Winneshiek County IAGenWeb St. Aloysius Catholic Cemetery Calmar Iowa Surnames starting with K this page was last updated on Monday, 20 August 2018 |
This cemetery table operates with 4 windows; Winneshiek (site window), WPA (opened when you click on a W to view a WPA data record), GPP (Opened when you click a G to view a IGPP Gravestone photograph)and Obit (opened when you click an O to view an IAGenWeb board obit). Any dates that are in Bold Blue have been calculated based on other available information. Also note that the GPP comment fields use the same four windows. The first column contains a camera icon if any O , G or cemetery records for this person includes a photo.
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
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Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with K | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
A | G | Kafka, Albert | 1873 | 1949 | ||||
A | G | Kafka, Frances | 1877 | 1947 | ||||
B | W | G | Kafka, Frank | 1862 | 1931 | Father | ||
B | G | Kafka, James | 1860 | 1940 | ||||
W | Kafka, Jennie | 1875 | 1904 | |||||
B | G | Kafka, Joseph P. | 1875 | 1964 | ||||
O | Kafka, Lucille Audrey | Dec. 22, 1926 | Oct. 11, 2012 | Married Ray Staley February 12, 1945 | ||||
B | G | Kafka, Verona | 1863 | 1955 | ||||
B | G | Kafka, Victoria A. | 1887 | 1942 | ||||
W | Kajka, Mother | 1830 | 1905 | |||||
A | G | O | Kamp, Lorraine | Mar. 31, 1932 | Feb. 9, 1971 | married Don Vondersitt June 2, 1956 | ||
B | G | Kautman, Esther M. | 1914 | 2003 | ||||
B | G | Kautman, Frank C. | 1904 | 1999 | ||||
A | G | O | Kaveny, John J. | 1884 | 1950 | |||
A | G | Kaveny, Mary J. | 1883 | 1979 | ||||
![]() | B | G | O | Kaveny, Mary LaVon | Jan. 16, 1924 | Dec. 8, 2011 | w/o Adrian Phillip Bucheit Married: May 28, 1946 p/o Ramona & Philip | |
A | W | G | Kipta, James | 1857 | 1925 | |||
A | G | Klein, Amandus | 1832 | 1907 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone | |||
A | G | Klein, Amandus Family Stone | 7 graves are grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone they are: Mary, Peter, Amandus, Mary, Genevieve, Nicholas A. and Wilfred | |||||
A | G | Klein, Genevieve | 1877 | 1959 | w/o Nicholas A. Klein 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone | |||
A | W | G | Klein, Mary | 1837 | 1920 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone | ||
A | W | G | Klein, Mary | 1866 | 1910 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone | ||
A | G | Klein, Nicholas A. | 1873 | 1953 | h/o Genevieve Klein 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone | |||
A | G | Klein, Peter | 1864 | 1947 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone | |||
A | G | Klein, Wilfred | 1914 | 1993 | Son s/o Genevieve & Nicholas A. Klein 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Amandus Klein Family Stone | |||
B | G | Kleppe, Knud K. | Dec. 6, 1875 | June 5, 1876 | ||||
B | G | O | Kleve, Arthur William Rev. | Feb. 19, 1931 | July 5, 2001 | s/o Raymond and Julia (Wenthold) Kleve ordained Feb. 2,1957 | ||
A | G | Kleve, Edward J. | 1905 | 1965 | Father h/o Mathilda C. Kleve p/o Betty, Marvin, Paul, Herbert & Linus | |||
B | G | Kleve, Julia A. | 1902 | 1984 | ||||
B | G | O | Kleve, Marvin John | Jan. 1, 1935 | Feb. 23, 2000 | h/o Alvera L. (Tillman) Kleve Married: Sept. 22, 1954 | ||
A | G | Kleve, Mathilda C. | 1903 | 1962 | Mother w/o Edward J. Kleve p/o Betty, Marvin, Paul, Herbert & Linus | |||
![]() | O | Kleve, Melvin | Aug. 27, 1942 | May 4, 2014 | h/o Shirley Kleve (Holthaus) | |||
B | G | Kleve, Raymond H. | 1907 | 1991 | ||||
A | G | Klimesh, Cel | 1910 | 1978 | ||||
A | G | Klimesh, Emil Anton | July 19, 1914 | May 24, 1977 | h/o Marcella (Herold) Klimesh MOMM3 US Navy WW II p/o Sandra, Sharon & Ronald | |||
