Mount Ayr High School
NOTE: 1942 was a war year. There are no photographs contained in the 1942 Ayrian.

W. H. McFARLAND, Superintendent, economics, sociology. B.A. University of Iowa, M.A. University of Iowa, Columbia University. | | DAVID HAWK, History, government, debate. B.A. Iowa State Teachers' College, University of Iowa. | |
HARRY KNAPP*, Principal, general science, biology, commercial law, general agriculture. B.A. Des Moines University, M.A. Drake University. | | MILTON HENERSON, Vocational agriculture, boys' physical training. B.S. Iowa State College. | |
MARGARET CASH, Normal Training, English, sociology. B.A. University of Iowa, M.A. University of Iowa. | | RUTH HENDERSON, Vocational homemaking. B.S. Iowa State Teachers' College, Iowa State College, Colorado State College. | |
SIDNEY CRIDER, Assistant coach, algebra, bookkeeping, economics. B.A. Tarkio College. | | BERNICE LEHMKUHL, Biology, junior high principal. B.S. Parsons College, University of Denver. | |
ANGELEN DARZES, Vocal music. B.M. Wheaton College, University of Southern California, Northwestern University. | | MABEL MAULIK, Typewriting, shorthand. B.A. University of Iowa, Gregg Commercial College, University of Michigan. | |
RAY DULL, Instrumental music, Mathematics, physics. B.S. Northwest Missouri Teachers' College, Columbia University, University of Iowa. | | RAY MEYERS, Acting principal, English, dramatics, Latin. B.S. University of Nebraska, University of Iowa. | |
CARL FIREBAUGH, Coach, manual arts, junior high. B.S. Fort Hays Teachers' College, University of Minnesota. | | MARTHA WANGBERG, American literature, journalism, junior high. B.A. Augustana College, University of Minnesota. | |
ELIZABETH HASSON, English, girls' physical training, government. B.A. University of Iowa, University of Iowa. | | MRS. W. H. McFARLAND **, General science, Latin, junior high. B.Di. Iowa State Teachers' College, B.A. University of Iowa. | |
* Left to accept a position in Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 8, 1942. | | ** Supplied vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Knapp. |
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CATHERINE BEVINGTON, assistant editor of the Student Ayr, has participated in dramatics four years, in journalism and Boosters three years, and in debate one year. "Katie" has also been a member of mixed chorus and glee club. She took part in the junior class play. | | HELEN CALDWELL, known to her friends as "Stub", has been a member of the G. A. A. for four years. She also held membership in the homemaking club for one year, Vivacious Helen enjoys photography and collecting souvenirs as hobbies. | |
BEAULAH BIRD, one of the more reserved members of the senior class, has been a member of the T. T. L. Beaulah's hobby is collection pictures. She also likes horseback riding. She has taken a normal training course, and her ambition is to become a teacher. | | ROSELLA COCHRAN came to Mount Ayr from Delphos in her senior year. During her high school career she took part in basketball one year and in glee club three years. While in Delphos she played parts in both the junior and senior plays. Rosella's hobbies are collecting pencils and drawing pictures. She hopes to be a stenographer. | |
Brunette HELEN BRADLEY is a typing enthusiast and desires to become a stenographer after her graduation. Helen has been a member of the Dram Ayr club one year, and of the homemaking club one year. | | An active senior is LYLE (RUNT) DAILEY who has been in both basketball and football one year. A member of the F. F. A. club, Runt is well known for his joviality. | |
BETTY JEAN BUTLER'S hobby is art, and she hopes some day to become an artist. Betty was class president in her sophomore year and has served as president, vice-president, and secretary of the G. A. A. As a member of the Dram Ayr club, she was in the junior play. In marching band she has served as assistant drum majorette. Other activities include cheerleader, membership in the Booster club, and one year in journalism. | | FRANCES DAUGHTON, president of the Booster club is taking a commercial course. She was assistant director of the junior play and has been in Dram Ayr for two years, in G. A. A. one year, and in glee club for four years. | |
A happy-go-lucky lad is PAUL DAVIS, characterized by his laughing blue eyes, Paul has been a member of the F. F. A. for three years and played on the basketball team two years. | | MARCEL HAMMER hopes to become a secretary after finishing high school. Marcel is interested in music, having been a member of both concert and marching bands. She also participated in clarinet solo and trio work. She has been a member of the homemaking club and the Dram Ayr club. | |
