Death Records

Cass County 1917-1921

Rose Divider Bar

Indexed by the State Historical Society of Iowa.

The original index in PDF format may be viewed offsite at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Vital Records page. Scroll down near the bottom of the page.

NOTE: The SHSI has done an admirable job of indexing these old handwritten records, but please keep in mind that deciphering old handwriting is a challenging task, even more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Cass County surnames. Surname spelling variations were common during this time period, even within families. Also, just as census takers often made mistakes in the recording of names, the person(s) filling out the death record sometimes made errors in spelling. The data on the form is only as good as the knowledge of the surviving family member who provided it and the care taken in recording it.

If you identify what you believe to be an error in one of the entries below, please contact the Cass County Coordinator so a notation can be added documenting the discrepancy.

Talty, Johnc.1842Ireland21 Jan. 1917Marshall15-01121D2070
Tanner, Fred Franklin10 July 1891Iowa12 Oct. 1918Henderson15-01463D2071
Taylor, Alfred Fay25 July 1886Iowa06 Apr. 1919Hartshorn15-01623D2071
Taylor, Angeline09 Mar. 1840Ohio13 May 1920Pierce15-01855D2071
Taylor, Anna Eliza Galiher29 Dec. 1862Pennsylvania23 Mar. 1917Smith15-01158D2070
Taylor, Nancy Ellen25 May 1873Iowa23 Dec. 1920Jacoby15-01958D2071
Terbush, Mary Brittania Felt12 Jan. 1842Illinois04 Sept. 1918Hecox15-01441 D2071
Thiele, Anna Sophia18 Feb. 1886Iowa17 Dec. 1917Lund15-01294D2070
Thom, Henrietta03 Sept. 1832Germany16 July 1917Sicorlen15-01242 D2070
Thomas, Kenneth Jones15 Apr. 1919Iowa03 June 1919Jones15-01652D2071
Thompson, Andrew22 Nov. 1847Indiana05 Feb. 1919 15-01567D2071
Thompson, Anna13 Mar. 1850Norway26 Nov. 1918Rassmussen15-01486D2071
Thompson, Lloyd Emmert01 Oct. 1908Iowa22 Mar. 1917Larsen15-01159D2070
Thomsen, Mathias Peterson08 Jan. 1846Denmark11 Nov. 1918Unknown15-01487D2071
Thulen, Nels14 Feb. 1838Sweden04 Feb. 1920Unknown15-01795 D2071
Thulin, Paul Ellsworth11 Aug. 1897Iowa24 Mar. 1918Hall15-01359D2071
Tibken, Henry Sr.23 Mar. 1842Germany12 Nov. 1919 15-01728D2071
Tickner, Leslie P.20 Sept. 1896Iowa21 Aug. 1920Huddlesen15-01897 D2071
Tiedje, Amelia03 Mar. 1869Germany04 Dec. 1917Backson15-01295D2070
Todd, Judd John1865Kentucky11 Sept. 1919Unknown15-01690D2071
Toms, Helen L.15 June 1917Illinois28 Apr. 1918Pifer15-01376D2071
Torrey, Dolers01 Nov. 1915 Kansas01 May 1917 15-01199D2070
Townsend, Fred Hoyt24 May 1920New York29 May 1920 Hoyt15-01856D2071
Trailer, Frank H.27 May 1875Iowa11 Apr. 1921Johson15-02013D2071
Trimmer, Mabel Elizabeth29 Jan. 1896Iowa22 Mar. 1917Pope15-01160D2070
Troupe, Emily24 Apr. 1872Germany30 July 1919Decker15-01662D2071
Turner, Adra12 June 1914Iowa22 Feb. 1920Buckingham15-01796D2071
Turner, Fern Leo28 July 1901Iowa11 Apr. 1920Lloyd15-01840D2071
Tye, John William17 May 1863Wisconsin16 June 1918Spriggs15-01402D2071
Uehran, George Edward16 May 1872Illinois03 Oct. 1919Kaster15-01708 D2071
Ulbrich, William12 Apr. 1862Germany08 Mar. 1917 15-01156D2070
Valdeg, Manual03 July 1919Iowa22 Mar. 1920Lana15-01815 D2071
Van Brocklin, James M.26 Dec. 1843Illinois21 Mar. 1921 15-01991D2071
Van Slyke, Orin W.18 July 1829New York17 Oct. 1919Bartow5-01709D2071
Van Winkle, Vera15 Feb. 1899Iowa02 Dec. 1918Ketchum15-01521D2071
Vested, Helge H.22Feb. 1849Norway18 Sept. 1917Sweet15-01264D2070
Vincent, Hallie Maude15 Apr. 1886Iowa07 Jan. 1920Parker15-01768D2071
Vincent, Mary Jane24 Feb. 1842Ohio26 Mar. 1917Mithern15-01157 D2070
Voorhees, John Crammer 18 May 1865New Jersey21 Nov. 1918Ramsey15-01488D2071
Voorhees, Martha E.06 July 1835Tennessee22 Mar. 1921Unknown15-01992D2071

Downloaded from SHSI March, 2012 and re-formatted for Cass IAGenweb.

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