Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages Celebrated in 1916 through 1919 With Surname starting with G this site was last updated on Tuesday, 14 July 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With G | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Gallagher, Luba | Gallagher, Luke M | Gallagher, Luke M / Luba Witheridge : 1918-------------------------------------------- Witheridge, Luba / Luke M Gallagher : 1918 |
Gallagher, Luke M | Witheridge, Luba | Gallagher, Luke M / Luba Witheridge : 1918-------------------------------------------- Witheridge, Luba / Luke M Gallagher : 1918 |
Gaul, Lucy | Hauber, William A | Hauber, William A / Lucy Gaul : 1918----------------------------------------------------- Gaul, Lucy / William A Hauber : 1918 |
Gehling, Elizabeth Marie | Gehling, Frank J | Gehling, Frank J / Elizabeth Marie Moellers : 1916-------------------------------- Meollers, Elizabeth Marie / Frank J Gehling : 1916 |
Gehling, Frank J | Moellers, Elizabeth Marie | Gehling, Frank J / Elizabeth Marie Moellers : 1916-------------------------------- Meollers, Elizabeth Marie / Frank J Gehling : 1916 |
Geling, Rose | Uhlenhake, William | Uhlenhake, William / Rose Geling : 1918------------------------------------------------- Geling, Rose / William Uhlenhake : 1918 |
Gibson, Ernest Lee | Rodenkirsch, Rose Mathilda | Gibson, Ernest Lee / Rose Mathilda Rodenkirsch : 1916--------------------------- Rodenkirsch, Rose Mathilda / Ernest Lee Gibson : 1916 |
Gibson, Rose Mathilda | Gibson, Ernest Lee | Gibson, Ernest Lee / Rose Mathilda Rodenkirsch : 1916--------------------------- Rodenkirsch, Rose Mathilda / Ernest Lee Gibson : 1916 |
Gierhart, Clarence Earl | Van Pelt, Marie Beatrice | Gierhart, Clarence Earl / Marie Beatrice Van Pelt : 1916--------------- -------- Van Pelt, Marie Beatrice / Clarence Earl Gierhart : 1916 |
Gierhart, Marie Beatrice | Gierhart, Clarence Earl | Gierhart, Clarence Earl / Marie Beatrice Van Pelt : 1916--------------- -------- Van Pelt, Marie Beatrice / Clarence Earl Gierhart : 1916 |
Giesing, Amalia | Hageman, Fred W | Hageman, Fred W / Amalia Giesing : 1919------------------------------------------------- Giesing, Amalia / Fred W Hageman : 1919 |
Giesing, Anna | Wolfe, Joseph | Wolfe, Joseph / Anna Giesing : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Giesing, Anna / Joseph Wolfe : 1916 |
Gilbert, Faye R | Peglow, Fred J | Peglow, Fred J / Faye R Gilbert : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Gilbert, Faye R / Fred J Peglow : 1917 |
Gilbert, Hazel G | Fisk, Edgar A | Fisk, Edgar A / Hazel G Gilbert : 1916-------------------------------------------------- Gilbert Hazel G / Edgar A Fisk : 1916 |
Gillman, Clara | Anderson, Theodore T | Anderson, Theodore T / Clara Gilllman : 1917----------------------------------------- Gillman, Clara / Theodore T Anderson : 1917 |
Gillman, Myrtle Letitia | Askelson, Charles | Askelson, Charles / Myrtle Letitia Gillman : 1916--------------------------------- Gillman, Myrtle Letitia / Charles Askelson : 1916 |
Ginapp, Henry J | Throndson, Stella R | Ginapp, Henry J / Stella R Throndson : 1918------------------------------------------- Throndson, Stella R / Henry J Ginapp : 1918 |
Ginapp, Stella R | Ginapp, Henry J | Ginapp, Henry J / Stella R Throndson : 1918------------------------------------------- Throndson, Stella R / Henry J Ginapp : 1918 |
Gindeland, Sarah Emelai | Lynne, Gustav J | Lynne, Gustav J / Sarah Emelia Gindeland : 1916------------------------------------ Gindeland, Sarah Emelai / Gustav J Lynne : 1916 |
Gjetley, Stina | Gjetley, Will | Gjetley, Will / Stina Vick : 1918---------------------------------------------------------- Vick, Stina / Will Gjetley : 1918 |
Gjetley, Will | Vick, Stina | Gjetley, Will / Stina Vick : 1918---------------------------------------------------------- Vick, Stina / Will Gjetley : 1918 |
Gjevra, Minnie H | Iverson, Theodore | Iverson, Theodore / Rose Thomas : 1919-------------------------------------------------- Gjevra, Minnie H / Theodore Iverson : 1910 |
Glass, Ella M | Glass, Harry A | Glass, Harry A / Ella M Schneider : 1916----------------------------------------------- Schneider, Ella M / Harry A Glass : 1916 |
Glass, Harry A | Schneider, Ella M | Glass, Harry A / Ella M Schneider : 1916----------------------------------------------- Schneider, Ella M / Harry A Glass : 1916 |
