Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Glenwood Lutheran Cemetery Surnames starting with M and N this page was last updated on Saturday, 03 October 2020 |
This cemetery table operates with 4 windows; Winneshiek (site window), WPA (opened when you click on a W to view a WPA data record), GPP (Opened when you click a G to view a IGPP Gravestone photograph)and Obit (opened when you click an O to view an IAGenWeb board obit). Any dates that are in Bold Blue have been calculated based on other available information.
Surnames Starting With:
?-A | _B_ | C-D | _E_ | F-G | _H_ | I-K | _L_ | M-N | O-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-Z |
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with M | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
B | G | Mo?e?, ???? | Located near the stones of Kristine Olesdatter and Fader Nasset | ||||
B | W | G | Moe, Andres A. | Apr. 14, 1830 | Dec. 25, 1915 | h/o Martha A. Moe Father There is a second Marker for: Andres A. Moe Grouped With 2 other graves: Martha A. Moe and Olai Moe | |
B | W | G | Moe, Andres A. | Apr. 14, 1830 | Dec. 25, 1915 | There is a second Marker for: Andres A. Moe | |
A | W | G | Moe, Anne | 1845 | 1924 | w/o Johan O. Moe Mother Adjacent Stone to : Johan O. Moe 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Johan O. Moe Family Stone | |
A | W | G | Moe, Johan O. | 1832 | 1896 | h/o Anne Moe Father Adjacent Stone to : Anne Moe Died in Norway 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Johan O. Moe Family Stone | |
A | G | Moe, Johan O. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Johan O. Moe Family Stone they are: Johan O. and Anne | ||||
Moe, Johannes A. | Jan. 21, 1863 | May 12, 1932 | |||||
B | W | G | Moe, Martha A. | Dec. 27, 1833 | Feb. 17, 1913 | w/o Andres A. Moe Mother There is a second Marker for: Martha A. Moe Grouped With 2 other graves: Andres A. Moe and Olai Moe | |
B | W | G | Moe, Martha A. | Dec. 27, 1833 | Feb. 17, 1913 | There is a second Marker for: Martha A. Moe | |
B | W | G | Moe, Olai | Dec. 15, 1867 | Jan. 29, 1929 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Andres A. Moe and Martha A. Moe | |
B | G | Moen, Arthur N. | 1915 | 1974 | h/o Marian H. Moen Grouped With 3 other graves: Ernest W. Moen, Marian H. Moen and Dale A. Moen | ||
A | G | Moen, Caroline | 1885 | 1948 | |||
B | G | Moen, Dale A. | 1942 | 1942 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Ernest W. Moen, Arthur N. Moen and Marian H. Moen | ||
A | G | Moen, Darlene Jean | 1941 | 1941 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Leo Moen, Thelma Moen, Wilhelm F. Moen and Ruth A. (Johnson) Moen | ||
B | G | Moen, Ellen Sylvia | Dec. 5, 1924 | Apr. 13, 1925 | Adjacent stone to: Malline Aletta Moen | ||
B | G | Moen, Ernest W. | July 9, 1950 | Sept. 20, 1994 | s/o Arthur & Marian Grouped With 3 other graves: Arthur N. Moen, Marian H. Moen and Dale A. Moen | ||
A | W | G | Moen, Even | Dec. 5, 1842 | Aug. 19, 1894 | s/s with 2 other graves: Ole Evensen Moen and Helene Moen Grouped With 4 other graves: Ole Evensen Moen, Helene Moen, Orlando Moen and Orlando C. Moen | |
B | G | Moen, Gilbert | 1870 | 1938 | h/o Marie Moen Father Adjacent Stone to : Marie Moen 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Gilbert Moen Family Stone | ||
B | G | Moen, Gilbert Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Gilbert Moen Family Stone they are: Gilbert and Marie | ||||
A | G | Moen, Gustav E. | 1868 | 1938 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Nora Moen, Huldah (Moen) Scholl and Karen B. Moen | ||
