Winneshiek County IAGenWeb St Francis Ossian, Iowa Surnames starting with BOH to BRI this page was last updated on Thursday, 01 October 2020 |
UNK-A | _B_ | _C_ | _D_ | _E_ | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-O | P-Q | _R_ | _S_ | _T_ | U-V | _W_ | X-Z |
Surnames Starting With: | BA | BEE | BOH | BRI | BRU |
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with BOH | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
A | G | Bohr, Agnes M. | 1878 | 1961 | Mother w/o Herman B. Bohr | ||
A | G | O | Bohr, Anna Bertha (Heying) | Mar.23, 1907 | Mar. 25, 1999 | w/o John Joseph Bohr Married: June 20, 1929 Grouped With 3 other graves: John J. Bohr, Mark A. Bohr and Clarita E. Bohr | |
A | W | G | Bohr, Anton | Jan. 25, 1839 | Apr. 20, 1907 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | |
B | G | Bohr, Anton C. | 1899 | 1942 | |||
A | G | Bohr, Anton Family Stone | 9 graves are grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone they are: Frank Anton, Elizabeth, Henry H., Antonnettie, Frank J., Anton, Sarah (Herberth), Hugo and Luella | ||||
A | G | Bohr, Antonnettie | 1875 | 1959 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | ||
A | G | O | Bohr, Carl W. | 1932 | Nov., 1984 | h/o Marilyn E. Bohr There is a second marker for: Carl W. Bohr Married: June 27, 1959 p/o Scott, Randall, Michael, Bruce, Michele & Karla | |
A | G | Bohr, Carl William | Sept. 28, 1932 | Nov. 24, 1984 | SP4 US Army Korea There is a second marker for: Carl William Bohr | ||
A | G | Bohr, Catherine F. | 1919 | 2009 | w/o Hugo B. Bohr p/o Terrence, Linda, Colette, Lawrence & Angela | ||
A | G | Bohr, Clarita E. | Apr. 26, 1930 | Feb. 23, 1984 | d/o John J. & Anna Bohr Grouped With 3 other graves: John J. Bohr, Anna B. Bohr and Mark A. Bohr | ||
A | G | O | Bohr, Clement J. | Mar. 26, 1908 | Dec. 15, 1998 | h/o Mary M. (Hageman) Bohr Married: Apr. 20 1937 | |
B | G | Bohr, Edward H. | 1900 | 1983 | h/o Hildegarde (Becker) Bohr p/o Dorothy, Edward, James & Mary Jane | ||
A | G | Bohr, Elizabeth | 1940 | Mother 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | |||
A | W | G | Bohr, Frank Anton | Jan. 29, 1891 | July 14, 1919 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | |
A | G | Bohr, Frank J. | Mar. 7, 1914 | Apr. 25, 1974 | Cpl US Army 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | ||
A | W | G | Bohr, Henry H. | 1872 | 1937 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | |
A | G | Bohr, Herman B. | 1869 | 1953 | Father h/o Agnes M. Bohr | ||
B | G | Bohr, Hildegarde (Becker) | 1903 | 1998 | w/o Edward H. Bohr p/o Dorothy, Edward, James & Mary Jane | ||
A | G | O | Bohr, Hildegarde (Heying) | 1904 | Oct 3, 1993 | ||
A | G | Bohr, Hugo | 1916 | 1918 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | ||
A | G | Bohr, Hugo B. | 1920 | 1985 | h/o Catherine F. Bohr p/o Terrence, Linda, Colette, Lawrence & Angela | ||
A | G | O | Bohr, John Joseph | Feb. 28, 1902 | July 8, 1999 | h/o Anna Bertha (Heying) Bohr Married: June 20, 1929 Grouped With 3 other graves: Anna B. Bohr, Mark A. Bohr and Clarita E. Bohr | |
A | G | Bohr, Luella | 1936 | 1940 | d/o John & Anna Bohr 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | ||
O![]() | Bohr, Mae Jean (Wiltgen) | Feb. 1, 1942 | Apr. 29, 2013 | Married Mel Bohr November 16, 1963 | |||
A | G | Bohr, Mark A. | Mar. 22, 1934 | Mar. 21, 1964 | Iowa Pfc Hq & HQ Co 20 Infantry Grouped With 3 other graves: John J. Bohr, Anna B. Bohr and Clarita E. Bohr | ||
A | G | Bohr, Mary M. (Hageman) | May 10, 1906 | June 13, 2003 | w/o Clement J. Bohr Married: Apr. 20 1937 | ||
B | G | Bohr, Mathilda T. (Hageman) | Jan. 5, 1902 | Jan. 5, 1902 | w/o Anton C. Bohr | ||
O![]() | Bohr, Mildred P. | May 25, 1943 | Mar. 7, 2014 | d/o Clem and Mary (Hageman) Bohr | |||
A | G | Bohr, Richard Rev Father | Jan. 3, 1919 | Aug. 5, 1983 | Ordained Dec. 17, 1944 | ||
A | G | Bohr, Sarah (Herberth) | 1913 | 2005 | 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Anton Bohr Family Stone | ||
A | G | Bohr, William | 1897 | 1973 | |||
