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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa
Birth Certificate Index 1909 - 1921

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Name Birth Date County Mother's Maiden Name Certificate # Box #
Mace, Raymond 06 Feb. 1915 Benton Wildman 270 B2065
Mack, Eleanore 29 Aug. 1916 Benton Davis 276 B2066
Mack, Evelyn 10 Sept. 1916 Benton Krogstead 257 B2066
Mack, Everett Arnold 26 May 1921 Benton Kragstood 158 B2068
Mack, Gertrude Irene 26 Sept. 1912 Benton Davis 178 B2064
Mack, Russel John 19 Apr. 1913 Benton Grimm 231 B2064
Mack, Virginia Norine 07 Apr. 1914 Benton Bisbee 317 B2065
Macker, Olga Christina 30 Dec. 1916 Benton Rula 280 B2066
Mackie, David Eldon 11 Aug. 1910 Benton Mackie 82 B2063
Macku, Benjamin 03 Nov. 1919 Benton Macku 243 B2067
Macku, Lumir Charles 01 Aug. 1918 Benton Rula 332 B2066
Mader, Charles 02 Aug. 1919 Benton Cumberland 244 B2067
Mader, Jary Josephine 20 Apr. 1916 Benton Cumberland 260 B2066
Madeson, Neal 23 Mar. 1916 Benton Cavacik 269 B2066
Maeder, Albert 02 Dec. 1917 Benton Schmitz 250 B2066
Maeder, Marion Elmo 21 July 1912 Benton Seilhammer 74 B2064
Maedet, Martha L. 06 Oct. 1915 Benton Schmitz 286 B2065
Magg, Marie Agnes 25 Nov. 1909 Benton Crotly 253 B2064
Magley, Herbert Samuel 31 Dec. 1912 Benton Henderson 352 B2064
Maher, Edward 03 Apr. 1909 Benton Stuart 355 B2064
Maher, Francis Edward 08 Sept. 1912 Benton Obrien 306 B2064
Maher, John William 29 Jan. 1911 Benton Stuart 402 B2063
Maher, Marcella Bridget 20 Feb. 1910 Benton O'Brien 68 B2063
Maher, Rose 16 Nov. 1912 Benton Stewart 365 B2064
Mahew, Ethel 23 Oct. 1916 Benton Haynes 263 B2066
Mahood, David Kirk 15 Jan. 1919 Benton Kaiser 245 B2067
Mahood, Margaret Dorothy 08 Dec. 1918 Benton Quackenbush 333 B2066
Mahood, Richard James 09 Oct. 1911 Benton Kaiser 101 B2064
Mahood, Robert Dean 26 June 1920 Benton Quackenbush 251 B2067
Maize, Lester Andrew 1914 Benton Jameson 291 B2065
Mall, Nadene Ruth 26 May 1917 Benton Bistline 253 B2066
Manley, Lewis Dan 18 Nov. 1915 Benton Snell 284 B2065
Manuel, Margaret Mae 25 May 1917 Benton Tharp 266 B2066
Manuel, Mildred Maxine 16 Dec. 1919 Benton Tharp 246 B2067
Marino, Emma Morrie 20 June 1919 Benton Force 247 B2067
Markham, Catherine Mary 05 May 1918 Benton Ernest 331 B2066
Marsau, Edna Margaret 05 Jan. 1917 Benton Krambeck 255 B2066
Marsau, Irene Alba 05 Sept. 1915 Benton Krambeck 280 B2065
Marsh (Baby Girl) 08 Aug. 1918 Benton Beck 334 B2066
Marsh, John Robert 03 Feb. 1920 Benton St. Clair 58 B2067
Martin, Audrey Faye 15 Aug. 1920 Benton Olson 369 B2067
Martin, Charlotte Fantha 30 Mar. 1910 Benton McNeal 121 B2063
Martin, Donald 07 Jan. 1916 Benton Taugemon 271 B2066
Martin, Gertrude Estele 27 Aug. 1915 Benton Olson 291 B2065
Martin, Helen Frances 26 July 1918 Benton Echterling 336 B2066
Martin, Lawrence H. 29 Aug. 1915 Benton Echterling 287 B2065
Martin, Martha Jane 12 Feb. 1920 Benton Johnson 59 B2067
Martin, Raphael Ambrose 20 Oct. 1920 Benton Barry 463 B2068
