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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 08, 2010

Shannon City 100th Alumni Banquet

One hundred nineteen alumni and guests attended the 100th Shannon City alumni banquet held Saturday, May 29, 2010, at the Eagle's Club in Creston. Co-chairwomen wee Bonnie ERGENBRIGHT BAKER (1959), Linda FOY JAMES (1960) of Creston and Anna COMER SANSON (1959) of Clarinda. Registration stated at 3 p.m. with a 5 p.m. supper. Ron SANSON gave the invocation.

Ann SANSON served as the emcee for the evening and thanked everyone for making the evening a success. the program was viewing a PowerPoint presentation made by SANSON; her husband and alumnus Marvin GOLDNER (1957) of Chesterfield, MO going through the 100 years of Shannon City and the school. As each picture was shown, SANSON pointed out members in the group as to how they looked when the class pictures were take 60 to 80 years earlier and introduced them.

Several alumni members had responded to a request for pictures earlier so this presentation could be made and shown. CDs and DVDs were available for purchase that evening and can be ordered by contacting SANSON. During the viewing of the PowerPoint presentation, five names were drawn from the group to win Hot Plates showing a picture of the school 51 years ago. Those winners wre: 1941 Agnes SWANSON EKLUND of Creston; Deb BERLINER (daughter of former graduate Tolly GRIMES) of Rancho Cordova, CA; 1955 Richard RUCKMAN of Branson, MO; 1958 Audrey CUNNINGHAM JETER of Omaha, NE and Linda CONRAD ROEDER (Davenport) who attended Shannon City but graduated at East Union after the consolidation of the five area schools.

Linda FOY JAMES was the only one of the 1960 class of two members attending this year's 50-year honor class.

Ten other graduates attending were celebrating their 55th, 60th, 70th and 75th banquets. They were: (1955) Richard RUCKMAN; (1950) Dick IDLE of Shannon City and Bill LINTHICUM of Des Moines; (1945) Melba WOOSLEY AKERS and Irene SWANSON PEPPMEIER of Creston and Lee AYERS of Webster City; (1940) Doris HENDERSON HOFFMAN of Creston and Howard SOUTH of Afton; (1935) Thelma IBBOTSON GRIMES of Mount Ayr and Darlyne BAILUS TUSSEY of Creston.

BAKER, JAMES and SANSON will be in charge of the 101st annual Shannon City school alumni banquet next year. The date will be Saturday, May 28, 2011, at the Eagle's Club, starting with registration at 3 p.m. and supper being served at 5 p.m.

Other alumni attending were:

1937 Lloyd WEBB of Creston;
1942 Margaret KELLY LONG of Creston;

1943 Judy LANGER BURNS of Lexington, KY, Emmett EAGAN of Creston, Merlin SWANSON of Rock Island, IL and Jeraldine WOOSLEY SCHERER of Shannon City;

1944 Loren GEHRKE of Clarksdale, MO;

1946 Verla SWINEHART FITZGERALD of Nevada, William Perry LANGER of Frederick, CO, Elsie KILGORE WHITE of Shannon City and Anna SWANSON WEIS of Afton;

1947 John and Shirley WEBER HENRY of Creston, Jack HOFFMAN and Darlene KELLER WHITE of Shannon City;

1948 Joan WOOSELY GOODALE of Diagonal, Althea MEANS HOFFMAN of Shannon City, Audrey COMER LEWELLEN of Omaha, NE, and Veva SHORT VORHIES of Tingley;

1949 Alivon CLOUGH of Ellston and Bob CONRAD of Creston;

1951 Geneva KELLER CLAYBAKER of Creston, Emmett KELLER of Marshall, MO and Gerry WILSON of Des Moines;

1952 Bob ARNOLD and Dick ROSS of Shannon City, Jack GREENE of Creston, Richard HENRY of Fulton, MO, Marvin KELLER of Murray, John LAND of Afton and Elma SHORT SICKELS of Colorado Springs, CO;

1953 Shirley WOOSLEY IDE of Shannon City;

1954 Dale GREENE of Mount Ayr, Lila KELLER GREENE of Creston and Ron JONES of Afton;

1956 Illa KELLER HESLOP of Creston;

1957 Jerry HOFFMAN of Urbandale, Lucille WOLDRUFF JONES of Afton and Dale PARKER of Holt, MO;

1958 Rex DAUB of Creston, Ella Jean EKLUND HOFFMAN of Urbandale, Bonnie RUCKMAN NEADEAU of Vine Grove, KY and Ron SIMPSON of Shannon City;

and, 1959 Alan COMER of Bedford and Karolyn ERGENBRIGHT FLETCHER of Creston.

Other guests attending were Patsy ARNOLD; Deloris AYERS; Dick BAKER; Becky BROWNLEE of Clarinda; Linda BUXTON of Creston; Marsha CHEERS of Afton; Dorothy CLOUGH; Marilynn CONARD; Marla CRAWFORD of Mount Ayr;

John CROWELL (Urbandale) and sister Ramona WARD of Johnson; Dick CUNNINGHAM and Lois DAUB of Creston; Don FITZGERALD; Marie FLYNN of Creston; Bill GOODALE; Kathy GOLDNER; Helen PARKER and Tom GUTTE of Liberty, MO; Bob and Linda HASKELL of Maryville, MO;

Kay HIATT of Creston; Kim HIATT of Des Moines; Genny HENRY of Fulton, MO; Bob and Pat HOFFMAN of Oakland; Larry HOFFMAN of Omaha, NE; Tim HOFFMAN of Adel; David JAMES; Mary Lynn GRIMES JOBE of Darien, IL; Lenora KELLER; Marilyn LAND; Jean LANGER; Dick LEE and son Clayton LEE of Darlington, MO; Pat LETO and Jane LINTHICUM of Des Moines; Cindy GRIMES MILES of Sacramento, CA;

Ron NEADEAU; Jack NORRIS of Creston; Velma OWENS of Des Moines; Joyce ROSS; Sue RUCKMAN; Kenny SCHERER; Diane SIDDENS of Creston; Karen SIMPSON; Ken and Donna (PITKIN) SMITH of Creston; Merle SOUTH; Fred STICKEL; Jim TUSSEY of Orient; Anita WEBB; Cheralyn WHITE of Creston; and Rev. Everett WOLFE of Ankeny.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012


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