Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages Celebrated in 1911 through 1915 With Surname starting with I and J this site was last updated on Tuesday, 14 July 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With I | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Imes, Julian G | King, Marie Celestine | Imes, Julian G / Marie Celestine King : 1914----------------------------------------- King, Marie Celestine / Julian G Imes : 1914 |
Imes, Marie Celestine | Imes, Julian G | Imes, Julian G / Marie Celestine King : 1914----------------------------------------- King, Marie Celestine / Julian G Imes : 1914 |
Imme, Edward Martin | Foss, Stella Louise | Imme, Edward Martin / Stella Louise Foss : 1914------------------------------------ Foss, Stella Louise / Edward Martin Imme : 1914 |
Imme, Stella Louise | Imme, Edward Martin | Imme, Edward Martin / Stella Louise Foss : 1914------------------------------------ Foss, Stella Louise / Edward Martin Imme : 1914 |
Istad, Mabel Magdalena | Tweet, Charles Oliver | Tweet, Charles Oliver / Mabel Magdalena Istad : 1915----------------------------- Istad, Mabel Magdalena / Charles Oliver Tweet : 1915 |
Iverson, Bertha | Iverson, Selmer | Iverson, Selmer / Bertha Wieland : 1915------------------------------------------------- Wieland, Bertha / Selmer Iverson : 1915 |
Iverson, Bertha Matlida | Iverson, Martin | Iverson, Martin / Bertha Matlida Vinje : 1912---------------------------------------- Vinje, Bertha Matlida / Martin Iverson : 1912 |
Iverson, Julia | Britton, D | Britton, D / Julia Iverson : 1912---------------------------------------------------------- Iverson, Julia / D Britton : 1912 |
Iverson, Martin | Vinje, Bertha Matlida | Iverson, Martin / Bertha Matlida Vinje : 1912---------------------------------------- Vinje, Bertha Matlida / Martin Iverson : 1912 |
Iverson, Selmer | Wieland, Bertha | Iverson, Selmer / Bertha Wieland : 1915------------------------------------------------- Wieland, Bertha / Selmer Iverson : 1915 |
Iverson, Tomina | Running, Henry | Running, Henry / Tomina Iverson : 1912-------------------------------------------------- Iverson, Tomina / Henry Running : 1912 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With J | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Jaastad, Agnes Marie | Lennon, Arthur B | Lennon, Arthur B / Agnes Marie Jaastad : 1915---------------------------------------- Jaastad, Agnes Marie / Arthur B Lennon : 1915 |
Jacobson, Christianne M | Hovey, Carl J | Hovey, Carl J / Christianne M Jacobson : 1915---------------------------------------- Jacobson, Christianne M / Carl J Hovey : 1915 |
Jaeger, Clara | Fais, Gervais Y | Fais, Gervais Y / Clara Jaeger : 1914---------------------------------------------------- Jaeger, Clara / Gervais Y Fais : 1914 |
Jahnke, Reika | Jahnke, Rudolph | Jahnke, Rudolph / Reika Teepe : 1913----------------------------------------------------- Teepe, Reika / Rudolph Jahnke : 1913 |
Jahnke, Rudolph | Teepe, Reika | Jahnke, Rudolph / Reika Teepe : 1913----------------------------------------------------- Teepe, Reika / Rudolph Jahnke : 1913 |
James, Juliet Elizabeth | James, Norman Glen | James, Norman Glen / Juliet Elizabeth Howard : 1915------------------------------ Howard, Juliet Elizabeth / Norman Glen James : 1915 |
James, Norman Glen | Howard, Juliet Elizabeth | James, Norman Glen / Juliet Elizabeth Howard : 1915------------------------------ Howard, Juliet Elizabeth / Norman Glen James : 1915 |
Janechek, Lydia | Janechek, Wenzel | Janechek, Wenzel / Lydia Humpal : 1913-------------------------------------------------- Humpal, Lydia / Wenzel Janechek : 1913 |
Janechek, Wenzel | Humpal, Lydia | Janechek, Wenzel / Lydia Humpal : 1913-------------------------------------------------- Humpal, Lydia / Wenzel Janechek : 1913 |
Janovsky, Barbara | Kubesh, Edward | Kubesh, Edward / Barbara Janovsky : 1915----------------------------------------------- Janovsky, Barbara / Edward Kubesh : 1915 |
Jansen, Christine Josephine | Jansen, Henry Christopher Joseph | Jansen, Henry Christopher Joseph / Christine Josephine Juve : 1915------- Juve, Christine Josephine / Henry Christopher Joseph Jansen : 1915 |
