School started September 4 with an enrollment of 13, namely: Jane and Mary Ellen BLISS, Mary Jane and Shelby NISSEN, Shirley and Margaret McDONALD, Hans LARSON, Freddie MOORE, Dean, Roy, Fern and Bernice SCHOFIELD and Richard ARMSTRONG.
Those who have been neither absent nor tardy are as follows: Mary Jane and Shelby NISSEN, Margaret and Shirley McDONALD, Roy, Fern and Dean SCHOFIELD and Freddie MOORE.
Mary Jane was the only one who received 100 percent every week this six weeks in spelling. We hope next six weeks there will be more who can claim this honor.
We have two on the dental honor roll, Margaret and Shirley McDONALD.
In English this six weeks we have been studying and practicing the art of story telling. We have had some very interesting experiences related to us. We made window decorations for Hallowe’en. Black cats and pumpkins now adorn our windows.
We had one visitor, Mrs. George BLISS. Visitors are always welcome.