Winneshiek County IAGenWeb St. Aloysius Catholic Cemetery Calmar Iowa Surnames starting with R this page was last updated on Tuesday, 02 October 2018 |
This cemetery table operates with 4 windows; Winneshiek (site window), WPA (opened when you click on a W to view a WPA data record), GPP (Opened when you click a G to view a IGPP Gravestone photograph)and Obit (opened when you click an O to view an IAGenWeb board obit). Any dates that are in Bold Blue have been calculated based on other available information. Also note that the GPP comment fields use the same four windows. The first column contains a camera icon if any O , G or cemetery records for this person includes a photo.
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
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Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with R | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
B | G | O | Rausch, Clara E. | 1907 | 1995 | w/o Roman J. Rausch Married: June 10, 1929 p/o William J. & Ann Marie | ||
B | G | Rausch, Roman J. | 1908 | 1992 | h/o Clara E. Rausch Married: June 10, 1929 p/o William J. & Ann Marie | |||
A | G | Reisner, Delores, Marie (Rothmeyer) | Dec. 06, 1920 | Oct. 05, 1959 | Wife of Harleth Ansgar Reisner & daughter of Joseph Anthony Rothmeyer & Ida Mary (Yirkovsky) Rothmeyer Grouped With 2 other graves: Harleth Ansgar Reisner and John Joseph Reisner | |||
A | G | Reisner, Harleth Ansgar | July 06, 1920 | Apr. 10, 1984 | Husband of Delores Marie Rothmeyer & son of Henry Frederick Reisner & Martha Marie (Rehwinkel) Reisner, Pvt US Army WWII Grouped With 2 other graves: Delores Marie (Rothmeyer) Reisner & John Joseph Reisner | |||
A | G | Reisner, John Joseph | May 03, 1945 | Sept. 19, 1993 | ]Pfc US Navy Vietnam Son of Harleth Ansgar Reisner & Delores Marie (Rothmeyer) Reisner Grouped With 2 other graves: Harleth Ansgar Reisner & Delores Marie (Rothmeyer) Reisner | |||
A | G | Ries, Cecelia E. | 1891 | |||||
A | G | O | Ries, Walter E. | 1884 | Jan., 1950 | |||
B | G | Rilling, Angela | Infant 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | |||||
B | G | Rilling, Della | 1898 | 1909 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | |||
B | G | Rilling, Eberhard C. | Son 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | |||||
B | W | G | Rilling, Father | 1848 | 1917 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | ||
B | G | Rilling, Father Family Stone | 9 graves are grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone they are: Lottie M., Nicholas, George W., Thresa M., Angela, Della, Mother, Father and Eberhard C. | |||||
B | G | Rilling, George W. | 1876 | 1942 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | |||
B | G | Rilling, Lottie M. | Feb. 17, 1901 | Dec. 17, 1986 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | |||
B | W | G | Rilling, Mother | 1857 | 1931 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | ||
B | G | Rilling, Nicholas | Dec. 7, 1893 | Feb. 8, 1962 | Iowa Bugler 152 depot Brigade WW I 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | |||
B | G | Rilling, Thresa M. | 1877 | 1942 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Father Rilling Family Stone | |||
B | G | Roerig, Rose G. | May 11, 1896 | Jan. 31, 1977 | ||||
B | G | Rolfes, Arthur F. | Dec. 20, 1919 | Mar. 2, 2004 | h/o Lillian M. Rolfses Sgt US Army WW II Bronze Star Medal Married: Oct. 2, 1950 p/o Mary, Annette & David | |||
A | W | G | Rooney, Catherine | 1829/1830 | May 4, 1914 | Aged 84 Ys s/s with 2 other graves: Patrick Rooney and Thomas J. Rooney | ||
