Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 13, 2002
1944 Class Reunion

The class of 1944 had their class reunion Sunday, May 26, 2002 at the Pheasant Run Steakhouse and Lounge at 1:00 p.m.
Out of a class of 32, 10 members and four spouses attended. Ten classmates are deceased and three who attended part of the
years are also deceased. Those in attendance were: Richard and Thelma (OSBORNE) BONNER of Hayes, KS, Willie and Faith
(LAMERAUX) SHINKLE of Golden, MO, Delbert and Hazel JACKSON of Allendale, MO and from Mount Ayr: Park and Joan RINEHART, Bill
and Thelma (ANDERSON) RUSK, Walter JOHNSON, Athena STRANGE, Vesta (INGRAM) STILL and Theola (HIGHTSHOE) WEEDA. Theola
greeted and welcomed everyone. A Dutch-treat lunch was enjoyed by everyone. After lunch, letters and 3-mails were read
from Jean (PRENTIS) REGER of Househeade, NY, Darlene (MAGGARD) MILLER of Saint Joseph, MO and LaVaughn (LOVITT)
THOMAS of Gallatin, MO. The reunion was planned by the committee of Theola WEEDA and Vesta STILL with the help of
Thelma RUSK. The old committee was re-elected. See you next year on the Sunday after the alumni banquet. Try to attend
the alumni banquet and reunion. Classmates who have never attended don't know what they are missing. We have a very good time.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 24, 2004

The graduating class of 1944 from the Mount Ayr public school was held on Sunday, May 30, 2004, at the REC Community
Room. This was the 60th anniversary for the class since graduation. The delicious meal was catered by Mary Lee FOLTZ and
Kathy WARD as a courtesy to Theola WEEDA. Helping them with the serving were Elizabeth FOLTZ, Karen PETTINGER and Oakel
PETTINGER. Park RINEHART was in charge of the registration. Of the 27 registered, 18 were classmates. The class had
43 members graduate. Theola WEEDA had gotten all the decorations carrying out the class colors of purple and yellow and
vases with the class flower, violets, along with candles. Faith SHINKEL gave the table blessing before the meal. After
dinner was served Theola WEEDA welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. Neva FISHER and Thelma RUSK presented a
memorial tribute to the deceased classmates, which included Merle DAILEY, June RANDOLPH, Rex RUSK, Peggy CAVENDAR,
Karl McGAHUEY, Clayton (Bill) RINEHART, and Phyllis McGRATH. Bill RUSK conducted the business meeting. Minutes were
read from the previous year, 2003, and a treasurer's report was given. During the meeting the group voted to have the
reunion again next year, 2005, during the Memorial Day weekend. Delbert JACKSON will be chairman with others in the
community helping. Correspondence was read from Vesta INGRAM STILL'S daughter giving a report on her mom. Greetings
and reports from Jean PRENTIS REGER, Robert PERRY BONNOR, Darlene MAGGARD MILLER and Corbett NEWMAN were given. Thelma
OSBORN BONNOR announced they were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. They were given a prize for reaching this
special event. They also introduced their son, Rick, who had driven them. He is a retired serviceman. They were glad
to have him back. Theola ANDREW KENNICOTT introduced her son, Patrick and his wife Evelyn, who had driven her also.
The meeting ended with much conversation, many pictures and reminiscing. Those attending were: Theola ANDREW
KENNICOT of Lampe, MO; Patrick and Evelyn HUDSON of West Plains, MO; Thelma OSBORN BONNOR and Richard BONNOR and son,
Rick, of Hayseville, KS; Delbert and Hazel JACKSON of Grant City, MO; LaVonne LOVITT THOMAS of Gallatin, MO; Virgil and
Jeannine MAIN of Freemont, NE; Louise TWOMBLEY McCARL of Cedar Rapids; Vivian LORIMOR RIGG and Ralph RIGG of Dayton, OH; and
FROST, Thelma ANDERSON RUSK and Bill RUSK, Wanda JETER McGAHUEY, Helen RICE REYNOLDS and Marvin REYNOLDS, all from Mount
Ayr. Prizes were given to lucky number holders. Theola WEEDA planned these and had them wrapped in yellow and purple
colors. The class motto was "Forward Ever, Backward Never" and looking around those there we are still going forward
and looking forward to next year.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 23, 2005
Class of 1944 Reunion

