Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Hesper Lutheran Cemetery Surnames starting with P through R this page was last updated on Friday, 29 August 2014 |
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Surnames Starting With: | ?-A | B-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | _S_ | T-U | V-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with P | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | Pearson, Carrie | 1847 | 1936 | Grouped with 2 other Pearson Graves: Henry O. and Isabelle | ||
W | G | Pearson, Henry O. | 1868 | 1925 | Father h/o Isabelle Grouped with 2 other Pearson Graves: Carrie and Isabelle | |
G | Pearson, Isabelle | 1860 | 1940 | Mother w/o Henry O. Grouped with 2 other Pearson Graves: Carrie and Henry O. | ||
G | Pederson, ???? J. | Aug.26, 1869 | Aug. 1, 1872 | s/s 1 other Pederson Grave: John the base on the front of this stone is inscribed Norduvne | ||
G | Pederson, ???k | Aug. 5, 1938 | Aug. 5, 1938 | Grouped with 3 other Pederson Graves: Emelia Louise, Emil Orlando and Ole O. | ||
G | Pederson, ?da Emel | 1877/1878 | Mar. , 1884 | Aged 6 Ys s/s 3 other Pederson Graves: Anders and Ingeborg A. 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Joseph Pederson Stone | ||
W | G | Pederson, Anders | Jan. , 1864 | May , 1884 | h/o Ingeborg A. s/s 3 other Pederson Graves: Ingeborg A., Peder and ?da Emel? 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Joseph Pederson Stone | |
G | Pederson, Emelia Louise | 1881 | 1966 | w/o Ole O. Pederson Grouped with 3 other Pederson Graves: ???k, Ole O. and Emil Orlando | ||
G | Pederson, Emil Orlando | July 3, 1912 | Mar. 19, 1913 | Grouped with 3 other Pederson Graves: ???k, Ole O. and Emelia Louise | ||
W | G | Pederson, Ingeborg A. | Feb. ,1861 | Dec. ,1884 | w/o Anders s/s 3 other Pederson Graves: Peder, ?da Emel? and Anders 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Joseph Pederson Stone | |
W | G | Pederson, John | Feb. 24, 1830 | Mar. 12, 1900 | s/s 2 other Pederson Graves: ???? J. and Peder J. the base of the front of this stone is inscribed Norduvne | |
W | G | Pederson, Joseph | 1849 | 1937 | 6 graves are grouped around the Joseph Pederson Stone they are: Joseph, Anders, Ingeborg A., Peder, ?da Emel? and Petra Marie | |
G | Pederson, Julia | 1884 | 1960 | Married name is: Nelson | ||
W | G | Pederson, Ole O. | 1856 | 1919 | Grouped with 3 other Pederson Graves: Emil Orlando ???k and Emelia Louise | |
G | Pederson, Peder | 188? | Apr. 188? | s/s 2 other Pederson Graves: ?da Emel? and Anders 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Joseph Pederson Stone | ||
W | G | Pederson, Peder J. | Oct 29, 1862 | Sept 17, 1891 | s/s 1 other Pederson Grave: John the base of the front of this stone is inscribed Norduvne | |
G | Pederson, Petra Marie | 1874 | 1905 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Joseph Pederson Stone | ||
W | Perry, Alfred E. | 1839 | Oct, 02 | |||
W | Perry, Susan A. | 1843 | 1916 | |||
G | Peterson, David J. | Aug. 14, 1944 | Dec. 5, 1988 | US Army 1962 - 1965 | ||
G | Peterson, Edgar | 1904 | 1984 | h/o Emma Grouped with 2 other Peterson Graves: Emma and Larry O. | ||
W | G![]() | Peterson, Einar | 1851 | 1935 | ||
G | Peterson, Emma | 1909 | 1977 | w/o Edgar Grouped with 2 other Peterson Graves: Larry O. and Edgar | ||
G | Peterson, Ingeborg | 1868 | 1957 | |||
G | Peterson, Larry O. | Feb. 13, 1950 | July 30, 1999 | s/o Edgar and Emma Grouped with 2 other Peterson Graves: Emma and Edgar | ||
G | Peterson, Margit Iva | 1901 | 1943 | Mother h/o Orrin N. 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Orrin N. Peterson Family Stone | ||
G | Peterson, Maria | 1873 | 1951 | |||