A | W | G | Rooney, Patrick | 1831/1832 | Oct. 8, 1896 | Aged 64 Ys s/s with 2 other graves: Catherine Rooney and Thomas J. Rooney | ||
A | W | G | Rooney, Thomas J. | Jan. 26, 1860 | Dec. 10, 1889 | s/s with 2 other graves: Patrick Rooney and Catherine Rooney Born in Horicon Wis. | ||
B | G | Rosendahl, Linda Sue | Aug. 30, 1953 | Aug. 30, 1953 | d/o Herman & Leona Rosendahl | |||
![]() | A | G | Rothmeyer, Clarence Henry | May 10, 1904 | Feb. 04, 1989 | Married Felicia M. Kuennen on October 25, 1932 & p/o of Carolus, Jerome & Margaret & son of John Rothmeyer and Mary (Hankin) Rothmeyer | ||
![]() | A | G | O | Rothmeyer, Cornelius Henry | Sept. 24, 1918 | Feb. 24, 1987 | Married Marie Anne Cremer on October 28, 1941, Pfc US Army WWII & son of Frank John Rothmeyer & Catherine (Schuler) Rothmeyer | |
A | G | Rothmeyer, Delores, Marie | Dec. 06, 1920 | Oct. 05, 1959 | Wife of Harleth Ansgar Reisner & daughter of Joseph Anthony Rothmeyer & Ida Mary (Yirkovsky) Rothmeyer Grouped With 2 other graves: Harleth Ansgar Reisner and John Joseph Reisner | |||
![]() | A | G | O | Rothmeyer, Felicia M. (Kuennen) | Jan. 26, 1906 | May 19, 2000 | Married Clarence Henry Rothmeyer on October 25, 1932 & p/0 Carolus, Jerome & Margaret & daughter of Bernard H. Kuennen & Mary H. (Perry) Kuennen | |
B | G | Rothmeyer, Ida Mary (Yirkovsky) | Oct. 11, 1892 | Apr. 17, 1981 | Married Joseph Anthony Rothmeyer on March 06, 1916 & daughter of Joseph Yirkovsky & Anna (Staska) Yirkovsky | |||
B | G | Rothmeyer, Joan Margaret | Sept. 03, 1930 | Jan. 16, 1942 | Daughter of Charles Frank Rothmeyer & Caroline Bernadine (Schissel) Rothmeyer | |||
B | G | Rothmeyer, Joseph Anthony | Aug. 20, 1888 | Aug. 02, 1955 | Married Ida Mary Yirkovsky on March 06, 1916 & son of John Rothmeyer & Mary (Hankin) Rothmeyer | |||
A | G | Rothmeyer, Josephine A. | July 21, 1886 | June 1964 | Married Eugene Conrad Boihier on February 20, 1906 & daughter of John Rothmeyer & Mary (Hankin) Rothmeyer | |||
![]() | A | G | O | Rothmeyer, Marie Anne (Cremer) | Aug. 24, 1920 | Jan. 21, 1979 | Maried Cornelius Henry Rothmeyer on October 28, 1941 & daughter of John Henry Cremer & Mathilda (Holthaus) Cremer | |
A | G | Rothmeyer, Martha Marie | Oct. 22, 1920 | Jan. 21, 1921 | Daughter of John Bernard Rothmeyer & Lucy Theodora (Mattes) Rothmeyer | |||
A | G | Rothmeyer, Mary Theresa | Nov. 16, 1897 | Jan. 15, 1989 | Married George Bartholomew Hruska May 12, 1925 & daughter of John Rothmeyer and Mary (Hanken) Rothmeyer | |||
B | G | Russett, Randal Gerard | Feb. 2, 1956 | Feb. 8, 1956 | s/o Mr & Mrs Randal D. Russett Grouped With 2 other graves: Genevieve (Ryan) Horton and Vincent J. Dr. Horton | |||
A | W | G | Ryan, Allie | 1884 | 1902 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thomas Ryan Family Stone | ||
B | G | O | Ryan, Genevieve | July 18, 1902 | Oct. 5, 2001 | Married name is: Horton Grouped With 2 other graves: Vincent J. Dr. Horton and Randal Gerard Russett | ||
A | G | Ryan, John | 1878 | 1882 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thomas Ryan Family Stone | |||
A | G | Ryan, Mary | 1845 | 1936 | Mother w/o Thomas Ryan 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thomas Ryan Family Stone | |||
A | G | Ryan, Thomas | 1836 | 1911 | Father h/o Mary Ryan 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thomas Ryan Family Stone | |||
A | G | Ryan, Thomas Family Stone | 4 graves are grouped near the Thomas Ryan Family Stone they are: Mary, Thomas, John and Alle | |||||
Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with S | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
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