The graduating class of 1944 held their 61st reunion on Sunday, May 29, 2005 at the Heritage Park Apartments community
room. Bill RUSK was in charge of the registration. Nineteen registered, 14 of them were classmates. There were 43 in the
graduating class. Mary Lee FOLTZ, Kathy WARD and Karen PETTINGER served a delicious meal from a beautiful buffet table.
The ladies had decorated the tables with gold and purple stars, yellow and purple candles to carry out the class of
1944's class colors. The table cloth on the buffet table was also purple. Theola WEEDA welcomed everyone and directed
them to the food table. Faith LAMERAUX SHINKLE gave the table blessing before the meal. After dinner Delbert JACKSON conducted
the business meeting. He had each one tell what they had been doing the past year. Roll call was taken with each in
the class giving the time they entered the class. Faith LAMERAUX SHINKLE and Thelma ANDERSON RUSK were the only two who
had started first grade together. One entered in the fifth grade; one in seventh grade; one in eighth grade, seven in
ninth grade and two in 10th grade. The minutes were read by secretary Thelma RUSK, and approved with one correction.
Correspondence was read from Jean PRENTIS REGER with a picture enclosed and Viviean LORIMOR RIGG with greetings to their
classmates. Thelma reported she had sent a small bouquet to Vesta INGRAM STILL, classmate, who is in the Clearview
Home. She had sent a sympathy card to Delbert and Hazel JACKSON upon the death of their son. During the business meeting
it was voted to again meet during the Memorial Day weekend and to meet at the Heritage Park Apartments community room
again. It was a lovely place to meet for our group. Park RINEHART was nominated as next year's chairman. After the meeting
everyone had a good time visiting with each other and many pictures were taken. Theola WEEDA has kept a scrap book all
these years which she brought for all to enjoy. It is interesting to see the changes along the years. Those attending
this year were Lavaughn LOVITT THOMAS of Gallaton, MO; Delbert and Hazel JACKSON of Grant City, MO; Richard and Thelma BONNOR
and daughter Jayne JOHNSTON, of Wichita, KS; Glenn and Louise TWOMBLY McCARL of Cedar Rapids and Neva MATTHEWS FISHER,
Athena STRANGE, Walter Neil JOHNSON and Bill and Thelma ANDERSON RUSK, all from Mount Ayr.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 23, 2005
Class of 1944 to meet

The graduating class of 1944 from the Mount Ayr high school will have a reunion on Sunday, May 28, at the community room
at Heritage park. The doors will be open at noon and the dinner served at 1 p.m. All classmates, spouses and guests of
this graduating class or anyone who was in the class at any time are encouraged to attend. Reservations are appreciated.
This helps the caterers to estimate the amount of food they need to prepare. Make reservations with Park RINEHART, Theola
WEEDA, Faith SHINKLE, Neva FISHER or Bill RUSK. Reservations need to be made by May 18 if possible. The class will
be celebrating their 62nd year.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 07, 2009
Mount Ayr Class of 1944

The graduating class and classmates of the class of 1944 will hold their 65th reunion on Sunday, May 24, 2009, at the
Heritage Park community room. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m. The doors will open a little after noon.
Reservations are not mandatory but appreciated. Contact Park RINEHART, Theola WEEDA or Bill and
Thelma RUSK.
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mount Ayr Class of 1944 Reunion

The graduation class of 1944 from the Mount Ayr high school met to celebrate their 65th reunion at the community room
at Heritage Park on Sunday, May 24, 2009. Park RINEHART was in charge of the registration. Theola WEEDA had made the
arrangements for the dinner served and prepared by Mary Lee FOLTZ, Karen PETTINGER and Cathy WARD. Dinner was served
at 1 p.m. The tables were decorated in the class colors of yellow and purple. Their class flower was the violet. The
meal was enjoyed by 15 classmates, spouses and friends. After dinner a business meeting was conducted by Theola WEEDA
and Thelma RUSK. Thelma read the minutes of last year's reunion. Theola brought the question to the group whether a reunion
each year should be planned. The class has had a reunion each year over the Memorial Day weekend since their 55th class
reunion. There was much discussion from the classmates on this. It was suggested if they have one each year, that it would
be better to have it on another weekend than a holiday weekend. It was also suggested that those of the class and friends
get together maybe once a month during the year. A conclusion was made to meet, for those who can, on the first Friday
of each month and then see later if they want to meet for a reunion. Theola read letters from Phyllis MOON FAUBION, Jean
PRENTIS REGER, Vivian LORIMOR RIGG and Thelma OSBORN BONNOR, who sent greeting to the class by mail. Most classmates
not attending live in other states and the distance now creates a problem for them to attend. Thelma read the names of
the deceased members of the class, a total of 18. There were 43 in the graduating class. She also read 11 names of classmates
who had attended the class through the years but for some reason of moving, going to the service, etc. did not graduate
with the class. This included the death of Merle DAILY who died when the class were freshman. A moment was spent thinking
about these classmates. Theola had her scrapbooks for all to look through and Thelma had her scrapbooks. Vesta INGRAM
STILL'S family had given her [a] scrapbook to view also. These make a good record of the years of the class of 1944.
Those attending were Vergil MAIN of Fremont, NE who had traveled the farthest, Louise TWOMBLEY and husband Glenn McCARL of
Cedar Rapids, Delbert and Hazel JACKSON of Grant City, MO, Neil and Irma JOHNSON of Beaconsfield and Faith LAMERAUX
and Bill RUSK, all of Mount Ayr. Many pictures were taken and a lot of conversation concluded the afternoon.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 29, 2010
Mount Ayr Class of 1944

