Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Springwater Cemetery Surnames starting with A through M this page was last updated on Tuesday, 26 January 2021 |
Surnames Starting With: | A-M | N-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with A | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | O | Aakre, Ernest Alfred | July 19, 1911 | Sept. 21, 1915 | s/o Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Aakre | |
G | O | Amundson, Anna Martina | Mar. 27, 1866 | June 20, 1950 | married to Nels O. Bue on December 5, 1907 d/o Amund Tobias & Gertina Amundson 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Nels O. Bue Family Stone | |
G | O | Anderson, Ellen | Jan. 1, 1840 | Sept. 1, 1928 | married to Soren Sorenson d/o Mr. & Mrs. Lars Anderson Grouped with 3 other Sorenson Graves: Soren, Andrew and Bertena | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with B | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G![]() | O![]() | Barth, Gary Dean | Oct 15, 1944 | Oct. 27, 2010 | s/o Grant and Vivian (Erickson) Barth | |
O | Barth, Glen J. | Oct. 15, 1944 | Dec. 7, 2013 | s/o Grant and Vivian (Erickson) Barth | ||
G | O | Barth, Grant J. | Oct. 10, 1919 | Jan. 19, 1999 | h/o Vivian Erickson s/o Roy & Nellie (Buer) Barth | |
G | O | Barth, Mary Eva | May 6, 1910 | Apr. 18, 1995 | married Harold S. Ericksonin 1939 d/o William & Hattie (VanPelt) Barth | |
O![]() | Barth, Norma Mae | Aug. 8, 1941 | Aug. 7, 2017 | Married Dale Lundy Nov 29, 1959. d/o Grant & Vivian (Erickson) Barth | ||
G | O | Barth, Otis LeRoy | May 28, 1940 | Dec. 25, 1961 | s/o Grant & Vivian (Erickson) Barth | |
G![]() | O![]() | Barth, Vivian Ilean (Erickson) | Oct. 25, 1921 | June 17, 2004 | married Grant Jewell Barth on November 5, 1939 d/o Oscar & Marie (Sorenson) Erickson | |
Bean, Anna A. | 1817/1820 | Dec. 19, 1866 | married Joseph Mott May 31, 1838 Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA 1860 Census, Canoe, Winneshiek, Iowa: Anna A Mott, age 40, b. New Hampshire, w/o Joseph Mott | |||
G | Bean, Hannah | Jan. 23, 1789 | Oct. 29, 1866 | w/o James Bean [Aged 77 Ys 9 Ms 6 ds] | ||
G | O | Bergeson, Ida J | June 15, 1861 | Feb. 27, 1950 | w/o William Kellogg d/o Ole & Ingeborg Bergeson Note: Gravestone & Obit disagree on Birth Year | |
W | G | Bergeson, Ingeborg | Oct. 7, 1831 | May 21, 1891 | b. Norway w/o Ole Bergeson JAASTAD on gravestone | |
O | Bergeson, John L. | May 18, 1858 | Feb. 20, 1925 | Bergerson, John L b. May 18 1858 Illinois, d. Feb 20 1925 Decorah Twp., Winneshiek County IA., 66 yo, Single, Farmer, s/o Ole Bergerson & Eisebel Eide, buried Springwater Cemetery (Source: Death Certificate) Submitted by Norman Hjelmeland | ||
W | G | Bergeson, Ole | Sept. 9, 1811 | Apr. 21, 1886 | b. Norway, h/o Ingeborg Bergeson JAASTAD on gravestone | |
O | Bergeson, Samuel | (1867/1868) | Sept. 28, 1935 | s/o Ole & Ingeborg Bergeson | ||
G | O | Brandt, Addie M. | Oct. 26, 1893 | Oct. 24, 1981 | married to Ludvig Quandahl Jan. 12, 1914 d/o Henry & Mary (Russell) Brandt 1 of 13 graves grouped near the John S. Quandahl Family Stone | |
G | O | Bue, Anna Martina (Amundson) | Mar. 27, 1866 | June 20, 1950 | married to Nels O. Bue on December 5, 1907 d/o Amund Tobias & Gertina Amundson 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Nels O. Bue Family Stone | |
G | Bue, Christi N. | Mar. 27, 1822 | Oct. 30, 1894 | w/o Ole. Bue | ||
G | O | Bue, Helga | Sept. 3, 1857 | Jan. 18, 1915 | marred Andrew Nesheim in 1879 b. Norway | |