Jansen, Henry Christopher Joseph | Juve, Christine Josephine | Jansen, Henry Christopher Joseph / Christine Josephine Juve : 1915------- Juve, Christine Josephine / Henry Christopher Joseph Jansen : 1915 |
Jansen, Mary Catherine | Gehl, William J | Gehl, William J / Mary Catherine Jansen : 1914-------------------------------------- Jansen, Mary Catherine / William J Gehl : 1914 |
Jarosh, Christine | Taylor, John L | Taylor, John L / Christine Jarosh : 1915----------------------------------------------- Jarosh, Christine / John L Taylor : 1915 |
Jenkins, Amelia | Jenkins, John | Jenkins, John / Amelia Beckman : 1911---------------------------------------------------- Beckman, Amelia / John Jenkins : 1911 |
Jenkins, John | Beckman, Amelia | Jenkins, John / Amelia Beckman : 1911---------------------------------------------------- Beckman, Amelia / John Jenkins : 1911 |
Jennings, Irene M | McMullen, Perley Roy | McMullen, Perley Roy / Irene M Jennings : 1913-------------------------------------- Jennings, Irene M / Perley Roy McMullen : 1913 |
Jensen, Arnold F | Murphy, Mamie E | Jensen, Arnold F / Mamie E Murphy : 1915----------------------------------------------- Murphy, Mamie E / Arnold F Jenson : 1915 |
Jensen, Mamie E | Jensen, Arnold F | Jensen, Arnold F / Mamie E Murphy : 1915----------------------------------------------- Murphy, Mamie E / Arnold F Jenson : 1915 |
Jermeland, Lena | Jermeland, Theodore | Jermeland, Theodore / Lena Knudtson : 1913-------------------------------------------- Knudtson, Lena / Theodore Jermeland : 1913 |
Jermeland, Othilde Carrie | Knudsvig, Henry | Knudsvig, Henry / Othilde Carrie Jermeland : 1915--------------------------------- Jermeland, Othilde Carrie / Henry Knudsvig : 1915 |
Jermeland, Selma | Blessum, Obert | Blessum, Obert / Selma Jermeland : 1912------------------------------------------------- Jermeland, Selma / Obert Blessum : 1912 |
Jermeland, Theodore | Knudtson, Lena | Jermeland, Theodore / Lena Knudtson : 1913-------------------------------------------- Knudtson, Lena / Theodore Jermeland : 1913 |
Jewell, Beatrice | Amundson, Gilbert | Amundson,Gilbert / Beatrice Jewell : 1914---------------------------------------------- Jewell, Beatrice / Gilbert Amundson : 1914 |
Jogerson, Ingeborg | Finberg, Peter | Finberg, Peter / Ingeborg Jogerson : 1915---------------------------------------------- Jogerson, Ingeborg / Peter Finberg : 1915 |
Johnson, Adolph | Fritsche, Susie | Johnson, Adolph / Susie Fritsche : 1911------------------------------------------------- Fritsche, Susie / Adolph Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Agnes Ellen | Johnson, John Oscar | Johnson, John Oscar / Agnes Ellen Ward : 1911---------------------------------------- Ward, Agnes Ellen / John Oscar Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Agnes Ingvolda | Hanson, Edgar Hover | Hanson, Edgar Hover / Agnes Ingvolda Johnson : 1911------------------------------ Johnson, Agnes Ingvolda / Edgar Hover Hanson : 1911 |
Johnson, Albert C | Chase, Lottie Belle | Johnson, Albert C / Lottie Belle Chase : 1912---------------------------------------- Chase, Lottie Belle / Albert C Johnson : 1912 |
Johnson, Albert Oliver | Thorsen, Tilldora Melissa | Johnson, Albert Oliver / Tilldora Melissa Thorsen : 1913----------------------- Thorsen, Tilldora Melissa / Albert Oliver Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, Allie mathilda | Johnson, Gustav Emil | Johnson, Gustav Emil / Allie Mathilda Johnson : 1915----------------------------- Johnson, Allie mathilda / Gustav Emil Johnson : 1915 |
Johnson, Allie mathilda | Johnson, Gustav Emil | Johnson, Gustav Emil / Allie Mathilda Johnson : 1915----------------------------- Johnson, Allie mathilda / Gustav Emil Johnson : 1915 |
Johnson, Anna | Halse, Ernest | Halse, Ernest / Anna Johnson : 1915------------------------------------------------------- Johnson, Anna / Ernest Halse : 1915 |
Johnson, Anna Christine | Johnson, John | Johnson, John / Anna Marie Nesset : 1915----------------------------------------------- Kolseth, Anna Christine / John Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Anna Marie | Johnson, John | Johnson, John / Anna Christine Kolseth : 1911---------------------------------------- Nesset, Anna Marie / John Johnson : 1915 |
