Winneshiek County IAGenWeb St. Aloysius Catholic Cemetery Calmar Iowa Surnames starting with G this page was last updated on Monday, 11 April 2016 |
This cemetery table operates with 4 windows; Winneshiek (site window), WPA (opened when you click on a W to view a WPA data record), GPP (Opened when you click a G to view a IGPP Gravestone photograph)and Obit (opened when you click an O to view an IAGenWeb board obit). Any dates that are in Bold Blue have been calculated based on other available information. Also note that the GPP comment fields use the same four windows. The first column contains a camera icon if any O , G or cemetery records for this person includes a photo.
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
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Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with G | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
A | G | Gehling, Anna E. (Bakula) | 1908 | 1980 | w/o Roman P. Gehling p/o Edward, Helen, Florian & Lawrence 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Helen Ann and Roman P. Gehling Stone | |||
A | G | Gehling, Bernard | 1868 | 1945 | Father h/o Elizabeth Gehling | |||
B | G | Gehling, Catharine | 1905 | 1906 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Emma M. Gehling, Frank Gehling, Marie Gehling and LaVerne Gehling | |||
A | G | Gehling, Elizabeth | 1875 | 1963 | Mother w/o Bernard Gehling | |||
B | G | Gehling, Emma M. | 1876 | 1966 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Frank Gehling, Catharine Gehling, Marie Gehling and LaVerne Gehling | |||
A | G | Gehling, Florian | Oct. 10, 1931 | Apr. 25, 1977 | Father h/o LaVonne Letha (Baumler) Gehling 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Helen Ann and Roman P. Gehling Stone | |||
B | W | G | Gehling, Frank | 1871 | 1936 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Emma M. Gehling, Catharine Gehling, Marie Gehling and LaVerne Gehling | ||
![]() | A | G | O | Gehling, Helen Ann | Mar. 31, 1930 | Dec. 21, 2006 | d/o Anna E. (Bakula) & Roman P. Gehling 6 graves are grouped near the Helen Ann and Roman P. Gehling Stone they are: Helen Ann, Roman P., Anna E. (Bakula), Ronald, Florian and LaVonne Letha (Baumler) | |
B | G | Gehling, LaVerne | 1912 | 1983 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Emma M. Gehling, Frank Gehling, Catharine Gehling and Marie Gehling | |||
![]() | A | G | O | Gehling, LaVonne Letha (Baumler) | Oct. 20, 1937 | June 16, 2005 | Mother married Florian Gehling on November 14, 1956 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Helen Ann and Roman P. Gehling Stone | |
B | G | Gehling, Marie | 1910 | 2000 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Emma M. Gehling, Frank Gehling, Catharine Gehling and LaVerne Gehling | |||
A | G | Gehling, Roman P. | 1907 | 2002 | h/o Anna E. (Bakula) Gehling p/o Edward, Helen, Florian & Lawrence 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Helen Ann and Roman P. Gehling Stone | |||
A | G | O | Gehling, Ronald Joseph | Mar. 9, 1960 | Jan. 15, 2009 | Son s/o LaVonne Letha (Baumler) & Florian Gehling 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Helen Ann and Roman P. Gehling Stone | ||
![]() | B | G | O | Gerleman, Cecilia Mary (Kuennen) | Apr. 15, 1911 | Apr. 20, 2012 | married Edmund Gerleman on September 8, 1931 p/o Paul Marie, Edna, Margaret, Mardell, Betty & Phyllis | |
A | G | Gerleman, Christine | 1887 | 1963 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Gerald Gerleman, Philip Gerleman and Kenneth J. Gerleman | |||
A | G | Gerleman, Eberhard | June 30, 1831 | Dec. 12, 1904 | ||||
A | W | G | Gerleman, Eberhard C. | May 22, 1889 | Sept. 28, 1928 | |||
B | G | Gerleman, Edmund | 1899 | 1992 | h/o Cecilia Mary (Kuennen) Gerleman p/o Paul Marie, Edna, Margaret, Mardell, Betty & Phyllis | |||