Martin, Vincant Eugene 09 June 1920 Benton Echterling 252 B2067
Martinec, Edward Stanley 04 Apr. 1920 Benton Wilford 165 B2067
Martins, Fannie Elisabeth 09 Mar. 1910 Benton Tangeman 325 B2064
Mason, Dennis Cloud 15 Oct. 1919 Benton Wilden 248 B2067
Mason, Louise 06 Dec. 1920 Benton Sanders 544 B2068
Mason, Marlus Maxina 25 Nov. 1920 Benton Anders 502 B2068
Mather, Eula A. Sept. 1914 Benton Weatherwax 315 B2065
Matilda, Hasley Viola 22 Apr. 1915 Benton Brecht 173 B2065
Matson, Edwin David 25 Mar. 1921 Benton Boddicker 159 B2068
Matthaidess, Erno Walter 24 May 1909 Benton Seyssler 311 B2064
Mattison, Helen Denica 17 June 1914 Benton Tinkle 307 B2065
Maudeier, Ella Eliezbeth 21 Feb. 1912 Benton Mealhouse 209 B2064
Mauderer, LaVonne Hannah 02 Sept. 1920 Benton Petersen 418 B2067
Mauderer, Marie 03 May 1917 Benton Petersen 254 B2066
Mauderer, Viola 29 Oct. 1915 Benton Petersen 279 B2065
Maxwell, Elizabeth Jean 30 May 1911 Benton White 58 B2064
Maxwell, Lawrence Thomas 25 Jan. 1919 Benton Pangburn 249 B2067
Maxwell, Marcus 17 Oct. 1912 Benton White 36 B2064
Maxwell, Margret Ellis 15 Apr. 1914 Benton White 298 B2065
Maxwell, Robert Anderson 23 Dec. 1920 Benton Shoneler 545 B2068
Mayhew, Bernice A. 18 May 1910 Benton Jurgemeyer 16 B2063
Mayhew, Glen Arnold 20 Mar. 1914 Benton Haines 295 B2065
Mayhew, Helen 09 Mar. 1913 Benton Hayens 232 B2064
Mayhew, Lancelot Lorayne 20 Nov. 1917 Benton Coffland 252 B2066
Mayhew, Marion R. 06 Dec. 1911 Benton Haines 376 B2063
Mayhew, Wayne 03 Aug. 1920 Benton Haines 370 B2067
Maynard, Hazel Iola 11 Apr. 1910 Benton Johnson 359 B2064
Mcandrews, Harold M. 15 Aug. 1909 Benton Long 232 B2062
McAndrews, Richard G. 09 Sept. 1911 Benton Benson 449 B2063
McAndrews, Robert Larkin 12 June 1920 Benton Abby 248 B2067
McAtee, Mable Darlene 27 Aug. 1914 Benton Thomas 323 B2065
McBride, Harry J. 02 May 1911 Benton Schmedle 190 B2063
McBroom (Baby Girl) 24 Feb. 1919 Benton Hutchins 238 B2067
McBroom, Frank O. 26 June 1920 Benton Hutchins 249 B2067
McCall, Norma Leone 10 Oct. 1914 Benton Snyder 324 B2065
McCalley, Kenneth Wayne 29 May 1914 Benton Kizer 326 B2065
McCandless, Robert James 17 June 1918 Benton Abbott 321 B2066
McChintock, Lyle Thomson 15 May 1909 Benton Thompson 108 B2062
McClelland (Baby) 1913 Benton Williams 244 B2064
McClelland, Lillian 26 Apr. 1914 Benton Williams 327 B2065
McClenahan, Edward F. 30 Mar. 1910 Benton Creamer 181 B2063
McClure, Dale Paul 02 Aug. 1920 Benton Richardson 368 B2067
McClure, Walter Merle 15 Mar. 1918 Benton Stuart 322 B2066
McColley, Forrest Leon 14 Feb. 1912 Benton Kizer 252 B2064
McConnack, Charles Frances 02 July 1909 Benton Kelly 181 B2062
McCormich, Hazel Maxine 29 Apr. 1910 Benton Spurgeon 342 B2064
McCormick, Donald James 05 Nov. 1912 Benton Kelly 303 B2064
McCormick, Fanny Mae 17 Sept. 1915 Benton Sawyer 295 B2065
McCoy, Wililam Eugene 27 Jan. 1912 Benton Hunt 399 B2064
McCright, Dale L. 02 Sept. 1920 Benton Babcock 417 B2067
McCright, Donald 11 May 1917 Benton Babco 267 B2066
McCune, Elizabeth 23 Oct. 1919 Benton Cunningham 240 B2067
