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Chestnut Ridge School No. 5

Middle Fork Township


Ringgold County Rural School Notes
From the Mount Ayr Record News, April 25, 1929

Mildred (SPENCER) STEVENSON, teacher.

We have completed our seventh month of school.

Clifford MOTSINGER is the only one who has had a perfect attendance record for the entire year.

We lost two pupils at the beginning of the year, but four new pupils came the first of March. They are Lawrence BAKER, Vivian BAKER and Joe BAKER.

A parent teachers meeting was held March 26th at the school house. A large crowd attended. A short business meeting was held, then a short program was given by the school. The rest of the evening was spent in playing games and contests which everyone enjoyed.

We have not been able to have as many meetings this year as we would have liked to, on account of the weather and roads. We hope to have at least one more meeting before school closes.

The fourth and fifth grades have just finished making some Health posters.

We have enjoyed the new records, books and drinking fountains that has been bought for the school.

We have had cause to use our First Aid kit that we received for selling (hristmas seals several times.

Mrs. ATHEY and Mrs. HUMPHRY visited school last month.


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