W | G | O | Bue, Nels O. | Nov. 30, 1854 | Nov. 7, 1937 | married Anna Martina Amundson Dec. 7, 1907 b. Norway 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Nels O. Bue Family Stone |
G | Bue, Nels O. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Nels O. Bue Family Stone they are: Nels O. and Anna M. | ||||
W | G | O | Bue, Ole N. | Oct. 6, 1823 | Feb. 13, 1904 | h/o Christi N. Bue b. Norway |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with C | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Chappell, Sarah J | June 17, 1866 | d/o Henry Nathan and Mathida B. Chappell Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA | ||||
Chase, Lydia Maria | Feb. 27, 1848 | Dec. 17, 1862 | d/o Nathan G. and Anna C. Chase Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA Listed as Springwater ? | |||
Chase, Nathan Green | Dec. 24, 1865 | Aug. 26, 1869 | s/o Josiah E. and Hannah C. Chase Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA | |||
O | Chase, Ross | Aug. 7, 1888 | Dec. 18, 1905 | s/o Etzel and Jorgene (Olson) Chase | ||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with D | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | O | Dahl, Nettie | Feb. 6, 1884 | Feb. 23, 1920 | married John P. Roney April 3, 1907 d/o Mr. & Mrs. O.H. Dahl | |
W | G | Damstua, Christian Christofferson | Apr. 25, 1834 | Oct. 26, 1886 | Co. G, 12th Reg. Iowa Vol. Infantry Born in Norway. Married Jan. 3, 1864 to Joren Olson Valle Died in Rochester, MN. Note: Joren Olson Valle is buried as Jane L Thovson 1846 - 1910 in Norway Lutheran Cemetery at St. Olaf, Iowa. Her second husband was Lars Thovson. | |
W | G | Davidsen, Guri | Feb. 15, 1858 | Mar. 27, 1882 | married name is Olsen b. Norway | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with E | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | Earle, Henry D. | May 17, 1818 | Apr. 19, 1865 | [Aged 46 Ys 11 Ms 2 Ds] | ||
G | O | Ellingson, Adolph O. | Jan. 5, 1899 | July 31, 1967 | s/o Elling and Louise Ellingson Grouped with 2 other Ellingson Graves: Earl and Ralph B. | |
W | G | O | Ellingson, Earl James | Sept. 22, 1906 | Aug. 17, 1931 | married Elsie Nesset on last July 2, 1931 s/o Elling & Louise Ellingson Grouped with 2 other Ellingson Graves: Ralph B. and Adolph O. |
W | G | O | Ellingson, Elling O. | Mar. 23, 1864 | Feb. 2, 1925 | married Louise Severson in 1895 s/o Ole W Ellingson s/s Helga L. Ellingson |
G | O | Ellingson, Helga L (Severson) | June 19, 1876 | Mar. 18, 1912 | d/o Mr. and Mrs. Aslie Severson s/s Elling O. Ellingson | |
G | O | Ellingson, Ralph B. | Oct. 7, 1896 | May 3, 1954 | s/o Elling & Louise Ellingson Pvt 9 Co 163 Depot Brigade WW I Grouped with 2 other Ellingson Graves: Adolph O. and Earl | |
G | O | Ellis, Clara O. | Mar. 6, 1890 | July 26, 1978 | married Harry Erickson March 30, 1912 d/o Ole & Julia (Hagen) Ellis Grouped with 4 other Erickson Graves: Harry H., Hubert O., Hans N. and Julia N. | |
G | O | Ellis, Engebret M. | Aug. 2, 1903 | Nov. 5, 1995 | s/o Samuel and Anna Marie (Erickson) Ellis | |
W | G | Erickson, Baby | 1901 | 1901 | c/o Hans & Julia Erickson | |
G | Erickson, Charles | 1896 | 1896 | c/o Hans & Julia Erickson | ||
W | G | O | Erickson, Clara | Sept. 18, 1880 | May 1, 1910 | married Olaus Nesheim in 1902 d/o Hans & Julia (Valle) Erickson Adjacent stone to: Ollas Nesheim |