Johnson, Bessie | Johnson, John Oscar | Johnson, John Oscar / Bessie Gates : 1913---------------------------------------------- Gates, Bessie / John Oscar Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, Carl John | Lervold, Inga Gurina L | Johnson, Carl John / lnga Gurina L Lervold : 1914--------------------------------- Lervold, Inga Gurina / Carl John Johnson : 1914 |
Johnson, Charlie A | Berg, Hilda | Johnson, Charlie A / Hilda Berg : 1911-------------------------------------------------- Berg, Hilda / Charlie A Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Clara Belle | Johnson, Leon Bernard | Johnson, Leon Bernard / Clara Belle Halsey : 1912--------------------------------- Halsey, Clara Belle / Leon Bernard Johnson : 1912 |
Johnson, Edward Bernard | Mashek, Emma Angeline | Johnson, Edward Bernard / Emma Angeline Mashek : 1911--------------------------- Mashek, Emma Angeline / Edward Bernard Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Emma Angeline | Johnson, Edward Bernard | Johnson, Edward Bernard / Emma Angeline Mashek : 1911--------------------------- Mashek, Emma Angeline / Edward Bernard Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Emma Charlotte | Anderson, Paul Ernest | Anderson, Paul Ernest / Emma Charlotte Johnson : 1915--------------------------- Johnson, Emma Charlotte / Paul Ernest Anderson : 1915 |
Johnson, Gustav Emil | Johnson, Allie mathilda | Johnson, Gustav Emil / Allie Mathilda Johnson : 1915----------------------------- Johnson, Allie mathilda / Gustav Emil Johnson : 1915 |
Johnson, Helma | Engelhardt, Fred | Engelhardt, Fred / Helma Johnson : 1915------------------------------------------------- Johnson, Helma / Fred Engelhardt : 1915 |
Johnson, Helma | Olson, Charley | Olson, Charley / Helma Johnson : 1914---------------------------------------------------- Johnson, Helma / Charley Olson : 1914 |
Johnson, Hilda | Johnson, Charlie A | Johnson, Charlie A / Hilda Berg : 1911-------------------------------------------------- Berg, Hilda / Charlie A Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Inga Gurina L | Johnson, Carl John | Johnson, Carl John / lnga Gurina L Lervold : 1914--------------------------------- Lervold, Inga Gurina / Carl John Johnson : 1914 |
Johnson, John | Nesset, Anna Marie | Johnson, John / Anna Christine Kolseth : 1911---------------------------------------- Nesset, Anna Marie / John Johnson : 1915 |
Johnson, John | Kolseth, Anna Christine | Johnson, John / Anna Marie Nesset : 1915----------------------------------------------- Kolseth, Anna Christine / John Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, John A | Young, Nellie Augusta | Johnson, John A / Nellie Augusta Young : 1913---------------------------------------- Young, Nellie Augusta / John A Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, John B | Sagen, Marie | Johnson, John B / Marie Sagen : 1913----------------------------------------------------- Sagen, Marie / John B Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, John Oscar | Ward, Agnes Ellen | Johnson, John Oscar / Agnes Ellen Ward : 1911---------------------------------------- Ward, Agnes Ellen / John Oscar Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, John Oscar | Gates, Bessie | Johnson, John Oscar / Bessie Gates : 1913---------------------------------------------- Gates, Bessie / John Oscar Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, Kathinka Bergliot | Johnson, Theodore Otto | Johnson, Theodore Otto / Kathinka Bergliot Engen : 1914------------------------ Engen, Kathinka Bergliot / Theodore Otto Johnson : 1914 |
Johnson, Kathreen Stella | Johnson, Melvin A | Johnson, Melvin A / Kathreen Stella Sherry : 1913--------------------------------- Sherry, Kathreen Stella / Melvin A Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, Leon Bernard | Halsey, Clara Belle | Johnson, Leon Bernard / Clara Belle Halsey : 1912--------------------------------- Halsey, Clara Belle / Leon Bernard Johnson : 1912 |
Johnson, Lillie Viola | Williams, Walter Diderick | Williams, Walter Diderick / Lillie Viola Johnson : 1914------------------------ Johnson, Lillie Viola / Walter Diderick Williams : 1914 |
Johnson, Lottie Belle | Johnson, Albert C | Johnson, Albert C / Lottie Belle Chase : 1912---------------------------------------- Chase, Lottie Belle / Albert C Johnson : 1912 |