LORRAINE DRAKE, president of the homemaking club, has been a member of the glee club, mixed chorus, G. A. A. and band. Lorraine served as treasurer of her class during her sophomore year. She was also on the debate team one year. She likes to swim, dance, and skate. | | JOHN (BUCK) HAYES was one of the football team's most speedy (?) men. John has been a member of the Dram Ayr club and the glee club two years and has been an outstanding member of the band. Buck's ambition is to some day lead a "Red Hayes' Orchestra" in bright light of high spots. | |
Brown-eyed DOROTHY DULANY, a cheerleader for three years, has been in mixed chorus and girls' glee club. She has also participated in G. A. A. and girls' basketball, in madrigal and in solo work. Dorothy's hobby is collecting pennies. | | MARGARET HUDSON makes music her hobby. As an able accompanist she has served the mixed chorus for two years, and the boys' glee club, one year, besides accompanying solos at the state contests, She has also been a member of the band and swing band. Margaret has represented Mount Ayr in state commercial contests. | |
Editor-in-chief of the Student Ayr is RUTH EURITT, who also serves as vice-president of the Dram Ayr club. A member of the band for three years, she took park in these groups: saxophone quartet, woodwind quintet, and swing band. Ruth is also a debater and was a member of the team which won the negative decision in the district debate tournament. Other activities include girls' glee club and Boosters. Ruth hopes to be a stenographer. | | MAXINE HUKILL, a bass clarinet player, is well known for her membership in the band. She also participated in chorus and glee club. "Huck", who proved herself an enthusiastic basketball player, is a member of G. A. A. | |
WAYNE GARDNER, whose snappy brown eyes win him many friends, has been in F. F. A. for four years. Wayne is an agriculture student. He finds ping pong an interesting sport. | | HELEN JACKSON has taken a general course. Helen, who wants to be a beauty operator, was in the homemaking club in her freshman year. She finds photography an interesting hobby. | |
JOHN GERMAN'S hobby is art. John has been in F. F. A. four years, serving as treasurer this year. John's ambition is to be one of the best soldiers in Uncle Sam's army. John will be called in to the service at the close of the school year. | | JUNIOR JETER, better known as "Jeet", has participated in baseball all four years of his high school career and has been an active member of both the basketball and football teams for two years. "Jeet" has also been a member of the F. F. A. | |
BETTY JOHNSTON'S quiet, mannerly disposition has won her many friends. Betty has been a member of the Booster club for four years. She is secretary of the senior class. Her hobby is saving pennies and dimes. | | BOB JOHNSTON, who came to Mount Ayr in his sophomore year, has proved to be a capable member of the class. Bob has been treasurer of the F. F. A. and is now serving as president of this organization. He was out for football for three years. | |
DICK JOHNSTON is "prexy" of the senior class. Dick was vice-president of the class in his junior year and was secretary in his sophomore year. He was in baseball one year, basketball two years and football four years. He has participated in madrigal, boys' glee club, quartet, dramatics, and F. B. A. Dick played the part of Tom Sawyer in the junior play. | | ROGER KELLY has been an active member of the band, manipulating the bass drum. He has also participated in debate, journalism, and dramatics. He took part in the junior class play. Roger came to Mount Ayr in his sophomore year from New Virginia. | |
VAUGHN LAMB was welcomed into the Mount Ayr high school last fall from our neighboring town of Tingley. Vaughn's good naturedness has made him a host of friendships. He has been an industrious worker in band. | | CAROL LAMOREAUS, a future teacher, has been active in various music groups, including glee club and mixed chorus, four years; madrigal, two years; and mixed quartet, trio, and sextet, one year each. She has also done solo work four years. Carol is a member of the G. A. A. and was this year's secretary and treasurer of the T. T. L. | |
RUSSELL LOVITT, a future farmer, has been a member of the F. F. A. for four years. His favorite pastimes are dancing and skating. "Russ" has taken a general course. | | Jovial BERNICE MILLER has participated in G. A. A. two years and in homemaking club three years. Bernice is taking a general course. Her hobby is roller skating. | |
