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Benton County, Iowa
Birth Certificate Index 1909 - 1921

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Name Birth Date County Mother's Maiden Name Certificate # Box #
Van Deest, Marjorie Ethel 05 Apr. 1911 Benton Swyter 29 B2064
Van Deusen, Cyrus 03 June 1921 Benton Epperson 251 B2068
Van Deusen, Francis Dewitt 29 Mar. 1910 Benton Epperson 64 B2063
Van Deventer, William Saul 13 Aug. 1918 Benton Stark 523 B2067
Van Dust, Harold Arthur 01 Sept. 1920 Benton Snoyter 433 B2067
Van Dyke, Doris Rae 18 Sept. 1909 Benton Porter 102.5 B2062
Van Fleet, Alva Donald 30 Nov. 1913 Benton Zelphia 379 B2064
Van Fleet, Dorothy May 21 Mar. 1918 Benton Hanson 524 B2067
Van Fleet, John Robert 18 June 1915 Benton Hansen 428 B2065
Van Nice, Florence Ellen 18 Oct. 1909 Benton Greenlee 396 B2064
Van Nice, Robert W. 09 May 1916 Benton Eggleston 420 B2066
Van Renterghen, August T. 09 Apr. 1913 Benton VanDeWorsty 381 B2064
Van Scoyac, Genevieve Ruth 20 Nov. 1915 Benton Zenahlik 435 B2065
Van Scoyac, Myron Robbins 23 Aug. 1914 Benton Robbins 500 B2065
Van Scoyac, Viola May 19 Jan. 1914 Benton Znahlik 502 B2065
Van Scoyoc, Helen Irene 25 Aug. 1917 Benton Zenahlik 407 B2066
Van Skike (Baby Boy) 11 Aug. 1916 Benton Chenoel 407 B2066
Van Skike, Delbert Luverne 18 Nov. 1920 Benton Chenhall 517 B2068
Van Skike, Mary Maxine 16 July 1918 Benton Chenhall 525 B2067
Van Skike, William N. 07 Apr. 1915 Benton Chenall 429 B2065
Vandermartin, Albert 06 Feb. 1909 Benton VanDalen 199 B2062
Vandike, Jane 17 May 1914 Benton Tarvestad 501 B2065
Vandike, Lilly 02 Apr. 1911 Benton Towestad 278 B2063
Vandiver, Donald LeRoy 10 Jan. 1914 Benton Vandiver 495 B2065
Vandivier, Donald LeRoy 10 Jan. 1915 Benton Vandorn 427 B2065
Vandivier, Dorthia A. 28 July 1912 Benton Vandorius 431 B2064
Vanscoyoc, Robert Kenneth 28 Aug. 1909 Benton Zenahlik 372 B2064
Vaubel, Dean Ellsworth 05 Aug. 1915 Benton Shafer 436 B2065
Vaubel, Ellis Kendall 06 May 1914 Benton Shafer 503 B2065
Vaubel, Helena Mae 14 Dec. 1918 Benton Shafer 522 B2067
Vaubel, Maxine Lavonne 06 Oct. 1920 Benton Griffith 476 B2068
Vaughn, Georgiette May 04 Mar. 1917 Benton Frondle 405 B2066
Vaughn, Orville H. 11 Aug. 1912 Benton Frondle 393 B2064
Vaupel, Arnold Justus 02 June 1920 Benton Heppe 269 B2067
Vaupel, Emma Louise 23 June 1912 Benton Heppe 55 B2064
Vaupel, Louise E. 11 Oct. 1914 Benton Happy 498 B2065
Vaupel, Marian Louise 17 Dec. 1914 Benton Phillips 497 B2065
Vaupel, Virginia Moir 22 May 1916 Benton Moir 408 B2066
Velenta, Charles 02 Nov. 1915 Benton Bernasek 434 B2065
Vesely, Floyd 22 Apr. 1919 Benton Konvalinka 414 B2067
Viall, Carlos W. 19 Dec. 1914 Benton Vandiver 496 B2065
Viall, Henry E. 14 Aug. 1913 Benton Vandivier 380 B2064