A | G | Klimesh, Godfrey M. | Nov. 8, 1919 | June 15, 1995 | h/o Regina M. Klimesh Tec 5 US Army WW II p/o Bill, Pat, Bob & Dave | |||
A | G | Klimesh, Helen | 1909 | 2003 | ||||
A | G | O | Klimesh, Marcella (Herold) | July 30, 1916 | Dec. 8, 2000 | married Emil A. Klimesh March 31, 1940 p/o Sandra, Sharon & Ronald | ||
![]() | O | Klimesh, Regina Mathilda (Bily) | Sept. 28, 1924 | Oct. 25, 2013 | Married Godfrey Klimesh April 23, 1946 | |||
B | G | Kluwe, Robert D. | 1924 | 1925 | ||||
A | W | G | Koch, Anna | 1874 | 1938 | |||
A | G | Koch, Jerome | Aug. 4, 1903 | Aug. 4, 1903 | s/o Mr & Mrs Frank Koch | |||
A | G | Koch, Joseph | 1865 | 1952 | ||||
B | W | G | Koepp, Christina | May 23, 1884 | May 7, 1937 | |||
B | G | Koepp, Frank E. | June 26, 1880 | Oct. 13, 1943 | ||||
A | G | O | Kolar, Margaret M. (Schneberger) | Nov. 4, 1913 | Jan. 31, 1997 | Married William Kolar September 8, 1947 | ||
A | G | Kolar, William | 1905 | 1969 | h/o Margaret M. (Schneberger) Kolar | |||
B | G | Korbel, Agnes E. | 1888 | 1963 | Mother w/o John Jr. Korbel Grouped With 4 other graves: Mary Catherine Timp, Michael Peter Timp, Shelley Ann Timp and Ida C. Timp | |||
B | G | Korbel, Frank | 1853 | 1925 | ||||
B | G | Korbel, John Jr. | 1886 | 1969 | Father h/o Agnes E. Korbel | |||
B | W | G | Korbel, Veronica | 1856 | 1915 | There is a second marker for: Veronica Korbel | ||
B | G | Korbel, Veronica | Feb. 6, 1856 | Mar. 18, 1915 | There is a second marker for: Veronica Korbel | |||
B | G | Kovenz, Leona F. (Funke) | 1910 | 1988 | s/s Emma Funke | |||
A | G | Krall, Agnes (Hemmer) | Jan. 17, 1889 | Oct. 30, 1960 | ||||
B | G | Krall, Deborah Katherine | Feb. 18, 1951 | Oct. 30, 1971 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Mary Krall, James Krall and Wilmer F. Krall | |||
B | G | Krall, Doloros S. | Mar. 5, 1927 | Nov. 10, 2003 | w/o Richard J. Krall Married: July 5, 1950 p/o Deborah and Victor | |||
A | W | G | Krall, Frank | 1850 | 1929 | Father h/o Katherine Krall 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Frank Krall Family Stone | ||
A | G | Krall, Frank Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Frank Krall Family Stone they are: Frank and Katherine | |||||
B | G | Krall, James | 1891 | 1977 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Mary Krall, Wilmer F. Krall and Deborah Katherine Krall | |||
A | W | G | Krall, Katherine | 1850 | 1923 | Mother w/o Frank Krall 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Frank Krall Family Stone | ||
B | G | Krall, Mary | 1891 | 1957 | Grouped With 3 other graves: James Krall, Wilmer F. Krall and Deborah Katherine Krall | |||
B | G | Krall, Richard J. | Dec. 31, 1922 | Jan. 20, 1997 | h/o Doloros S. Krall Married: July 5, 1950 p/o Deborah and Victor | |||
A | G | Krall, Rita M. | 1917 | 1992 | w/o Milton G. Sjullie p/o Gerald, Audrey, Susan & Sally | |||
B | W | G | Krall, Wilmer F. | Aug. 24, 1914 | June 17, 1936 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Mary Krall, James Krall and Deborah Katherine Krall | ||
B | G | Kramme, Jennifer | 1969 | 1993 | ||||
B | G | Kramme, Michael | 1972 | 1977 | ||||
A | G | Krysan, Anna | 1890 | 1962 | ||||
A | G | Krysan, John | 1891 | 1954 | ||||
A | G | Krysan, Mary A. | Jan. 11, 1865 | Feb. 15, 1955 | 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Wenzel Krysan Family Stone | |||
A | W | G | Krysan, Wenzel | Apr. 3, 1859 | Dec. 4, 1933 | 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Wenzel Krysan Family Stone | ||
A | G | Krysan, Wenzel Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Wenzel Krysan Family Stone they are: Wenzel and Mary A. | |||||
B | G | Kubesh, Anna E. | 1864 | 1941 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Louise M. Kubesh and John C. Kubesh | |||