A | W | G | Moen, Helene | Sept. 7, 1842 | Dec. 15, 1912 | s/s with 2 other graves: Ole Evensen Moen and Even Moen Grouped With 4 other graves: Ole Evensen Moen, Even Moen, Orlando Moen and Orlando C. Moen | |
A | W | G | Moen, Huldah | Apr. 8, 1891 | July 7, 1912 | Married name is: Scholl Grouped With 3 other graves: Nora Moen, Gustav E. Moen and Karen B. Moen | |
A | G | Moen, Julius | 1883 | 1960 | |||
A | G | Moen, Karen B. | 1866 | 1950 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Nora Moen, Huldah (Moen) Scholl and Gustav E. Moen | ||
A | G![]() | O![]() | Moen, Leo Orlando | Oct. 26, 1912 | Feb. 9, 2008 | h/o Thelma Marvel (Lovstuen) p/o LaVonne, Darlene, Duane & Lyle Grouped With 4 other graves: Thelma Moen, Darlene Jean Moen, Wilhelm F. Moen and Ruth A. (Johnson) Moen | |
B | G | Moen, Malline Aletta | Nov. 23, 19?0 | Jan. 25, 1932 | Adjacent stone to: Ellen Sylvia Moen | ||
B | G | O | Moen, Marian H. (Ruffridge) | Nov. 8, 1921 | Feb. 27, 2001 | w/o Arthur N. Moen Grouped With 3 other graves: Ernest W. Moen, Arthur N. Moen and Dale A. Moen | |
B | G | Moen, Marie | 1883 | 1950 | w/o Gilbert Moen Mother Adjacent Stone to : Gilbert Moen 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Gilbert Moen Family Stone | ||
A | G | Moen, Nora | Sept. 30, 1893 | Feb. 12, 1897 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Huldah (Moen) Scholl, Gustav E. Moen and Karen B. Moen | ||
A | W | G | Moen, Ole Evensen | Apr. 5, 1871 | Apr. 17, 1888 | s/s with 2 other graves: Helene Moen and Even Moen Grouped With 4 other graves: Helene Moen, Even Moen, Orlando Moen and Orlando C. Moen | |
A | G | Moen, Orlando C. | Feb. 24, 1967 | Feb. 24, 1967 | infant s/o Orlando & Donna Moen Grouped With 4 other graves: Ole Evensen Moen, Helene Moen, Even Moen and Orlando Moen | ||
A | G | O | Moen, Orlando Clarence | July 16, 1949 | Jan. 31, 2000 | married Donna Jean Gelo Aug. 20, 1966 "Slim" Grouped With 4 other graves: Ole Evensen Moen, Helene Moen, Even Moen and Orlando C. Moen | |
A | G![]() | O![]() | Moen, Ruth A. (Johnson) | Sept. 12, 1918 | Oct 26, 2011 | w/o Wilhelm F. Moen p/o Janet, Sharen & Karen Grouped With 4 other graves: Leo Moen, Thelma Moen, Darlene Jean Moen and Wilhelm F. Moen | |
A | G![]() | O![]() | Moen, Thelma Marvel (Lovstuen) | Jan. 31, 1921 | Aug. 29, 2010 | Married Leo Moen December 27, 1938 p/o LaVonne, Darlene, Duane & Lyle Grouped With 4 other graves: Leo Moen, Darlene Jean Moen, Wilhelm F. Moen and Ruth A. (Johnson) Moen | |
A | G | Moen, Wilhelm F. | 1910 | 2001 | h/o Ruth A. (Johnson) Moen "Willie" p/o Janet, Sharen & Karen Grouped With 4 other graves: Leo Moen, Thelma Moen, Darlene Jean Moen and Ruth A. (Johnson) Moen | ||
A | W | G | Monson, Shirley Ann | 1936 | 1936 | ||
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with N | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
B | G | Nash, Albert T. | 1900 | 1964 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Ardys Joan Nash, Johanna T. Nash and Martha E. Nash | ||
A | W | G | Nash, Alek M. | Mar. 1, 1866 | Nov. 6, 1891 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | |
A | W | G | Nash, Alf | Feb. 9, 1841 | Feb. 17, 1916 | h/o Cherstine Nash Father Adjacent Stone to : Cherstine Nash 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | |
A | G | Nash, Alf Family Stone | 8 graves are grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone they are: Alek M., Cherstine, Alf, Ellen, Rudolph, Bertha G., Beatrice R. and Beata R. | ||||
B | G | Nash, Ardys Joan | 1930 | 1932 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Albert T. Nash, Johanna T. Nash and Martha E. Nash | ||
A | G | Nash, Beata R. | Sept. 23, 1902 | Mar. 23, 1904 | d/o R. & B. Nash 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | ||