The graduating class of 1944 from the Mount Ayr public high school held their 66th year class reunion on
Sunday, June 6, 2010. Eleven classmates and spouses attended. The reunion was held at noon at the community room
of Heritage Park. A delicious dinner was served by Mary Lee FOLTZ, Karen PETTINGER and Cathy WARD. They had the
tables decorated in the class colors of yellow and purple. Their class flower was the violet. Bill RUSK was
in charge of registration. Theola WEEDA welcomed everyone and gave directions for going through the buffet table.
Faith SHINKLE gave the blessing before the meal. Everyone enjoyed the food. A short business meeting was
conducted after the meal. It was decided to meet again at the community room of the Heritage Park on the first
Sunday of June 2011. Correspondence was read from Vivian LORIMOR RIGG, Theola ANDREW KENNICOTT, Thelma OSBORN
BONNOR and Jean PRENTIS REGER. Theola WEEDA read a letter from Pearl HAUPTMANN, the wife of R. E. HAUPTMANN,
who was the ag teacher in Mount Ayr for many years. He is deceased but Pearl HAUPTMANN, in her 90's, is doing
very well she reported. The group signed "Thinking of You" cards for Vivian, Theola, Thelma and Jean as well
as Park RINEHART and wife Joan, who were not there due to Joan's recent surgery. Theola WEEDA had her scrapbook
for all to see. She has done an excellent job of keeping news clippings, pictures and other event involving
members of the class during all the years since graduation. She has the first 50 years in one and is working on
the second (for as far as we can go!) Those attending this year were Virgil MAIN of Fremont, NE, Delbert and
Hazel JACKSON of Grant City, MO, Louise (TWOMBLEY) and Glenn McCARL of Cedar Rapids, and Neil and Irma
JOHNSON of Beaconsfield. Those from Mount Ayr were Neva (MATTHEWS) FISHER, Wanda (JETER) McGAHUEY, Theola (HIGHTSHOE)
knowledge, they had no deceased classmates this past year. This is the first year for some time that someone
has not left their class by death. Picture taking and much conversation made up most of the afternoon. All
left looking forward to June 2011 to get together again.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2010
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 30, 2011
Mount Ayr Class of 1944

Members and spouses of the class of 1944 met Sunday, June 5, 2011, to celebrate their 67th class graduating.
Park RINEHART was at the registration table. They met at the community room at Heritage Park at noon. A catered dinner
by Mary Lee FOLTZ was served at 1 p.m. She had a surprise guest helper, Nancy Lee RUSK. Nancy is the daughter of a former
classmate, Rex RUSK. Rex was deceased in 1984. He and his wife attended every reunion to that time. Nancy and Mary Lee
met each other at the reunions many years ago and by chance met again that week. When Nancy found out that Mary Lee was
catering the dinner, she asked if she could help. They agreed to cater again next year 2012, same time, same place.
Dinner was served buffet style. Theola WEEDA greeted everyone and gave directions to go through the food line.
Faith LAMERAUX SHINKLE gave the blessing before the meal. After dinner a short business meeting was held. Thelma RUSK
read email letters from Vivina LORIMOR RIGG and Jean PRENTIS REGER. Theola HIGHTSHOE WEEDA had heard from Mrs. R.E.
HAUPHMAN and reported she was still in her own apartment and was 99 in November and will be 100 in November 2011 and is
doing well. Theola had also gotten a phone call from Louise TWOMBLEY McCARL that she would not make the reunion this
year. She was missed for she has always attended the class reunions. It was agreed to have the reunion again next year
on the first Sunday of June 2012. Mary Lee will again coordinate the dinner. A tribute to the deceased members of the
class was given by Thelma and Theola. They had two classmates who were deceased in 2010, Theola ANDREW and Mary Margaret
GROVES. Thelma read all the names of the deceased graduate members, 20 in all. Theola then lit a candle in their
remembrance and read the poem titled, "The Dash." The remainder of the afternoon was busy looking at Theola WEEDA'S
scrapbooks, visiting and taking pictures. Those attending were Virgil MAIN of Fremont, NE, Delbert and Hazel JACKSON
of Grant City, MO and Neil and Irma JOHNSON. Those from Mount Ayr were Wanda JETER McGAHUEY, Neva MATTHEWS
RUSK and Bill RUSK.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2011
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 07, 2012
Mount Ayr class of 1944 to meet

