Death Records

Cass County 1917-1921

Rose Divider Bar

Indexed by the State Historical Society of Iowa.

The original index in PDF format may be viewed offsite at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Vital Records page. Scroll down near the bottom of the page.

NOTE: The SHSI has done an admirable job of indexing these old handwritten records, but please keep in mind that deciphering old handwriting is a challenging task, even more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Cass County surnames. Surname spelling variations were common during this time period, even within families. Also, just as census takers often made mistakes in the recording of names, the person(s) filling out the death record sometimes made errors in spelling. The data on the form is only as good as the knowledge of the surviving family member who provided it and the care taken in recording it.

If you identify what you believe to be an error in one of the entries below, please contact the Cass County Coordinator so a notation can be added documenting the discrepancy.

Cambridge, Asbury22 Oct. 1832Ohio26 Oct. 1920Unknown15-01919D2071
Camp, Nancy Ann13 Oct. 1858Illinois29 Jan. 1920Wallace15-01756D2071
Campbell, Adam R.14 Nov. 1840Illinois23 Sept. 1918Reynolds15-01433D2071
Campos, Luz04 Mar. 1920Nebraska10 Jan. 1921Sermeno15-01971D2071
Cannon, Anna Eliza31 Jan. 1850Indiana24 Aug. 1917Alderman15-01259D2070
Cannon, Edith Ruth05 Feb. 1909Iowa03 May 1918Smith15-01379D2071
Cannon, William Elmore30 May 1845Indiana22 Nov. 1920Walker15-01934D2071
Cardio, Michael Charles20 Apr. 1864Italy14 May 1919 15-01629D2071
Carey, Samuel Edwin06 Nov. 1857Iowa16 Feb. 1920Cvinders15-01777D2071
Carlsen, Anna J.03 July 1848Norway25 Jan. 1920 15-01757D2071
Carlsen, Olive26 June 1850Denmark16 Feb. 1919Unknown15-01548D2071
Carlson, Helen08 Apr. 1919Iowa30 Apr. 1919Anderson15-01601D2071
Carson, Edward F.23 Dec. 1870Iowa01 June 1921Woodard15-02058D2071
Carter, Apaline19 Feb. 1837Pennsylvania04 Jan. 1917 15-01125D2070
Carter, Hearschel Robert02 May 1877Illinois16 June 1917Gordon15-01237D2070
Carver, Margerite Eliza27 Aug. 1848Pennsylvania04 Feb. 1920Fenton15-01778D2071
Case, Guy26 June 1919Iowa27 June 1919Warren15-01647D2071
Cavenaugh, Henry James11 June 1846New York06 Nov. 1917McCabe15-01292D2070
Cecil, Fannie M.09 Mar. 1877Iowa18 Nov. 1919Gates15-01715D2071
Charls, Soloman28 May 1874Iowa21 Nov. 1920Unknown15-01935D2071
Chase, Ethel Leona16 Nov. 1905Iowa25 Mar. 1921Bartlett15-02005D2071
Chase, Horace Wesley29 Aug. 1918Iowa03 Oct. 1918Stormer15-01445D2071
Chester, Albert William01 Dec. 1886Iowa15 May 1917Joy15-01222D2070
Christensen, Carl22 Apr. 1895Denmark11 Mar. 1921Jacobsen15-02006D2071
Christensen, Christina12 Oct. 1878Denmark07 Jan. 1919Christensen15-01524D2071
Christensen, Henry H.05 Apr. 1888Iowa24 Sept. 1920Christensen15-01900D2071
Christiansen, Elsworth22 Oct. 1917Iowa14 May 1919Nelsen15-01630D2071
Clanton, Elmer E.28 June 1875Iowa20 June 1920Parker15-01860D2071
Clark, Charlie08 May 1883Wisconsin15 Mar. 1917Snyder15-01176D2070
Clark, Viola Stella02 Sept. 1916Iowa02 Oct. 1920Cross15-01920D2071
Clausen, Franciana Darth09 Jan. 1871Denmark23 Oct. 1918Nelson15-01446D2071
Claussen, Autje03 Jan. 1828Germany29 Apr. 1920Boyd15-01823D2071
Clerland, Luella M.05 Sept. 1867Illinois14 Sept. 1917Ibach15-01270D2070
Clotheir, Catherine12 July 1842Canada15 June 1920Unknown15-01861D2071
Clure, Florance Janice01 July 1888Iowa08 Apr. 1920Smith15-01824D2071
Cocklin, William Life23 July 1844Pennsylvania17 Sept. 1919 15-01674D2071
Coe, Anna Elisa15 May 1852Ohio11 Aug. 1918Marlowe15-01420D2071
Colburn, Edith Consuelo22 July 1897Iowa05 May 1917Rowe15-01380D2071
Cole, Charles E.18 Dec. 1880Iowa17 Sept. 1917Unknown15-01271D2070
Cook, Anna E.18 Dec. 1850New York06 Oct. 1917Havens15-01283D2070
