Death Records

Cass County 1917-1921

Rose Divider Bar

Indexed by the State Historical Society of Iowa.

The original index in PDF format may be viewed offsite at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Vital Records page. Scroll down near the bottom of the page.

NOTE: The SHSI has done an admirable job of indexing these old handwritten records, but please keep in mind that deciphering old handwriting is a challenging task, even more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Cass County surnames. Surname spelling variations were common during this time period, even within families. Also, just as census takers often made mistakes in the recording of names, the person(s) filling out the death record sometimes made errors in spelling. The data on the form is only as good as the knowledge of the surviving family member who provided it and the care taken in recording it.

If you identify what you believe to be an error in one of the entries below, please contact the Cass County Coordinator so a notation can be added documenting the discrepancy.

Hagler, Zelma Pauline13 May 1918Missouri12 Apr. 1921Foster15-02020D2071
Hall, Dorothy Verna02 Aug. 1917Indiana08 July 1918Dahl15-01407D2071
Hancock, Effie S.13 Aug. 1874Ohio27 Dec. 1918 15-01499D2071
Hancox, Andrew03 Jan. 1844England25 Apr. 1918 Hogkins15-01368D2071
Hansen, Catherine Dorthea28 July 1847Germany25 Jan. 1921Unknown15-01969D2071
Hansen, Frank H.30 Aug. 1869Iowa11 June 1921Krogman15-02054D2071
Hansen, Frederick07 Apr. 1871Germany07 Nov. 1917Fredrickae15-01289D2070
Hansen, Henry18 Sept. 1839Denmark06 Dec. 1917 15-01301D2070
Hansen, Jorgen18 Apr. 1847Denmark06 Sept. 1917Hall15-01267D2070
Hansen, Olena19 Aug. 1845Denmark30 Apr. 1919Olsen15-01605D2071
Hansen, Siego Peter11 Mar. 1911Iowa03 Aug. 1920Hansen15-01889D2071
Hapke, Gottlieb25 Apr. 1835Germany09 Jan. 1920Knop15-01758D2071
Harding, Lawrence G.17 Dec. 1833Ohio26 May 1919 Wright15-01636D2071
Harding, Sarah16 May 1845 Indiana 11 Nov. 1920Chandler15-01938D2071
Harper,Samuel10 May 1847Virginia23 Oct. 1918Flowers15-01449D2071
Harris, Clara08 Aug. 1901Iowa 30 June 1921 Peterson15-02055D2071
Harris, William John24 Jan. 1918Iowa25 Jan. 1918Fields15-01318D2071
Harter, Magaret Ann01 Aug. 1843Ohio05 Nov. 1920Beck15-01939D2071
Hatcher, Ethel Maude14 Nov. 1890Iowa25 Dec. 1919Dotty15-01739D2071
Hayes, Albert Edward12 June 1869Iowa15 June 1921Sherman15-02056D2071
Headlee, Noah Hudson07 July 1846Illinois21 Feb. 1920Mitchell15-01782D2071
Heckenbeck, Albert09 Mar. 1890Pennsylvania09 Mar. 1918Hickernell15-01348D2071
Heckman, Carl AugustSept. 1873Germany27 July 1919Grumlich15-01659D2071
Hedrick, Ruby Maria13 Mar. 1919Iowa08 Aug. 1920Harris15-01890D2071
Hegler, Dorthy16 Dec. 1918Iowa 04 Nov. 1920Chambers15-01940D2071
Heimbaugh, Lydia02 Apr. 1828Pennsylvania12 Feb. 1919Harman15-01557D2071
Henderson, Cynthia Ann13 Aug. 1859Indiana16 June 1919Box15-01648D2071
Henderson, Edwin Neth12 Aug. 1853Pennsylvania 29 Sept. 1918Campbell15-01434D2071
Henderson, Everett Harold07 Apr. 1912 Iowa06 Mar. 1919Hackwell15-01580D2071
Henderson, Henrietta15 Jan. 1853Illinois20 June 1921Fox15-02057D2071
Henderson, Nellie21 Oct. 1880Iowa05 May 1918 Russell15-01383D2071
Hendricks, Georgiana 24 Apr. 1867Ohio13 Apr. 1917Unknown15-01189D2070
Heneley, Rosetta09 Oct. 1880Iowa12 Dec. 1918Conine15-01500D2071
Henneschie, Elizabeth H.July 1847Germany24 May 1917 15-01215 D2070
Herbert, Franklin17 July 1837Ohio31 Dec. 1919Barton15-01740D2071
Hertzler, Arthur Aralistus12 Mar. 1856Iowa12 Jan. 1917McMillian15-01119D2070
Hess, Anna Barbara21 Oct. 1858Germany01 Mar. 1920Kierchiner15-01806 D2071
Hettinger, Wilhelm25 Mar. 1844Germany24 Feb. 1920Schimmel15-01783D2071
Hiltz, Alice Mary11 Jan. 1858Minnesota06 Oct. 1918Powell15-01450D2071
Hines, George HerbertJuly 1920Iowa20 July 1920Isaac15-01878D2071
Hobbs, Emmett Earl04 July 1876Iowa03 May 1919Elvren15-01637D2071
Hobson, Adele Marie01 Dec. 1917Iowa17 Dec. 1917Cardio15-01302D2070
