Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Glenwood Lutheran Cemetery Surnames starting with F and G this page was last updated on Saturday, 03 October 2020 |
This cemetery table operates with 4 windows; Winneshiek (site window), WPA (opened when you click on a W to view a WPA data record), GPP (Opened when you click a G to view a IGPP Gravestone photograph)and Obit (opened when you click an O to view an IAGenWeb board obit). Any dates that are in Bold Blue have been calculated based on other available information.
Surnames Starting With:
?-A | _B_ | C-D | _E_ | F-G | _H_ | I-K | _L_ | M-N | O-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-Z |
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with F | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
B | G | Flatland, Elsie | 1914 | 1915 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Hilda Flatland, Ole H. Flatland and Harold Flatland | ||
B | G | Flatland, Harold | 1909 | 1916 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Hilda Flatland, Ole H. Flatland and Elsie Flatland | ||
B | G | Flatland, Hilda | 1884 | 1964 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Ole H. Flatland, Harold Flatland and Elsie Flatland | ||
B | G | Flatland, Ole H. | 1864 | 1936 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Hilda Flatland, Harold Flatland and Elsie Flatland | ||
B | W | G | Flintegaard, Anna ( Johannesen) | Nov. 25, 1818 | Aug. 15, 1899 | ||
B | G | Flintegaard, Haagen Johannesen | Mar. 8, 1813 | Apr. 11, 1896 | |||
A | G | O | Fortun, Anna Ovidia | 1893 | 1979 | married Albert Loven March 4, 1916 | |
A | G | Fortun, Christopher | 1866 | 1943 | |||
A | G | Fortun, Clara | 1870 | 1947 | |||
B | G | Fortun, Henry | 1869 | 1944 | s/s with 2 other graves: Ole Fortun and Ingeborg Hendricksen Fortun | ||
B | W | G | Fortun, Ingeborg (Hendricksen) | Oct. 7, 1827 | Nov. 3, 1915 | s/s with 2 other graves: Ole Fortun and Henry Fortun | |
B | W | G | Fortun, Ole | Jan. 18, 1829 | Oct. 25, 1897 | s/s with 2 other graves: Henry Fortun and Ingeborg Hendricksen Fortun | |
A | W | G | Foss, John H. | 1823 | 189? | h/o Sire Foss s/s Sire Foss Born in Norway | |
A | W | G | Foss, Sire | 1842 | 1887 | w/o John H. Foss s/s John H. Foss | |
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with G | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
B | G | Geving, Mina | 1878 | 1879 | d/o D. John & Ingebor Geving | ||
A | W | G | Grinna, Albert | Jul 19, 1870 | May 5, 1916 | 5 graves are grouped near the Albert and Ida A. Grinna Stone they are: Albert, Ida A., Olaus, Anna Sophia and Oliver Alexander | |
A | W | G | Grinna, Anna Sophia | July 23, 1868 | Sept. 21, 1910 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Albert and Ida A. Grinna Stone | |
B | G | Grinna, Baby | |||||
A | W | G | Grinna, Erik O | Mar. 17, 1826 | Sept. 21, 1910 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Erik O. Grinna Family Stone | |
A | G | Grinna, Erik O. Family Stone | 5 graves are grouped near the Erik O. Grinna Family Stone they are: Johan, Ingeborg, Erik O., Jul Edvin and Jorgine | ||||
A | G | O | Grinna, Grant I. | Nov. 25, 1909 | Nov. 10, 1999 | h/o Stella Ovidia (Berge) Grinna | |
A | G | Grinna, Ida A. | 1876 | 1965 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Albert and Ida A. Grinna Stone | ||
A | W | G | Grinna, Ingeborg | Jun 13, 1836 | Feb 28, 1889 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Erik O. Grinna Family Stone | |
A | W | G | Grinna, Johan | Aug 29, 1872 | Nov 25, 1892 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Erik O. Grinna Family Stone | |
A | W | G | Grinna, Jorgine | Feb 19, 1879 | Jun 30, 1905 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Erik O. Grinna Family Stone | |
A | W | G | Grinna, Jul Edvin | Nov 24, 1876 | May 29, 1904 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Erik O. Grinna Family Stone | |
A | W | G | Grinna, Olaus | Feb. 18, 1866 | Mar. 13, 1901 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Albert and Ida A. Grinna Stone | |
A | W | G | Grinna, Oliver Alexander | Aug. 29, 1894 | Apr. 8, 1921 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Albert and Ida A. Grinna Stone | |
A | G![]() | O![]() | Grinna, Stella Ovidia (Berge) | Mar. 7, 1912 | Sep. 7, 2007 | w/o Grant I. Grinna | |
A | G | O | Grinna, Vernon O. | 1912 | 1993 | married Olive Ramstad May 19, 1945 | |
W | Gubrandotter, Hannen Maria | 1834 | 1870 | ||||
B | W | G | Gullebo, Embjor | Dec. 23, 1827 | Sept. 22, 1862 | ||
A | G | Gullickson, Edith Genette | May 15, 1890 | Sept. 2, 1968 | w/o Benjamin H. Teslow Grouped With 3 other graves: Benjamin H. Teslow, Harriet M. Teslow and Geraldine Teslow | ||
Sec | W | G | O | Surnames Starting with H | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With:
?-A | _B_ | C-D | _E_ | F-G | _H_ | I-K | _L_ | M-N | O-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-Z |
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this page was last updated on
Saturday, 03 October 2020