MARIE MILLER, better known as "Ree", is one of the more athletic seniors. Vice-president of T. T. L., Marie is well known for her good humor. She was a member of the G. A. A. for two years. Skating and basketball are her hobbies. | | Glee club, mixed chorus, madrigal, and sextet are the musical organizations to which GEORGIA MOSIER has belonged during her four years in Mount Ayr high school. She has also done solo work. Georgia's hobby is skating. | |
During her high school career BETTY NICHOLS has been active in G. A. A., homemaking club, band, Boosters, and basketball. She also served as treasurer of her class during her freshman year. Betty's interest in roller skating makes it a favorite pastime. | | VERA (RED) NICHOLS has been active in concert and marching band, glee club, mixed chorus, and dramatics. She has been a member of the G. A. A. and the homemaking club. For two years she was a member of the Bible class. | |
JUNE PRATT, a blond, blue-eyed senior girl, has been a soprano singer in girls' glee club, mixed chorus, and madrigal. She is interested in commercial work and intends to become a stenographer. | | LOIS RANDOLPH, a girl with sparkling brown eyes, who hails from Wisconsin, has, since her entrance into M. A. H.S., made many friends. She has been a member of the band one year and of the homemaking club three years. Lois' hobbies are skating and listening to the radio. | |
PHYLLIS (BROWNIE) RICE has been a member of the homemaking club one year and of the G. A. A. one year. "Brownie" has a personality which has gained her many friends. She is taking a commercial course. | | ROBERT (alias "Happy" RICHARDS found football his favorite activity in high school. Happy was captain of the squad this past year. He has been secretary of the junior class, treasurer of the seniors, and president of the Boys' glee club. He also took part in the junior play, in F. F. A., and dramatics. | |
DUANE RICHEY confesses that his chief hobby is a love for sleep. Duane is a popular vocational agriculture student. He participated in baseball three years, in F. A. A. [F. F. A.?] three years, and was on the F. F. A. judging team one year. | | DONALD RICHMOND has been in a number of extra-curricular activities, including debate, journalism, dramatics, chorus, and glee club. "Sam" was president of his class in his junior year and served as vice-president during his sophomore year. | |
LEWIS RUSH finds enjoyment in various outdoor sports. He has taken normal training and vocational agriculture, and has been a member of the T. T. L. | | MARGARET SHEUMAKER will be remembered for her portrayal of Becky Thatcher in the junior play, "Tom Sawyer". She has been in marching band four years, and was a drum majorette this year. She has also participated in Boosters, journalism, and dramatics, and is a member of the T. T. L. | |
DON STULL, a member of the football team two years, is characterized by his ability to get along with others. He has been a member of the F. F. A. for four years and has also been an active member of the baseball team for three years. Don has been in band for three years and was in the junior class play. He plans to join the navy. | | WALLACE SMITH, a genial, happy-go-lucky member of the class is taking a general course. "Michigan" has been an outstanding member of the F. F. A. association for two years. He hopes to become a business executive. | |
ANNABELLE TAYLOR, better known as "Annie", has, during her high school career, participated in glee club, mixed chorus, girls' sextet, girls' trio, and madrigal. In band, to which she has belonged four years, "Annie" has played in various groups. She has appeared in both county and state contests as soloist. For two years she was on the contest typing team. Boosters and Dram Ayr were also among her activities. | | LOIS TERWILLIGER, known as "Lefty" to her associates, has held membership in the G. A. A. one year and in the homemaking club one year. Her hobbies are collecting pictures and dancing. She hopes to become a beauty operator | |
NEIL THOMAS, a dashing, smiling senior, is taking a general course. He has been a member of the football team for two years, and of the F. F. A. for one year. Neil's ambition is to become an aviator. | | ALYCE TOLAND has participated in journalism, debate, dramatics, band, glee club, chorus, and madrigal. She served as secretary of the G. A. A. one year and was in the junior play. Alyce placed third in the state shorthand contest last year. Alyce is interested in art, and finds drawing a pleasurable pastime. | |