McCune, Madeline 04 Mar. 1921 Benton Cunningham 151 B2068
McCune, Marian Louise 18 Sept. 1915 Benton Cunningham 293 B2065
McCune, Max Bert 28 May 1913 Benton Cunningham 245 B2064
McCune, Richard Kenneth 06 Apr. 1909 Benton McLaud 337 B2064
McCune, Robert 01 Jan. 1918 Benton Cunningham 323 B2066
McCune, Ross K. 05 Mar. 1909 Benton Cunningham 201 B2062
McCune, Sybil Valentine 20 July 1915 Benton Stiffler 294 B2065
McCurie, Charles Hendrix 24 Mar. 1919 Benton Stiffler 239 B2067
McDaniel, Harold Douglas 12 Feb. 1921 Benton Hauselman 152 B2068
McDonald, Charlotte Cora 08 Oct. 1919 Benton McNeil 241 B2067
McDonald, Dale Glenn 03 Feb. 1921 Benton Monson 153 B2068
McDonald, Edward D. 04 Sept. 1913 Benton Bower 241 B2064
McDonald, Marjory Ellen 15 Apr. 1921 Benton Roe 155 B2068
McDonald, Ralph Eugene 03 May 1909 Benton Bower 261 B2064
McDonald, Warren Beck 17 May 1921 Benton Beck 156 B2068
McDorman, Vernon Fillmore 30 Jan. 1915 Benton Howard 292 B2065
McElroy, Sara Grace 24 Mar. 1911 Benton McFarland 439 B2063
McFarlan, Paul Virgil 19 May 1910 Benton Avery 93 B2063
McFarlen, Sarah Catherine 23 June 1914 Benton Mooney 322 B2065
McGranahan, Lloyd William 12 Feb. 1920 Benton Griesy 57 B2067
McGranahan, Lois Ruth 25 July 1915 Benton Griesy 297 B2065
McGranahan, Robert Sisley 25 Nov. 1916 Benton Sisley 282 B2066
McGrath, William James 13 Sept. 1912 Benton McElrow 376 B2064
McGregor, Delbert Ferris 08 Mar. 1915 Benton Berkheimer 299 B2065
McGregor, Ruth Nancy 30 July 1913 Benton Berkheimer 243 B2064
McGregor, William Robertson Jr. 16 Nov. 1918 Benton Madison 324 B2066
McIlrath, Idela M. 26 Apr. 1910 Benton McElroy 182 B2063
McIlrath, Violet Jean 18 July 1920 Benton McElroy 312 B2067
McIntyer (Baby Boy) 23 Dec. 1911 Benton Seeman 422 B2063
McKee, Walter James 15 Jan. 1918 Benton Smirch 325 B2066
McKevitt, Gertrude Mae Reeve 28 June 1917 Benton Reeve 270 B2066
McKevitt, Margaret Reeve 08 May 1915 Benton Reeve 300 B2065
McKevitt, Phillip Reeve 03 Jan. 1920 Benton Reeves 24 B2067
McKinley, Clifford Hoffman 09 July 1917 Benton Hoffman 268 B2066
McKinley, Dean Carlisle 11 Apr. 1920 Benton Hardinger 164 B2067
McKinley, Mildred 28 Jan. 1914 Benton Dudley 325 B2065
McKinley, William Harry 15 Aug. 1915 Benton Hardinger 298 B2065
McLain, Ernest Roy 20 Mar. 1919 Benton Duryea 242 B2067
McLaughlin, Helen Gertrude 08 Dec. 1909 Benton Harrington 339 B2064
McLaughlin, James Willis 31 Dec. 1917 Benton Unknown 269 B2066
McLaughlin, Marguerite 09 July 1915 Benton Sprick 296 B2065
McLean, Elsie Mae 20 Feb. 1913 Benton Downs 426 B2064
McLean, James Calvin 20 July 1910 Benton Downs 215 B2064
McLennon, Virginia Lavina 24 Feb. 1918 Benton Patterson 326 B2066
McMance, Virgle 03 Dec. 1910 Benton Ruth 36 B2063
McMillan, Robert Laurence 23 Mar. 1920 Benton Wallace 107 B2067
McMillin, Charles Richard 16 July 1918 Benton Harris 327 B2066
McMillin, Velma Ruth 14 June 1911 Benton Harris 26 B2064
McNeal, Alice Faye 10 June 1918 Benton Grimm 328 B2066
McNeal, Edna 15 Apr. 1910 Benton Grimm 51 B2063