Hoffman, Jack02 Oct. 1919Iowa03 Oct. 1919Wright15-01697D2071
Honnold, Roland Louis06 Mar. 1914Iowa10 May 1917Auxrir15-01216D2070
Honold, Susan Emily16 Aug. 1856Iowa22 Dec. 1917Kerd15-01303 D2070
Horton, Ruth Ann26 Feb. 1844Ohio19 Mar. 1917Mercer15-01172D2070
Hostetler, Albert John25 Apr. 1862Illinois25 Mar. 1917Nafsinger15-01173 D2070
Hostetler, Belle Edington14 June 1858Illinois09 May 1917Burr15-01217D2070
Hover, Alice Sharlane05 Jan. 1921Iowa14 Mar. 1921Brummer15-02002D2071
Howard, Frank Renison14 Feb. 1874Ohio02 June 1921Hedge15-02053D2071
Howard, George Washington23 Dec. 1833Illinois25 Feb. 1921 15-01984 D2071
Howard, James04 Sept. 1836Ohio26 July 1920 Moore15-01879D2071
Howell, Edna A.22 Dec. 1882Ohio08 Feb. 1920Rogers15-01784D2071
Howlett, Rubby Grace20 Dec. 1902Iowa24 Feb. 1917Moreland15-01146D2070
Hubbell, Nancy Ella19 Apr. 1856Illinois29 Dec. 1919Hungate15-01741D2071
Huddleson, Alba Margaret28 Dec. 1916Iowa14 Mar. 1917 Maas15-01174D2070
Huff, Charles W. 06 Jan. 1836Ohio30 Nov. 1917Coble15-01290D2070
Huff, Levi09 Dec. 1830Pennsylvania25 Sept. 1917Noble15-01268D2070
Hughes, Catherine Jane06 Aug. 1851Wisconsin16 Nov. 1920Davis15-01941D2071
Humerich, Philip15 Aug. 1839Germany26 Jan. 1920Strater15-01759D2071
Hurlburt, George W.25 Aug. 1834New York05 Feb. 1918Herbert15-01332D2071
Husemann, LeVerne Eller29 Aug. 1920Iowa09 Dec. 1920Farmholtz15-01950D2071
Iebsen, Margaret28 Feb. 1854Germany 05 Aug. 1918nbsp;15-01424D2071
Ingmand, Joseph (Mrs.)15 Apr. 1890Illinois14 Aug. 1920Rush 15-01891D2071
Jacobs, Robert08 Sept. 1911Iowa24 Dec. 1920Kobs15-01951 D2071
Jacobsen, Edwin02 Feb. 1895Iowa20 Feb. 1920Petersen15-01785D2071
Jacobsen, Henfor Alfred27 Oct. 1909Iowa 22 Feb. 1917Martins15-01143D2070
Jacobsen, Henry D.23 Dec. 1854Germany25 Jan. 1921Miller15-01967D2071
Jacobson, GeorgeOct. 1889Iowa17 Jan. 1919 15-01529 D2071
Jehonnas, Dolores16 Jan. 1920Iowa12 Mar. 1920Krauth15-01807D2071
Jensen, Christian31 Mar. 1839Denmark27 Oct. 1918Unknown15-01451D2071
Jensen, Louise17 Nov. 1879Denmark03 Sept. 1919Unknown15-01679D2071
Jensen, Nels15 Dec. 1860Denmark10 Oct. 1917 15-01280D2070
Jensen, Robert C.01 Jan. 1883Wisconsin08 Jan. 1921 15-01968D2071
Jipsen, Dale William06 Apr. 1916Iowa18 May 1917Link15-01214D2070
Jisa, James10 May 1890Hungary15 July 1920Unknown15-01880D2071
Jobes, Olda27 May 1891Iowa06 Sept. 1920Marshall15-01905D2071
Johnson, Alfred07 Oct. 1844Sweden17 June 1917Unknown15-01233D2070
Johnson, Clarence Andrew24 July 1915Iowa17 Feb. 1917Gibson15-01144D2070
Johnson, Eliza Emogine14 June 1851Virginia04 Jan. 1917Storer15-01118D2070
Johnson, Emma25 Oct. 1859New York 14 Oct. 1917Livingston15-01281D2070
Johnson, Georgia04 Mar. 1878Iowa13 Jan. 1920Peterson15-01760D2071
Johnson, Gustaf05 Feb. 1839Sweden20 June 1917Olsen15-01234D2070
Johnson, J. R. 04 May 1838New Jersey20 Feb. 1917 15-01145D2070
Johnson, Lucy Ann23 Oct. 1843Virginia20 July 1918Storer15-01408D2071
Johnson, Mary29 Aug. 1844Iowa27 Sept. 1919Unknown15-01680D2071
Johnson, Mathilda Christina17 May 1847Sweden05 Jan. 1921Soderstrom15-01966D2071
Johnson, Samuel Thomas25 Aug. 1868Iowa08 May 1920Stora15-01847D2071
Jones, Edward Floyd11 Apr. 1879Iowa05 Apr. 1919Green15-01607D2071
Jones, Elizabeth H.18 Aug. 1848Wisconsin05 May 1919Clayton15-01638D2071
Jones, Frank Edward18 June 1920Iowa18 June 1920Dickenson15-01863 D2071
Jones, John M.14 Mar. 1839Indiana27 June 1920Unknown15-01864D2071
Jones, Norman Newell05 Sept. 1843New York22 Feb. 1919Newell15-01558D2071
Jones, William David07 Aug.1918Iowa07 Aug. 1918Deeming15-01425D2071
Joy, Francis David23 Oct. 1850New York17 Oct. 1920Dodge15-01923D2071
Joyce, Claude Lampher21 Jan. 1909Iowa05 June 1921Lampher15-02052D2071
Joyce, Violet25 Nov. 1919Iowa09 Dec. 1919 Ellis15-01742 D2071
Judd, Robert Colfax25 Sept. 1866Indiana09 July 1917Thompson15-01247 D2070

Downloaded from SHSI March, 2012 and re-formatted for Cass IAGenweb.

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