B | G | O | Bollnak, Delores Marie | Sept. 17, 1926 | Nov. , 2000 | w/o Norbert Joseph Lansing Married: Jan. 18, 1945 p/o Sharon, Gary, Marion, Dale, Debra & Kevin 1 of 11 graves grouped near the Herman J. and Anna E. Lansing Stone | |
A | G | Bonfig, Albert | 1888 | 1972 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the John and Rosina Bonfig Stone | ||
A | G | Bonfig, Anna F. | 1891 | 1941 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the John and Rosina Bonfig Stone | ||
B | G | Bonfig, Barbara | 1858 | 1934 | Mother w/o Theodore Kapell Adjacent Stone to : Theodore Kapell 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Theodore Kapell Family Stone | ||
A | G | Bonfig, Catherine | 1888 | 1959 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the John and Rosina Bonfig Stone | ||
B | G | Bonfig, Imelda M. | Feb. 27, 1925 | Jan. 6, 2009 | w/o Arnold L. Barthelme | ||
A | W | G | Bonfig, John | 1827 | 1899 | 7 graves are grouped near the John and Rosina Bonfig Stone they are: John, Rosina, Albert, Catherine, Louis P., Anna F. and Victor A. | |
A | G | Bonfig, Linus H. | 1920 | 1971 | h/o Viola F. Bonfig Married: June 11, 1941 | ||
A | G | Bonfig, Louis P. | 1879 | 1950 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the John and Rosina Bonfig Stone | ||
A | W | G | Bonfig, Rosina | 1847 | 1913 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the John and Rosina Bonfig Stone | |
A | G | Bonfig, Victor A. | Nov. 17, 1920 | May 2, 1997 | EM1 US Navy WW II 1 of 7 graves grouped near the John and Rosina Bonfig Stone | ||
A | G | Bonfig, Viola Frances (Becker) | Nov. 8, 1919 | Apr. 17, 2007 | w/o Linus H. Bonfig Married: June 11, 1941 | ||
B | G | Boyd, Jean | 1897 | 1978 | |||
A | G | Boyle, Alice | 1872 | 1949 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the William Donlan Family Stone | ||
A | G | Boyle, Ben | 1864 | 1946 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Bernard Boyle Family Stone | ||
A | W | G | Boyle, Bernard | 1828 | 1900 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Bernard Boyle Family Stone | |
A | G | Boyle, Bernard Family Stone | 6 graves are grouped near the Bernard Boyle Family Stone they are: Philip, Elizabeth C. Cody, Elizabeth, Bernard, Ben and Caroline | ||||
A | G | Boyle, Caroline | 1892 | 1974 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Bernard Boyle Family Stone | ||
A | G | Boyle, Della | 1873 | 1946 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Thomas Boyle Stone | ||
A | W | G | Boyle, Elizabeth Ann (McManus) | 1835 | 1917 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Bernard Boyle Family Stone | |
A | G | Boyle, Joe | 1911 | 1971 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Thomas Boyle Stone | ||
A | W | G | Boyle, Philip | 1865 | 1918 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Bernard Boyle Family Stone | |
A | G | Boyle, Ramona | Sept. 7, 1906 | Jan. 4, 1907 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Thomas Boyle Stone | ||
A | G | Boyle, Rodney | Feb. 12, 1902 | Aug. 17, 1902 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Thomas Boyle Stone | ||
A | G | Boyle, Rollin | July 19, 1899 | Aug. 2, 1902 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Thomas Boyle Stone | ||
A | G | Boyle, Thomas | 1857 | 1918 | 6 graves are grouped near the Thomas Boyle Stone they are: Thomas, Della, Joe, Ramona, Rodney and Rollin | ||
C | G | O | Brechtel, Howard D. | Mar. 25, 1934 | Feb. 9, 2011 | h/o Harriet C. Brechtel Married: Dec. 27, 1958 p/o Donna, Bruce & Shelley | |
C | G | Brechtel, Howard Dean | Mar. 25, 1934 | Feb. 9, 2011 | s/o Harold & Louise (Robertson) Brechtel Pfc US Army | ||
O![]() | Breitsprecher, Mary Ellen | Apr. 16, 1947 | Mar. 28, 2015 | Married Herbert Hageman on October 11, 1969 | |||
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with BRI | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
UNK-A | _B_ | _C_ | _D_ | _E_ | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-O | P-Q | _R_ | _S_ | _T_ | U-V | _W_ | X-Z |
Surnames Starting With: | BA | BEE | BOH | BRI | BRU |
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this page was last updated on
Thursday, 01 October 2020