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Bailey School No. 8

Lincoln Township

Ringgold County Rural School Notes
From the Mount Ayr Record News, October 29, 1931

Elma OWENS, teacher

School started August 31 with an enrollment of seven pupils. The third week of school we were glad to welcome another pupil, making an enrollment of eight. The pupils are Carrol POSTEN, Mary Belle TINDLE and Margaretta STUTESMAN in the sixth grade, Willis NEVILL in the fifth grade, Isabelle NISSEN, Jimmy CLAYTON and Paul BAILEY in the second grade, and Eugene BROWN in the first grade.

Our attendance for the first six weeks has been very good, having only one absent mark and no tardy marks.

The following pupils are on the honor roll with grades of 90 or above following the first six weeks tests: Jimmy CLAYTON, Paul BAILEY, Isabelle NISSEN, Eugene BROWN and Margaretta STUTESMAN.

We have learned the flag salute and every morning the weather is fit to have our flag up we salute it.

We have the choir records and enjoy singing them very much.

We have read the book entitled, “Squinty the Comical Pig,” and are now reading “Slicko, the Jumping Squirrel,” for opening excercises. We enjoy them very much. We have current events for opening exercises on Friday.

The fifth grade find the history lessons on Iowa that are printed in the Des Moines Register very interesting.

The following people have visited our school this year: Helen DuVALL, Eunice FRAME, Elberta WAHL, Ruby BALCOM, Effie Lucille COWELL, Johnny NISSEN and Edna BAILEY. Visitors are always welcome.

We had a wiener roast the 17th of September. We had it in the timber near the school house. Each pupil invited a guest, making about 20 present. We played games until six o’clock then roasted wieners and marshmallows. All present had a real nice time.

On Friday morning we choose our own stories from the library to read for our reading lesson.

We are all trying to get the habit of brushing our teeth night and morning. Each pupil made a large white tooth from heavy paper. If we brush our teeth night and morning we get a gold star. If we brush our teeth just once we get a dot. Isabell NISSEN has the most starts for the first six weeks.

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