Brunette DORIS TRIMBLE joined the senior class in Mount Ayr last fall, coming here from Delphos. Doris is taking a commercial course and wants to become a secretary after graduation. She is a skating enthusiast. | | Brownette MARY WATSON has been in glee club and mixed chorus three years. She is a member of the T. T. L. and of the Boosters. In the latter organization, she served three of her four years as cheerleader. Mary played Amy Lawrence in the junior play. She is a skating enthusiast. | |
BARBARA WEBB, president of the T. T. L., came to Mount Ayr from Shannon City. She has, during her high school career, participated in G. A. A., dramatics, homemaking club, band, glee club, and mixed chorus. "Bob" is often recognized by her "Gracie Allen" laugh. Her hobbies are skating and basketball. | | VELVA YASHACK, whose highest ambition is to attain nothing below an A on the honor roll, is a slender brunette who finds reading a pleasant pastime. She has been a member of T. T. L. for two years and belonged to the Bible class one year. | |
DOROTHY YOUNG, though last, not least, is another brunette. "Dot", who wants to be a beautician, is taking a general course. She has been in dramatics, Bible class, and homemaking club. |
Bob Allyn | | Lawrence James | |
Norman Reynolds | |
Earl Brand | | Kenneth Jenkins | |
Bonnie Richards | |
Bertha Brown | | Hope Rinehart | |
Donald Kidney | |
Dick Buck | | Ethyle Knight | |
Dorothy Sickels | |
Cleola Burchett | | Elladean Laird | |
Rose Slavik | |
Jeraldine Butler | | Jeane Liggett | |
Annabelle Smith | |
Donald Caldwell | | Barton McAninch | |
Phyllis Smith | |
Doretta Collier | | Robert McChesney | |
Bob Spence | |
Fern Corll | | Vernon McGahuey | |
Donald Stephens | |
Ivan Dennis | | Bob Maley | |
John Stephens | |
Evelyn Drake | | Retha May | |
Tom Teale | |
Linden Drake | | Lucille Merritt | |
Raymond Walter | |
Faye Dean Eager | | Betty Nichelson | |
Wayne Walters | |
Doris Hogue | | George Moffatt | |
Charlotte Williams | |
Walter Huggins | | Elsie Newman | |
Pauline Wood | |
| | Jean Olson | |
| |
Thelma Anderson | | Vesta Ingram | |
June Randolph | |
Theola Andrews | | Delbert Jackson | |
Max Reese | |
Virginia Beasley | | Maxine Johnston | |
Helen Rice | |
Richard Bonner | | Walter Johnston | |
Clayton Rinehart | |
Andy Bryant | | Faith Lamoreaux | |
Park Rinehart | |
Betty Caryl | | Vivian Lorimor | |
Bill Rusk | |
Peggy Cavendar | | LaVaughn Lovitt | |
Rex Rusk | |
Curtis Christiansen | | Marilyn Lyon | |
Bob Sheldon | |
John Collier | | Karl McGahuey | |
Gene Sheldon | |
Lorene Collier | | Phyllis McGrath | |
Viona Sickels | |
Barbara Darrah | | Virgil Main | |
Charlene Smith | |
Joe Drake | | Marjorie Miller | |
Harry Stamper | |
Maxine Drake | | Wathena Morse | |
John R. Stephens | |
Janice Emley | | Everett Morse | |
W. A. Stephens | |
Harold German | | Corbett Newman | |
Maurice Steward | |
Beatrice Golliday | | Thelma Osborn | |
Pauline Toland | |
Donald Guthrie | | Roberta Perry | |
Duane Thompson | |
Theola Hightshoe | | Jean Prentis | |
Louise Twombley | |
Lois Brand | | Marjorie Jackson | |
Wanda Sandage | |
Wayne Brenizer | | Bill Johnston | |
Ruth Saville | |
Bill Bryan | | Ruth Johnston | |
Minnie Sheldon | |
Roland Buck | | Jennie Kimball | |
Ernestine Sheil | |
Thelma Campbell | | Athena Kinder | |
Julia Sheumaker | |
Pearl Collier | | Junior Lent | |
John Sickels | |
Roger Conant | | Carroll McAninch | |
Clinton Smith | |
Donella Dailey | | Marie Mosier | |
Harriet Smith | |
Le Roy Davenport | | Leslie Olney | |
Roena Snethen | |
Margaret Denhart | | Edna Pearce | |
Marietta Stamper | |
Margaret Drake | | Mary Pearce | |
Norma Swartz | |
Jack Elliott | | Helen Pratt | |
Bob Teale | |
Beatrice Fleming | | Marvin Reynolds | |
Robert Thompson | |
Jack Foster | | Louella Rice | |
Wayne Thompson | |
Warren German | | Jane Richards | |
Irene Toland | |
Alice Greenman | | Robert Richardson | |
Helen Warrick | |
Junior Griffin | | Norma Robison | |
Ruth Wheelock | |
Victor Marsh | | Bob Roe | |
Helen Williams | |
Helen Hetzel | | Raymond Rush | |
Bob Wilson | |
Lloyd Hudson | | Nicholas Saltzman | |
Beverly Vaughn | |
Patricia Humphreys | | Marietta Sampson | |
Bill Web | |
David Irving | | | |
Basil Willis | |
Members the past year were as follows:
FRESHMAN - Alice Greenman, Minnie Sheldon, Ernestine Sheil, Julia Bea Sheumaker, Harriet Smith, Irene Toland, Helen Williams, and Beverly Vaughn.