B | G | Gerleman, Frances E. | Mar. 8, 1914 | Aug. 17, 1971 | w/o Gregory J. Cremer Married: Nov. 8, 1937 | |||
A | G | Gerleman, Gerald | 1920 | 1929 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Philip Gerleman, Christine Gerleman and Kenneth J. Gerleman | |||
A | G | Gerleman, Kenneth J. | Apr. 16, 1915 | Nov. 7, 1964 | Illinois Tec5 33 Army Medical Depot WW II Grouped With 3 other graves: Gerald Gerleman, Philip Gerleman and Christine Gerleman | |||
B | G | Gerleman, Matthias | 1929 | 1974 | ||||
A | G | Gerleman, Philip | 1879 | 1945 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Gerald Gerleman, Christine Gerleman and Kenneth J. Gerleman | |||
B | G | Gerleman, Rosemary | 1929 | 1965 | ||||
A | G | Gerlemann, Joseph W. | Dec. 14, 1871 | May 23, 1964 | h/o Pauline J. (Cremer) Gerlemann | |||
A | G | Gerlemann, Pauline J. (Cremer) | 1869 | 1948 | w/o Joseph W. Gerlemann | |||
A | G | Gerlich, Cleo Mae | 1923 | 1997 | w/o Paul C. Gerlich Married: Sept. 9, 1947 p/o Michael, Vincent, Sharon. Linda, Marilyn, Joyce & Keith | |||
B | G | Gerlich, Michael | Apr. 1, 1948 | Apr. 2, 1948 | s/o Paul & Cleo Mae Gerlich | |||
A | G | Gerlich, Paul C. | May 19, 1927 | May 16, 1996 | h/o Cleo Mae Gerlich Pfc US Army WW II Married: Sept. 9, 1947 p/o Michael, Vincent, Sharon. Linda, Marilyn, Joyce & Keith | |||
![]() | A | G | O | Gerlich, Vincent John | Mar. 23, 1949 | Nov. 10, 2008 | married Pat Hunter In 1972 s/o Paul and Cleo Mae | |
A | G | Gesing, Ralph J. | 1920 | 1975 | Loving Father & Grandfather | |||
A | G | Giesen, Ethel | 1897 | 1899 | 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | |||
A | W | G | Giesen, Frank H. | 1876 | 1924 | Father h/o Marie K. Giesen 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | ||
A | G | Giesen, Frank H. Family Stone | 10 graves are grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone they are: Marie K., Frank H., Leo H., Irving W., Karl Anthony, Margaret, George, Ethel, Henry J. and Nellie M. | |||||
A | G | Giesen, George | 1896 | 1897 | 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | |||
A | W | G | Giesen, Henry J. | 1874 | 1931 | 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | ||
A | G | Giesen, Irving W. | 1905 | 1987 | 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | |||
A | G | Giesen, Karl Anthony | Sept. 3, 1917 | Dec. 7, 1941 | Y2 US Navy WW II 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | |||
A | G | Giesen, Leo H. | Apr. 11, 1901 | 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | ||||
A | G | Giesen, Margaret | 1914 | 1921 | 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | |||
A | G | Giesen, Marie K. | 1877 | 1938 | Mother w/o Frank H. Giesen 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | |||
A | G | Giesen, Nellie M. | 1877 | 1954 | 1 of 10 graves grouped near the Frank H. Giesen Family Stone | |||
A | G | Giesen, Noble | 1918 | 1995 | ||||
A | G | Giesen, Philip J. | Mar. 1, 1906 | Mar. 28, 1975 | Tec 4 US Army WW II | |||
B | G | Giesing, Belle R. | 1872 | 1942 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Joseph A. Giesing, Rose C. Giesing and Henry H. Giesing | |||
![]() | B | G | O | Giesing, Florence Mary | May 30, 1914 | Jan. 2, 2007 | w/o Roman Isadore TeKippe Married: June 3, 1940 p/o Earl, Rudy, George, Lyle, James, Peter & Patrick | |
A | G | Giesing, Fred J. | 1874 | 1949 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Joseph H. Giesing and William A. Giesing | |||
B | G | Giesing, Henry H. | 1880 | 1919 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Joseph A. Giesing, Rose C. Giesing and Belle R. Giesing | |||
B | W | G | Giesing, Joseph A. | 1842 | 1910 | h/o Rose C. Giesing Grouped With 3 other graves: Rose C. Giesing, Belle R. Giesing and Henry H. Giesing | ||