![]() | A | G | O | Kubesh, Elvin John | Apr. 4, 1918 | Oct. 1, 2007 | h/o Mabel (Pechota) Kubesh Tec 4 US Army WW II Married: Oct. 27, 1941 p/o Barbara, Elizabeth, Nancy & Debra | |
![]() | B | G | O | Kubesh, Iona E. (Zweibahmer) | Jan. 20, 1921 | Dec. 17, 2009 | w/o Robert E. Kubesh Married: Oct. 24, 1945 p/o Constance, John, Mary Jo, Donald, Frank & Kenneth | |
B | G | O | Kubesh, John C. | 1863 | Nov., 1950 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Louise M. Kubesh and Anna E. Kubesh | ||
B | G | Kubesh, Louise M. | 1886 | 1958 | Grouped With 2 other graves: John C. Kubesh and Anna E. Kubesh | |||
![]() | O | Kubesh, Mabel Pauline (Pechota) | June 26, 1922 | Nov. 14, 2014 | Married Elvin Kubesh Oct. 27, 1941 | |||
B | G | Kubesh, Robert E. | Dec. 5, 1920 | July 27, 1996 | h/o Iona E. (Zweibahmer) Kubesh Pfc US Army WW II Married: Oct. 24, 1945 p/o Constance, John, Mary Jo, Donald, Frank & Kenneth | |||
A | G | Kudrna, Albert C. | 1883 | 1966 | ||||
A | G | Kudrna, Frank J. | May 6, 1913 | Aug. 2, 1983 | h/o Mildred Marie (Slifka) Kudrna p/o Robert | |||
A | G | Kudrna, Mary E. | 1892 | 1965 | ||||
A | G | O | Kudrna, Mildred Marie (Slifka) | Apr. 8, 1914 | Aug. 5, 1998 | Married Frank Kudrna May 9, 1936 p/o Robert | ||
B | G | O | Kudrna, Wilma Frances | Apr. 6, 1920 | Oct. 2, 2009 | married Leo O’Gorman April 17, 1971 Sgt US Army Air Forces WW II | ||
![]() | A | G | O | Kuennen, Agnes Cecilia | May 21, 1912 | Aug. 26, 2009 | married Norbert Hageman on May 20, 1935 p/o Luella, Linus, Lester, Mary Lou & Merle | |
![]() | B | G | O | Kuennen, Cecilia Mary | Apr. 15, 1911 | Apr. 20, 2012 | w/o Edmund Gerleman p/o Paul Marie, Edna, Margaret, Mardell, Betty & Phyllis | |
![]() | B | G | O | Kuennen, Elizabeth Agnes | Jan. 20, 1910 | May 11, 2007 | married Ignatius Hageman on June 19, 1928 p/o Urban, Bernice, Leon, Dorothy, Mary, LaVerne, Alfred, Thresa & Alma Grouped With 2 other graves: Urban F. Hageman and Ignatius Hageman | |
![]() | A | G | O | Kuennen, Felicia | Jan. 26, 1906 | May 19, 2000 | married Clarence Rothmeyer Oct. 26, 1932 p/o Carolus, Jerome & Margaret | |
B | G | Kuhn, Annie L. | 1872 | 1961 | Married name is: Schneberger Grouped With 3 other graves: John M. Schneberger, William J. Schneberger and Pearl M. Schneberger | |||
B | G | Kuhn, Diane Marie | July 25, 1965 | Nov. 1, 2001 | w/o George Miller d/o Raymond & Anna Mae Kuhn m/o Erica & Nathan Adjacent stone to: Raymond A. Kuhn | |||
A | G | O | Kuhn, Margaret | May, 1869 | Jan. 14, 1939 | Married Frank Schneberger Oct. 14, 1892 | ||
B | G | Kuhn, Raymond A. | Dec. 1, 1927 | Oct. 5, 1997 | h/o Anna Mae Kuhn Married: Aug. 27, 1951 Adjacent stone to: Diane Marie (Kuhn) Miller | |||
B | G | Kuhn, Roger A. | Apr. 11, 1953 | Sept. 18, 2004 | h/o Jeannie M. Kuhn Married: Nov. 22, 1975 p/o Scott, Kevin, Robert & Janelle | |||
B | G | Kulish, David E. | Oct. 16, 1955 | Feb. 22, 1992 | Married: Jan. 11, 1975 | |||
A | G | O | Kulish, Genevieve M. | 1924 | 1992 | w/o Walter W. Kulish Married: Jan. 15, 1943 | ||
A | G | Kulish, Walter W. | 1919 | 1977 | h/o Genevieve M. Kulish Married: Jan. 15, 1943 | |||
A | G | Kuth, Cleora M. | 1897 | 1972 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Frank Kuth and Marie E. Kuth | |||
A | G | Kuth, Frank | 1870 | 1944 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Marie E. Kuth and Cleora M. Kuth | |||
A | G | Kuth, Marie E. | 1874 | 1955 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Frank Kuth and Cleora M. Kuth | |||
Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with L | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
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this page was last updated on
Monday, 20 August 2018