G | Peterson, Ole M. | 1871 | 1963 | |||
G | Peterson, Orrin N. | 1901 | 1969 | Father w/o Margit Iva 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Orrin N. Peterson Family Stone | ||
G | Peterson, Orrin N. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Orrin N. Peterson Family Stone they are: Orrin N. and Margit Iva | ||||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with Q | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G | Quinnell, Anders H. | May 2, 1876 | Oct. 7, 1907 | Same stone as 3 other Quinnell Graves: Eskil H. Quinnell, Bertha H., and Hendajh E. | |
W | G | Quinnell, Bertha H. | Oct. 15, 1850 | Aug. 27, 1922 | Same stone as 3 other Quinnell Graves: Hendajh E., Anders H. and Eskil H. Quinnell | |
W | G | Quinnell, Eskil H. | June 8, 1873 | Mar. 19, 1892 | Same stone as 3 other Quinnell Graves: Bertha H., Hendajh E., and Anders H. | |
W | G | Quinnell, Hendajh E. | ??? 21, 1848 | July 23, 1881 | Same stone as 3 other Quinnell Graves: Anders H., Eskil H. Quinnell and Bertha H. | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with R | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | Rambo, Anna | 1892 | 1911 | |||
W | Rambo, Isabella | 1859 | 1905 | |||
W | Rambo, Mary E. | 1864 | 1931 | |||
W | Rambo, Peter T. | 1864 | 1936 | |||
G | Ramlo, ???? | 1909 | 1909 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | ||
G | Ramlo, Agnes | 1908 | 1992 | Grouped with 2 other Ramlo Graves: Lloyd A. and Walter L. | ||
W | G | Ramlo, Carl | 1885 | 1928 | ||
G | Ramlo, Clara | 1883 | 1960 | |||
G | Ramlo, Halvor T. | 1862 | 1939 | Father h/o Julia 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | ||
G | Ramlo, Halvor T. Family Stone | 8 graves are grouped around the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone they are: Harlan B., ????, Infant, infant, Halvor T., Julia, Lenord and Lillian L. | ||||
G | Ramlo, Harlan B. | Mar. 30, 1913 | July 8, 1978 | US Army WW II 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | ||
G | Ramlo, Infant | Sept. 15, 1908 | Sept. 15, 1908 | s/o ? H Ramlo 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | ||
G | Ramlo, infant | Feb. 17, 1920 | Feb. 17, 1920 | c/o Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Ramlo 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | ||
G | Ramlo, Jim Tard | 1865 | 1941 | |||
G | Ramlo, Johanna | 1877 | 1975 | |||
G | Ramlo, Julia | 1864 | 1946 | Mother w/o Halvor T. 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | ||
G | Ramlo, Lenord | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | ||||
W | G | Ramlo, Lillian L. | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Halvor T. Ramlo Family Stone | |||
G | Ramlo, Lloyd A. | 1901 | 1968 | Grouped with 2 other Ramlo Graves: Walter L. and Agnes | ||
G | Ramlo, Walter L. | 1904 | 1964 | Grouped with 2 other Ramlo Graves: Lloyd A. and Agnes | ||
G | Ramso, ???? | Located near Eilert Halseth's Gravestone | ||||
G | O | Randall, Irma E. | Apr. 28, 1920 | May 23, 2005 | w/o Irvin Allen Grouped with 2 other Allen Graves: Joanne F. and Irvin O. | |
W | G | Rasmussen, Inger | 1862 | 1927 | Mother h/o William A. Rev. Grouped with 2 other Rasmussen Graves: Wilhelm Augustin and William A. Rev. | |
G | Rasmussen, Lylas K. (Gjetley) | 1920 | 2004 | |||
G | O | Rasmussen, N. Vernon | July 10, 1923 | Feb. 20, 2001 | w/o Lylas Gjetley | |
G | Rasmussen, Wilhelm Augustin | 1906 | 1911 | Grouped with 2 other Rasmussen Graves: Inger and William A. Rev. | ||
G | Rasmussen, William A. Rev. | 1863 | 1946 | Father w/o Inger Grouped with 2 other Rasmussen Graves: Wilhelm Augustin and Inger | ||
W | Reid, David | 1824 | 1901 | |||
W | Reid, Fanny | 1826 | 1883 | |||