Glise, Dorothy | Bynne, Owen A | Bynne, Owen A / Dorothy Glise : 1917----------------------------------------------------- Glise, Dorothy / Owen A Bynne : 1917 |
Glover, Benjamin | Hegtvedt, Clara | Glover, Benjamin / Clara Hegtvedt : 1917----------------------------------------------- Hegtvedt, Clara / Benjamin Glover : 1917 |
Glover, Clara | Glover, Benjamin | Glover, Benjamin / Clara Hegtvedt : 1917----------------------------------------------- Hegtvedt, Clara / Benjamin Glover : 1917 |
Glover, Mildred | Hegtvedt, Leonard | Hegtvedt, Leonard / Mildred Glover : 1917---------------------------------------------- Glover, Mildred / Leonard Hegtvedt : 1917 |
Goddard, Hazel | Tierney, Phill | Tierney, Phill / Hazel Goddard : 1917---------------------------------------------------- Goddard, Hazel / Phill Tierney : 1917 |
Goelberg, Arnold | Wold, Mamie | Goelberg, Arnold / Mamie Wold : 1916----------------------------------------------------- Wold, Mamie / Arnold Goelberg : 1916 |
Goelberg, Mamie | Goelberg, Arnold | Goelberg, Arnold / Mamie Wold : 1916----------------------------------------------------- Wold, Mamie / Arnold Goelberg : 1916 |
Goelberg, Selma | Chase, Albert Willard | Chase, Albert Willard / Selma Goelberg : 1916---------------------------------------- Goelberg, Selma / Albert Willard Chase : 1916 |
Golberg, Ina Esther | Darrington, Fred W | Darrington, Fred W / lna Esther Golberg : 1917-------------------------------------- Golberg, Ina Esther / Fred W Darlington : 1917 |
Gold, Myrtle | Dovenberg, Dan | Dovenberg, Dan / Myrtle Gold : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Gold, Myrtle / Dan Dovenberg : 1916 |
Gordon, John | Porter, Verona | Gordon, John / Verona Porter : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Porter, Verona / John Gordon : 1916 |
Gordon, Verona | Gordon, John | Gordon, John / Verona Porter : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Porter, Verona / John Gordon : 1916 |
Gossman, Grace Agnes | Gossman, Leonard Thomas | Gossman, Leonard Thomas / Grace Agnes Willson : 1917----------------------------- Willson, Grace Agnes / Leonard Thomas Gossman : 1917 |
Gossman, Leonard Thomas | Willson, Grace Agnes | Gossman, Leonard Thomas / Grace Agnes Willson : 1917----------------------------- Willson, Grace Agnes / Leonard Thomas Gossman : 1917 |
Gossman, Mary Coletta | Huseby, Richard | Huseby, Richard / Mary Coletta Gossman : 1918---------------------------------------- Gossman, Mary Coletta / Richard Huseby : 1918 |
Gossman, Pearl Elizabeth | Gossman, William J | Gossman, William J / Pearl Elizabeth McCauley : 1919----------------------------- McCauley, Pearl Elizabeth / William J Gossman : 1919 |
Gossman, William J | McCauley, Pearl Elizabeth | Gossman, William J / Pearl Elizabeth McCauley : 1919----------------------------- McCauley, Pearl Elizabeth / William J Gossman : 1919 |
Grabau, Edith | Stevens, Jesse Oren | Stevens, Jesse Oren / Edith Grabau : 1919---------------------------------------------- Grabau, Edith / Jesse Oren Stevens : 1919 |
Gray, Andrew B | Butz, Edith May | Gray, Andrew B / Edith May Butz : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Butz, Edith May / Andrew B Gray : 1917 |
Gray, Edith May | Gray, Andrew B | Gray, Andrew B / Edith May Butz : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Butz, Edith May / Andrew B Gray : 1917 |
Green, Berniece | McLain, Harry E | McLain, Harry E / Berniece Green : 1919------------------------------------------------- Green, Berniece / Harry E McLain : 1919 |
Green, Bonnie Belle | Green, S A | Green, S A / Bonnie Belle Tatro : 1918-------------------------------------------------- Tatro, Bonnie Belle / S A Green : 1918 |
Green, Ethel | Green, Ralph | Green, Ralph / Ethel Meier : 1918---------------------------------------------------------- Meier, Ethel / Ralph Green : 1918 |
Green, Hazel Irene | Shepperd, Leslie Chauncey | Shepperd, Leslie Chauncey / Hazel Irene Green : 1918----------------------------- Green, Hazel Irene / Leslie Chauncey Shepperd : 1918 |
Green, Leila | Dinger, Edward | Dinger, Edward / Leila Green : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Green, Leila / Edward Dinger : 1916 |
Green, Ralph | Meier, Ethel | Green, Ralph / Ethel Meier : 1918---------------------------------------------------------- Meier, Ethel / Ralph Green : 1918 |
Green, S A | Tatro, Bonnie Belle | Green, S A / Bonnie Belle Tatro : 1918-------------------------------------------------- Tatro, Bonnie Belle / S A Green : 1918 |
