Cleora A. ARMSTRONG, teacher
This completes the second month of school since Miss ARMSTRONG has been our teacher. We were very sorry that Miss DENHART had to leave us because of ill health, but we hope she will soon be feeling better.
We have an enrollment of twelve pupils classified as follows: Mary MILLER, Maxine GEBHARDT and Max GEBHARDT, eighth grade; Wayne COMER, seventh grade; Dorothy GEBHARDT and Mabel COMER, sixth grade; Robert MILLER and Florence ABARR, fourth grade; Ferne ANDERSON and Sheldon ANDERSON, third grade; Jean ANDERSON, second grade; Marie MILLER, first grade.
Those having perfect attendance for the two months are Mary MILLER, Florence ABARR, Sheldon ANDERSON and Jean ANDERSON.
The hygiene classes have been making health posters. The geography classes have been making maps of the various divisions of continents as they study them. The first, second and third grade general lessons class have learned the townships, presidents, health rhymes and are at present learning Mother Goose rhymes. They have also learned days of the week, months of the year, their state, county, etc.
We had four pupils who were able to sing Sky Music correctly, when Mr. WOLFE tried them out at Mount Ayr. They are Mary MILLER, Mabel COMER, Florence ABARR and Robert MILLER. We hope to have more for the county choir in May.
For opening exercises we have music and part of the time Miss ARMSTRONG reads to us. She is reading the book entitled “Little Women” now.
Our school board bought us ten new records for which we want to thank them very much. We sure do like to sing with them.
During January we had our windows decorated with parrots. In February we decorated with tulips in a bowl. We also had hatchets and cherries in honor of Washington’s birthday. We had a picture of him cutting down the cherry tree. We also had a bust picture of Lincoln on the board. Miss ARMSTRONG stenciled these on and we colored them with colored chalk.
We have had ten visitors during the two months and hope to have many more during our next two months. We invite you to come and see us and especially the patrons of our school. If you can’t visit us at work, come to our P.T.A. meetings, which we have once a month. You are always welcome.