Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Hesper Lutheran Cemetery Surnames starting with T through U this page was last updated on Thursday, 03 September 2020 |
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Surnames Starting With: | ?-A | B-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | _S_ | T-U | V-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with T | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | Tangen, J. Philip | Sept. 8, 1922 | July 9, 1990 | Grouped with 2 other Tangen Graves: Julius H. and Julianna Tangen | ||
G | Tangen, Julianna | 1895 | 1983 | Grouped with 2 other Tangen Graves: J. Philip and Julius H. | ||
G | Tangen, Julius H. | 1898 | 1947 | Grouped with 2 other Tangen Graves: J. Philip and Julianna Tangen | ||
W | Thingoild, Hans C. | Jul 11, 1846 | Jun 15, 1917 | |||
G | Thingvold, Charles K. | 1920 | 1945 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone | ||
G | Thingvold, Clara A. | 1884 | 1971 | 8 graves are grouped around the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone they are: Clara A., John G., Norman R., Charles K., Elmer, Zola, Gerhard and John | ||
G | Thingvold, Elmer | Dec. 10, 1888 | Nov. 21, 1949 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone | ||
G | Thingvold, Family Stone | 4 graves are grouped around the Thingvold Family Stone they are: Mother, Father, Selma C. and Mathilda B. | ||||
G | Thingvold, Father | There is a second marker for: Father Thingvold 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thingvold Family Stone | ||||
G | Thingvold, Gerhard | 1923 | 1996 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone | ||
G | Thingvold, John | Oct. 28, 1952 | June 24, 1968 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone | ||
G | Thingvold, John G. | 1882 | 1976 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone | ||
W | G | Thingvold, Mathilda Beata | Nov. 8, 1877 | Sept.; 19, 1893 | There is a second marker for: Mathilda Beata Thingvold | |
G | Thingvold, Mathilda B. | w/o Selma C. There is a second marker for: Mathilda B. Thingvold 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thingvold Family Stone | ||||
G | Thingvold, Mother | There is a second marker for: Mother Thingvold 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thingvold Family Stone | ||||
G | Thingvold, Norman R. | 1927 | 1929 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone | ||
G | Thingvold, Selma C. | h/o Mathilda B. There is a second marker for: Selma C. Thingvold 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Thingvold Family Stone | ||||
G | Thingvold, Zola | 1922 | 1993 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Clara A. and John G. Thingvold Stone | ||
W | G | O | Thompson, Elise J. | Mar. 11, 1854 | July 3, 1934 | w/o John Arndt Svenson Tommerdahl 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the John S. Tommerdahl Family Stone |
W | G | Thompson, Olava G. | 1827 | 1928 | ||
W | G | Thompson, Ole | 1831 | 1884 | ||
G | Thorson, Betsey | 1870 | 1944 | 8 graves are grouped around the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone they are: Ole, Betsey, Ronald Burton, Sadie J., Elmer T., ?olina Lousia, Orrin J. and Gordon | ||
G | Thorson, Edgar A. | 1893 | 1976 | Grouped with 6 other Thorson Graves: Tilford J., Ellen T. Howe, Julia, Nicolai, Olga G. and Eleanor O. | ||
G | Thorson, Eleanor O. | 1921 | 1966 | Grouped with 6 other Thorson Graves: Tilford J., Ellen T. Howe, Julia, Nicolai, Olga G. and Edgar A. | ||
G | Thorson, Elmer T. | 1903 | 1994 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone | ||
G | Thorson, Esther H. | 1906 | 1970 | |||
G | Thorson, Gordon | Oct. 23, 1930 | Jan. 18, 2009 | h/o Elsie p/o Lu Ann, Dean, Lori & Betsy 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone | ||
G | Thorson, Julia | 1888 | 1965 | Grouped with 6 other Thorson Graves: Olga G., Edgar A., Eleanor O., Tilford J., Ellen T. Howe and Nicolai | ||
G | Thorson, Levi A. | 1900 | 1977 | |||
G | Thorson, Nicolai | 1884 | 1972 | Grouped with 6 other Thorson Graves: Edgar A., Eleanor O., Tilford J., Ellen T. Howe, Julia and Olga G. | ||
G | Thorson, Ole | 1862 | 1945 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone | ||
G | Thorson, Olga G. | 1893 | 1990 | Grouped with 6 other Thorson Graves: Eleanor O., Tilford J., Ellen T. Howe, Julia, Nicolai and Edgar A. | ||
G![]() | Thorson, Orrin J. | Apr. 11, 1927 | Feb. 4, 1930 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone | ||
W | G | Thorson, Paul | 1822 | 1882 | Grouped with 2 other Thorson Graves: Thor T. and Torbjor | |
G | Thorson, Richard O. | 1933 | 1983 | Cpl. US Army | ||
G | Thorson, Ronald Burton | Aug. 18, 1935 | Apr. 28, 2001 | There is a second marker for: Ronald Burton Thorson 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone | ||
G | O | Thorson, Ronald Burton | Aug. 18, 1935 | Apr. 28, 2001 | h/o Yong Sun Kim Cpl. US Marine Corps Korea There is a second marker for: Ronald Burton Thorson | |
G | Thorson, Sadie J. | 1904 | 1982 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone | ||
W | Thorson, Theodore | 1867 | 1900 | |||
G | Thorson, Thobjor | ???0 | There is a second marker for: Thobjor Thorson | |||
