Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Hesper Public Cemetery Surnames starting with E through G this page was last updated on Thursday, 03 December 2020 |
Surnames Starting With: | A-B | C-D | E-G | H-I | J-L | M | N-Q | R-S | T-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with E | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G![]() | Earle, Amos C. | May 25, 1814 | Nov 24, 1893 | h/o Rebecca (Painter) s/s Daniel G. Earle Grouped with 2 other Earle Graves: Rebecca (Painter) Earle and Daniel G. Earle | |
W | G | Earle, Daniel G. | July 23, 1853 | Sept. 8, 1882 | Aged 29 Ys 1 M 16 ds s/o A. C. Earle s/s Amos C. Earle Grouped with 2 other Earle Graves: Amos C. and Rebecca (Painter) Earle | |
W | G![]() | Earle, Rebecca (Painter) | Jan 13, 1839 | Feb 18, 1918 | Aged 79 Ys 1 Mo 5 Ds w/o Amos Earle Grouped with 2 other Earle Graves: Amos C. and Daniel G. Earle | |
G | Edmunds, ???? | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hiram Edmunds Stone | ||||
G | Edmunds, ???? | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hiram Edmunds Stone | ||||
G | Edmunds, A. W. | 1858 | 1931 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hiram Edmunds Stone | ||
W | G | Edmunds, C. B. | 1852 | 1918 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hiram Edmunds Stone | |
W | G | Edmunds, Hiram | Sep. 5, 1815 | July 10, 1886 | Aged 70 Ys 10 Ms 5 Ds h/o Sarah E. s/s Sarah E. Edmunds 6 graves are grouped around the Hiram Edmunds Stone they are: Hiram, Sarah E., C. B., A. W. , ???? and ???? | |
W | G | Edmunds, Sarah E. | 1821/1822 | Jan. 10, 1884 | Aged 62 Ys w/o Hiram Edwards s/s Hiram Edmunds 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hiram Edmunds Stone | |
W | Ellison, James | Jan 02, 18(8/7)7 | Aged 91 Ys | |||
G![]() | Engan, Alvin S/Sgt | 1915/1918 | Apr. 20, 1945 | Aged 29 Ys Killed on Okinawa Is. Grouped with 2 other Engan Graves: Bertha C. and Sam P. | ||
G | Engan, Bertha C. | 1885 | 1951 | Grouped with 2 other Engan Graves: Alvin S/Sgt and Sam P. | ||
G | Engan, Sam P. | 1878 | 1944 | Grouped with 2 other Engan Graves: Alvin S/Sgt and Bertha C. | ||
Erickson, Charlotte (Noecker) | Sep 7, 1904 | |||||
G | Erickson, Kathryn E. (Antrim) | June 14, 1916 | Apr. 18, 2009 | |||
G | Erickson, Silas V. | Mar. 6, 1901 | Nov. 30, 1988 | |||
W | G | Everts, Herbert N. | 1843 | 1937 | Co. H 6 Minn. Inf. | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with F | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
W | G | Falck, Leila H. | 1899 | 1927 | w/o Leon R. Falck 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Leon R. Falck Family Stone | |
G | Falck, Leon R. | 1895 | 1975 | h/o Leila H. 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Leon R. Falck Family Stone | ||
G | Falck, Leon R. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Leon R. Falck Family Stone they are: Leon R. and Leila H. | ||||
W | G![]() | Fawcett, Ellen (Casterton) | Nov. 20, 1856 | May 26, 1937 | w/o Issac Fawcett 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Issac Fawcett Family Stone | |
G![]() | Fawcett, Granville J. | 1861 | 1939 | Father h/o Nettie (Casterton) 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Granville J. Fawcett Family Stone | ||
G | Fawcett, Granville J. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Granville J. Fawcett Family Stone they are: Granville J. and Nettie | ||||
W | G![]() | Fawcett, Issac | Nov 22, 1849 | Mar 13, 1928 | h/o Ellen (Casterton) 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Issac Fawcett Family Stone | |
G | Fawcett, Issac Family Stone | 7 graves are grouped around the Issac Fawcett Family Stone they are: Issac, Ellen (Casterton), Lillie M., John, Phebe W (Painter), Mary (Williams) Painter and Thomas Painter | ||||