G | O | Erickson, Clara O. (Ellis) | Mar. 6, 1890 | July 26, 1978 | married Harry Erickson March 30, 1912 d/o Ole & Julia (Hagen) Ellis Grouped with 4 other Erickson Graves: Harry H., Hubert O., Hans N. and Julia N. | |
G | O | Erickson, Edith Geneva | Feb. 16, 1915 | July 2, 1991 | w/o Robert Conrad Hjelmeland Married: Nov. 22, 1936 d/o Oscar & Marie (Sorenson) Erickson | |
G | O | Erickson, Ellen O. | July 27, 1884 | Dec. 17, 1977 | married Theodore Narveson March 20, 1907 d/o Hans & Julia (Valle) Erickson | |
G | O | Erickson, Gladys Geraldine (Gross) | Apr. 24, 1916 | Apr. 1, 2004 | married Maurice L. Erickson on March 22, 1940 d/o Walter & Cornelia (Arneson) Gross | |
W | G | O | Erickson, Guri (Valle) | Mar. 2, 1856 | Nov. 23, 1932 | d/o Ole H & Margit (Langerud) Valle aka Julia Halvorson married Hans Erickson Feb 9 1877 Grouped with 4 other Erickson Graves: Clara O., Harry H., Hubert O. and Hans N. |
G | O | Erickson, Hans N. | Aug. 18, 1856 | Feb. 25, 1919 | s/o Jens & Ingeborg (Hansdtr) Erickson Ness aka Hans Erickson Ness, married Guri Valle aka Julia Halvorson, married Feb 9 1877 Grouped with 4 other Erickson Graves: Julia N., Clara O., Harry H. and Hubert O. | |
G![]() | O![]() | Erickson, Harold Sylvester | Aug. 27, 1913 | Mar. 27, 2010 | married Mary Barth on February 2, 1938 s/o Oscar & Marie (Sorenson) Erickson | |
G | O | Erickson, Harry H. | May 17, 1889 | Feb. 27, 1944 | h/o Clara Ellis s/o Hans & Julia (Valle) Erickson Grouped with 4 other Erickson Graves: Hubert O., Hans N., Julia N. and Clara O. | |
G | O | Erickson, Hubert O. | Aug. 4, 1926 | Dec. 8, 1992 | s/o Harry & Clara (Ellis) Erickson Pfc US Army WW II Grouped with 4 other Erickson Graves: Hans N., Julia N., Clara O. and Harry H. | |
O![]() | Erickson, Leona B. | May 18, 1919 | Jan. 6, 2013 | married Milo Robert Roher d/o Oscar and Marie (Sorenson) Erickson | ||
W | G | O | Erickson, Lillie | Aug. 26, 1893 | Sept. 15, 1929 | married Ben Alstad June 4, 1918 & Glen Pierce Dec 15, 1926 d/o Hans & Julia (Valle) Erickson |
G | O | Erickson, Marie Louise (Sorenson) | Feb. 27, 1886 | Mar. 6, 1936 | married Oscar J. Erickson Oct. 14, 1908 b. Norway, d/o Soren & Ellen Sorenson Grouped with 2 other Erickson Graves: Merlan B. and Oscar J. | |
G | O | Erickson, Mary | Jan. 26, 1879 | Mar. 3, 1956 | married Narve Narveson March 9 1898 d/o Hans & Julia (Valle) Erickson Same stone as 3 other Narveson Graves: Narve, Clifford and Carolla Grouped with 8 other Narveson Graves: Narve, Joyce A., Harold K. D., Kresti, Colbjorn, Emma (Narveson), Clifford and Carolla | |
G | O | Erickson, Mary Eva (Barth) | May 6, 1910 | Apr. 18, 1995 | married Harold S. Erickson in 1939 d/o William & Hattie (VanPelt) Barth | |
G | O | Erickson, Maurice L. | Dec. 26, 1914 | June 19, 1991 | married Gladys Gross March 22, 1940 s/o Olias & Clara M (Iverson) EricksonGrandparent of Julie | |
G | O | Erickson, Merlan Bernell | June 12, 1926 | Jan. 16, 1947 | s/o Oscar & Marie (Sorenson) Erickson Iowa Tec 5 20 Inf 6 Div ww II Grouped with 2 other Erickson Graves: Oscar J. and Marie L. | |
G | O | Erickson, Oscar J. | Sept. 5, 1882 | Aug. 23, 1967 | married Marie Sorenson Oct. 13, 1908 s/o Hans & Julia (Valle) Erickson Grouped with 2 other Erickson Graves: Marie L. and Merlan B. | |
G![]() | O![]() | Erickson, Vivian Ilean | Oct. 25, 1921 | June 17, 2004 | married Grant Jewell Barth on November 5, 1939 d/o Oscar & Marie (Sorenson) Erickson | |
