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Dr. John D. McDermott


Posted By: County Coordinator (email)
Date: 12/25/2024 at 23:21:54

Gone - Dr. John D. McDermott, died at his home in this city at 11 o'clock on Tuesday night of this week. No death has caused more universal sorrow in this community, notwithstanding the fact that it had not been unexpected for several days' past. His illness was of about four weeks duration and commenced with grip.
Sadly, will the Doctor be missed, not only because of his eminent services as a physician, but because he was the very embodiment of principle, the personification of honor and the receptacle of a nature that knew no bounds in kindness, charity and tender affection. His whole life was characterized by big heartedness. Reliance upon his known professional skill was the occasion of his visiting many of our families, where he came in contact with many children whom he fondled and caressed with all the tenderness of an innocent child. Professional visits, without regard to his conditions of health or the weather, were made with almost indifference to the question of compensation. He had a large circle of the warmest friend who learn of his death with regret. He had no enemies. He never tainted his tongue or tarnished his exemplary nature by slandering his opponents.
Dr. McDermott was forty-one years of age the fifth of this month, having been born in the year 1849, at Kellarney, County Kerry, Ireland. He came to this country in October 1880, the year his brother died, who was a practicing physician at this place, and has been a resident of Ackley ever since. He was a graduate of the Royal College of Physicians and surgeons of Dublin. He was married to Miss Lizzie Brennan in April 1888, who survives him. He also leaves an aunt, who made her home with him, and one brother and three sisters, living in Ireland. The funeral occurred this morning, at 10 o'clock, under the directions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, of which he was an honored member and hold the office of vice president. The remains, followed by a large concourse of people, were conveyed to the Catholic church where solemn high Requiem Mass were held, Rev. Father Meagher officiating, assisted by Rev. Father O'Dowd, of Independence; McCabe of Cedar Falls; Halpin, of Eldora; Eagan, of Belmond; Carrolan, of Mason City; Burns, of Rockwell; McCormick, of Sheldon; Kelly, of Parkersburg.
After the services at the church were ended, the remains were taken to the Catholic cemetery and laid to rest, to await the judgment day. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement.

Ackley Enterprise; May 7, 1890


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