A | G | Giesing, Joseph H. | 1883 | 1956 | Grouped With 2 other graves: William A. Giesing and Fred J. Giesing | |||
![]() | A | G | O | Giesing, Laura Elizabeth | Dec. 28, 1915 | Oct. 1, 2011 | married Eugene Gnade April 17,1950 | |
B | W | G | Giesing, Rose C. | 1847 | 1911 | w/o Joseph A. Giesing Grouped With 3 other graves: Joseph A. Giesing, Belle R. Giesing and Henry H. Giesing | ||
A | G | Giesing, William A. | 1876 | 1955 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Joseph H. Giesing and Fred J. Giesing | |||
B | W | G | Gilmartin, Anna G. | Sept. 24, 1857 | Dec. 16, 1906 | s/s Michael Gilmartin 1 of 3 graves grouped near the Michael Gilmartin Family Stone | ||
B | G | Gilmartin, Laura | 1890 | 1946 | Married name is: GREENMAN 1 of 3 graves grouped near the Michael Gilmartin Family Stone | |||
B | G | Gilmartin, Michael | June 24, 1851 | Nov. 27, 1943 | s/s Anna G. Gilmartin 1 of 3 graves grouped near the Michael Gilmartin Family Stone | |||
B | G | Gilmartin, Michael Family Stone | 3 graves are grouped near the Michael Gilmartin Family Stone they are: Laura (Gilmartin), Anna G. and Michael | |||||
![]() | A | G | O | Gnade, Eugene Herman | Oct. 1, 1911 | Feb. 9, 2011 | married Laura Giesing April 15, 1950 p/o Mary & Paul | |
![]() | A | G | O | Gnade, Laura Elizabeth (Giesing) | Dec. 28, 1915 | Oct. 1, 2011 | married Eugene Gnade April 17,1950 | |
B | G | Goetkin, Catharine | 1847 | 1928 | Mother | |||
W | Goetkin, Catharine | 1837 | 1907 | |||||
B | G | O | Goetkin, Joseph | Mar. 25, 1953 | Dec., 1946 | Married Catherine Fasen in 1874 | ||
A | G | Goite, Cecelia M. | 1890 | 1971 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Charles N. Goite and Mary E. Goite | |||
A | G | Goite, Charles N. | 1882 | 1945 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Cecelia M. Goite and Mary E. Goite | |||
W | Goite, Louis F. | Aug 12, 1887 | May 14, 1930 | |||||
A | W | G | Goite, Mary E. | July 4, 1854 | Nov. 10, 1928 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Charles N. Goite and Cecelia M. Goite | ||
B | G | Gpoux, James Frederick | July 26, 1965 | July 28, 1965 | p/o Richard, Jeffery, Douglas & James | |||
B | G | Gpoux, Rosemary (Houdek) | Dec. 18, 1926 | May 12, 1996 | w/o Richard William Gpoux p/o Richard, Jeffery, Douglas & James | |||
A | G | O | Graf, Anna (Schneberger) | Nov. 12, 1873 | Oct. 29, 1949 | Married Matt Graf Oct. 26, 1898 Grouped With 3 other graves: Mathias M Graf, Bessie E. Graf and Peter P. Graf | ||
A | G | Graf, Bessie E. | 1883 | 1966 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Anna M. Graf, Mathias M Graf and Peter P. Graf | |||
A | G | Graf, Eleanore A. | 1877 | 1960 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Matthias Graf, Magdalen Graf and Michael C. Graf | |||
A | W | G | Graf, Magdalen | 1838 | 1906 | Mother w/o Matthias Graf Grouped With 3 other graves: Matthias Graf, Eleanore A. Graf and Michael C. Graf | ||
A | G | Graf, Mathias M | Aug. 5, 1879 | Mar. 27, 1940 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Anna M. Graf, Bessie E. Graf and Peter P. Graf | |||
A | W | G | Graf, Matthias | 1837 | 1919 | Father h/o Magdalen Graf Grouped With 3 other graves: Magdalen Graf, Eleanore A. Graf and Michael C. Graf | ||
A | G | Graf, Michael C. | 1879 | 1939 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Matthias Graf, Magdalen Graf and Eleanore A. Graf | |||
A | G | Graf, Peter P. | 1880 | 1947 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Anna M. Graf, Mathias M Graf and Bessie E. Graf | |||
B | G | Greenman, Laura (Gilmartin) | 1890 | 1946 | 1 of 3 graves grouped near the Michael Gilmartin Family Stone | |||
Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with HA | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
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this page was last updated on
Monday, 11 April 2016