Johnson, Marie | Johnson, John B | Johnson, John B / Marie Sagen : 1913----------------------------------------------------- Sagen, Marie / John B Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, Mary Christine | Lasson, Theodore | Lasson, Theodore / Mary Christine Johnson : 1914----------------------------------- Johnson, Mary Christine / Theodore Lasson : 1914 |
Johnson, Melvin A | Sherry, Kathreen Stella | Johnson, Melvin A / Kathreen Stella Sherry : 1913--------------------------------- Sherry, Kathreen Stella / Melvin A Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, Nellie Augusta | Johnson, John A | Johnson, John A / Nellie Augusta Young : 1913---------------------------------------- Young, Nellie Augusta / John A Johnson : 1913 |
Johnson, Susie | Johnson, Adolph | Johnson, Adolph / Susie Fritsche : 1911------------------------------------------------- Fritsche, Susie / Adolph Johnson : 1911 |
Johnson, Theodore Otto | Engen, Kathinka Bergliot | Johnson, Theodore Otto / Kathinka Bergliot Engen : 1914------------------------ Engen, Kathinka Bergliot / Theodore Otto Johnson : 1914 |
Johnson, Tilldora Melissa | Johnson, Albert Oliver | Johnson, Albert Oliver / Tilldora Melissa Thorsen : 1913----------------------- Thorsen, Tilldora Melissa / Albert Oliver Johnson : 1913 |
Joldak, Celia | Moon, William | Moon, William / Celia Joldak : 1912------------------------------------------------------- Joldak, Celia / William Moon : 1912 |
Jones, Gertrude | Jones, Martin | Jones, Martin / Gertrude Stebbins : 1912----------------------------------------------- Stebbins, Gertrude / Martin Jones : 1912 |
Jones, Jay J | Webster, Verna Mae | Jones, Jay J / Verna Mae Webster : 1913------------------------------------------------- Webster, Verna Mae / Jay J Jones : 1913 |
Jones, Martin | Stebbins, Gertrude | Jones, Martin / Gertrude Stebbins : 1912----------------------------------------------- Stebbins, Gertrude / Martin Jones : 1912 |
Jones, Minnie Louise | Adolph, Karleius Lee | Adolph, Karleius Lee / Minnie Louise Jones : 1912--------------------------------- Jones, Minnie Louise / Karleius Lee Adolph : 1912 |
Jones, Verna Mae | Jones, Jay J | Jones, Jay J / Verna Mae Webster : 1913------------------------------------------------- Webster, Verna Mae / Jay J Jones : 1913 |
Jorgenson, Gerhard | Krog, Sophie | Jorgenson, Gerhard / Sophie Krog : 1914------------------------------------------------- Krog, Sophie / Gerhard Jorgenson : 1914 |
Jorgenson, Sophie | Jorgenson, Gerhard | Jorgenson, Gerhard / Sophie Krog : 1914------------------------------------------------- Krog, Sophie / Gerhard Jorgenson : 1914 |
Jorvanger, Benjamin | Bolstad, Dagny | Jorvanger, Benjamin / Dagny Bolstad : 1911-------------------------------------------- Bolstad, Dagny / Benjamin Jorvanger : 1911 |
Jorvanger, Dagny | Jorvanger, Benjamin | Jorvanger, Benjamin / Dagny Bolstad : 1911-------------------------------------------- Bolstad, Dagny / Benjamin Jorvanger : 1911 |
Josephsen, Einar | Hughes, Mrs Sadie A | Josephsen, Einar / Mrs Sadie A Hughes : 1912----------------------------------------- Hughes, Mrs Sadie A / Einar Josephsen : 1912 |
Josephsen, Mrs Sadie A | Josephsen, Einar | Josephsen, Einar / Mrs Sadie A Hughes : 1912----------------------------------------- Hughes, Mrs Sadie A / Einar Josephsen : 1912 |
Junge, Mary | Ott, John B | Ott, John B / Mary Junge : 1913------------------------------------------------------------- Junge, Mary / John B Ott : 1913 |
Juve, Alma | Alstad, Carson | Alstad, Carson / Alma Juve : 1914---------------------------------------------------------- Juve, Alma / Carson Alstad : 1914 |
Juve, Christine Josephine | Jansen, Henry Christopher Joseph | Jansen, Henry Christopher Joseph / Christine Josephine Juve : 1915------- Juve, Christine Josephine / Henry Christopher Joseph Jansen : 1915 |
Juve, Ida | Finholdt, Eddie | Finholdt, Eddie / Ida Juve : 1912---------------------------------------------------------- Juve, Ida / Eddie Finholdt : 1912 |
Juve, Mayme Idella | Blegen, Ole O | Blegen, Ole O / Mayme Idella Juve : 1911----------------------------------------------- Juve, Mayme Idella / Ole O Blegen : 1911 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With K | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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