A | G | Nash, Beatrice R. | Aug. 9, 1905 | Feb. 2, 1930 | d/o R. & B. Nash 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | ||
A | G | Nash, Bertha G. | Nov. 17, 1877 | June 16, 1947 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | ||
A | W | G | Nash, Cherstine | Dec. 27, 1841 | July 19, 1914 | w/o Alf Nash Mother Adjacent Stone to : Alf Nash 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | |
B | G | Nash, Colleen (Bulman) | 1926 | 2011 | w/o Robert Nash Married July 10, 1947 p/o Cheryl, Mary Jo., Debera & Rebecca | ||
A | G | Nash, Ellen | May 20, 1884 | Nov. 20, 1979 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | ||
B | G | Nash, Johanna T. | 1900 | 1985 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Ardys Joan Nash, Albert T. Nash and Martha E. Nash | ||
B | G | Nash, Martha E. | Apr. 20, 1899 | Feb. 17, 1966 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Ardys Joan Nash, Albert T. Nash and Johanna T. Nash | ||
B | G | O | Nash, Robert James | May 24, 1925 | Nov. 19, 1999 | h/o Colleen (Bulman) Nash Married July 10, 1947 p/o Cheryl, Mary Jo., Debera & Rebecca | |
A | W | G | Nash, Rudolph | Mar. 12, 1872 | Oct. 11, 1918 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Alf Nash Family Stone | |
B | W | G | Nass, Anne O. | June 21, 1847 | Jan. 2, 1900 | w/o Ole H. Nass His Wife Adjacent Stone to : Ole H. Nass There is a second Marker for: Anne O. Nass 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Ole H. Nass Family Stone | |
B | W | G | Nass, Anne O. Mrs. | June 21, 1847 | Jan. 2, 1900 | Aged 62 Ys 6 Ms There is a second Marker for: Anne O. Mrs. Nass | |
B | W | G | Nass, Ole H. | Sept. 15, 1840 | Dec. 26, 1919 | h/o Anne O. Nass Adjacent Stone to : Anne O. Nass Co. C 13th Iowa Reg. There is a second Marker for: Ole H. Nass 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Ole H. Nass Family Stone | |
B | G | Nass, Ole H. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Ole H. Nass Family Stone they are: Ole H. and Anne O. | ||||
B | W | G | Nass, Ole Hanson | Sept. 15, 1840 | Dec. 26, 1919 | There is a second Marker for: Ole Hanson Nass | |
B | G | Nasset, Andreas | 1866 | Aug. 7, 1868 | Adjacent stone to: Fader Nasset | ||
A | G | Nasset, Emil | 1896 | 1922 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Haaken Nasset, Kjersti Nasset, Olga Nasset and Ole H. Nasset | ||
B | W | G | Nasset, Fader | Aug. 25, 1834 | May 6, 1914 | Adjacent stone to: Andreas Nasset Located near the stone of Jorgina Blegen | |
A | G | Nasset, Haaken | 1864 | 1918 | h/o Kjersti Nasset Father Grouped With 4 other graves: Kjersti Nasset, Emil Nasset, Olga Nasset and Ole H. Nasset | ||
A | G | Nasset, Kjersti | 1866 | 1949 | w/o Haaken Nasset Mother Grouped With 4 other graves: Haaken Nasset, Emil Nasset, Olga Nasset and Ole H. Nasset | ||
W | Nasset, Moder | July 21, 1831 | Nov. 17, 1922 | ||||
A | G | Nasset, Ole H. | July 27, 1895 | Aug. 23, 1903 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Haaken Nasset, Kjersti Nasset, Emil Nasset and Olga Nasset | ||
A | G | Nasset, Olga H. | Dec. 12, 1902 | Aug. 19, 1903 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Haaken Nasset, Kjersti Nasset, Emil Nasset and Ole H. Nasset | ||
B | W | G | Nelson, Adolph | Dec. 19, 1892 | Feb. 24, 1920 | ||
B | W | G | Nelson, Emanuel | Sep.14, 1835 | Apr. 30, 1883 | ||
B | G | Nelson, H. Clarence | Sept. 15, 1894 | Sept. 18, 1982 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Ole Nelson and Marie J. Nelson | ||
B | G | Nelson, Marie J. | Jan. 10, 1865 | Aug. 12, 1945 | Grouped With 2 other graves: H. Clarence Nelson and Ole Nelson | ||
