The pupils of No. 9 have been reading the news of other schools and thought it would be nice for us to have some in also.
We have seventeen pupils enrolled now. They are Jake FLETCHER and Paul BAILEY, first grade; Earl BAKER, General FLETCHER, Bobby DuVALL and Darwin DAY, second grade; Geneva FLETCHER and Thelma DAY, third grade; Delmar VAN WINKLE, Stanley RANCK, Merrill REYNOLDS and Myron SMITH, fourth grade; Donald DAY, fifth grade; Vernon and Leland DAY, sixth grade; Helen and Freida DuVALL, eighth grade.
There are three pupils who have had perfect attendance for the first semester - Helen and Freida DuVALL and Paul BAILEY.
The eighth grade have been studying hard the last month reviewing for examinations which were given February 5 and 6.
We have three pupils on the dental honor roll, Freida and Helen DuVALL and Paul BAILEY. We hope to have more before school is out.
Our visitors the last month were Audrey RANCK, Gerald Henry BAKER and Burnell PIERCE.
The fourth and fifth grades are working on a log cabin sand table project. They made their cabin from corrugated pasteboard. They made the foundation and chimney from clay.
The second grade have started on their fifth second grade reading book. The books they are reading in now are borrowed from Miss DOLECHECK’s office.
We are very glad to have our curtains washed and pleased with our new erasers.
We are planning a Valentine box and party for Friday afternoon, February 13.