W | G | O | Erickson, Willie | Feb. 28, 1887 | Nov. 28, 1908 | s/o Hans & Julia (Valle) Erickson Married Nov 27 1907 at Locust to Augusta Julianna Barth (1889-1963, buried Lutheran Cemetery, Garretson, SD) |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with F | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with G | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
George, Elkannah Preston | Aug. 25, 1855 | d/o Ellis and Deborah George Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA | ||||
G | Gripman, Eunice | 1845/1846 | Dec. 20, 1862 | [Aged 16 Ys] | ||
G | Gripman, Lorana L | Aug. 21, 1818 | Jan. 14, 1871 | Wife of C M | ||
G | Gripman, Mari | 1868 | 1868 | |||
G | Gripman, William | Mar. 27, 1812 | Jan. 15, 1880 | [Aged 67 Ys 9 Ms 19 Ds] | ||
G | O | Gross, Gladys Geraldine | Apr. 24, 1916 | Apr. 1, 2004 | married Maurice L. Erickson on March 22, 1940 d/o Walter & Cornelia (Arneson) Gross | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with H | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G | Halvorsen, Veil | 1791 | Aug. 17, 1882 | born in Norway w/o Halvor Valle mother of Ole H Valle; Halvor Valle 1791-1857 is buried in Norway Lutheran Cemetery, St. Olaf, IA | |
O | Hanson, Annie | Nov. 20, 1832 | Sept. 5, 1917 | married Captain L. Olson April 27, 1871 b. Norway, d/o Mr. & Mrs. A C Hanson | ||
Hardy, Eunice | 1815/1816 | Feb. 12, 1869 | Age 53 Ys Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA | |||
O![]() | Hjelmeland, Carl Dean | Feb. 3, 1946 | May 18, 2019 | m. Linda Engen Apr 16 1966, s/o Robert & Edith (Erickson) Hjelmeland | ||
G | O | Hjelmeland, Darryl Wayne | May 10, 1963 | Sept. 27, 1963 | s/o Lester & Arla (Lundtvedt) Hjelmeland | |
G | O | Hjelmeland, Edith Geneva (Erickson) | Feb. 16, 1915 | July 2, 1991 | married Robert C. Hjelmeland Nov. 22, 1936 d/o Oscar & Marie (Sorenson) Erickson | |
O![]() | Hjelmeland, Lester David | Nov. 3, 1938 | Jan. 20, 2020 | married Arla Mae Lundtvedt 1959, s/o Robert & Edith (Erickson) Hjelmeland | ||
G | O | Hjelmeland, Robert Conrad | Oct. 20, 1905 | Mar. 12, 1992 | married Marian Woldum of Decorah in 1933 & Edith Geneva Erickson Nov. 22, 1936 b. Norway | |
Hole, Sarah | 1800/1801 | Jan. 9, 1866 | Age 65 Ys Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA | |||
G | O | Holmes, Emma (Narveson) | June 23, 1883 | Feb. 24, 1923 | w/o Ole Holmes d/o Colbjorn & Kresti Narveson Grouped with 8 other Narveson Graves: Clifford, Carolla, Mary, Narve, Joyce A., Harold K. D., Kresti and Colbjorn | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with I | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with J | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | O | Jaastad, Ammond G. | 1879 | 1932 | s/o Gunder L & Gjyri Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Martha Gunders Datter, Lars, Gunder L., Gjyri Johns Datter, Anna J., Andrew and John | |
G | O | Jaastad, Andrew | July 7, 1875 | Jan. 12, 1956 | s/o Gunder and Gjyre Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: John, Ammond, Martha Gunders Datter, Lars, Gunder L., Gjyri Johns Datter and Anna J. | |
G | O | Jaastad, Anna G. | Apr. 15, 1873 | Aug. 20, 1974 | d/o Gunder L & Gjyri Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Andrew, John, Ammond, Martha Gunders Datter, Lars, Gunder L. and Gjyri Johns Datter | |
W | G | O | Jaastad, Gjyri Johns Datter | May 24, 1836 | Dec. 20, 1919 | b. Norway, w/o Gunder L Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Anna J., Andrew, John, Ammond, Martha Gunders Datter, Lars and Gunder L. |