The graduating class of 1944 will be holding their get together on Saturday, June 9, at the Heritage Park Community Room.
The doors will open shortly after 12 noon and the dinner will be served at 1 p.m. Class members hope to see all
classmates there with their spouse[s] and friends.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2012
Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 05, 2012
Mount Ayr Class of 1944
The class of 1944 met at the Heritage Park community room on Saturday, June 9, 2012. Park RINEHART took the registration.
Before their dinner Faith SHINKLE offered grace. A catered dinner was served at 1 p.m. by Mary Lee FOLTZ and Nancy RUSK
WISSINK. Mary Lee is the daughter of Theola WEEDA and Nancy is the daughter of deceased classmate, Rex RUSK. They seated
everyone at the tables and served them -- and what a meal they had. Their plates were overflowing and then came dessert.
The men said "time for a nap" after they had their meal. A short business meeting was held after dinner. Correspondence
was read from Vivian LORIMOR RIGG, Jean PRENTIS REGER and Viona SICKELS FORCE. All hoped it was a good reunion and were
sorry they could not join them. They told everyone a little about how they were and what they were doing. Louise
TWOMBLEY McCARL was unable to attend and Theola WEEDA had been to see her so gave everyone an update. Last year was
the first reunion she had missed for a long time. They miss her, as well as the other classmates who could not make it.
Theola WEEDA had heard from Pearl, Mrs. (R.E.) HUPHMAN. She had celebrated her 100th birthday and had sent Theola a note
and a picture of her with friends at the party. She is still in her own apartment and doing well. Theola hears from her
quite often. A discussion was had as to when to have their next get-together. After much conversation, it was agreed to
have it the second Saturday of June, June 8, 2013. The "girls" agreed again to prepare and serve them. They decorate
the tables in their class colors of purple and yellow and really treat everyone special. Those attending were Virgil
MAIN of Fremont, NE, Delbert and Hazel JACKSON of Grant City, MO and Neil (Gracie) and Irma JOHNSON of Beaconsfield.
Those from Mount Ayr were Theola HIGHSHOE WEEDA, Faith LAMERAUX SHINKEL, Park and Joan RINEHART, Phyllis MOON FAUBION
and Thelma ANDERSON RUSK. The rest of the afternoon everyone was busy visiting and, of course, taking pictures.
Theola had her scrapbook on the table for all to look at and it brought about a lot of reminiscing. They did not have
any report of deceased classmates this past year. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker,
July of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 13, 2013
Class of 1944 reunion

The class of 1944 gathered together at the Heritage Park community room for their 69th year after graduation. All
registered as they came in. The meal was served by Mary Lee FOLTZ and Kathy WARD. Faith LAMERAUX SHINKLE gave the blessing
before the meal. All were then seated at the beautifully decorated table with relishes and cheese and crackers on the
table as starters and then came the main meal of all the food their plates would hold, salads plus wonderful dinner rolls.
After the meal a business meeting was held. Thelma RUSK read the minutes from the 2012 get-together. They were saddened
by the death of classmate Virgil MAIN. Several of the classmates had attended his memorial service held on March 16, 2013
at the Wishard Chapel Community Church. Theola WEEDA had been to see Pearl HOFFMAN, who is 101 years old and doing fine.
She is still in her own apartment and has a very sharp mind. Theola said she was going strong and asked about some of the
students that her husband had had in school at Mount Ayr and FFA. She had pictures of her and a nice letter to Theola which
she also shared with everyone. Thelma announced that Jean PRENTIS REGER had gotten married to a longtime friend, Peyton
HOLLOMAN, on December 29, 2012. Her two sons walked her down the aisle. A discussion was had as to next year's reunion,
which will be their 70th. It was decided that next year they would meet on the second Saturday of June, June 14, 2014.
They hope to hear from those unable to travel to Mount Ayr anymore as to how they are doing and a little about their
family. They will be meeting at the Heritage Park community building. Dinner will be served at 12 noon. The girls
agreed to serve one more year. After the business meeting the girls served dessert of angel food cake, ice cream,
strawberries and rhubarb cobbler as well as a root beer floats. Now you could choose one, two or take it all! Those
attending this year were Delbert and Hazel JACKSON of Grant City, MO and those from Mount Ayr were Theola HIGHTSHOE WEEDA,
Thelma told that her husband, Bill, was in the Clearview Nursing Home and he sent greetings. They are small in
number anymore but still big on visiting, sharing news and pictures of family and friends and enjoying their time
together. They hope they all are together on June 14, 2014 for dinner at 12 noon at the Heritage Park community
building for their 70th class reunion. ~ 2013
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 22, 2014
Class of 1944 Class Reunion

