The original index in PDF format may be viewed offsite at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Vital Records page. Scroll down near the bottom of the page.
NOTE: The SHSI has done an admirable job of indexing these old handwritten records, but please keep in mind that deciphering old handwriting is a challenging task, even more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Cass County surnames. Surname spelling variations were common during this time period, even within families. Also, just as census takers often made mistakes in the recording of names, the person(s) filling out the death record sometimes made errors in spelling. The data on the form is only as good as the knowledge of the surviving family member who provided it and the care taken in recording it.
A-B | C-D | E-G | H-J | K-L | M | N-P | Q-S | T-V | W-Z |
Talty, John | c.1842 | Ireland | 21 Jan. 1917 | Marshall | 15-01121 | D2070 |
Tanner, Fred Franklin | 10 July 1891 | Iowa | 12 Oct. 1918 | Henderson | 15-01463 | D2071 |
Taylor, Alfred Fay | 25 July 1886 | Iowa | 06 Apr. 1919 | Hartshorn | 15-01623 | D2071 |
Taylor, Angeline | 09 Mar. 1840 | Ohio | 13 May 1920 | Pierce | 15-01855 | D2071 |
Taylor, Anna Eliza Galiher | 29 Dec. 1862 | Pennsylvania | 23 Mar. 1917 | Smith | 15-01158 | D2070 |
Taylor, Nancy Ellen | 25 May 1873 | Iowa | 23 Dec. 1920 | Jacoby | 15-01958 | D2071 |
Terbush, Mary Brittania Felt | 12 Jan. 1842 | Illinois | 04 Sept. 1918 | Hecox | 15-01441 | D2071 |
Thiele, Anna Sophia | 18 Feb. 1886 | Iowa | 17 Dec. 1917 | Lund | 15-01294 | D2070 |
Thom, Henrietta | 03 Sept. 1832 | Germany | 16 July 1917 | Sicorlen | 15-01242 | D2070 |
Thomas, Kenneth Jones | 15 Apr. 1919 | Iowa | 03 June 1919 | Jones | 15-01652 | D2071 |
Thompson, Andrew | 22 Nov. 1847 | Indiana | 05 Feb. 1919 | 15-01567 | D2071 | |
Thompson, Anna | 13 Mar. 1850 | Norway | 26 Nov. 1918 | Rassmussen | 15-01486 | D2071 |
Thompson, Lloyd Emmert | 01 Oct. 1908 | Iowa | 22 Mar. 1917 | Larsen | 15-01159 | D2070 |
Thomsen, Mathias Peterson | 08 Jan. 1846 | Denmark | 11 Nov. 1918 | Unknown | 15-01487 | D2071 |
Thulen, Nels | 14 Feb. 1838 | Sweden | 04 Feb. 1920 | Unknown | 15-01795 | D2071 |
Thulin, Paul Ellsworth | 11 Aug. 1897 | Iowa | 24 Mar. 1918 | Hall | 15-01359 | D2071 |
Tibken, Henry Sr. | 23 Mar. 1842 | Germany | 12 Nov. 1919 | 15-01728 | D2071 | |
Tickner, Leslie P. | 20 Sept. 1896 | Iowa | 21 Aug. 1920 | Huddlesen | 15-01897 | D2071 |
Tiedje, Amelia | 03 Mar. 1869 | Germany | 04 Dec. 1917 | Backson | 15-01295 | D2070 |
Todd, Judd John | 1865 | Kentucky | 11 Sept. 1919 | Unknown | 15-01690 | D2071 |
Toms, Helen L. | 15 June 1917 | Illinois | 28 Apr. 1918 | Pifer | 15-01376 | D2071 |
Torrey, Dolers | 01 Nov. 1915 | Kansas | 01 May 1917 | 15-01199 | D2070 | |
Townsend, Fred Hoyt | 24 May 1920 | New York | 29 May 1920 | Hoyt | 15-01856 | D2071 |
Trailer, Frank H. | 27 May 1875 | Iowa | 11 Apr. 1921 | Johson | 15-02013 | D2071 |
Trimmer, Mabel Elizabeth | 29 Jan. 1896 | Iowa | 22 Mar. 1917 | Pope | 15-01160 | D2070 |
Troupe, Emily | 24 Apr. 1872 | Germany | 30 July 1919 | Decker | 15-01662 | D2071 |
Turner, Adra | 12 June 1914 | Iowa | 22 Feb. 1920 | Buckingham | 15-01796 | D2071 |
Turner, Fern Leo | 28 July 1901 | Iowa | 11 Apr. 1920 | Lloyd | 15-01840 | D2071 |
Tye, John William | 17 May 1863 | Wisconsin | 16 June 1918 | Spriggs | 15-01402 | D2071 |
Uehran, George Edward | 16 May 1872 | Illinois | 03 Oct. 1919 | Kaster | 15-01708 | D2071 |
Ulbrich, William | 12 Apr. 1862 | Germany | 08 Mar. 1917 | 15-01156 | D2070 | |
Valdeg, Manual | 03 July 1919 | Iowa | 22 Mar. 1920 | Lana | 15-01815 | D2071 |
Van Brocklin, James M. | 26 Dec. 1843 | Illinois | 21 Mar. 1921 | 15-01991 | D2071 | |
Van Slyke, Orin W. | 18 July 1829 | New York | 17 Oct. 1919 | Bartow | 5-01709 | D2071 |
Van Winkle, Vera | 15 Feb. 1899 | Iowa | 02 Dec. 1918 | Ketchum | 15-01521 | D2071 |
Vested, Helge H. | 22Feb. 1849 | Norway | 18 Sept. 1917 | Sweet | 15-01264 | D2070 |
Vincent, Hallie Maude | 15 Apr. 1886 | Iowa | 07 Jan. 1920 | Parker | 15-01768 | D2071 |
Vincent, Mary Jane | 24 Feb. 1842 | Ohio | 26 Mar. 1917 | Mithern | 15-01157 | D2070 |
Voorhees, John Crammer | 18 May 1865 | New Jersey | 21 Nov. 1918 | Ramsey | 15-01488 | D2071 |
Voorhees, Martha E. | 06 July 1835 | Tennessee | 22 Mar. 1921 | Unknown | 15-01992 | D2071 |
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