G | O | Reinsvold, Gladys | May 1, 1907 | Apr. 1, 1979 | w/o Gilbert Olson | |
G | O | Riha, Mabel J. | July 22, 1925 | Apr. 9, 2009 | w/o Maynard O. Folstad p/o Mark, Sandra & Alvin | |
G | Riha, Mabel J. | July 22, 1925 | Apr. 9, 2009 | p/o Mark, Sandra & Alvin Married name is: Folstad | ||
G | Rilling, Beatrice M. | 1904 | 1973 | Grouped with 2 other Rilling Graves: Richard F. and Joseph A. | ||
G | Rilling, Joseph A. | 1896 | 1957 | Grouped with 2 other Rilling Graves: Beatrice M. and Richard F. | ||
G | O | Rilling, Richard F. | Aug. 14, 1934 | July 27, 2000 | h/o Ellen J. Droivold Married: June 29, 1957 p/o Rick, B. J., John & Donnie Grouped with 2 other Rilling Graves: Beatrice M. and Joseph A. | |
W | G | Rise, Johanes | 1848 | 1930 | Father h/o Olive | |
W | G | Rise, Olive | 1846 | 1926 | Mother w/o Johanes | |
W | Robinson, Janet | 1837 | 1875 | |||
W | Robinson, John | 1870 | 1890 | |||
G | Rolfshus, ???? | Grouped with 2 other Rolfshus Graves: Adolph and Victoria A.Located between the stones of Adolph Rolfshus and Johanna Ramlo | ||||
W | Rolfshus, Adelia | 1894 | 1911 | |||
G | Rolfshus, Adolph | 1898 | 1948 | Grouped with 2 other Rolfshus Graves: ???? and Victoria A. | ||
W | G | Rolfshus, Bennett Gustav | Aug. 19, 1875 | Mar. ??, 1907 | Grouped with 2 other Rolfshus Graves: O. K. Mrs. and O. K. | |
G | Rolfshus, Carrie | 1858 | 1942 | Adjacent to Knute O. Rolfshus | ||
W | G | Rolfshus, Christina (Golberg) | Nov 28, 1877 | Aug 20, 1898 | w/o ? Rolfshus | |
G | Rolfshus, Clarence | 1891 | 1970 | |||
G | Rolfshus, Conrad | 1875 | 1953 | |||
G | Rolfshus, Julia | 1884 | 1973 | |||
G | Rolfshus, Knute O. | 1839 | 1927 | Adjacent to Carrie Rolfshus | ||
W | G | Rolfshus, O. K. | Aug. 1, 1816 | June 25, 1906 | Grouped with 2 other Rolfshus Graves: Bennett Gustav and O. K. Mrs. | |
W | G | Rolfshus, O. K. Mrs. | 1811 | Nov. 19, 1893 | Grouped with 2 other Rolfshus Graves: Bennett Gustav and O. K. | |
G | O | Rolfshus, Ruth (Darrington) | Apr. 14, 1894 | Mar. 7, 1989 | w/o Clarence | |
G | Rolfshus, Victoria A. | 1901 | 1992 | Grouped with 2 other Rolfshus Graves: Adolph and ???? | ||
G | Rollie, Arthur J. | 1880 | 1942 | Father h/o Inga B. | ||
G | O | Rollie, Cora A. | June 23, 1909 | Oct. 5, 1999 | w/o Delvin C. Soberg p/o Arlene | |
G | Rollie, Debra A. | May 20, 1968 | May 23, 1968 | Adjacent stone to: Harold C. Rollie | ||
G | Rollie, Harold C. | 1921 | 2008 | h/o Norma L. There is a second marker for: Harold C. Rollie Married: Oct. 12, 1946 p/o Dennis, Neil, Sandra, Linda & Debra Adjacent stone to: Debra A. Rollie | ||
G | Rollie, Harold C. | June 23, 1921 | Nov. 1, 2008 | Prisoner of War Pfc US Army WW II There is a second marker for: Harold C. Rollie | ||
G | Rollie, Inga B. | 1882 | 1969 | Mother w/o Arthur J. | ||
G | O | Roney, Grace E. | Sept. 20, 1906 | May 5, 1999 | w/o Conrad Vick | |
W | G | Rotvold, Gjertrue H. | June 6, 1838 | Aug. 4, 1926 | Grouped with 2 other Rotvold Graves: Henning and Guri | |
G | Rotvold, Guri | 1858 | 1940 | Mother w/o Henning Grouped with 2 other Rotvold Graves: Gjertrue H. and Henning | ||
G | Rotvold, Henning | 1865 | 1962 | Father h/o Guri Grouped with 2 other Rotvold Graves: Gjertrue H. and Guri | ||
G | Rotvold, Ole G. | 1896 | 1970 | Father h/o Sylvia M. p/o Marion R. | ||
G | Rotvold, Sylvia M. | 1898 | 1988 | Mother w/o Ole G. p/o Marion R. | ||
G | Ryan, Hilda A. | 1886 | 1971 | |||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with S | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With: | ?-A | B-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | _S_ | T-U | V-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
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