The graduating class of 1944 will be having their 70th year class reunion at the community room at Heritage
Park on Saturday, June 14, 2014, 306 E. Monroe St. All classmates, spouses, friends and those who would like to join the
class for a visit are welcome. A catered dinner will be at noon. Reservations are appreciated. This does help with
food preparation. Make reservations to Theola Weeda [telephone #] or Park Rinehart [telephone #].
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2014 ~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 10, 2014
1944 Mount Ayr 70th Class Reunion
The class of 1944 gathered together at the Heritage Park Community room for their 70th reunion on Saturday, June 14, 2014.
Open at 10 a.m. and dinner was at 12 p.m. Registration of the group was done by Park Rinehart as people came. The delicious
meal was prepared by Mary Lee Foltz, she is the daughter of Theola Hightshoe (Foltz) Weeda, one of the graduates of the 1944
class. Cathy Ward helped Mary Lee serve the food to the seated honored guests. Faith Lameraux Shinkle gave the blessing
before we ate. The table was beautifully decorated with purple and yellow, our class colors and violets our flower.
The table was loaded with relishes, summer sausage and cheeses before the main meal. The main meal consisted of three
meats (beef, pork and turkey), mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans and corn. Three kinds of salad and rolls. After
the meal a business meeting was held. Theola Weeda read the minutes from the 2014 get together. Faith had a short
memorial service for the people we had lost specially for the latest members. We have 25 deceased as of now. Latest
deceased were Virgil Main, Bill Rusk and Thelma (Osborn) Bonner. We were saddened of the death of classmate Thelma
Bonner of Kansas for several years but later in Oklahoma at the time of her death. A double memorial at Mount Ayr
Rose Hill Cemetery for Richard Bonner and wife Thelma, were both members of our 1944 class. They were married on June 6,
1944 and buried together on June 6, 2014. A letter from Mrs. R. E. (Pearl) Hauptmann of Macon, MO, who is 103 years
old. Her husband was the FFA instructor for many years. After the meeting closed, Mary Lee had a tea table set for the
group, she served root beer floats. Purple and yellow cup cakes, cookies and nuts and mints were also served. Those in
attendance were Faith (Lameraux) Shinkle, Park and Joan Rinehart, Delbert and Hazel Jackson of Grant City, MO, Neil
and Irma Johnson of Beaconsfield, Louise (Twombly) McCarl and guest Louise's daughter Vicky Lyle Burl of Cedar Rapids and
Theola Weeda of Mount Ayr. We missed Thelma Rusk, she was at a grandson's wedding. Next year will be a maybe!
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2014
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 04, 2015, Page 5
Class of 1944

A reunion for the Mount Ayr High School graduating Class of 1944 will be held Saturday, June 13, at the Heritage Park Community Building in
Mount Ayr.Doors will open at 12 noon, and a catered dinner will be served at 1 p.m. Classmates and friends are invited to attend. Reservations are
appreciated but are not mandatory. Please contact Thelma Rusk at [phone #] with questions.
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 04, 2015, Page 5
Class of 1944

