Winneshiek County IAGenWeb St Francis Ossian, Iowa Surnames starting with Unknown through A this page was last updated on Thursday, 01 October 2020 |
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | _C_ | _D_ | _E_ | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-O | P-Q | _R_ | _S_ | _T_ | U-V | _W_ | X-Z |
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with ? | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
A | G | ????, ???? | Aged 6 Ys 2 Ms 23 Ds s/s Lucy A. ???? Located near the stones of Elizabeth Ann Hemesath and Mary Wenthold | ||||
B | G | ????, ???? | June 23, 1882 | Located near the stones of Nicholas Schroeder and the Daniel Moarnan Family Stone | |||
B | G | ????, Catherine | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the William Wenthold Family Stone | ||||
A | G | ????, Lucy A. | s/s ???? ???? Located near the stones of Elizabeth Ann Hemesath and Mary Wenthold | ||||
A | G | ????, Uncle | Located near the stones of Frances Burke and Mary Ann McLane | ||||
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with A | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
B | G | Allen, Barbara | Feb. 22, 1870 | Aug. 17, 1947 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Fred Allen and Eva S. Sampson | ||
B | W | G | Allen, Fred | June 8, 1866 | Feb. 7, 1899 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Barbara Allen and Eva S. Sampson | |
C | G | Ameling-Gibson, Madison Marie | Aug. 2, 1992 | Jan. 5, 2006 | d/o Steve & Julie | ||
B | G | Andresen, Arthur S. | 1893 | 1954 | There is a second marker for: Arthur S. Andresen | ||
B | G | Andresen, Arthur Z. | Aug. 7, 1893 | Nov. 13, 1954 | Iowa SFC Co D 313 Sup Train WW I There is a second marker for: Arthur Z. Andresen | ||
B | G | Andresen, Zephrene C. | 1895 | 1997 | |||
B | G | Annis, Clay B. | Mar. 21, 1900 | Oct. 28, 1966 | 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Clay B. Annis Family Stone | ||
B | G | Annis, Clay B. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Clay B. Annis Family Stone they are: Norma B. and Clay B. | ||||
B | G | Annis, Norma B. | Nov. 10, 1898 | Mar. 12, 1953 | 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Clay B. Annis Family Stone | ||
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with B | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With:
UNK-A | _B_ | _C_ | _D_ | _E_ | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-O | P-Q | _R_ | _S_ | _T_ | U-V | _W_ | X-Z |
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this page was last updated on
Thursday, 01 October 2020