Greenslade, John J | Shobakken, Ruth | Greenslade, John J / Ruth Shobakken : 1919-------------------------------------------- Shobakken, Ruth / John J Greenslade : 1919 |
Greenslade, Ruth | Greenslade, John J | Greenslade, John J / Ruth Shobakken : 1919-------------------------------------------- Shobakken, Ruth / John J Greenslade : 1919 |
Gremm, Florence | Haakenson, Henry O | Haakenson, Henry O / Florence Gremm : 1919-------------------------------------------- Gremm, Florence / Henry O Haakenson : 1919 |
Gremm, Pearl Marie | Fox, Lee R | Fox, Lee R / Pearl Marie Gremm : 1916---------------------------------------------------- Gremm, Pearl Marie / Lee R Fox : 1916 |
Griebel, Alice E | Griebel, John K | Griebel, John K / Alice E Daniels : 1916----------------------------------------------- Daniels, Alice E / John K Griebel : 1916 |
Griebel, George A | Collins, Lucy | Griebel, George A / Lucy Collins : 1918------------------------------------------------- Collins, Lucy / George A Griebel : 1918 |
Griebel, John K | Daniels, Alice E | Griebel, John K / Alice E Daniels : 1916----------------------------------------------- Daniels, Alice E / John K Griebel : 1916 |
Griebel, Lucy | Griebel, George A | Griebel, George A / Lucy Collins : 1918------------------------------------------------- Collins, Lucy / George A Griebel : 1918 |
Grindeland, Bertha K | Bidne, Clarence O | Bidne, Clarence O / Bertha K Grindeland : 1919-------------------------------------- Grindeland, Bertha K / Clarence O Bidne : 1919 |
Grindeland, Keziah | Grindeland, Oscar C | Grindeland, Oscar C / Keziah Wise : 1918----------------------------------------------- Wise, Keziah / Oscar C Grindeland : 1918 |
Grindeland, Nora | Arneson, Martin | Arneson, Martin / Nora Grindeland : 1917----------------------------------------------- Grindeland, Nora / Martin Arneson : 1917 |
Grindeland, Oscar C | Wise, Keziah | Grindeland, Oscar C / Keziah Wise : 1918----------------------------------------------- Wise, Keziah / Oscar C Grindeland : 1918 |
Griswold, Claude A | Kuntz, Mabel V | Griswold, Claude A / Mabel V Kuntz : 1919---------------------------------------------- Kuntz, Mabel V / Claude A Griswold : 1919 |
Griswold, Elmer | Rowe, Nora | Griswold, Elmer / Nora Rowe : 1916-------------------------------------------------------- Rowe, Nora / Elmer Griswold : 1916 |
Griswold, Mabel V | Griswold, Claude A | Griswold, Claude A / Mabel V Kuntz : 1919---------------------------------------------- Kuntz, Mabel V / Claude A Griswold : 1919 |
Griswold, Nora | Griswold, Elmer | Griswold, Elmer / Nora Rowe : 1916-------------------------------------------------------- Rowe, Nora / Elmer Griswold : 1916 |
Grotegut, Mary | Herman, Elmer Richard | Herman, Elmer Richard / Mary Grotegut : 1918----------------------------------------- Grotegut, Mary / Elmer Richard Herman : 1918 |
Gulbro, Ida | Bersie, Arthur | Bersie, Arthur / Ida Gulbro : 1917-------------------------------------------------------- Gulbro, Ida / Arthur Bersie : 1917 |
Gullickson, Alice | Brekke, Anton | Brekke, Anton / Alice Gullickson : 1916------------------------------------------------- Gullickson, Alice / Anton Brekke : 1916 |
Gunderson, Mabel | Milbrath, Herbert | Milbrath, Herbert / Mabel Gunderson : 1916-------------------------------------------- Gunderson, Mabel / Herbert Milbrath : 1916 |
Gunderson, Netty Marie | Luhman, Hubert Clark | Luhman, Hubert Clark / Netty Marie Gunderson : 1919------------------------------ Gunderson, Netty Marie / Hubert Clark Luhman : 1919 |
Gunwold, Gena | Jones, Hamlin E | Jones, Hamlin E / Gena Gunwold : 1917---------------------------------------------------- Gunwold, Gena / Hamlin E Jones : 1917 |
Gustafson, Lauretta E | Gustafson, Verner E | Gustafson, Verner E / Lauretta E Kuntz : 1919---------------------------------------- Kuntz, Lauretta E / Verner E Gustafson : 1919 |
Gustafson, Verner E | Kuntz, Lauretta E | Gustafson, Verner E / Lauretta E Kuntz : 1919---------------------------------------- Kuntz, Lauretta E / Verner E Gustafson : 1919 |
Guttormson, Ellen | Thompson, Sander Teman | Thompson, Sander Teman / Ellen Guttormson : 1917----------------------------------- Guttormson, Ellen / Sander Teman Thompson : 1917 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With H | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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