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Prairie Gem School No. 8

Liberty Township

Ringgold County Rural School Notes
From the Mount Ayr Record News, November 12, 1931

Edna M. RAUCH, teacher

(Written by seventh grade)

Our school commenced September 7 with an enrollment of fourteen pupils. The grades are as follows: Seventh grade, Mae SALTZMAN, Gracie HALL, Ervin and Owen SPENCER; fifth grade, Francis MAIN, Mary SALTZMAN and Barton SPENCER; third grade, Leroy HALE and Glee SPENCER; second grade, Vera HALE, Wallace SMITH and Doyle SPENCER; first grade, Linden DRAKE and Nicholas SALTZMAN.

On the first day of school we found a nice clean school room awaiting us. Several improvements had been made. Our working table, library case, sand table and benches had all been painted. We also had a new chair, several new erasers and some nice new curtains which added much to the attractiveness of our school room.

At the rural school exhibit last spring we won several firsts in the county and placed third in the state on our original power, “The Stars,” written by Eleanor HOLMAN.

The first six weeks of school has elapsed. Everyone successfully passed all the six weeks’ tests. Those receiving an average of 90 percent for the first six weeks were Ervin SPENCER, Gracie Ann HALE, Francis MAIN, Wallace SMITH, Doyle SPENCER, LeRoy HALE and Glee SPENCER.

The fifth grade hygiene class has made some very attractive safety first posters.

The seventh grade history class has started working on their note books.

We have had several days of absences this six weeks due to illness.

Hallowe’en decorations have been finding their way into the school room for the past two weeks.

Redding Notes
Twice-A-Week News, September 4, 1914

The following teachers will have charge of the various schools in Clinton township:

Prairie Gem School, Inez PARKER.

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