W | G | Fawcett, John Painter | Apr 11, 1824 | Nov. 14, 1874 | Aged 50 Ys 7 Ms 3 Ds h/o Phebe W (Painter) Married: Sept. 24. 1826 Greene Co., Ohio 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Issac Fawcett Family Stone | |
W | G![]() | Fawcett, Lillie M. | Oct. 27, 1889 | July 19, 1934 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Issac Fawcett Family Stone | |
G![]() | Fawcett, Nettie (Casterton) | 1865 | 1953 | Mother w/o Granville Fawcett 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Granville J. Fawcett Family Stone | ||
W | G | Fawcett, Phebe W (Painter) | May 27, 1826 | Nov 2, 1870 | Aged 44 Ys 5 Ms 6 Ds w/o John Painter Fawcett 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Issac Fawcett Family Stone | |
W | G![]() | Fawcett, Rebecca Painter | Jan.21, 1856 | Oct. 18, 1932 | w/o Barzillai Monroe White Grouped with 3 other White Graves: William Chester, Betsey Ann (White) and Barzillai Monroe | |
G | Flatten, Lauris | Nov. 5, 1898 | Aug. 7, 1945 | |||
G | Flatten, Lauris Large Stone | |||||
G | O | Folkedahl, Andrew O. | May 7, 1904 | Feb. 8, 1991 | h/o Nina M. (Nelson) | |
G | O | Folkedahl, Gene A. | Nov. 4, 1954 | 1977 | s/o Andrew and Nina (Nelson) Folkedahl | |
G | O | Folkedahl, Nina M. | 1909 | 2000 | w/o Andrew O. Folkedahl | |
G | O | Folkedahl, Troy A. | Jan. 31, 1969 | Oct. 6, 1990 | Son s/o Forrest and Andrea (Sollien) Folkedahl | |
G | Foltz, Anastasia M. | 1923 | 1977 | w/o Curtis G. Foltz 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone | ||
G | Foltz, Curtis G. | 1919 | 1983 | h/o Anastasia M. 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone | ||
G | Foltz, Darlene L. | 1950 | 2008 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone | ||
G | Foltz, Elizabeth G. | 1898 | 1987 | w/o Ernest A. Foltz p/o Curtis &Keith 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone | ||
G | Foltz, Ernest A. | 1889 | 1980 | h/o Elizabeth G. p/o Curtis &Keith 8 graves are grouped around the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone they are: Ernest A., Elizabeth G., Jeanne, Warren A., Darlene L., Rosella M., Anastasia M. and Curtis G. | ||
G | Foltz, Jeanne | 1925 | 1985 | w/o Warren A. Foltz 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone | ||
G | Foltz, Rosella M. | 1926 | 2006 | w/o Keith Foltz Married: Oct. 15, 1948 p/o Darlene, Robert, Diane & Della 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone | ||
G | O | Foltz, Warren A. | Nov. 11, 1923 | Feb. , 1981 | h/o Jeanne (Robinson) 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Ernest A. and Elizabeth G. Foltz Stone | |
W | Fulton, E. S. | |||||
W | G | Fulton, Eliza | Oct. 3, 186? | Aged 28 Ys w/o Robert Fulton | ||
G | Fulton, Eliza A. | July 31, 1864 | 1890 | Aged 25 Ys 4 Ms w/o E. Sherwood d/o A.B. Fulton s/s Mary E. (Fulton) Sherwood | ||
G | Fulton, Mary E. | 1862/1863 | Dec. 12, 1891 | Aged 28 Ys w/o E. Sherwood s/s Eliza A. (Fulton) Sherwood | ||
W | Fulton, Nancy | 1869 | 18 Mar, 1886 | |||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with G | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | Gade, Charles C. | July 7, 1847 | Aug 7, 1866 | Aged 19 Ys 1 M | ||
G | Galusha, Samuel | Co. L NY HV Arty Civil War Adjacent stone to: ???? ???? | ||||
W | Gates, Carr E. | 1851 | 1863 | |||
W | G | Gates, Henry W. | N. Y. Mil. War 1812 There is a second marker for: Henry W. Gates | |||
W | G | Gates, Henry Walton | 1790 | 1863 | h/o Samantha There is a second marker for: Henry Walton Gates | |
Gates, Infant | Sep 2, 1868 | |||||
W | G | Gates, Samantha | 1795 | 1863 | w/o Henry Walton Gates | |
W | Geolberg, Nellie | 1864 | 1933 | |||
G | O | Gerst, Elizabeth | Dec. 22, 1935 | June 20, 1986 | w/o Keith Street Cremains interred Oakland Cemetery, Iowa City, IA 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Julia Ann and Claire Edwin Street Stone | |
