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Benton County, Iowa
Birth Certificate Index 1909 - 1921

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Name Birth Date County Mother's Maiden Name Certificate # Box #
Uchytel, Sidney James 07 Aug. 1916 Benton Serapecik 405 B2066
Uchytil, Aggie 1909 Benton Ludrickhek 172 B2062
Uhlenhopp, May Fern 30 Jan. 1915 Benton Green 426 B2065
Ulin, Dorothy Delight 17 Sept. 1915 Benton Parkhurst 423 B2065
Ulin, Mildred G. 09 Jan. 1914 Benton Parkhurst 492 B2065
Ulin, Richard Wilson 31 June 1918 Benton Parkhurst 521 B2067
Umbaugh, George Thomas 15 Aug. 1912 Benton Starff 343 B2064
Underwood, Elmer Ray 21 Dec. 1916 Benton Wilson 406 B2066
Underwood, Herald Wilson 05 Sept. 1910 Benton Wilson 200 B2063
Underwood, Ralph Arthur 03 Jan. 1909 Benton Wilson 85 B2062
Underwood, Robert Russell 27 July 1912 Benton Underwood 173 B2064
Unger (Baby Boy) 25 June 1912 Benton McQuilken 19 B2064
Unger (Baby Boy) 25 June 1912 Benton McQuilken 19.5 B2064
Uratny, Arnold Robert 12 Feb. 1915 Benton Jann 424 B2065
Urebic (Baby Girl) 04 Nov. 1916 Benton Welch 404 B2066
Urice, Elsie G. 07 Apr. 1914 Benton Kerr 494 B2065
Urice, Ruth Evaline 16 Mar. 1919 Benton Kadell 413 B2067
Urmy, Edna May 31 Aug. 1917 Benton Crisswell 404 B2066
Urmy, John Harvey 30 Aug. 1920 Benton Criswell 381 B2067
Usher, Kermit William 06 Apr. 1914 Benton Seltrecht 493 B2065
Usher, Margret Rachel 23 July 1912 Benton Agustay 330 B2064
Usher, Mildred Lois 12 Sept. 1919 Benton Seltrecht 412 B2067
Certified copies of Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, and Marriage Licenses are available from
the Department of Public Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Lucas Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa or from the County Recorder.
source & permission granted by State Historical Society of Iowa; original transcript

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 20-Feb-2018 18:03:07 CST

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