B | W | G | Nelson, Ole | Sept. 17, 1863 | Mar. 21, 1932 | Grouped With 2 other graves: H. Clarence Nelson and Marie J. Nelson | |
A | W | G | Ness, Anna | 1850 | 1885 | ||
A | G | Ness, Carl Melvin | 1881 | 1887 | |||
A | G | Ness, Emma | 1878 | 1938 | |||
A | W | G | Ness, Erik | Sept. 1, 1871 | Aug. 20, 1913 | ||
A | W | G | Ness, Gilbert | Oct. 25, 1840 | Apr. 19, 1926 | ||
A | W | G | Ness, John Alfred | July 28, 1878 | May 4, 1902 | ||
A | G | Ness, Otto Selmer | 1886 | 1887 | |||
B | W | G | Nesset, Anna (Knutsdatter) | Dec. 11, 1793 | May 31, 1873 | s/s with 3 other graves: Mari Jensdatter Nesset, Mrs Baard Nesset and Baard Haagenson Nesset | |
B | W | G | Nesset, Anna Karine | June 1, 1827 | Jan. 24, 1919 | ||
B | W | G | Nesset, Baard Haagenson | Aug. 1 , 1827 | Aug. 22, 1904 | h/o Gunvor Andersdatter Nesset s/s with 3 other graves: Anna Knutsdatter Nesset, Mari Jensdatter Nesset and Mrs Baard Nesset | |
B | W | G | Nesset, Einar H. | Feb. 21, 1823 | Jan. 5, 1916 | ||
B | G | Nesset, Gertrude | 1852 | 1929 | |||
B | W | G | Nesset, Gunvor Andersdatter (Anderson) | Oct. 7, 1821 | Aug. 22, 1904 | w/o Baard Haagenson Nasset s/s with 3 other graves: Anna Knutsdatter Nesset, Mari Jensdatter Nesset and Baard? Haagenson Nesset | |
A | W | G | Nesset, Johan Martin | May 14, 1889 | July 13, 1920 | s/s with 3 other graves: Thorsten A. Nesset, Martha Helena Nesset and Tilda Rebekka Nesset Grouped With 4 other graves: Thorsten A. Nesset, Martha Helena Nesset, Tilda Rebekka Nesset and Ranvei (Nesset) Kvam | |
B | G | Nesset, John | 1853 | 1937 | |||
B | W | G | Nesset, Mari (Jensdatter) | Aug. 12, 1794 | Mar. 25, 1873 | s/s with 3 other graves: Anna Knutsdatter Nesset, Mrs BaardNesset and Baard Haagenson Nesset | |
A | G | Nesset, Martha Helena | Sept. 24, 1898 | Apr. 23, 1908 | s/s with 3 other graves: Thorsten A. Nesset, Johan Martin Nesset and Tilda Rebekka Nesset Grouped With 4 other graves: Thorsten A. Nesset, Johan Martin Nesset, Tilda Rebekka Nesset and Ranvei (Nesset) Kvam | ||
A | G | Nesset, Ranvei | Sept. 15, 1861 | Aug. 14, 1948 | Married name is: Kvam Grouped With 4 other graves: Thorsten A. Nesset, Martha Helena Nesset, Johan Martin Nesset and Tilda Rebekka Nesset | ||
A | W | G | Nesset, Thorsten A. | Dec. 15, 1850 | July 26, 1903 | s/s with 3 other graves: Martha Helena Nesset, Johan Martin Nesset and Tilda Rebekka Nesset Grouped With 4 other graves: Martha Helena Nesset, Johan Martin Nesset, Tilda Rebekka Nesset and Ranvei (Nesset) Kvam | |
A | W | G | Nesset, Tilda Rebekka | Feb. 8, 1901 | Apr. 15, 1923 | s/s with 3 other graves: Thorsten A. Nesset, Martha Helena Nesset and Johan Martin Nesset Grouped With 4 other graves: Thorsten A. Nesset, Martha Helena Nesset, Johan Martin Nesset and Ranvei (Nesset) Kvam | |
B | G | Nielsdatter, Kari | Dec. 8, 1838 | Apr. 2, 1902 | Married name is: Aschim Adjacent stone to: Ole O. Aschim | ||
W | Nielson, Niels | Sept. 6, 1816 | Sept. 26, 1852 | ||||
A | G | O | Nilselokken, Ceceline | Mar. 29, 1860 | May 11, 1949 | w/o Jens Ehrie Mother Adjacent stone to: Stella G. Ehrie | |
B | W | G | Nilselokken, Christen | 1830 | 1878 | ||
B | W | G | Nilselokken, Johanne | 1857 | 1878 | ||
B | W | G | Nilselokken, Jorgen | 1864 | 1882 | ||
A | W | G | Nilselokken, Marie | 1855 | 1932 | ||
B | W | G | Nilselokken, Randi | 1835 | 1883 | ||
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with O | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With:
?-A | _B_ | C-D | _E_ | F-G | _H_ | I-K | _L_ | M-N | O-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-Z |
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this page was last updated on
Saturday, 03 October 2020