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Bozaris (a.k.a. Shay) School No. 4

Benton Township

Bozaris was a post office which operated in Benton Township of Ringgold County from 1873 until 1875. The Bozaris School was moved when Delphi became a post office in September of 1880. It was re-named the Shay School.

Other schools in 1894, according to the plat map, were Buffalo Ridge, Shiloh, Highland View, Shay, Maloy, Dryden, Forest Home (a.k.a. Rooster Bend), Side Hill, and Lone Star.

Early schoolteachers were:

Rachel BARCHUS, Lone Star School in 1872
Jim LEMLEY, one of the first teachers who taught in various schools
Benjamin WARING who was also a doctor and Baptist minister
Florence SHEIL
Minnie LEE

Twice-A-Week News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
July 11, 1899

June 30, the patrons of Bozaris district No. 4, Benton township, had a picnic to the surprise of their teacher, Miss Anna JORDAN. Those who so kindly assisted in the surprise were Mesdames John GRAY, Tom SHAY, Milton OSTRANDER, Emma FROST, I. Van WINKLE, James JORDAN, Ben RUSH, Mary MARSH; Misses Sadie ALLOWAY, Maggie FROST, America PERKINS, Nellie and Libbie JORDAN; Messrs. T. S. SHAY, J. V. SHAY, Hile DENNIS, Will and Frank FROST, Willie LAMBERT, and Raymer STEVENSON. They all had a pleasant time, and especially their teacher, who wishes to express thanks to those who assisted in the pleasant surprise.

The following is the school report:

Names of pupils who did not whisper during the term are Elsie OSTRANDER, Ethel PERKINS, Calista SHAY, Charlie HIGGINS, Robert SHAY, Edd HIGGINS, Fred TINGLEY,Eva DeBOLT, Ida GRAY, Nellie DeBOLT, Tom SHAY, Nannie ALDRICH, Fay Van WINKLE, Mabel ALDRICH, John HIGGINS, Grace TINGLEY, Obie TINGLEY and Nellie ROWEN.

Those not tardy or absent the first month are Calista SHAY, Lee FROST, Tom SHAY, Ethel PERKINS; second month, Elsie OSTRANDER, Nellie ROWEN, Calista SHAY; third month, Nellie ROWEN, Clifford RUSH.

Mount Ayr Dailey News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
April 10, 1900

Misses Zeta and Verda ROONEY have purchased a horse and buggy and will drive to school this fall. Miss Zita teaches at Bozzaris (sic) No. 4, in Benton township and Miss Verda teaches at Shiloh No. 2. Their schools began Monday.

From Benton Township Trustees meeting, minutes of January 6, 1906

Motion is that children attending school at District No. 4 be kept at home for three weeks.

Motion that teacher and T. E. ALLOWAY, director, be notified to close school for three weeks.

Motion by S. J GERARD that J. E. GRAY be appointed to get corpse of Glen WINEINGER from road side close to his late home and convey said corpse to cemetery and place in grave.

Motion that Dr. WARING be appointed to disinfenct R. WINEINGER house and the school house in District No. 4.

Motion that if any further cases of said diphtheria occur in the township that B. B. WARING be appointed to make a positive diagnosis and the M. C. PARR notify attending physician of the same."


Benton No. 4 joined the Delphos Consolidated School District in 1917.

SOURCE: Maloy Centennial Book p. 28.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2010


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