McNeal, Ella Mae 10 June 1918 Benton Grimm 329 B2066
McNeal, Frances Louise 1914 Benton Schueler 329 B2065
McNeal, Harvey 27 Feb. 1913 Benton Grimm 242 B2064
McNee, Iona Jane 22 Sept. 1911 Benton Newton 382 B2063
McNie, Jean Agnes 03 Oct. 1911 Benton Eggleston 342 B2063
Mcondrews, Edward James 20 July 1913 Benton Benson 224 B2064
McPike, Evelyn 01 July 1914 Benton Dudley 328 B2065
McQuilkin, David Graydon 27 June 1920 Benton Matsen 250 B2067
McQuilkin, Gretchen Arlene 11 Oct. 1918 Benton Matsen 330 B2066
McVay, Dorothy Maxine 18 Oct. 1920 Benton Seymour 462 B2068
McVay, Herbert Earl 12 July 1910 Benton Seymour 337 B2064
McVicker, Patricia Virginia 27 Apr. 1921 Benton Constant 157 B2068
Mealhouse, Alice Martha 18 Sept. 1914 Benton Schellhase 309 B2065
Mealhouse, Florence 03 Sept. 1909 Benton Schellhase 67 B2062
Mealhouse, Gale Vernon 29 Mar. 1920 Benton Hilmer 108 B2067
Mealhouse, Harold Jacob 29 May 1918 Benton Seaver 337 B2066
Mease, Edward 07 Dec. 1911 Benton Donald 246 B2064
Mease, James Ward 03 Feb. 1920 Benton Ward 60 B2067
Mease, John Henry 07 Sept. 1918 Benton Ward 338 B2066
Meaus, Lorena C. 01 Dec. 1920 Benton Cram 546 B2068
Meehan, James R. 11 Feb. 1914 Benton Rhodes 320 B2065
Meek, Howard Woodrow 06 Dec. 1915 Benton Beatty 273 B2065
Meeker, Dorothy Marie 25 Nov. 1919 Benton Myers 251 B2067
Meeker, Loren 01 July 1913 Benton Myers 230 B2064
Meeker, Marjorie 22 Apr. 1911 Benton Meyer 104 B2064
Mehau, Raymon S. 29 Oct. 1916 Benton Rhodes 277 B2066
Mehmert, Della Viola 22 Apr. 1909 Benton Hudson 356 B2064
Meinert, Dallas Paulsen 19 Sept. 1912 Benton Paulsen 196 B2064
Meinert, Helen C. 04 Feb. 1909 Benton Paulsen 162 B2062
Meister, Melvin Laverne 03 Nov. 1912 Benton Speaeke 128 B2064
Melberg, Dolores Irene 22 May 1917 Benton Tuttle 258 B2066
Melberg, Elton Worth 11 May 1920 Benton Tuttle 200 B2067
Melberg, Merritt Eugene 14 Mar. 1916 Benton Merritt 268 B2066
Melberg, Milford Tuttle 20 Nov. 1915 Benton Tuttle 276 B2065
Melberg, Robert Ernest 12 Oct. 1917 Benton Meritt 256 B2066
Melhus, Clarence Arnold 1910 Benton Dyrland 270 B2063
Melhus, Glenda 08 Apr. 1915 Benton Dyrland 274 B2065
Mentzer, Curtis John 09 May 1921 Benton Frykberg 160 B2068
Merchant, Charles Wayne 29 July 1917 Benton Cross 259 B2066
Merchant, Flora Catherine 13 Apr. 1916 Benton Cross 265 B2066
Merchant, James Woodrow 07 Sept. 1919 Benton Stritch 253 B2067
Merchant, Mary Margaret 23 May 1921 Benton Stutch 161 B2068
Merchant, Maxine Harriet 13 Aug. 1919 Benton Cross 252 B2067
Merchant, Michael Joseph 21 Oct. 1916 Benton Stretch 264 B2066
Merchant, Myron Muriel 05 Mar. 1914 Benton Cross 292 B2065
Merchant, Rachel Adaline 17 June 1916 Benton Ellyson 266 B2066
Merchant, Williard Ernest 31 May 1912 Benton Robinson 446 B2064
Merchant, Willis Jonah 18 Nov. 1912 Benton Ellyson 449 B2064
Meredith, Harold James 02 July 1911 Benton Pease 337 B2063
Merkel, Monte John 06 Nov. 1916 Benton Cheveny 275 B2066
Merritt, Geneva Loretta 12 Jan. 1921 Benton Barrown 162 B2068
Merritt, Milton Eugene 25 Feb. 1913 Benton Melberg 227 B2064