SOPHOMORES - Thelma Anderson, Theola Andrew, Barbara Darrah, Phyllis McGrath, Thelma Osborne, Roberta Perry, and Jean Prentis.
JUNIORS - Cleola Burchett, Jerry Butler, Jeanne Liggett, Jean Olson, Annabelle Smith, Phyllis Smith, and Charlotte Williams.
SENIORS - Catherine Bevington, Betty Butler, Frances Daughton, Dorothy Dulany, Ruth Euritt, Betty Johnston, Betty Nichols, Annabelle Taylor, Margaret Sheumaker, and Mary Watson.
Officers of the association include:
President | . . . . . . . . | Jerry Butler |
Vice President | . . . . . . . . | Charlotte Williams | |
Secretary | . . . . . . . . | Betty Butler |
Treasurer | . . . . . . . . | Maxine Hukill |
Members during the year 1941 - 1942 include:
Thelma Anderson, Theola Andrew, Helen Caldwell, Thelma Campbell, Christine Egly, Donella Dailey, Frances Daughton, Alice Greenman, Doris Hogue, Carol Lamoreaux, Bernice Miller, Wathena Moore, Vera Nichols, Jean Prentis, Louella Rice, Jane Richards, Norma Robison, Ernestine Sheil, Minnie Sheldon, Harriet Smith, Marietta Stamper, Norma Swartz, Lois Terwilliger, Helen Warrick, Helen Williams, and Beverly Vaughn.
Members are: Richard Bonner, Bill Bryan, Richard Buck, Roland Buck, Roger Conant, LeRoy Davenport, Paul Davis, Ivan Dennis, Joe Drake, Linden Drake, Jack Elliott, Wayne Gardner, John German, Delbert Jackson, James Jackson, Lawrence James, Kenneth Jenkins, Junior Jeter, Walter Johnson, Bob Johnston, Rex Lesan, Russel Lovitt, Barton McAninch, Robert McChesney, Robert McCreary, Karl McGahuey, Vernon McGahuey, Vigil Main, Marion Millsap, George Moffatt, Everett Morse, Lyndon Nichols, Leslie Olney, Max Reese, Robert Richardson, Duane Richey, Clayton Rinehart, Park Rinehart, Lewis Rush, Nichols Saltzman, John Sickels, Clinton Smith, Wallace Smith, Don Stephens, John J. Stephens, John V. Stephens, W. A. Stephens, Donald Stull, Neil Thomas, Robert Thompson, Wayne Thompson, Raymond Walters, James Watson, Ralph Watson, Bill Webb.
Members during the past year were:
Bernadean Adams, Theola Andrew, Virginia Beasley, Helen Caldwell, Ruby Caldwell, Thelma Campbell, Donella Dailey, Margaret Drake, Maxine Drake, Janice Emley, Beatrice Fleming, Alice Greenman, Ruth Johnson, Maxine Johnston, Elladean Laird, Vivian Lorimor, LaVaughn Lovitt, Marilyn Lyon, Bernice Miller, Marjorie Miller, Phyllis McGrath, Vera Nichols, Thelma Osborne, Roberta Perry, Maxine Powell, Helen Pratt, Jean Prentis, June Randolph, Helen Rice, Louella Rice, Jane Richards, Marietta Sampson, Ernestine Sheil, Minnie Sheldon, Rose Slavik, Annabelle Smith, Charlene Smith, Harriet Smith, Marietta Stamper, Jean Stevens, Norma Swartz, Irene Toland, Louis Twombly, Beverly Vaughn, Helen Warrick, Helen Williams, Dorothy Young.
First Soprano - Phyllis McGrath, Vera Nichols, Jean Olson, June Pratt, Marietta Sampson, and Annabelle Taylor.
Second Soprano - Theola Andrews, Helen Hetzel, Carol Lamoreaux, Jean Liggett, Marie Mosier, and Phyllis Smith. Alto - Dorothy Dulany, Faith Lamoreaux, Georgia Mosier, Thelma Osborn, Jean Prentis, and Harriet Smith. First Tenor - Walter Huggins, Dave Irving, Kenneth Jenkins, and Bob Wilson.
Second Tenor - Bob Allyn, Andy Bryant, Dick Johnston, and Don Stephens. First Bass - Curtis Christiansen, Lloyd Hudson, Bob Maley, and Bill Rusk. Second Bass - Jack Elliott, Don Kidney, George Moffatt, and Bob Spence.