The Class of 1944 met together for their 71st class reunion on Saturday, June 13, 2015. It was held at the Heritage Park community room. Park Rinehart was
in charge of registration as the classmates came in.A delicious meal was prepared and served by Mary Lee Foltz, who is the daughter of our classmate Theola
Weeda. Nancy Rusk Wissink of Norwark, daughter of a classmate Rex Rusk, now deceased, assisted Mary Lee, who served a sit down dinner of relishes, cheese
and summer sausage with the main meal of salads, meat, potatoes, vegetables, and cupcakes and ice cream sundaes for dessert. Faith Lameraux Shinkle gave grace
before our meal. They had the tables all decorated in our class colors of purple and yellow. Our business meeting was held after our dinner. Thelma Rusk conducted
the meeting. We had heard from the following classmates by email. Vivian (Lorimore) Rigg. Her husband had passed away this year. She now is in an apartment
in Dayton, Ohio. LaVaughn (Lovitt) Thomas is doing well she said but like all of us is slowing down. She lives in Gallatin, MO. Jean (Prentis) Holloman, by phone,
told us she is about like the rest of use. She just can't get around like we used to. Theola Weeda had a call from Louise (Twombley) McCarl, saying she was sorry
but could not be here this year. Theola also got a nice letter from Pearl Hauptmann. She is 103 years old and doing very well. She is in her own apartment.
Her husband was an FFA instructor in our school many years ago. The men there who were in FFA in high school said he took Milt Henderson's place because he
went to the service. Theola had also visited her this year. The list of our deceased members were read and we thought of things we remembered of them. We
had one deceased member this year, Maxine (Drake) Barnett. Those attending this year were Walter Neal Johnston and wife Irma from Beaconsfield. Those from
Mount Ayr were Paul and Joan Rinehart, Wanda McGahuey, Theola (Hightshoe) Weeda, Faith Lameraux Shinkle, and Thelma (Anderson) Rusk. Not many who are able to
travel far any more. They are missed. We decided to meet again next year 2016 on the second Saturday of June, June 11, 2016, at the Heritage Park
community room.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 14, 2016, Page 5
Class of 1944 holds reunion June 11 at Heritage Park

The class of 1944 met at the community room at Heritage Park on Saturday, June 11, 2016 for their get together. Park Rinehart was in charge of registration.The luncheon meal was prepared and served by Mary Lee Foltz from Creston, daughter of Theola Weeda and Nancy (Rusk) Wissink of Norwalk, daughter of Rex Rusk, deceased, a member of the class of 1944. Pictures were taken before our meal. Theola Weeda welcomed everyone and Faith Shinkle gave the prayer before our meal. Correspondence was received by Jean (Prentis) Holloman, Vivian (Lorimor) Rigg and LaVaughn (Lovitt) Thomas who all had address changes. Calls from Louise (Twombley) McCarl from Cedar Rapids and Darlene (Maggard) Miller who now lives in Texas. Theola Weeda informed us that Mrs. R.E. [Pearl] Hauptmann had passed away at the age of 104 years. Her husband was an agriculture teacher here for many years. Park and Joan Rinehart were going to celebrate their anniversary the next day. Faith Shinkle gave a reading on aging and played a piano solo for our entertainment. During the business meeting, it was planned to meet again in 2017 on the second Saturday of June. Those in attendance were: Neil and Irma Johnston of Beaconsfield, Phyllis Moon Fabion from the nursing home in Grant City, MO, Marietta (Stamper) Cobb of Blockton, Park and Joan Rinehart, Faith (Lameraux) Shinkle, Theola (Hightshoe) Weeda, Thelma (Anderson) Rusk from Mount Ayr, Delbert and Hazel Jackson from Clearview Home in Mount Ayr, Wanda (Jeter) McGahuey was in the Mount Ayr Health Care Center and unable to attend. This was the class' 72nd class reunion with many changes these past few years, but those that can will meet again in 2017.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2017
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 22, 2017, Page 8
Class of 1944

The class of 1944 held their class get together at the Heritage Park Community room, Saturday, June 10, 2017. Class members met at 2:00 p.m. for snacks of cheese, summer sausage, vegetable trays and dip, fruit bowls and an assortment of cake, pie and peach cobbler with ice cream. This was served by Mary Lee Foltz, Theola Weeda's daughter, and Nancee (Rusk) Wissink, daughter of Rex Rusk, deceased. These girls have been caterers for several years.Faith Shinkle gave a prayer before eating. After, class members joined into song with Faith at the piano. She also played many other songs. To close out the meeting, Faith and her daughter, Grace Warin, sang a duet. The get together was small in number, but all had a good time visiting, eating, looking over Theola's big scrapbook and taking pictures. Those in attendance were: Theola Hightshoe Weeda, Faith Lameraux Shinkle, Phyllis Moon Faubion, Grant City and Thelma Anderson Rusk.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2017