Merritt, Thelma May 12 Sept. 1915 Benton Barrow 272 B2065
Meskimen, Pauline Francis 25 Apr. 1914 Benton Grimon 319 B2065
Meskimens, Frank Thornton 03 Dec. 1914 Benton Thornton 318 B2065
Mess, Helen Margaret 09 June 1912 Benton Brandt 190 B2064
Mess, Melvin Ernest 03 Apr. 1914 Benton Brandt 303 B2065
Messer, Margaret Marie 09 Dec. 1913 Benton Hoke 234 B2064
Metcalf, Robert Dean 11 Dec. 1916 Benton Carver 274 B2066
Mether, Rachel Linda 04 Mar. 1911 Benton Schild 282 B2063
Mettlin, James Allen 29 June 1913 Benton Gates 233 B2064
Mettlin, Pretiss 07 Dec. 1917 Benton Gates 264 B2066
Meyer, Alice Hanna Katharine 02 May 1909 Benton Boemke 189 B2062
Meyer, Arnold William Henry 13 Mar. 1911 Benton Schuldt 232 B2064
Meyer, Bernice Margaret Anna 29 Sept. 1917 Benton Koeppen 262 B2066
Meyer, Dale Mitchell 23 Oct. 1909 Benton Mitchell 60 B2062
Meyer, Dallas Henry 17 Feb. 1911 Benton Boehmke 413 B2063
Meyer, Dwayne Russell 25 May 1921 Benton Kruger 163 B2068
Meyer, Elva Mary 17 Jan. 1918 Benton Oehlericher 339 B2066
Meyer, Galyrn Margaret 22 Jan. 1918 Benton Schuldt 340 B2066
Meyer, George Everett 25 May 1919 Benton Kruger 256 B2067
Meyer, Harold 16 Sept. 1919 Benton Boehmke 254 B2067
Meyer, John H. 02 July 1913 Benton Boehmke 226 B2064
Meyer, Lorraine Ella Margret 03 Aug. 1912 Benton Koeppen 307 B2064
Meyer, Margurett Louise 23 Nov. 1915 Benton Boehmke 288 B2065
Meyer, Mildred Marie 26 Sept. 1917 Benton Boehmke 249 B2066
Meyer, Nadine Ernestine 03 Jan. 1920 Benton Koeppan 25 B2067
Meyer, Nora 14 Jan. 1917 Benton Krueger 247 B2066
Meyer, Orville Ernest 21 Aug. 1917 Benton Koeppen 248 B2066
Meyer, Paul Frederick 20 Nov. 1916 Benton Neuno 279 B2066
Meyer, Raymond Donald 24 July 1920 Benton Orhlerich 314 B2067
Meyer, Velma Elfrieda 05 Aug. 1914 Benton Koeppen 314 B2065
Meyer, Vernon Christian John 15 Jan. 1914 Benton Koeppen 308 B2065
Meyer, Wilbert Ernest 19 June 1919 Benton Koeppen 35 B2067
Meyermann, Henry T. 02 May 1912 Benton Radeke 386 B2064
Meyers, Alfred John 20 Apr. 1919 Benton Oehlerich 255 B2067
Meyers, Harold Otto 16 Sept. 1909 Benton Albers 174 B2062
Meyers, Victor Helbert 08 Sept. 1915 Benton Long 277 B2065
Meyocks, Donald James 05 Sept. 1918 Benton Yunker 341 B2066
Meyocks, Mildred Anna 29 July 1916 Benton Yonker 281 B2066
Miessner, Dale William 24 May 1920 Benton Hessenins 201 B2067
Miles, Ralph Eugene 25 May 1913 Benton King 229 B2064
Miller (Baby Girl) 11 June 1912 Benton Brammow 308 B2064
Miller (Baby Girl) 09 June 1913 Benton Barta 228 B2064
Miller, Carl Delbert 12 Mar. 1918 Benton Barto 342 B2066
Miller, Charley Helhen 22 Nov. 1911 Benton Sheely 204 B2064
Miller, Donald Herbert 20 Sept. 1919 Benton Langdon 257 B2067
Miller, Edith Frances 14 Feb. 1921 Benton Woolison 165 B2068
Miller, Esther Dolla 18 Nov. 1918 Benton Buettner 343 B2066
Miller, Evelyn Louise 04 May 1918 Benton Hammond 344 B2066
Miller, Florence Lisette 03 Oct. 1917 Benton Bortz 251 B2066
Miller, Frederick William 17 Aug. 1914 Benton Siepman 316 B2065
Miller, Geraldine May 04 Aug. 1915 Benton Ohara 266 B2065