First Soprano - Athena Kinder, Phyllis McGrath, Vera Nichols, Jean Olson, June Pratt, Marietta Sampson, Annabelle Taylor, Mary Watson, and Helen Williams. Second Soprano - Theola Andrews, Frances Daughton, Lorraine Drake, Helen Hetzel, Vesta Ingram, Carol Lamoreaux, Jean Liggett, Marie Mosier, and Phyllis Smith. First Alto - Thelma Anderson, Maxine Hukill, Patricia Humphreys, Thelma Osborn, Ernestine Sheil. Second Alto - Dorothy Dulany, Faith Lamoreaux, Georgia Mosier, Jean Prentis, and Harriet Smith.
Clarinet - Thelma Anderson, Theola Andrew, Curtis Christiansen, Barbara Darrah, Donald Guthrie, Marcel Hammer, John Hayes, Richard Hayes, Maxine Hukill, Jean Liggett, Jean Prentis, and Pauline Toland; French Horn - Lloyd Hudson, Vesta Ingram, Marilyn Lyon, and Jean Olson; Flute - Virginia Beasley, Janice Emley, Helen Hetzel, and Roberta Perry; Oboe - Lois Jean Mosbarger;
Drum - Roger Kelly; Saxophone - Charlene Smith, Bob Spence, and Annabelle Taylor; Baritone - Athena Kinder and Phyllis Smith; Tuba - Donald Kidney; Trombone - Norma Swartz and Thelma Osborn; Cornet - Vaughn Lamb, Myron Rogers, Rex Rush, Bob Teale, and Betty Nichols.
Those students who were in marching band but not in concert band are as follows: Ruth Euritt, saxophone; Curtis Barnett, trombone; Joan Christiansen, Donella Dailey, Dorothy Dailey, Darlene Dulany, Dolores Herrington, Joan Lesan, Lucille Newman, Norma Robison, and Roena Snethen, twirlers. Those students who were in concert band but not in marching band are as follows: Jack Elliott and Bob Richardson, clarinet; June Randolph and Helen Warrick, cornet; Carroll McAninch and Thelma Campbell, bass; Ruth Wheelock, bassoon; Marietta Sampson, bells; Charlotte Williams, cymbals; Donald Stull, trombone; Marie Mosier, alto saxophone. FLUTE TRIO A flute trio composed of Virginia Beasley, Janice Emley, and Hazel Hetzel received a rating of I at the district contest and a rating of III in the state contest. FLUTE QUARTET Composing the flute quartet were Virginia Beasley, Janice Emley, Helen Hetzel, and Roberta Perry. The group rated I at the district contest and II in the state contest. MIXED CLARINET QUARTET Donald Guthrie, Marcel Hammer, John Hayes, and Maxine Hukill composed the mixed clarinet quartet which received a I rating in both state and district contests. BRASS SEXTET Donald Kidney, Jean Olson, Rex Rush, Phyllis Smith, Norma Swartz, and Rex Rusk (sic) composed the brass sextet which won a rating of II at the district contest. HORN QUARTET Composing the horn quartet were Lloyd Hudson, Vesta Ingram, Marilyn Lyon, and Jean Olson. The group received a II rating at the district contest. CLARINET QUARTET Another group receiving a II rating at the district contest was the clarinet quartet composed of Donald Guthrie, John Hayes, Jean Liggett, and Jean Prentis. SAXOPHONE QUARTET A saxophone quartet composed of John Hayes, Charlene Smith, Bob Spence, and Annabelle Taylor received a II rating in the district contest. DRUM QUARTET Winning a rating of II also was the drum quartet composed of Roger Conant, Bill Johnson, Roger Kelly, and Charlotte Williams. SOLOISTS A number of band members were entered in solo events in district and state contests. Annabelle Taylor received a rating of I on her tenor saxophone solo in both district and state contests. As a result of having previously won in state contests in both alto and baritone saxophone solos, she was entitled to enter solos on those instruments in National Honor events, in which she also received a rating of I.
Bob Spence received a rating of I in baritone saxophone solo in both district and state contests. In a National Honor event, Bob received a I rating in tenor saxophone solo.
Maxine Hukill, playing an alto clarinet, received a rating of I in both district and state contests. In a National Honor event she received a II rating in bass clarinet solo. Entered in the district contest as cornet soloist was Bob Teale. John Hayes entered as a soloist with his Bb clarinet and received a II rating.

1927 Ayrian courtesy of Shaun Hayse Kniep's 2016 Publications Class, Mount Ayr Community High School
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2017

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