Cook, Helen Maxine23 Sept. 1918Iowa01 Feb. 1919 Polley15-01549D2071
Cool, Mary Flummerfelt10 June 1843New Jersey18 July 1917Flummerfelt15-01250 D2070
Coon, George Franklin28 Jan. 1852Indiana28 June 1917Burns15-01238D2070
Cotton, Holton G.08 June 1836New York30 May 1921Adams15-02039D2071
Cox, Clara Isabelle05 Oct. 1874Iowa12 Mar. 1921Pierce15-02007D2071
Cox, Joseph23 Apr. 1846Pennsylvania15 Apr. 1917Wright15-01193D2070
Crave, Veda Alice30 Oct. 1903Iowa06 Dec. 1918Mountain15-01492D2071
Crespo, Augustinnac.1899Mexico02 Mar. 1920 15-01802D2071
Croisant, Leroy14 Jan. 1914Iowa29 Feb. 1920Croisant15-01779D2071
Crowley, James10 Feb. 1862Iowa18 Apr. 1920Hughes15-01825D2071
Crum, Jesse J.18 Apr. 1857Illinois14 Jan. 1918Baker15-01313D2071
Crum, Mary E.21 Nov. 1831Illinois26 Dec. 1917Teter15-01307D2070
Cullen, John Francis23 Aug. 1918Iowa13 Feb. 1919Casey15-01550D2071
Cullen, Martha Veronica12 Jan. 1917Iowa19 Feb. 1917Cassey15-01150D2070
Curey, Harry Loury04 May 1883Iowa09 May 1920Stinemant15-01842D2071
Curtis, Emelilne S.05 Mar. 1847Illinois10 May 1919Sperry15-01631D2071
Cushenberry, W.c.1883 14 Aug. 1918 15-01421D2071
Cykler, Mamie09 July 1884Kansas04 Mar. 1919Chaffin15-01574D2071
Daly, Anna Amelia26 Dec. 1851Pennsylvania21 Dec. 1917O'Neill15-01306D2070
Daly, John O.19 Mar. 1865Iowa30 June 1918McCauley15-01395D2071
Daniels, Katherine01 Mar. 1919Iowa10 Apr. 1919Disbrow15-01602D2071
Daniels, Ruben1838Virginia19 Aug. 1919 Cass 15-01667D2071
Dasher, Anna05 Mar. 1839Pennsylvania 28 Apr. 1917Faragut15-01192D2070
Davey, Vernita Rachel27 Jan. 1921Iowa15 Feb. 1921Bohning15-01986D2071
Davis, R.M. (Mrs.)10 Nov. 1855Pennsylvania03 Dec. 1918Unknown15-01494D2071
Davis, Williaml Brown08 Apr. 1866Pennsylvania26 June 1917Shuman15-01236D2070
Dean, Clila03 Feb. 1850Indiana10 Feb. 1921Arnold15-01987D2071
Deas, Megill05 July 1916Iowa11 May 1917Roach15-01221D2070
Debus, Edna16 Sept. 1904Iowa03 Jan. 1918Epplesum15-01314 D2071
Deering, Harritt R.25 Apr. 1844Maine10 May 1920 15-01843D2071
Denison, Annie20 Apr. 1946Ireland17 Sept. 1920Ford15-01901D2071
Denison, Commodore Decature23 Mar. 1838Ohio12 Apr. 1921Green15-02024D2071
Denne, May D.03 May 1871Wisconsin07 July 1918Pellett15-01405D2071
Derry, John William04 Apr. 1836Ohio29 Apr. 1921 15-02025D2071
Derry, Sarah Elizibeth30 Aug. 1864Illinois19 Sept. 1920Loter15-01902D2071
Dicus, John21 Aug. 1839Ohio25 Feb. 1917Stockdale15-01149D2070
Dilean, Malcolm Elsworth05 Oct. 1868Iowa02 Oct. 1917Akers15-01282D2070
Dillen (Baby Girl)15 Nov. 1919Iowa20 Nov. 1919Beal15-01716D2071
Dinges, John Philip23 Dec. 1842Pennsylvania23 Mar. 1919Krape15-01575D2071
Dodge, Ila Arlene17 June 1918Iowa13 Apr. 1920Pugh15-01826 D2071
Dodge, Vernon13 July 1905Iowa28 May 1917Wilhehny15-0121.5D2070
Dolch, Anna Mary25 Feb. 1849Germany13 Apr. 1919 15-01603D2071
Dolch, Frankliln21 May 1898Iowa27 Aug. 1918Genloch15-01422D2071
Dollinger, Esther Gertrude06 Apr. 1917Iowa19 Dec. 1918Gardner15-01493D2071
Donahoe, Francis Richard08 Nov. 1851Indiana16 Apr. 1921Hagar15-02026D2071
Donohoe, Olga Winifred23 Mar. 1908Iowa18 Dec. 1920Worthing15-01949D2071
Dorsey, Gene Phyllis31 May 1917Iowa26 July 1918Bilderback15-01406D2071
Doty, John Edward05 Oct. 1873Iowa07 Nov. 1917Jones15-01291D2070
Dougherty, Anna30 Oct. 1840Pennsylvania14 Dec. 1920 15-01948D2071
Dougherty, Bernice Marie17 Dec. 1919Iowa08 Sept. 1919Waters15-01675D2071
Dowdell, Greta May17 May 1909Iowa21 May 1920Ragmer15-01844D2071
Downing, Mary Ellen1841Kentucky10 Mar. 1921Osborn15-02004D2071
Duke, Charles D.15 Sept. 1861Iowa14 May 1918Ulum15-01381 D2071
Dunn, Sarah Ellen16 Mar. 1841Maryland19 Sept. 1919Gray15-01676D2071
Durham, Erma Frances10 May 1882Iowa02 Dec. 1918Benjerman15-01495D2071

Downloaded from SHSI March, 2012 and re-formatted for Cass IAGenweb.

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