W | G | O | Jaastad, Gunder L. | Jan. 30, 1835 | Oct. 7, 1924 | b. Norway married Jyri Jaastad in July 1865 h/o Gjyri Johns Datter Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Gjyri Johns Datter, Anna J., Andrew, John, Ammond, Martha Gunders Datter and Lars Note: Obit & Gravestone disagree on Birth year |
W | G | Jaastad, Ingeborg Bergeson | Oct. 7, 1831 | May 21, 1891 | see Bergeson, Ingeborg | |
G | O | Jaastad, John G. | 1867 | July 8, 1952 | s/o Gunder L & Gjyri Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Ammond, Martha Gunders Datter, Lars, Gunder L., Gjyri Johns Datter, Anna J. and Andrew | |
G | Jaastad, Lars | 1866 | 1899 | s/o Gunder L & Gjyri Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Gunder L., Gjyri Johns Datter, Anna J., Andrew, John, Ammond and Martha Gunders Datter | ||
W | G | Jaastad, Martha | 1869 | 1890 | There is a second marker for: Martha Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Lars, Gunder L., Gjyri Johns Datter, Anna J., Andrew, John and Ammond | |
W | G | O | Jaastad, Martha | Jan. 8, 1822 | Sep. 29, 1912 | married John Jaastad in 1845 b. Norway |
W | G | Jaastad, Martha Gunders Datter | Aug. 4, 1869 | Aug. 20, 1890 | d/o Gunder L & Gjyri Jaastad There is a second marker for: Martha Gunders Datter Jaastad Grouped with 7 other Jaastad Graves: Lars, Gunder L., Gjyri Johns Datter, Anna J., Andrew, John and Ammond | |
W | G | Jaastad, Ole Bergeson | Sept. 9, 1811 | Apr. 21, 1886 | see Bergeson, Ole | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with K | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | O | Kellogg, Ida J (Bergeson) | June 15, 1861 | Feb. 27, 1950 | w/o William Kellogg d/o Ole & Ingeborg Bergeson Note: Gravestone & Obit disagree on Birth Year | |
G | O | Knoke, Edna | June 17, 1923 | May 31, 1983 | married Clyde L. Quandahl Jan. 12, 1946 p/o Jerald & Mark 1 of 13 graves grouped near the John S. Quandahl Family Stone | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with L | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
O![]() | Lazenby, Lanella | July 9, 1940 | Oct. 30, 2012 | d/o Harold and Vallie (Harmon) Lazenby married name is Pharr | ||
O![]() | Lundy, Dale Robert | June 15, 1940 | Mar. 8, 2019 | m. Norma Barth Nov 29 1959, s/o Walter & Gladys (Olson) Lundy | ||
O![]() | Lundy, Norma Mae (Barth) | Aug. 8, 1941 | Aug. 7, 2017 | Married Dale Lundy Nov 29, 1959. d/o Grant & Vivian (Erickson) Barth | ||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with M | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Mott, Anna A. (Bean) | 1817/1820 | Dec. 19, 1866 | married Joseph Mott May 31, 1838 Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA 1860 Census, Canoe, Winneshiek, Iowa: Anna A Mott, age 40, b. New Hampshire, w/o Joseph Mott | |||
O | Mott, Joseph | Oct. 23, 1811 | July 2, 1902 | married Anna A. Bean May 31, 1838 & Phoebe Ann Benedict October 23, 1871 | ||
Mott, Phoebe Ann | Mar. 12, 1889 | married Joseph Mott October 23, 1871 d/o Ezra and Ruth Benedict Source: William Wade Hinshaw Index To Quaker Meeting Records State Historical Society of Iowa Library/Archives, Des Moines, IA Listed as Springwater ? | ||||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with N | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With: | A-M | N-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
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this page was last updated on
Tuesday, 26 January 2021