IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.


Clayton co. Military & other Service Records

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This page was updated February 11, 2025
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Revolutionary War

A battle of the Revolutionary war was fought within the present confines of the state of Iowa: "It was a small engagement, of course, a chance encounter between British and American fur traders, which led to the clash of arms between the crews of two crude boats in 1780 at the mouth of the Turkey river, in Clayton county.
~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald and Times Journal, June 3, 1928 Read more about this battle!

Peter Holms / Holmes, a private in Captain Henry Godwin's Company, 5th Battallion, New York forces, is the only known veteran of the Revolutionary War to live in Clayton county. He served 3 years, from October 6, 1777 to January 15, 1780 and participated in the "Sullivan Expedition", which was a strike against the Iroquois Confederation in 1779. He is one of the 40 documented Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Iowa. Holms is buried in the Goshen cemetery. Biographies. Gravestone

War of 1812
Black Hawk Wars
(1832 & 1837)
Mexican War
Indian Wars
(various years)


Civil War


  • Spanish-American War
    Philippine Insurrection


The Great War (WWI)


World War II


Korean Conflict


Vietnam Conflict


Miscellaneous Service-Related Records


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