Vig, Harry Harold 13 June 1914 Benton Rosland 499 B2065
Vig, Obeth 18 Oct. 1911 Benton Roseland 336 B2063
Vig, Porter Verne 21 Oct. 1916 Benton Roseland 411 B2066
Viktora, Alice Bertha 15 Feb. 1912 Benton Pecka 170 B2064
Viktora, Lula Theresa 16 Nov. 1909 Benton Petska 290 B2064
Viles, John Lynford 01 Oct. 1911 Benton McCullough 447 B2063
Vileta, Albert Lewis 16 Nov. 1916 Benton Dostal 413 B2066
Vileta, Anna Lucile 11 May 1913 Benton Dostal 378 B2064
Vileta, Emil William 12 Apr. 1915 Benton Siker 432 B2065
Vileta, Emma Helen 31 Oct. 1915 Benton Dostal 430 B2065
Vileta, Melroy 08 Sept. 1916 Benton Sekis 409 B2066
Villeta, Mildred Mary 26 June 1918 Benton Dostal 526 B2067
Vitt, Madelon H. 02 Nov. 1912 Benton Strottenthraler 73 B2064
Vlasak, George August 20 May 1919 Benton Trapp 20 B2067
Vogt, Alice Maxine 21 Feb. 1920 Benton Wagner 82 B2067
Vogt, Elsie May 23 Oct. 1916 Benton Berger 412 B2066
Vogt, Leonia Marietta 19 Dec. 1920 Benton Berger 565 B2068
Vogt, Merlin Francis 27 Oct. 1918 Benton Berger 527 B2067
Volz, Clarence Joseph 01 Nov. 1919 Benton Sevening 416 B2067
Volz, Lorene Helen 01 June 1916 Benton Sevening 410 B2066
Volz, Vernon John 09 July 1918 Benton Sevening 528 B2067
Vonpel, Conradt Carl 03 Jan. 1919 Benton Biernhenk 417 B2067
Voris, Edna May 02 Sept. 1912 Benton Murray 32 B2064
Voris, Eleanor Maxine 18 May 1921 Benton Murray 252 B2068
Voris, William Maxwell 03 Dec. 1919 Benton Murray 415 B2067
Vosburg, Helen Alice 10 Sept. 1912 Benton Kubik 181 B2064
Vosburg, Stanley Glen 09 July 1915 Benton Krebik 431 B2065
Voss, Eldo A. 21 Jan. 1914 Benton Obertine 504 B2065
Voss, Gertrude M. 03 Sept. 1910 Benton Oberthein 21 B2063
Voss, Henry Alford George 13 Mar. 1919 Benton Ohitino 45 B2067
Voss, Henry Heiman 11 Dec. 1911 Benton Ruetz 260 B2064
Voss, Lucile G. 26 June 1912 Benton Obertine 283 B2064
Voss, Marlyn William 14 Mar. 1921 Benton Oberthein 253 B2068
Voss, Tesse Dora 09 Feb. 1909 Benton Oberthieu 263 B2064
Voss, Wilbur A. 07 Dec. 1915 Benton Oberthein 433 B2065
Voss, William Henry 22 Jan. 1918 Benton Oberthien 529 B2067
Voupel, Martha E. 19 Aug. 1916 Benton Heppe 421 B2066
Vratny, Georgia Francis 27 Feb. 1918 Benton Yann 530 B2067
Vratny, Rudolph Joseph 19 Mar. 1917 Benton Janss 406 B2066
Certified copies of Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, and Marriage Licenses are available from
the Department of Public Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Lucas Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa or from the County Recorder.
source & permission granted by State Historical Society of Iowa; original transcript

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 20-Feb-2018 18:03:07 CST

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