Miller, Harold J. Jr. 05 June 1915 Benton McElroy 267 B2065
Miller, Harold Veron 16 Nov. 1919 Benton Peters 258 B2067
Miller, Hazel Ellen 04 Mar. 1920 Benton Hitt 109 B2067
Miller, Hilda Jane 03 Aug. 1913 Benton Decker 235 B2064
Miller, Horace 27 Jan. 1920 Benton Glime 26 B2067
Miller, Ivan 23 Mar. 1914 Benton Miller 297 B2065
Miller, Jack Diane 30 Jan. 1911 Benton Hale 23 B2064
Miller, Jack Wayne 11 June 1921 Benton McElroy 166 B2068
Miller, Janette 06 Feb. 1911 Benton Pitts 441 B2063
Miller, Jean Mary 27 Oct. 1914 Benton Harmon 296 B2065
Miller, Jeanette Marie 05 Nov. 1915 Benton Glime 271 B2065
Miller, John Benton 17 Oct. 1917 Benton Woolison 265 B2066
Miller, Kathryn Mae 02 Nov. 1917 Benton Miller 244 B2066
Miller, Keneth Samuel Henry 10 Aug. 1912 Benton Banse 214 B2064
Miller, LaNora Alvina 04 July 1909 Benton Olson 220 B2062
Miller, LaVerne Eugene 25 Feb. 1920 Benton Hammond 63 B2067
Miller, LaVonne Eileen 25 Feb. 1920 Benton Hammond 62 B2067
Miller, Leila Marie 28 Feb. 1910 Benton Barta 197 B2063
Miller, Leila Mavis 09 June 1921 Benton Hammond 164 B2068
Miller, Lenore May 03 Dec. 1914 Benton Beckler 305 B2065
Miller, Leona Anna Alvina 28 June 1911 Benton Franzenberg 275 B2063
Miller, Leota 28 June 1918 Benton Bridge 345 B2066
Miller, Lois Amelia 09 Oct. 1918 Benton Hoffman 346 B2066
Miller, Lois Lena 08 June 1915 Benton Barta 278 B2065
Miller, Louise Mardell 11 Nov. 1909 Benton Carrier 423 B2064
Miller, Mable Matilda 11 Dec. 1910 Benton Petersen 365 B2064
Miller, Mamie E. 16 Dec. 1913 Benton Carrier 237 B2064
Miller, Margaret Helen 05 May 1919 Benton Miller 259 B2067
Miller, Mary Elizabeth 11 Oct. 1909 Benton Thompson 424 B2064
Miller, Norma Harriet 08 Mar. 1910 Benton Stork 127 B2063
Miller, Paulina May 09 Nov. 1915 Benton Petersen 281 B2065
Miller, Robert Franklin 20 Dec. 1915 Benton Goalby 265 B2065
Miller, Ruth Alberta 06 July 1916 Benton Robins 259 B2066
Miller, Viola Margaret 26 Sept. 1915 Benton Bevins 282 B2065
Miller, Viola Virginia 17 Dec. 1919 Benton Smalley 260 B2067
Miller, Waldo Louis 28 Aug. 1913 Benton Peterson 239 B2064
Miller, Will Lenard 14 Sept. 1919 Benton MacDonald 261 B2067
Mills, Mae Artis 30 May 1920 Benton Possehl 202 B2067
Milne, Marjorie Lucile 08 June 1921 Benton Angel 167 B2068
Minear, Byron 20 Apr. 1917 Benton Ambrose 261 B2066
Minear, Emma Louise 13 Sept. 1914 Benton Ambrose 293 B2065
Minear, Helen May 15 May 1919 Benton Hawley 262 B2067
Minear, Myron 20 Apr. 1917 Benton Ambrose 260 B2066
Minear, Ralph Everett 03 Jan. 1911 Benton Dusneth 68 B2064
Minear, Richard Lurry 25 July 1914 Benton Dunseth 294 B2065
Miner, Hellen Marie 08 Feb. 1912 Benton Muller 13 B2064
Miner, Lloyd 28 May 1914 Benton Dodd 306 B2065
Miner, Robert Stanley 18 Oct. 1916 Benton Zerfoss 267 B2066
Misel, Helen Ethel 18 Oct. 1915 Benton Dye 289 B2065
Miszner, Lois Kathyran 26 Mar. 1919 Benton Petersen 263 B2067
Mitchell, Jule M. 29 Apr. 1910 Benton Jule 272 B2063
Moder, Christine Marie 19 June 1914 Benton Cumberland 310 B2065
