. Reading, A. fr Minn farmer bds sw cor 10th and Chestnut sts. Reagan, Saml. lab res ss 9th st bet Elm and Maple sts. Reed, Wm. fr Mich butcher wks Park's butcher shop res es Locust bet 2nd and 3d sts. Reed, Miss Lida, fr Ohio bds es Maple bet 4th and 5th sts. Reeve, H. D. P. fr Penn photographer bds Woodworth House. Reeves, Miss Alice, dress maker bds nw cor 5th and Poplar sts. Reidden, Mrs. Bridget, fr Ireland res ns R R near Cedar st. Remby, Philip, fr Ill wks lumber yard res es Locust bet 4th and 5th sts. Repine, J. B. fr Penn marble cutter bds City Hotel. Reynolds, Will L. fr Ind book keeper res ss 6th st bet Birch and Hickory sts. Reynolds, W. L. fr Ind wks R R res ns 6th st w of Locust st. Reynolds, J. R. fr Ver prop Reynolds House res same. Reynolds House, John R. Reynolds prop sw cor 1st and Walnut sts. Reynolds, C. M. fr Ill clk Reynolds House bds same. Reynolds, John R. Jr., fr Ill wks R R res es Locust bet 4th and 5th sts. Reynolds, John R. Jr., fr Ill wks R R bds Reynolds House. Reynolds, W. fr Ind lab bds se cor 3d and Hazel sts. Reynolds, Horace, fr N Y dlr grain res ne cor Linn and 4th sts. Richards, A. painter res nw cor 10th and Laurel sts. Richardson, Mrs. Selina, fr Eng res ss 1st st bet Walnut and Elm streets. Ridpath, John, fr Ind carp res ws Elm bet 2nd and 3d sts. Ridpath, E. A. fr Mo book agt bds Pratt's boarding house. Rinehart, David, fr Ohio teamster res es Olive bet 5th and 6th sts. Robbins, Miss Flora, fr Ill milliner bds ws Walnut bet 3d and 4th streets. Robbins, Mrs. P. P. fr N Y res ws Walnut bet 3d and 4th sts. Robertson, Geo. H. fr N H book keeper Cass co bank bds Walker House. Roberts, Harry, fr Ill clk R. D. Wilkins bds Occidental House. Robinson, Dave, fr Ind bartender Scottys billiard hall bds Occidental House. Rockafellow, J. B. fr Ill attorney office ws Chestnut bet 5th and 6th sts bds Woodworth house. Roll, J. L. fr Ill clk Hubbard's ins office bds Mrs. Walker's boarding house. Ross, Carlo, student bds nw cor 5th and Walnut. Roth, Danl. fr Ger carp res ne cor Hazel and 5th sts. Row, A. D. fr Wis Baptist Minister res es Elm bet 2nd and 3d sts. Rowley, C. fr N Y lab res nw cor Pine and 9th st. Richards, M. Dr. fr Ohio supt Atlantic mills res ws Locust bet 7th and 8th sts. Ruff, Charles, fr Muscatine printer wks Messenger office bds Occidental House. Russell, W. W. fr Ohio auctioneer and commision merchant res es Chestnut bet 5th and 6th sts. Russell, Mrs. W. W. fr Canada milliner and dress maker es Chestnut st bet 5th and 6th sts res same. Rutherford, G. W. fr Ill carp res ne cor Spruce and 4th sts. Rutt & Milner, dlr lumber lath sash and doors ws Chestnut bet 2nd and 3d sts. Rutt, M. M. (M. M. R. & E. A. Milner,) fr Penn dlr lumber res se cor Oak and 7th sts. Rutt, Benj. M. fr Penn wks Milner & Rutt's lumber yard bds Atlantic House. Ryan, J. W. fr Ind clk Steinke's clothing house res sw cor 8th and Mulberry sts. |
Transcribed from "General Directory of the City of Atlantic 1880-1881. Giving a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Business Firms, Educational, Social, and Religious Institutions", compiled by Glenn & Co., Atlantic, Iowa, Telegraph Steam Printing Press, 1880, pp. 55-57 by Cheryl Siebrass, September, 2014. |
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