Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Oak Hill Fort Atkinson Cemetery Surnames starting with A through C this page was last updated on Wednesday, 10 October 2018 |
Surnames Starting With: | A-C | D-J | K-M | N-Z | Cemetery Index |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with ? | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | ????, ???? | Located near the Johann Vogler Stone | ||||
G | ????, ???? | Located between the stones of Hannah A. McCarthy and Sophia Brown | ||||
G | ????, ???? | Located between the stones of Willie Rige and Ellie Krumm | ||||
G | ????, ???? | Located between the stones of Josiah Jr. Goddard and Martha Cartwright | ||||
G | ????, ???? | Mar. 6, 186? | Aged 7 Ys d/o William & A. E. W Ma??? | |||
G | ????, ???? | Located between the stones of Guy H. Goddard and Nellie M. Morton | ||||
G | ????, ???? | Aged 9 Ys 8 Ms 10 Ds Located between the stones of Perry Simons and Mathias Zima | ||||
G | ????, ???? | 1910 | 1913 | Located between the stones of John Walker Skoda and Edna Peterson | ||
G | ????, ???enia | Sep. 21, 1869 | Apr. 21, 1870 | Aged 7 Ms | ||
G | ????, Anna | Located between the stones of ???? Sobolik and John Walker Skoda | ||||
G | ????, Charles E. | 1872 | Located near the stones of Lucy E. Anderson & Amy A. Smith | |||
G | ????, Jesse E. | June 10, 18?1 | Located near the stones of Lucy E. Anderson & Amy A. Smith | |||
G | ????, Jessie | Dec. ?, 1872 | Located between the stones of John Near and William H. Eddy | |||
G | ????, Julia | Dec. 9, 1872 | Located between the stones of John Near and William H. Eddy | |||
G | ????, Myrtie | 187? | 187? | Our Little Myrtie Located between the stones of Hannah A. McCarthy and Sophia Brown | ||
G | ????, Stel?? | Feb. 13, 1862 | Apr. 2, 1862 | Aged 1 Mo 20 Ds Located between the stones of Henry Krumm and The George Franklin Summers Family Stone | ||
G | ??ahkey, ???? | Located between the stones of Chas H. Plomteaux and Herman Scheller | ||||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with A | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G | Anderson, Elisha H. | 1833/1834 | Sept. 23, 1864 | Aged 30 Ys | |
W | G | Anderson, Lucy E. | Apr 11, 1869 | Aug. 18, 1871 | Aged 2 Yr 4 Mo & 7 Ds d/o Horace & Maltic E. Anderson | |
G | Anrud, Myrtle B. | 1899 | 1977 | |||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with B | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G | Babcock, Mattie A. | 1871 | 1924 | At rest in Milton Wis. only d/o Josiah & Martha Grouped with 2 other Cartwright Graves: Martha and Granger J. | |
G | Barber, G. S. | Co K 15? rd ??? Inf 1 of 3 graves grouped near the George A. Bieber Family Stone | ||||
G | Bater, Rosa | Jan. 4, 1864 | Dec. 16, 1893 | |||
G | Bernatz, Michael | Oct. 4, 1815 | Oct. 24, 1884 | Aged 69 ys 20 Ds h/o Veronica (Bonzer) s/s Veronica (Bonzer) Bernatz | ||
G | Bernatz, Veronica (Bonzer) | Dec. 21, 1822 | Oct. 21, 1914 | w/o Michael Bernatz s/s Michael Bernatz | ||
G | Bieber, George A. | 1866 | 1942 | 1 of 3 graves grouped near the George A. Bieber Family Stone | ||
G | Bieber, George A. Family Stone | 3 graves are grouped around the George A. Bieber Family Stone they are: George A., Lida M. and G. S. Barber | ||||
G | Bieber, Lida M. | 1867 | 1941 | 1 of 3 graves grouped near the George A. Bieber Family Stone | ||
G | Bingham, Jas | Sep. 29, 1817 | Aug. 2, 1881 | Aged 63 Ys 10 Ms 4 Ds s/s Sarah Bigham h/o Sarah Bingham | ||
G | Bingham, Phebe?? | Mar. 13, 1844 | Mar. 7, 1882 | Aged 37 Ys 11 Ms 22 Ds | ||
G | Bingham, Sarah H. (Horton) | Mar. 25, 1823 | Aug. 21, 1887 | Aged 64 Ys 4 Ms 27 Ds s/s Jas Bingham w/o Jas Bingham | ||
G | Bonzer, Veronica | Dec. 21, 1822 | Oct. 21, 1914 | w/o Michael Bernatz s/s Michael Bernatz | ||
W | G | Brace, Cynthia | April 11, 1843 | Jan. 17, 1920 | ||
G | Bradley, ?remy | Mar. 22, 1858 | Aug. 25, 1859 | s/o W. B. & S. ?. Bradley Grouped with 3 other Bradley Graves: William, Suzan L. and Ruth | ||
W | G | Bradley, Ruth | Grouped with 3 other Bradley Graves: William, Suzan L. and ?remy | |||