Modlin (Baby Boy) 13 Mar. 1919 Benton Ruhl 264 B2067
Moeller, Carl W. 07 Feb. 1917 Benton Rinderknecht 263 B2066
Moeller, Elmer Martin 22 May 1911 Benton Rinderknecht 458 B2063
Moeller, Esther Isabelle 26 June 1912 Benton Buckal 287 B2064
Moeller, Marie Caroline Elizabeth 10 July 1914 Benton Rinderknecht 321 B2065
Mohr, June Enid 06 Dec. 1918 Benton Collins 347 B2066
Mohr, Margaret Yvonne 01 Mar. 1919 Benton Barnes 265 B2067
Mohr, Wermer Fredrick William 07 Jan. 1919 Benton Kokemiller 266 B2067
Molzen, Irma Dorothy 14 June 1911 Benton Molzen 61 B2064
Molzen, Paul John William 05 Oct. 1918 Benton Muehlhausen 348 B2066
Monley, Zena Perl 11 May 1914 Benton Snell 311 B2065
Montague, Ernest Kimball 29 Aug. 1912 Benton Kimball 101 B2064
Montague, Evard Lyle 17 Oct. 1914 Benton Brown 300 B2065
Montague, Glen Harold 05 Apr. 1914 Benton Kimball 301 B2065
Montague, Hazel Edris 08 June 1912 Benton Brown 94 B2064
Montague, Leroy Brown 11 July 1909 Benton Brown 348 B2064
Montague, Malvin Lee 11 Mar. 1915 Benton Zabokrtsky 275 B2065
Montague, Marjorie Claire 01 Jan. 1921 Benton Kimball 168 B2068
Montague, Robert Merle 23 Nov. 1918 Benton Brown 349 B2066
Montague, Vernon 16 July 1917 Benton Zabokrstsky 257 B2066
Montgomery, Crystal Pearl 09 May 1909 Benton Rouse 26 B2062
Montgomery, Elezebeth 24 Nov. 1914 Benton Maxon 312 B2065
Montgomery, James Potter 11 Aug. 1913 Benton Maxon 236 B2064
Montgomery, LaVon Frances 14 Dec. 1920 Benton Eastman 547 B2068
Montgomery, Merlin Wilfred 01 May 1912 Benton Grey 123 B2064
Montgomery, Velma Ethel 29 July 1911 Benton Briggs 427 B2063
Moon, Paul LaRue 06 Jan. 1913 Benton LaRue 425 B2064
Moon, Virginia Adele 14 July 1919 Benton LaRue 267 B2067
Moore, Dora V. 27 May 1910 Benton Tomson 3 B2063
Moore, Earl Ernest 19 Feb. 1916 Benton Haines 278 B2066
Moore, Edgar Seth 01 Oct. 1911 Benton Thompson 418 B2063
Moore, Elva Alberta 23 Oct. 1914 Benton Haines 304 B2065
Moore, Esto Mae 06 Sept. 1915 Benton Johnson 269 B2065
Moore, Everett Joseph 22 Apr. 1910 Benton Smith 264 B2063
Moore, George Robert 18 Feb. 1919 Benton Berg 268 B2067
Moore, Joseph Lane 06 June 1913 Benton Carlson 225 B2064
Moore, Mary Emma 11 Apr. 1910 Benton Carson 6 B2063
Moore, Robert Lester 06 Nov. 1911 Benton Haines 299 B2063
Moore, Robert N. 18 Nov. 1911 Benton Sisson 43 B2064
Morris, Leatha M. 01 May 1911 Benton Morris 18 B2064
Morris, Lola Florence 20 Aug. 1917 Benton Scott 245 B2066
Morris, Oliver Jr. 14 July 1920 Benton Scott 315 B2067
Mossman, Keith Duane 29 Jan. 1921 Benton Burns 169 B2068
Mossman, Robert Burns 15 June 1911 Benton Burns 437 B2063
Moulds, Margaret Lucile 27 Mar. 1912 Benton Glime 34 B2064
Mowbray, Dorothy Elaine 27 Aug. 1915 Benton Green 290 B2065
Mowbray, Douglas Thomas 02 Nov. 1911 Benton Bradbrook 321 B2063
Mowbray, Isabelle Franciene 07 Sept. 1919 Benton Green 269 B2067
Mowbray, James Wayne 27 Oct. 1916 Benton Green 258 B2066
Mowbray, Jay William 12 June 1918 Benton Strohm 351 B2066
Mowbray, Ruth Benadine 06 Feb. 1909 Benton Bradbrook 72 B2062
