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Kalorama School No. 2

Liberty Township

Rural School Notes
From the Mount Ayr Record News, November 4, 1937

Doris WEEDA, teacher

School opened September 6 with an enrollment of eight. They are as follows: Primary, Rex PAYTON and Lloyd DREDGE; third, Dwaine MORGAN; fourth, Helen PAYTON and Junior DREDGE; sixth, Elvalee DREDGE; seventh, Marie DREDGE and John RAINS.

We have had only one absence this year. We hope we can keep it that way all year.

The seventh grade is keeping history and geography note book.

On Fridays the boys have been working on pencil trays for manual training. The girls are working on dish towels, pillow cases and scarfs for sewing.

We are planning on a wiener roast for Hallowe’en.

We have had the following visitors this year: Miss DICKENS, Bernice BURCH and Mrs. Forest DADY. Remember that visitors are welcome.

Thank You for stopping by!

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