G | Gilmore, Ethel Geneva | Jan. 24, 1883 | feb. 8, 1883 | d/o A. H. & Kittie J. Gilmore | ||
G | Gilmore, Jared E. | Apr 22, 1882 | Feb 19, 1884 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Walcot N. and Lucy Gilmore Stone | ||
W | G | Gilmore, Little Rose | Mar 11, 1871 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Walcot N. and Lucy Gilmore Stone | ||
W | G | O | Gilmore, Lucy (Van Dorn) | Feb. 5, 1852 | Feb. 1898 | w/o Walcot N. Gilmore 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Walcot N. and Lucy Gilmore Stone |
W | G | Gilmore, Mahala E. (Rowe) | Sep. 11, 1842 | Mar 22, 1871 | Aged 28 Ys 6 Ms 11 Ds w/o Wolcot N. Gilmore d/o Wm H. & M. G. Rowe 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Walcot N. and Lucy Gilmore Stone | |
G | Gilmore, Mahlon E. | Mar 22, 1871 | Aug 6, 1871 | 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Walcot N. and Lucy Gilmore Stone | ||
W | G | O | Gilmore, Walcot N. | Apr. 18, 1830 | Jan. 17, 1908 | h/o Lucy and Mahala E. Gilmore 6 graves are grouped around the Walcot N. and Lucy Gilmore Stone they are: Walcot N., Lucy, Jared E., Mahala E. (Rowe), Mahlon E. and Little Rose |
W | Goelberg, Halgrim A. | 1857 | 1929 | |||
W | Goelberg, Sigri | 1837 | 1907 | |||
G | Golberg, Alma M. | 1918 | 1987 | |||
G | O | Golberg, Belva J. | May 31, 1888 | June 9, 1988 | w/o Frank Welch Grouped with 3 other Welch Graves: Norman R., Leon A. and Frank D. | |
W | G | Golberg, Clara M. | 1884 | 1926 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Peter O. Golberg Family Stone | |
G | Golberg, David O. | Oct 11, 1937 | Nov. 15, 1937 | |||
G | Golberg, Dewey B. | 1899 | 1964 | |||
W | G | Golberg, Edwin H. | 1883 | 1924 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Peter O. Golberg Family Stone | |
W | G | Golberg, Josephine A. | 1860 | 1925 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Peter O. Golberg Family Stone | |
G | Golberg, Marion | 1899 | 1994 | |||
W | G | Golberg, Peter O. | 1854 | 1922 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Peter O. Golberg Family Stone | |
G | Golberg, Peter O. | 1854 | 1922 | |||
G | Golberg, Peter O. Family Stone | 4 graves are grouped around the Peter O. Golberg Family Stone they are: Josephine A., Peter O., Clara M. and Edwin H. | ||||
G | Golberg, Victor A. | 1904 | 1990 | |||
W | Gorden, Gustav | Mar 9, 1861 | Mar 12, 1915 | |||
W | G | Gove, Mary | Dec. 1, 1829 | Dec 11, 1864 | Aged 35 Ys 10 Ds d/o L & P Gove | |
W | G | Gripman, Martha | Nov. 15, 1816 | May 29, 1876 | Aged 59 Ys 6 Ms 14 Ds s/s 2 other Gripman Graves: Silas and Richard | |
W | G | Gripman, Richard | May 17, 1842 | Oct 11, 1895 | Aged 53 Ys 4 Ms 24 Ds s/s 2 other Gripman Graves: Martha and Silas | |
W | G | Gripman, Silas | Dec. 13, 1813 | May 18, 1894 | Aged 80 Ys 5 Ms 5 Ds s/s 2 other Gripman Graves: Richard and Martha | |
G | Griswold, Baby Girl | 1918 | 1918 | |||
G | Griswold, Burr F. | 1921 | 1991 | Son s/o Floyd & Rachel | ||
G | Griswold, Burr R. | 1908 | 1910 | |||
G | Griswold, Charles F. | 1902 | 1976 | |||
G | Griswold, Edmund A. | Aug. 13, 1855 | July 9, 1946 | |||
G | Griswold, Floyd | 1898 | 1979 | Father h/o Caroline C. | ||
G | Griswold, Ida M. | Jan. 29, 1860 | Oct. 24, 1945 | |||
W | G | Griswold, Joseph R. | Jan 27, 1830 | Sep 24, 1915 | ||
W | G | Griswold, Marie M. | Oct 25, 1839 | Nov 28, 1920 | ||
G | Griswold, Rachel | 1903 | 2000 | Mother w/o Horace B. Williams | ||
G | Griswold, Susannah E. | 1867 | 1947 | |||
G | Griswold, Winfield M. | 1863 | 1950 | |||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with H | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With: | A-B | C-D | E-G | H-I | J-L | M | N-Q | R-S | T-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
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