Mowbroy (Baby Boy) 21 Mar. 1918 Benton Green 350 B2066
Moye, Kenneth Herbert 27 Mar. 1920 Benton Ranike 110 B2067
Mueller, Mary Clara 21 May 1914 Benton Brammo 313 B2065
Muhl, Marcella Catherine 27 Oct. 1912 Benton Bormann 342 B2064
Muir, Hazel Jean 13 May 1919 Benton Ward 270 B2067
Mullen, Rose Ester 23 Sept. 1909 Benton Hansen 357 B2064
Mullinex, Anita Mardell 12 Feb. 1918 Benton Dougherty 352 B2066
Mullinex, Arnold 12 Mar. 1915 Benton Holmes 285 B2065
Mullinex, Eileen Rose 05 June 1918 Benton Morrison 353 B2066
Mullinex, Imogene 05 June 1921 Benton Pruett 170 B2068
Mullinex, Ula Marie 18 Nov. 1919 Benton Morrison 271 B2067
Mullinex, Willis Edmund 23 Aug. 1916 Benton Daugherty 261 B2066
Munson, LaVerne Raymond 05 Dec. 1909 Benton Upak 239 B2062
Munson, Martin E. 16 Sept. 1909 Benton Iverson 215 B2062
Murphy, Edward Andrew Jr. 19 Dec. 1917 Benton Champion 451 B2066
Murphy, Frank Champion 23 July 1920 Benton Champion 316 B2067
Murray, Harold Hubert 03 Jan. 1912 Benton Brown 35 B2064
Muschaweck, Hester Ann 04 June 1915 Benton Neade 268 B2065
Muschaweck, Olive Mary 31 Mar. 1913 Benton Nead 238 B2064
Muschaweck, Roy August 1910 Benton Mead 352 B2064
Musel, Clarence Vencil Mike 24 Mar. 1917 Benton Rayman 246 B2066
Musel, Lester Leonard 21 Aug. 1912 Benton Raymon 189 B2064
Musel, Lucile 22 Apr. 1915 Benton Raymann 283 B2065
Musel, Mabel Katherine Sophia 29 Feb. 1920 Benton Royman 64 B2067
Musel, Raymond 18 May 1909 Benton Rayman 161 B2062
Musser, Dale Clyde 16 Jan. 1913 Benton Williamson 240 B2064
Mussman, Caroline Linda 10 Sept. 1911 Benton Schoelerman 285 B2063
Mussman, Elsie Margaret 18 Jan. 1909 Benton Thompson 139 B2062
Mussman, Frederick Edward 12 Aug. 1914 Benton Stelling 299 B2065
Mussman, Gladys Emma 24 Sept. 1910 Benton Thiessen 377 B2064
Mussman, Helen Dora Margaret 20 June 1911 Benton Jordt 289 B2063
Mussman, Maxine Clara 27 June 1920 Benton Thiessen 253 B2067
Mussman, Mildred 24 Jan. 1909 Benton Thiessen 152 B2062
Mussman, Nadine Anna 22 Apr. 1914 Benton Thiessen 302 B2065
Mussman, Velma Henrietta 03 Aug. 1912 Benton Thiessen 151 B2064
Mussman, Vern Henry 09 Aug. 1909 Benton Steeling 119 B2062
Mussman, Willard H. 29 Mar. 1916 Benton Stelling 262 B2066
Myerman, Gerald William 01 Apr. 1916 Benton Rodeke 273 B2066
Myers, Allen 11 Jan. 1916 Benton Bray 272 B2066
Myers, Cleo Lanore 08 Feb. 1916 Benton Cafferty 270 B2066
Myler, Anna Viola 12 Apr. 1911 Benton Stein 222 B2064
Myles, Lillian Sophia Adelia 25 Jan. 1909 Benton Stein 147 B2062
Myse, Arthur Bambridge 25 June 1909 Benton Bambridge 441 B2063
Certified copies of Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, and Marriage Licenses are available from
the Department of Public Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Lucas Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa or from the County Recorder.
source & permission granted by State Historical Society of Iowa; original transcript

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 20-Feb-2018 18:03:06 CST

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