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Modoc School No. 5

Riley Township

Ringgold County Rural School Notes
From the Mount Ayr Record News, October 22, 1931

LaRae GERINGER, teacher

(Written by the eighth grade)

School opened August 31 with 10 pupils enrolled. The beginners are Theola HIGHTSHOE, Jean PARKHURST and Robert McCHESNEY, Viola KNEEDLER is in the first grade; Russell KNEEDLER, grade two; Loren DALY, grade three; Virginia GILLILAND and Rex BONNER, grade four; Neva BONNER, grade six.

Irene DALY is enrolled as our eighth grader this year, since she did not enter high school. Mildred OSWALT entered school September 28. She is enrolled in grade seven.

Elma ANDREWS, June GERINGER and Yola May KNEEDLER have visited school so far this year.

The school enjoyed a two day vacation while Miss GERINGER attended the South Central District meeting in Leon.

During the nice warm weather we played out door games at noons and recesses.

Theola HIGHTSHOE rides a little brown and white pony named Midget to school.

Loren DALY has had perfect attendance so far this year.

Several of the pupils attended the Bethany fair. They reported a good time.

We have a sand table. We have illustrated the life of the Indians and are now planning a farm. We have sewing on Friday afternoons. Neva BONNER is making an apron. Irene DALY finished a tea towel and is now making an apron. Virginia GILLILAND is making a tea towel.

For window decorations we have made grapes and squirrels.

We hope to have Modoc news in the paper every six weeks.

Thank You for stopping by!

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