W | G | Bradley, Suzan L. | Aug. 19, 1819 | Dec. 10, 1900 | s/s William Bradley Grouped with 3 other Bradley Graves: Ruth William and ?remy | |
W | G | Bradley, William | Feb. 5, 1816 | May 7, 1888 | s/s Suzan L. Bradley There is a second marker for: William Bradley Grouped with 3 other Bradley Graves: ?remy, Ruth and Suzan L. | |
G | Bradley, William | There is a second marker for: William Bradley | ||||
G![]() | O | Brandt, Catherine Ellen (Marron) | Aug. 12, 1921 | Dec. 19, 2017 | w/o Vinnie John Brandt Married May 15, 1940 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Matilda K. and Charles W. Brandt Stone | |
G | Brandt, Charles W. | Jan. 4, 1877 | Dec. 4, 1957 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Matilda K. and Charles W. Brandt Stone | ||
G | Brandt, Edna M. | Feb. 17, 1919 | July 30, 2003 | |||
G | Brandt, Harry F. Sr. | Sept. 11, 1919 | Oct. 18, 2001 | |||
G | Brandt, Hazel | Sept. 11, 1919 | Dec. 31, 1920 | Twin d/o Mr & Mrs Charles Brandt 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Matilda K. and Charles W. Brandt Stone | ||
G | Brandt, Lee | Aug. 9, 1903 | Nov. 24, 1928 | s/o Mr & Mrs Charles Brandt 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Matilda K. and Charles W. Brandt Stone | ||
G | Brandt, Maple D. | 1896 | 1996 | |||
G | Brandt, Matilda K. | Oct. 15, 1879 | May 3, 1963 | 6 graves are grouped around the Matilda K. and Charles W. Brandt Stone they are: Matilda K., Charles W., Hazel, Lee, Richard E. and Vennie J. | ||
G | Brandt, Richard E. | Apr. 7, 1905 | Nov. 9, 1982 | s/o Mr & Mrs Charles Brandt 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Matilda K. and Charles W. Brandt Stone | ||
G | Brandt, Roy G. | 1900 | 1971 | |||
G | O | Brandt, Vennie J. | June 24, 1915 | Mar. 25, 2001 | h/o Catherine (Marron) Married May 15, 1940 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Matilda K. and Charles W. Brandt Stone | |
W | G | Brown, Sophia | 1808/1809 | Jan. 29, 1873 | Aged 64 Ys w/o AI?? Brown | |
W | G | Brown, Stephen E. | 1847 | 1899 | Father h/o Susan A. 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Stephen E. Brown Family Stone | |
G | Brown, Stephen E. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Stephen E. Brown Family Stone they are: Susan A. and Stephen E. | ||||
W | G | Brown, Susan A. | 1850 | 1930 | Mother w/o Stephen E. Brown 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Stephen E. Brown Family Stone | |
G | Bulgren, Albert C. | Oct. 18, 1865 | June 2, 1956 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Laura Mae and Albert C. Bulgren Stone | ||
W | G | Bulgren, Archie | Dec. ??, 1937 | US Army 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Laura Mae and Albert C. Bulgren Stone | ||
G | Bulgren, Charlotte D. | 1920 | 1937 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Laura Mae and Albert C. Bulgren Stone | ||
W | G | Bulgren, Elmer C. | 1922 | 1944 | US Army WW II 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Laura Mae and Albert C. Bulgren Stone | |
G | Bulgren, Elmer Charles | Nov. 6, 1917 | Iowa Pvt 351 Inf 88 Div 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Laura Mae and Albert C. Bulgren Stone | |||
G | Bulgren, Laura Mae | Sept. 17, 1870 | Feb. 20, 1939 | 7 graves are grouped around the Laura Mae and Albert C. Bulgren Stone they are: Laura Mae, Albert C., Elmer Charles, Charlotte D., Archie, Elmer C. and Otis A. | ||
G | Bulgren, Otis A. | Feb. 7, 1899 | Nov. 5, 1950 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Laura Mae and Albert C. Bulgren Stone | ||
G | Burleson, ?line | Feb. 24, 1879 | Feb. 16, 1882 | |||
G | Bush, Magdalena | July 7, 1884 | May 21, 1967 | |||
W | G | Bush, Mother | June 21, 1858 | Mar. 14, 1899 | ||
W | G | Bush, S. H. Dr. | Feb 2, 1854 | Dec 27, 1933 | ||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with C | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With: | A-C | D-J | K-M | N-Z | Cemetery Index |
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