W | Thorson, Thoe T. | 1820 | 1905 | |||
G | Thorson, Thor T. | 1855 | 1886 | Grouped with 2 other Thorson Graves: Torbjor and Paul | ||
G | Thorson, Tilford J. | June 30, 1915 | July 12, 2007 | Grouped with 6 other Thorson Graves: Julia, Nicolai, Olga G., Edgar A., Eleanor O. and Ellen T. Howe | ||
G |
Thorson, Tolina Lousia | 1888 | 1902 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ole and Betsey Thorson Stone | ||
W | G | Thorson, Torbjor | 1820 | 1905 | There is a second marker for: Torbjor Thorson Grouped with 2 other Thorson Graves: Thor T. and Paul | |
G | Tietz, Danica Rae | Dec. 20, 1995 | Dec. 20, 1995 | d/o Galen & Melanie | ||
G | O | Tingesdahl, Palma Rosella | July 6, 1895 | Jan. 26, 1941 | w/o Carl Adolph Aasum Mother 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Carl Adolph Aasum Family Stone | |
W | G | Tollefsgaard, Halgrim L. | Dec. 10, 1810 | 1887 | s/s Maria L. Tollefsgaard | |
W | G | Tollefsgaard, Maria L. | Sept. 28, 1816 | Aug. 29, 1904 | s/s Halgrim L. Tollefsgaard | |
G | Tollefsrud, Beth L. | Oct. 14, 1923 | Feb. 21, 1970 | |||
G | Tollefsrud, Chayne Truman | Feb. 29, 1980 | Dec. 28, 2008 | s/o Brenda & Truman | ||
G | Tollefsrud, Trumann H. | Nov. 30, 1919 | July 11, 1977 | |||
G | Tommerdahl, Anna | 1876 | 1928 | |||
W | G | O | Tommerdahl, Elise J. Svenson (Thompson) | Mar. 11, 1854 | July 3, 1934 | w/o John Arndt Svenson Tommerdahl 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the John S. Tommerdahl Family Stone |
G | O | Tommerdahl, John Arndt Svenson | Sept. 29, 1846 | Nov. , 1926 | h/o Lise J. Thompson 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the John S. Tommerdahl Family Stone | |
G | Tommerdahl, John S. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the John S. Tommerdahl Family Stone they are: John S. and Elise J. | ||||
G | O | Tommerdahl, Julia M. | Sept. 26, 1896 | Sept. , 1975 | w/o Julius Brenna Grouped with 3 other Brenna Graves: Lelah V. (Brenna) Folstad, Melvin O. Folstad and Julius | |
W | G | Torgeson, Albert N. | Dec. 4, 1890 | Apr. 11, 1918 | Private Died at Camp Dodge Grouped with 2 other Torgeson Graves: Gilbert and Julia | |
G | Torgeson, Albert N. Large Stone | |||||
G | Torgeson, Gilbert | Oct. 4, 1893 | Feb. 25, 1955 | Pfc 163 Depot Brigade WW I PH Grouped with 2 other Torgeson Graves: Julia and Albert N. | ||
G | Torgeson, Julia | 1860 | 1948 | Grandma Grouped with 2 other Torgeson Graves: Gilbert and Albert N. | ||
G | Tranaas, Dagmar | 1894 | 1994 | |||
G | Tranaas, Nikolai | 1889 | 1971 | There is a second marker for: Nikolai Tranaas | ||
G | Tranaas, Nikolai | Apr. 1, 1889 | Dec. 23, 1971 | Iowa Pvt. Co D 327 Inf. WW I There is a second marker for: Nikolai Tranaas | ||
W | G | Tutteroen, Christiana | 1847 | 1925 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the John Tutteroen Family Stone | |
W | G | Tutteroen, Ellen Jonetta | 1877 | 1902 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the John Tutteroen Family Stone | |
G | Tutteroen, Jacob J. | 1881 | 1942 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the John Tutteroen Family Stone | ||
W | G | Tutteroen, John | 1837 | 1926 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the John Tutteroen Family Stone | |
G | Tutteroen, John family Stone | 6 graves are grouped around the John Tutteroen Family Stone they are: Nelius Bertrem, Ellen Jonetta, Christiana, John, Jacob J. and Julius | ||||
G | Tutteroen, Julius | 1876 | 1964 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the John Tutteroen Family Stone | ||
W | G | Tutteroen, Nelius Bertrem | 1886 | 1902 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the John Tutteroen Family Stone | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with U | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | Usgaard, Carrie | 1858 | 1928 | |||
G | Usgaard, D??? | 1888 | 188? | s/s 2 other Usgaard Graves: Lovise Karoline and Isak L. Grouped with 3 other Usgaard Graves: Ingeborg Ann, Lovise Karoline and Isak L. | ||
G | Usgaard, Ida | 1900 | 1964 | Grouped with 2 other Usgaard Graves: Leo (Sorlien) and Ole | ||
W | G | Usgaard, Ingeborg Ann | July 15, 1888 | Apr. 2, 1913 | Grouped with 3 other Usgaard Graves: Isak L., D??? and Lovise Karoline | |
G | Usgaard, Isak L. | Apr. 10, 18?? | 189? | s/s 2 other Usgaard Graves: D??? and Lovise Karoline Grouped with 3 other Usgaard Graves: Ingeborg Ann, Lovise Karoline and D??? | ||
G | Usgaard, Leo | 1923 | 1923 | Grouped with 2 other Usgaard Graves: Ida and Ole | ||
G | Usgaard, Lovise Karoline | Apr. 20, 189? | Apr. 25, 1899 | s/s 2 other Usgaard Graves: Isak L. and D??? Grouped with 3 other Usgaard Graves: D??? Ingeborg Ann and Isak L. | ||
G | O | Usgaard, Mathilda | Apr. 18, 1883 | May 18, 1973 | w/o Edward Brenna 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Lorence and Elias Brenna Stone | |
G | Usgaard, Ole | 1890 | 1966 | Grouped with 2 other Usgaard Graves: Ida and Leo (Sorlien) | ||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with V | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With: | ?-A | B-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | _S_ | T-U | V-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
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