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Harmony School No. 4

Poe Township


Ringgold County Rural School Notes
From the Mount Ayr Record News, April 25, 1929

Mrs. Lola PINE, teacher

(Written by the pupils)

We are glad it is warmer, but that means that school is about over, for we have only two more weeks of school. We have all tried to do our best and feel that we have accomplished much.

The boys and girls fixed a culvert in front of the school house so that we can drive in the school yard easier.

Arlene TEDROW, Maxine TEDROW, Arlene LAIRD and Rosalie LAIRD acted as flower girls at the little Doyle WALTERS funeral. School was dismissed so that we all might go. Everyone misses Doyle but we know that his suffering is over.

Those who have not been absent this month are Arlene TEDROW, Lyle TEDROW, Rosele LAIRD, Maxine LAIRD and Lyle LAIRD.

We have rearranged the seats and like it much better for it gives us more room.

Those who have come to visit us are Pauline LAIRD, Mrs. Fred LAIRD, Dorthy PYLES and Mrs. Bud PYLES.

Leo TRIGGS will represent us in the spelling contest held at the school house in Mount Ayr on April 13. We hope he will win and know he will do his best.

Thank You for stopping by!

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